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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 14, 2024 3:00am-3:31am MSK

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talk about the main thing for today. the belgorod region is again under attack by the ukrainian armed forces in the border town of shebekino, eight people were injured, one of them has an open craniocerebral injury, he is in serious condition, governor vyacheslav glotkov announced this. the windows of five houses were broken. at least 16 cars were hit by shrapnel. in the village of belovskaya, after repelling a drone attack , the roof of a private house caught fire. firefighters quickly arrived at the scene and the fire was already located. with the latest information from the region
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alexander korbov. the entire yard is dotted with craters. one of the cars took a direct hit. it was completely burned out. the driver himself miraculously survived and managed to leave the affected area. they started shooting in the car, i just ducked down, when they stopped, i immediately ran into the entrance. there's a man behind me. that got him a little bit hooked. well, he has a shoulder and an arm, yes, so we sat for about 40 minutes, waiting for them to come, help, take him away. they bandaged my hand with a belt so that... about funny. for the sixth day in a row , ukrainian armed forces have been striking at shibekin, aiming at residential areas. as a result of another shelling, eight people were injured of varying degrees of severity. this is the trace left behind by the explosion of a cluster submunition. he had a blast here on the playground. the funnel is small, the charge itself is also quite weak, but it leaves behind a large number of fragments. ukrainian fighting against civilians. hit by nato
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shells of 155 mm caliber with cassette filling, several apartment buildings were hit, dozens of windows were damaged, they exploded loudly, very loudly cassettes, as a result of the shelling , about twenty cars were cut by shrapnel, the bodies of many were literally strewn with small holes, the yards were carefully checked for unexploded ammunition, several cassettes were found, and sappers neutralized them. alexander korobov, vyacheslav. podzolkov. news belgorod region. russian troops, meanwhile, are confidently advancing in all directions of the special operation. fighters from the north group defeated five ukrainian brigades in the kharkov region within 24 hours. the enemy lost more than 200 militants, a tank and two pickup trucks. this is data from the ministry of defense. a subdivision of the southern group of troops occupied more advantageous positions and defeated the manpower and equipment of the twenty-fourth and seventy-second.
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the ninety-third mechanized, forty -sixth, eighty-first airmobile and seventy-ninth air assault brigades of the ukrainian armed forces, in the area of ​​​​the settlements of antonovka, grigorovka, nikolaevka, katerynovka, uspenovka, spornaya, slavyansk, zaleznyanskaya and chasov of the donetsk people's republic, repelled two attacks by assault groups of fifty fourth mechanized and tenth mountain assault brigades of the ukrainian armed forces, the enemy lost up to 680 military personnel, 15 vehicles, and a zenit combat vehicle per day. missile complex strela-10. during the day, the western group of troops also improved the situation along the front line; nine brigades of the ukrainian armed forces were defeated at once. enemy losses amounted to 590 military personnel. the defense department was also informed about this. the vostok grouping unit repelled two counterattacks. read more about the progress of the special operation in the report from the front by alexei baranov. above me, right
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above me, the target is watching, often just like that, visually, the unmanned aerial vehicles of the ukrainian military are detected, and the decision to hit the target is made instantly. these strela-10 anti-aircraft missile systems of the west group of forces are constantly changing firing positions in order to avoid defeat in the rather tense kupinsky direction. anti-aircraft gunners cover not only infantry. but also military equipment that ensures the advancement of assault groups, whatever the target, we will still detect and destroy it, there is a target made by nato, europe, a valkyrie and an airplane, the units of the central military district operating in the avdeevsky direction are protected from air attacks, here is the location of the deployment of tankers in the center group of troops, their fire support is not... the breakthrough is directed
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to a closed firing position, which is located just a few kilometers from the front line. tankers, in order to support the advance of assault groups, move along the line of combat contact. act on your feet happens almost every day. they rode on direct fire, there was an assault, three forest regiments had to take it in... for 2 days they worked directly on the forest regiments and transported infantry, and so, without turning their guns away from the front line, the tankers headed to the base to replenish the spent
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ammunition. in those territories that were recently occupied by the ukrainian military, sappers are already working, a small one here on the shore . in order not to risk the lives of sappers, the russian army today also widely uses unmanned equipment, in the southern group of troops , a special unit of military engineers was organized, who are engaged in its development. we protect the lives of soldiers and try to robotize all engineering processes related to mining or mine clearance. these vehicles not only help sappers, but also deliver provisions and...
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i from st. petersburg in 2011, my
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friends and i wrote the script for the film stalin, this is the story of his life, from the pinnacle of victory in the great patriotic war to his death in may 1953. so , stalin chief of the general staff
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antonov is sitting at a long table with a map of germany, how much time does the general staff need to work out in detail the plan for the berlin operation, stalin asked. three days, antonov answered. we'll look at the progress of the operation if zhukov doesn't have it. the most difficult task will fall on zhukov's first belarusian front. this operation
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will require great skill. therefore, excuse me, let me suggest that rakosovsky be returned to command of the first belarusian front. do you think that marshal zhukov said stalin without finishing the sentence? to me it seems that rakhasovsky would have been better able to cope with such a task. seeing that stalin. frowned and thought, antonovlivo added, excuse me, if i shouldn’t have apologized, you, as the chief of the general staff, are obliged to express your doubts about the upcoming operation, but we have not yet completed the pomeranian operation, which only irakosovsky can solve, but that’s not the only thing, you have read the work.
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generals, we need to show europe that the russians will always have generals who, if necessary, will bring europe to its knees, and rakosovsky is a pole, so they will take berlin, zhukov and konev. germany, seelow heights, floodplain of the oder river. covered the pre-dawn fog, zhukov looked at his watch, it was exactly 5 o’clock moscow
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time and 3 o’clock berlin time, and just like that , from the shots of many thousands of guns, mortars and legendary katyushas, ​​the whole place was brightly illuminated, thousands of multi-colored rockets soared into the air, so the signal 43 searchlights, located every 200 m, flashed. a moment later, a powerful scream was heard from all sides towards berlin; hundreds of attack aircraft, regiments of heavy bomber aircraft were flying a little higher, however...
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communications zhukovich stalin, stalin picks up the phone, listens silently for a while, becomes gloomy, which means that the zayalovsky heights have not yet been captured, on what basis is the operation plan approved by the headquarters, having listened to the response of the front commander , he hung up and...
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and also hit the entrance to berlin from the north, goodbye, stalin hung up. the artillery breakthrough division fired heavy guns, many soviet shells were painted with special messages, covers goebbels for stalingrad, for the fat goering, for ours in dofirov. in the afternoon, in ruins.
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it's a big gray building. the regiment commander took the card from him, looked at it and angrily said: “arrange it for me, this is a reystakh.” hitler had lunch in his office, with his nutritionist, manziali, and two secretaries, trudl jungle and gerdai christian. after dinner, the fuhrer went to
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his wife's bedroom. the lower level of the bunker is from honor. which hitler produced in his head. germany, zhukov's command post. to the dugout zhukov quickly enters, call me at headquarters, picks up the phone. comrade stalin, hitler committed suicide, shot himself. stalin at the table, next to
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skryubyshev, finished his game, the scoundrel. i can do this, the president of czechoslovakia, benes, refuses the sudeten regions of czechoslovakia offered to him, but demands transcarpathian ukraine from us, he calls it subcarpathian russia.
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they see us as masters, they see us as brothers who are obliged to endure, even if they shit on their russian brother’s head, so comrade kornichuk, stalin continued, the point is not that what makes you a playwright is that you don't behave the way an older brother should behave. tell mr. benushev that if he does not sign our version of the borders, he may not
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get home, diplomatically convey the explosion of the atomic bomb in hiroshima on august 6, 1945. stalin stands at the window, looking at the falling twilight, beria has gone, well, the americans have shown us that they have a bomb, and the determination to use it too, you, lavrenti, need to get down to business. said stalin. i'm ready, comrade stalin. biriya answered. to make it quick, you need to start with special committee. include,
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i assume, the following comrades. stalin took a sheet of paper out of the folder and held it out for you to take. who should be put in charge - asked beria. “i would put vannikov,” stalin answered. hope that the forgiven traitor will begin to atone for the sins of selfless work? berry asked. we must proceed from the fact, lavrente, that in certain circumstances anyone can betray. this is an axiom of politics. not me, comrade stalin, answered berya. stalin grinned and looked at the appraiser. the rooster will not have time to crow three times. do you remember gospel? i remember, berry answered. vannikov is exceptionally energetic and morbidly ambitious, stalin continued. if we
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promise him another title of hero, he will dig his nose into the ground. and in this case , only such performers are needed. he paused, and then got tired and said. all. having gathered the people, a resolution on the creation of a special committee is ready, you become the head of the nuclear
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state in the state. august 9, 1945 , atomic bomb explosion in nagasaki. washington, white house, oval office. in front of the president sitting at the table. truman, chief of the united states joint intelligence committee. according to document j.329, dated november 3, prepared by us , the head of the committee reported, there are 20 urban areas recommended as the most suitable targets for strikes using atomic weapons. moscow, gorky, kuibyshev, sverlovsk, novosibirs, omsk, saratov. kazan, leningrad, baku, tashken, chelyabinsk, nizhny tagil, magitogorsk, permn, twilisiy, novokuzenetsk, grozny, irkutsk, yaroslavl, with
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a total population of 13 million. after hesitating a little, president rumen signed the document. stalin and molotov are at the table. and will they go for it? - asked molotov. i think not yet. they don't have that many bombs, but if we fail to create our own bombs, they will use any. situation in order to turn our cities into kheroshima and nagasaki, what should we do, thanks to molotov, we must not give them the slightest reason for provocation, stalin said with conviction. i have already informed truman of my intention to withdraw our troops from czechoslovakia. it will be necessary to prepare the withdrawal of our troops from manzhuria, from northern iran from the danish island of bornhoen, to gradually withdraw our demands to review the status of
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spitsberg. retreat along all fronts, asked molotov. stalin looked at him silently. in the office of the chief, smersh abakumov, he reports: on the night from january 8 to 9 of this year , a secret search was carried out at zhukov’s dacha, located in the village of rublevo near moscow. as a result of the search, it was discovered that two rooms of the dacha had been turned into a warehouse, where a huge amount of various kinds of goods and
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valuables were stored, for example, woolen fabrics, silk, spoilage, ponvelvet and other materials in total over 400 m. furs, sable, monkey, fox, fur seal, astrakhan fur and astrakhan fur, 323 in total. chevre of the highest quality - 35 koshes, expensive carpets and tapestries, large sizes, brought from podsdam and others. palaces, a total of 44 pieces of valuable large -sized classical paintings in artistic frames, a total of 55 pieces, partially stored in a warehouse. stalin walks around the office, looking at old military maps with offensive arrows drawn on them lying on the tables and sofas.
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continue. expensive dining room services and seven boxes of tea utensils - continued abakumov, silver sets, cutlery and teaware - two boxes, unique hunting rifles from goland goland and others , a total of 20 pieces. this property is stored in fifty-one chests and suitcases, and also lies on the rampart. the paintings are so valuable that they should be transferred to state museums; there is not a single soviet book in the dacha, but in the bookcases there are a large number of books in beautiful bindings with gold embossing, exclusively in german. stalin looks at the map: plan for the berlin operation of the first belarusian front, and without looking at bakumov, he says:
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“go.” moscow, kremlin, cinema hall on january 15 , 1946. on the screen there is a long procession of people going to ask tsar ivan the terrible to remain in the kingdom. ivan the terrible raises his head and looks at the crowd for a long time. the crowd kneels. to the director eisenstein, who was sitting on the side, and said quietly: we found out, a wonderful picture, comrade, i think the state will honor it, thank you, thank you even stalin, thanked esenstein.


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