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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 14, 2024 1:00am-1:31am MSK

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educational programs and documentaries, watch, watch, in the application or on the website, this is russia-24. we continue to talk about the main thing for today. at the beginning, footage from the ministry of defense. the crew of iskander em hit the railway echelon of the armed forces of ukraine in the kharkov region. in the video from the drone , the moment the train was hit, the result: burning enemy military equipment, about 20 units in total, including three mardor infantry fighting vehicles (german- made). and with them up to 120 ukrainian militants at once. russian troops time are sure. they are moving in all
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directions of the special operation, fighters of the north group defeated five ukrainian brigades in the kharkov region within 24 hours. the enemy lost more than 200 fighters, a tank and two pickup trucks. this data is again from the ministry of defense. units of the southern group of forces occupied more advantageous positions and defeated the manpower and equipment of the twenty-fourth, 72, 93 mechanized, forty-sixth, eighty-first airmobile and seventy-ninth. air assault brigades of the ukrainian armed forces in the area settlements of antonovka, grigorovka, nikolaevka, katerynovka, uspenovka, spornoe, slavyansk, zaleznyanskoye and chasovyar of the donetsk people's republic, repelled two attacks by assault groups of the fifty-fourth mechanized and tenth mountain assault brigades of the ukrainian armed forces. the enemy lost up to 680 military personnel, 15 vehicles, and a combat vehicle of the strela-10 anti-aircraft missile system in one day. belgorod region. again, under attack from the ukrainian armed forces in
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the border town of shibekin, eight people were wounded, one of them had an open craniocerebral injury. he is in serious condition this was announced by governor vyacheslav glodkov. the windows of five houses were broken, at least 16 cars were cut by shrapnel, and in the village of belovskaya, after repelling a drone attack , the roof of a private house caught fire. firefighters quickly arrived on the scene and the fire was already extinguished. with the latest information from the region. the whole yard is dotted with craters, one of the cars took a direct hit, it was completely burned out, the driver himself miraculously survived, managed to leave the affected area, they started shooting, he just ducked down in the car when stopped, immediately ran into the entrance, there was a man right behind me, he got caught a little, well, he had a shoulder and an arm, but we sat for about 40 minutes until they arrived, helped, took him away, bandaged his hand with a belt so that the blood would not flow, this is the sixth day in a row. as
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a result of another shelling, eight people were injured of varying degrees of severity. this is the trace left behind by the explosion of a cluster submunition; it exploded here on the playground. the funnel is small, the charge itself is also quite weak, but large leaves behind a number of fragments. ukrainian militants are hitting civilians with nato shells. sconce 155 mm with cassette filling. several apartment buildings were hit, and dozens of windows were damaged. they burst very loudly. as a result of the shelling, about 20 cars were damaged by shrapnel. the bodies of many are literally strewn with small holes. the yards were carefully checked for unexploded ammunition. several tapes were found. the sappers neutralized them. alexander korobov, vyacheslav podzolkov. news: belgorodskaya.
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information recorded by black boxes during plane crashes in the moscow region was successfully copied and prepared for decoding and analysis. this was reported by the interstate aviation committee. an entrance was made to the site of the tragedy from the nearest village. work on disassembling aircraft parts continues. meanwhile, employees of the investigative committee are seizing documentation from the plant where the airliner underwent maintenance before the flight. latest information from the scene. the crash site itself is still cordoned off, operational officers are working there groups, law enforcement officers, the investigative committee, the prosecutor's office are working , an interdepartmental coordination headquarters has set up nearby, we see swamp vehicles, that is , special equipment and atvs are here, which until now only they can get into the forest thicket to work , the forest guard is directly on duty, now specialists.
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this service continues to lay wires, saw through the wires to the right place so that large equipment can come in, now i ’m sharpening the saw, you’re quickly getting dull here, yes quickly. because there are rotten things on the ground lying around, we get on the ground, that is , they haven’t completely cleared it there yet, no, well , several teams are already working there, well, then people will probably walk with stretchers, what to take out, where the kamaz trucks will drive large fragments, probably load them like equipment, for this purpose, the grass is being sawed through, all night the entrance from the nearby village to the plane crash site was cleared by tracked bulldozers, there is impassable forest all around, it is clear that the plane pilots took the aircraft as far as possible from the populated areas of the villages, which are located nearby to avoid human casualties. footage of the plane crash, you can see how the dry superj 100 literally dives over the tops of the trees of zarev for a matter of seconds, then
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a column of black smoke rises. it was going at an angle of 90°. right past our house, and in exactly 2-3 seconds. for a few minutes there began to be black, black smoke, a huge cloud. the fact that the residents of the small large karasev were not harmed, and praksina near kolomna, is a real feat of the plane crew members. the fifty-three-year-old air commander the ship, evgeniy bulavka, co-pilot vladislav kharlamov, and forty-four-year-old flight attendant maxim lukmanov, unfortunately, died. their bodies were found, but identification will require genetic testing, the investigative committee said. it is also necessary to decipher... the data from two flight recorders, this will help establish the cause of the crash. during the inspection of the scene of the incident , the aircraft's flight recorders were discovered and sent for decoding. based on the seized fragments of the fuselage and other material evidence, the necessary
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examination. witnesses and eyewitnesses to the incident are being questioned, and the investigation of the scene of the incident continues. investigative actions are also being carried out on the territory of the plant where the aircraft underwent technical inspection.
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from october 1 this year they will be indexed by more than 5%. well, also on the provovo information portal a document signed by the president was published, which obliges deputies and senators to coordinate trips abroad with the leadership of the chambers of parliament. if they violate this rule, they may be stripped of
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their mandate. warming in northern latitudes of russia climate change and other reasons are increasingly causing concern, the danger of bringing people and the indigenous inhabitants of these places closer together. in the arctic , polar bears go into populated areas, including due to a lack of food in their natural habitat. this happened in yakutia, in the village of ust olenek. and about life next door to predators, also listed in the red book. report by alena shestakova. a polar bear literally paralyzed life in a polar village in yakutia. he has been visiting vust olenyok for the third week now. this night same. when he came and passed by our house, are you afraid, yes, bears, yes, yes, in search of food, an arctic predator breaks out windows, rips off the siding of houses, here he came, the reason for the appearance of a bear in places where people live, lack of food in the natural habitat, wild the animal
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becomes aggressive and extremely dangerous, unfortunately, large ice in the arctic is melting, and the biology of the polar bear, it is all built precisely due to... these ices, he is looking for prey, his main prey is ringed seals, they are not adapted to life on land, if he understands that you are his prey that can be eaten, believe me, he will... do it, sometimes the predator can still be scared off with special noise devices, but not for long, the hungry young bear comes back again, we try not to attract the bear’s attention , we mostly sit at home and watch the falcon. it’s much safer to watch polar bears through the wall of the enclosure; there are always a lot of visitors in this reserve. and this is a real legend and pride of the yakut kalyman zoo, once completely hers. another baby bear the patrol found her in the kolyma bay area, wandering around the arctic completely alone,
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exhausted and practically doomed to death. the story of the miraculous rescue then spread all over the world; after lengthy coordination with rosprirodnadzor, the exhausted bear cub was brought to yakutsk. she was an orphan, so she became more attached to people, yes, lomanos, they all have different personalities, everyone. the one and a half year old clubfooted guest is still a little deer. with a blow of its paw, the animal is capable of turning over a car. in the coming days , they will go to help the residents of the village specialists. the bear cub has already adapted to the sharp sounds of the scarers and, apparently, more radical actions will be required. the ministry of ecology and pre-use of the republic, with the exaltation of competent specialists, is resolving the issue of '. transferring a bear by helicopter into the territory of the uslensky state nature reserve, such operations are always carried out under
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the control of rosprirodnadzor, permission is obtained, he is euthanized by helicopter, taken away from the populated area into a wild habitat, where he leaves fish there for him some kind where he should get comfortable and there, in fact, continue his path further. there are known cases when, even after such a relocation, bears returned, having covered hundreds of kilometers, namely... therefore , zoologists will not only have to transfer the bear, but also choose the right place for its new residence. alena shestakova, viktor rukavishnikov, lead yakutia. dmitry sotnikov won the ninth stage of the international silk road rally marathon in a kamaz. report by our special correspondent stas ridekultsev from mongolia about the testing of people and machines. the steppe, it would seem, is absolutely smooth and safe,
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you can hardly call it off-road, but this is its insidiousness; at high speed, it is very easy not to notice the deep gullies. the leader of the all-terrain vehicle standings, anastasia nifantova, crashed into one of them at the very beginning of the four-hundred-kilometer special stage at full speed. the impact caused the wheel to fly off, and the car overturned; the crew was not injured, helping those who started later not to end up in trouble. it’s even good that we stopped there, because then we drove on. two, right there, when you are already approaching obstacle, just as it was black, it remains black, accordingly,
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there is no way to notice such dangerous things at all, it’s not worth driving behind kamaz trucks at all, why, ask those who were driving, there are a lot of such hard bumps, a lot of crossings of riverbeds, everything is very fast, but quite tough, but thank god we have a super navigator, he took us everywhere, just right, so everything is fine, we got there. few people were able to get through the ninth stage without problems. belarusian sergei vizovich changed the wheel three times, and russian eduard nikolaev kamaz broke the shock absorber. on these barely noticeable hillocks, dmitry voronov’s cornfield literally flew. i go more to the right, more to the right. i think, well, now i'll go through it. i heard pit two in my side ear, i think it will be somewhere further away. and i see he noticed. it goes according to legend, and i’m already guided by it. and once we flew up a meter, once we flew up a meter and a half, and it became an even more mobile machine, apparently
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some other rubber bands in the suspension may have gotten damaged, but now we’ll change everything, tomorrow we won’t allow ourselves to do that either, it was last chance to take your soul away. the route commissioner, sergei talantsev , meets the crews at the finish line to find out what the route was, although who knows this better than him, he himself lays out the special stages of the marathon rally. from the very start to the very finish, he is very working, that is, in reality there were no such people here . long straight lines, where you get up and there you go at maximum speed, that is, it’s constant, it seems that there are even smooth roads, but they are still winding , there can still be stones at the edges, today there were a lot of intersections of these transverse channels. such, which, right there after the spring, after a high-speed special stage, the cars of the international silk road rally marathon immediately fall into the hands of mechanics here at bivouac, this beautiful french word means camp, it is also, in general, a car repair shop and a residential building, but today is special day for the mechanics as they
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service the cars for the last time before the race finishes. the silk road takes another sharp turn, deciding two stages of the marathon race, and this too. for the first time 2 days and more than 600 km of tough mongolian off-road the crew can only rely on their own strength. one hundred sredezkoltsev ivan lavrikov and umar tuskaev, news from bayankhongor, mongolia. the first state radio in russia, more than 100 programs for 130 million listeners. on air around the clock. moscow listens to radio russia. now on 101.5 fm. 30 years ago in rwanda there was a mass
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extermination of the tutsi people, which subsequently took place. in rwanda, what happened became a black page in the history of peacekeeping operations, this is indisputable, since in fact the peacekeepers who were in the region, they were not they just couldn’t protect tutse, they
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were recalled almost immediately, unable to even protect themselves. why did it happen so? well, firstly, the background to the genocide itself is the classic british imperial policy of divide and rule. they took a minority, placed it above the majority and provoked a substitute conflict, because in reality the conflict was between the colony and its metropolis, but distracting the population into inter-ethnic strife. tutsi and khuto are two ethnic entities, they are not really so. in fact, there were three, so to speak, national formations living in rwanda, these are tukhut and twa. but in the end, it
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was two tutsi who took over. tutsi is, so to speak, the local elite, this is just local. accordingly, it’s all 20%. the same french, the same belgians began to twist the hutus, tighten them up, well, actually, like we did in 1917, you see, any evolution doesn’t just happen, that’s right, like spring, the arab spring began in tunisia, they are starting to turn them on , start, start and tell them that this is injustice, which means you should also
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occupy leadership positions, the country belongs to you, well, in general , we can say that they achieved... it was a very tough conflict, and especially reinforced by the capabilities of the radio media , which appeared then, all the negative power of propaganda manifested itself, because in the radio messages of the hutu protutions they did not speak anything other than about cockroaches, and by dehumanizing them, thus, they were actually...
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relatives, you understand, that is, the head of the family could kill his brother, yes, that is if he shared tutse’s position, that is , this was the whole tragedy, of course, the horror also lay in the fact that it was very scary in terms of the fact that, of course, it was very cruel, because, that is, it is also called this genocide machetes, that is, people were hacked with machetes, that is, they blew hands, heads, turbals of genitalia over women, that is, they mocked me about... i won’t even talk about how they mocked me, that is, it was, it was very, very scary, that could we have avoided the situation, really could have avoid, why, because even before the start of the genocide, i was present there, i say again,
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foreign troops, especially french troops, belgian and others, who were just in the region, they could have prevented this, well, really, but they did nothing, did nothing to avoid the situation, a request from the french... parliament shows that the current president of france at one time , francois miterand, was warned that he was preparing for genocide in the nineties, yes, again here france could have done something , yes, but we understand what happened and what happened, why, the simple answer is simple, because france supported the current government at that time, that is, excuse me, those who actually committed genocide, and not only supported financially, but also... also provided training for national troops , that is, national forces, that is, which were under the leadership of the current government.
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recently macron said that france could have stopped the genocide in rondo, in ronda, but then there was no political will, when he expressed such words, there was a shock. because indeed, such a feeling has been in french society for a long time, we must remember that then miteran was the president of france and indeed france was very close to the ruling elite of uranda, france was silent when some law on segregation was introduced in uranda in relation to turkey, etc. and even the first genocide , france grew up in the international arena completely inadequately, for example, with
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the help of belgium, they achieved that most of the mountain oxen, which were then supposed to be in ronda, would ensure the safety of the people, the blue helmets, which they were also armed. only small arms, hastened to leave rwanda, leaving the population basically left to their own devices, which was the result of almost a million dead, millions of refugees, and long-term confrontations, and when france finally sent there ...
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within the time frame that can be it was just to pursue those persons - guilty of committing or suspected of committing genocide, that is, from january 1994 to december, that is , within one year, but we understand the whole event began and a little much earlier, because before that and even during independence and until the nineties, when for the first time in the nineties, when the patriotic front just entered the territory of rwanda with its troops, so it was necessary, by the way, for rwanda itself. at one time he asked
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that measures be taken within the framework of the united nations to create this tribunal, but during the voting they voted against it, why? because the goal that was set by rwanda was not taken into account, rwandans would like it to really, that is, be taken into account, especially the beginning of the civil war in 1910 after the end of the genocide. to which, of course, the united nations turned a blind eye and fixed such a framework for virtually one year. this is very difficult to achieve; the answer is on a legal level. an international tribunal for rwanda was created. this tribunal, by and large, was supposed to reconcile societies. he acted within the framework of so -called transitional justice. that is, this is
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transitional justice, that is, when there are victims, when there are victims, but the essence of the tribunal is not that it is necessary to imprison straight faces, that they need to continue to live together, which means they need to make peace, it worked out, let’s say, somehow not very well, because there is no feeling.
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not only in terms of time, but in the fact that here i answer exactly what is stated directly, in my opinion, in the first article, that the urvandeans who committed genocide and other war crimes, well, crimes against humanity and war crimes, what does this mean, then there are all the national troops that were there and assisted the current regime, then they disappear, that is, they don’t get in...
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this is a tragedy, a tragedy not only for rwanda, but for the entire african continent, for the world community, and this again proved that the united nations organization itself...
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is a question of responsibility of the first french political officials, if this state wants and which state will be able consider maintaining constructive relations with france, which is why there is a dead end here too, so in principle it is possible to develop some kind of... let's say , a public tribunal, but the result will also be public, that is, there will be some report, well, by the way, there were several different international organizations, really pay attention to the issue of responsibility of the french authorities, but can we develop it, initiate it?


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