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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 13, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm MSK

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this is russia 24 and we continue to talk about the main thing for today: the belgorod region is again under attack from the ukrainian armed forces, in the border town of shebekino eight people were wounded, one of them has an open cranial head. injury, he is in serious condition, governor vyacheslav glodkov announced this. the windows of five houses were broken, at least 16 cars were cut by shrapnel, and in the village of belovskaya, after repelling a drone attack , the roof of a private house caught fire. firefighters arrived at the scene and the source of the fire was already extinguished. from the last information from the region alexander korobov. the entire yard is dotted with craters. one of the cars took a direct hit and was completely burned out.
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eight people were injured of varying severity. this is the trace left behind by the explosion of a cluster submunition; it exploded here on the playground. the funnel is small, the charge itself is also quite weak, but it leaves behind a large number of fragments. ukrainian militants are hitting civilians with 155 mm nato shells with cassette filling. under attack several apartment buildings were hit and dozens of windows were damaged.
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the cassettes were exploding loudly, very loudly, as a result of the shelling , about 20 cars were cut by shrapnel, the bodies of many were literally strewn with small holes, the yards were carefully checked for unexploded ammunition, several cassettes were found, and sappers neutralized them. alexander korobov, vyacheslav podzolkov, conduct the belgorod region. russian troops, meanwhile, are confidently advancing in all directions of the special operation, the group’s fighters. north for day, they defeated five ukrainian brigades in the kharkov region, while the enemy lost more than 200 militants, a tank and two pickup trucks, according to the ministry of defense. units of the southern group of forces occupied more advantageous positions and defeated the manpower and equipment of the twenty-fourth, seventy- second, ninety-third mechanized, forty-sixth, eighty-first airmobile and seventy-ninth air assault brigades of the ukrainian armed forces in the area of ​​antonovka settlements. grigorovka,
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nikolaevka, katerynivka, uspenovka, spornaya, slavyansk, zaleznyanskaya and chasovyar of the donetsk people's republic. we repelled two attacks by assault groups, the fifty-fourth mechanized and tenth mountain assault brigades of the ukrainian armed forces. the enemy lost up to 680 military personnel, 15 vehicles, and a combat vehicle of the strela-10 anti-aircraft missile system in one day. during the day, the western group of troops also improved the situation along the front line, and suffered defeats immediately. nine brigades of the ukrainian armed forces. enemy losses amounted to 590 military personnel. the defense ministry also reported this. troop groupings east repelled two counterattacks. read more about the progress of the special operation in the report from the front by alexei baranov. above me, right above me, i observe the target. often this is how, visually, unmanned aerial vehicles of the ukrainian military are detected.
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western troop groups are constantly changing firing positions in order to avoid defeat in the rather tense kupa direction. anti-aircraft gunners cover not only infantry, but also military equipment that ensures the advancement of assault groups. whatever the target, we will still detect and destroy it. meet the target produced by nato. europe valkyrie and plane. units of the central military district operating in the avdeevsky direction are also protected from air attacks. here is the location of the tankers in the troop center grouping. their fire support is needed constantly. the work is underway, which is called direct fire. however, the situation sometimes requires action from the so-called alarms. the crew received a combat mission
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: the t-90 breakthrough is now heading to a closed firing position, which is located just a few kilometers from the front line. tankers to... advance of assault groups move along the line of combat contact. you have to act on your feet almost every day. they rode on direct fire, there was an assault, three forest regiments had to take it in 2 days, they worked directly on the forest regiments and transported infantry. and so, without turning the barrel away from the front line, the tankers head to their home base to replenish their spent ammunition. in those territories that were recently occupied by the ukrainian military, they are already
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working as sappers. to avoid risking lives sappers, the russian army today also uses unmanned equipment everywhere. information recorded by black boxes during plane crashes in the moscow region was successfully copied and prepared for decoding and
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analysis. this was reported by the interstate aviation committee. an entrance was made to the site of the tragedy from the nearest village. work on disassembling aircraft parts continues. employees. meanwhile, ska is confiscating documentation from the plant where the plane underwent maintenance before yesterday's flight. latest information from places of events in the material by egor grigoriev. the crash site itself is still cordoned off, task forces are working there , law enforcement officers are working, the investigative committee, the prosecutor's office, an interdepartmental coordination headquarters has set up nearby, we see swamp vehicles, that is, special equipment and atvs are here, which are still the only ones that can go there . to go into the forest thicket to work, the forest guard is also directly on duty, now the specialists of this service continue to lay wires, cut through the wires to the place so that people can come in, among others big equipment, now i’m sharpening the saw, you
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’re quickly getting dull here, yes quickly, because there’s rotten debris lying on the ground, we get there, that is, they haven’t completely cleared it out yet, no, well, several teams are already working there. victims. footage of the plane falling, you can see how the dry superjet 100 literally dives for a matter of seconds over the tops of the zarevo trees, then a column of black smoke rises. he walked at an angle, straight 90°, right past our house, and after exactly two or three
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seconds, minutes, black, black smoke began to emerge, huge cloud. the fact that the residents of the small large karasev, and praksin under kolomna, did not suffer, is a real merit. examination - stated in the investigative committee, the data from two flight recorders will also have to be deciphered, this will help establish the cause of the crash. during the inspection of the scene , the aircraft's flight recorders were discovered. which are aimed at decoding. the necessary examinations have been ordered for the seized fragments of the fuselage and other material evidence. witnesses and eyewitnesses to the incident are being questioned, and the inspection continues. scene of the incident. investigative actions are also being carried out on the territory of the plant
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where the aircraft underwent maintenance . relevant technical documentation is seized for further study. 100 of the gazprom avian company passed the technical test. service yesterday took to the skies from the lukhovitsy airfield at 14:52, after another 8 hours it disappeared from the radar. the aircraft carried out the flight in accordance with the accepted procedure. flight plan in accordance with the received application, approved by the operational bodies of the unified air traffic management system traffic along the route from the lukhovitsa airfield to the vnukov airfield, together with law enforcement agencies and the established commission of the interstate committee , a corresponding investigation is being carried out. representatives of the commission, investigators and documentation on the aircraft repairs will be studied. the crashed dry superjet-100 made its first flight in december 2000 , the fourteenth year, official versions of its crash are not called, according to unconfirmed information, two
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engines could have failed at once. egor grigoriev, vitaly kormazin, dmitry malyshev, sergey kuznetsov, asya oslonyan, lead. the russian foreign ministry called the statement of the swedish authorities about the closure of the nord streams case legal apathy. the official representative of the department, maria zakharova , recalled that the pipeline explosion occurred in the special economic zone of sweden, but stockholm has no... neither the right nor the will to object to the united states. it was the biden administration, according to zakharov, that became the main beneficiary of the terrorist attack. on smolenskaya square they called this behavior an international conspiracy to conceal a serious crime. let me remind you, the swedish prime minister said that following the investigation, the authorities came to the conclusion that they could not bring charges against anyone, so they decided to close the case. nato is helping ukraine fight, but not win, to this conclusion. a columnist for the foreign policy magazine came, she noted that
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there were many promises in washington, but few plans, well , the american conservative believes that the main task of the alliance is its own survival, so nato continues to invent reasons to justify its importance, and because of this policy, a direct clash between the west and russia is getting closer, where they are already preparing for a potential conflict, alexander khristyanko will tell. bicycles, new cars and other cargo are now being peacefully transported along the a2 autobahn, which crosses germany from west to east. soon the highway may become the main transport artery of the war. this, as journalists found out, presupposes a secret plan of the bundeswehr and nato in the event of a conflict with russia, for which they are already preparing. 800,000 soldiers will have to be transferred east from the ports of severny seas in the netherlands, belgium and germany for 3-6 months. presumably about 200,000 cars, heavy equipment, trucks, tanks on platforms, the column will be
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about 13,000 km long. it is alarming that on the a2 autobahn, which runs from oberhausen to the berlin ring road, there are bottlenecks from a safety point of view, such as the almost 1,200 m long hohenwart bridge over the elbe, which could, as the magazine spiegel argues, for example, be blown up by a rocket or planted explosives. then good luck, because germany has an operational plan for the alliance. takes away the role of a logistics hub in europe, berlin , according to nato strategists, in which case it will be responsible for the construction of camps for prisoners, especially since there is no experience in organizing concentration camps in germany, there is almost no time left, the russophobic build panics in its material, essentially doing war propaganda. with only 5 years left, germany is preparing for an emergency, russia could attack nato in 2029. all this is both a date and a thesis by all indications, resembling an information dump. germany
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without much discussion, the usa will also use it as a base for deploying its medium- and shorter-range missiles and hypersonic weapons directed against russia, but for some reason chancellor scholz is confident that this will not lead to escalation. our ally, the united states, is now planning to deploy similar long-range missiles here in germany. systems that have been the focus of germany's security strategy all this time. there will be no decisions on our part, no supplies of weapons, no possibility of using weapons, which will lead to escalation, to war between russia and nato. in words, according to schultz, this is a step towards containment. this may actually be a step towards a new arms race. moreover, this type of weapon is perhaps the most dangerous and difficult to predict, capable of leading to a global war. all this has already happened in recent history, which is why they signed an agreement in 1987 on...
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and a paradoxical situation: america continues to earn money, europe is in the crosshairs of our missiles, our country is in the crosshairs of american missiles located in europe, we are all this has happened, this has already happened, we have enough potential to contain these missiles, but the potential victim is the capital of these states. voices calling on the united states not to repeat the mistakes
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of the cold war, and nato to stop, began to be heard more often in the west, especially in light of the final statements of the alliance summit. about the irreversibility of kiev’s euro-atlantic integration path and that for now a bridge will be built between nato and ukraine. nato likes to call itself the most successful alliance in history, but too often it is forgotten that war was averted not only by nato solidarity, but by nato caution. successive us administrations, with the full support of their european allies, have rejected calls for an aggressive policy aimed at rolling back soviet power in eastern europe. while the summit. open letters appeared in newspapers, signed by authoritative experts on both sides of the atlantic, who called for immediate negotiations on a peaceful settlement, not least for the sake of ukraine itself. a letter in the london financial times was published on behalf of member of the british house of lords robert
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skidelsky, among those who signed it, are the former us ambassador to the soviet union, jack matlack and former ambassador.
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the israeli army claims that the target of the attack was the leader of the militant wing of hamas. the palestinian movement itself called these statements a lie and an attempt to hide the scale of the tragedy. and now watch a special report by natalya solovyova, valuable footage about how the sorovsky branch of moscow state university is preparing the future scientific elite of the country. it will not be possible to achieve technological sovereignty without highly qualified personnel, moscow state university sorov, a branch of the famous the university, a key element of the national center for physics and mathematics, prepares just such the best specialists for the nuclear industry of our country. two intense years of study and
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practice behind them, master's graduates will receive diplomas and first degrees. work in the highest priority areas of science, from artificial intelligence and supercomputers to physics, particles and cosmology. vladimir karpov's future specialty sounds incredibly complicated: extreme electromagnetic fields, relativistic plasma , atosecond physics, but to put it simply, he will have to work with super-powerful lasers.
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science, the main thing is that i wish you that your plans are absolutely ambitious, so that at the moment of their adoption they seem unattainable and fantastic, because those who
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are already called specialist specialists go into professional life, even today they are overwhelmed by emotions, but tomorrow they will cold-bloodedly accept the most complex global challenges to seek answers to the difficult technological challenges of our time, i have a slight shock that i all. the national center for physics and mathematics was opened by order of the president 3 years ago with the support of rosatom. its core is a branch of moscow state university, where 100 of the most
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talented physicists and mathematicians are already studying. close to masters, there is the most extensive scientific and practical base of the sorov science city. it is his nuclear developments that are classified top secret and have strategic importance for the entire country. this is part of the future today. while still studying, we do an internship at the russian federal nuclear center, of course, other enterprises, for example, the joint institute for nuclear research in dubna, help to move seamlessly and not get lost. nsfm is one of the key projects of the decade of science and technology; it unites almost six dozen universities, research institutes and high-tech companies.
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a world with a new education system, with a system for the correct transfer of technology from science to industry, which is extremely important. in just 6 years, a city of the future for scientists will appear here. the central part of the campus will be the main academic building for 500 people, a residential area for students and teachers will be located nearby, and classrooms, laboratories, and co-working spaces will be built on an area of ​​more than 20,000 square meters. a sports hall with a spectator stand, a conference room, an exhibition space, 2,000 specialists can work here at the same time. now only the educational buildings of the moscow state university branch,
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housing for future students and teachers, cozy townhouses and apartment complexes have been built. hello, come in! olga burgonskaya is now a certified specialist, her graduation gown is already missing on the hanger, in the room, in which the graduate lived for 2 years will soon have to leave, it’s sad to part with the campus, but the girl is looking forward to her first day of work. i will be working in the laboratory, and my future task is to create a control system for multi-channel laser systems. having studied at their universities for a master's degree, students go to sorov from all over russia, the current graduation is the second in a row, two directions: physics and applied mathematics-informatics, five
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programs developed by specialists from moscow state university and russian academy of sciences, from september there will be a new specialty dedicated to the physics of the structure of matter. last name, middle name , nothing else. even the steeliest nerves feel tense during these words.
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you can submit documents remotely until july 20, for these students, participants in the physics and mathematics summer school named after nobel laureate in physics igor tam , an exception was made, they not only attended lectures by leading scientists, professors of moscow state university, saw laboratories, but were able to write an entrance exam right within the walls branch. this is exactly where i want to go, i hope that right now, having written this exam, i
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will get it. opportunity, why? well, because now all science is concentrated here, i would really like to achieve some result together with them. the sarov branch of moscow state university, one of eight universities opened outside the capital, is special in its own way, because in the city, which stood at the origins of the soviet nuclear program, there is a very rich scientific school, which continues to improve and develop. which means these students are ready to any future, wherever fate leads them, from energy to medicine and from the vastness of the arctic to deep space exploration. 2 years of hard work on projects and master's theses, but this is just the beginning, these physicists and mathematicians have a great future ahead, they have all already
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received a job offer. but some are ready to continue their studies in graduate school in order to become one of the best scientists in our country. alexander dmitrievich, russia, russia, russia, russia. russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia , russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, 24.
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