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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 14, 2024 3:30am-4:01am MSK

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umova says: go, moscow, kremlin, cinema hall, january 15, 1946. on the screen there is a long procession of people coming to ask tsar ivan the terrible to remain in the kingdom. ivan the terrible raises his head and looks at the crowd for a long time. the crowd kneels . thank you, thank you, stalin, thanked esenstein.
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who are you? i, a traveler, an aeronaut, jean ivan, and so we are wondering, what a fairy tale without ivan, uh, what began, without deception, without...
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processions of flint, he who has flint in his pocket does not need a pen, soon.
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maskwa, us ambassador's car, out of the gate the american embassy is leaving. a car with a us flag on the hood, in the car is us ambassador harriman and rep. colmer. "you're going to have a hard day, william," harriman said. i don’t think you will achieve anything; he will take it as an insult and aggression. then let's send him to hell - colmer died. he thinks it's tehran or yalta. no, uncle joe. germany and japan are already defeated. we have an atomic bomb. what do you have?
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destroyed economy, so accept our conditions, in the office are stalin, molotov, colmer, garyman and translators, i will announce our proposal, comer suggested, and after a pause he said, the united states government is ready to provide the government of the soviet union with a loan for... "the united states government believes that the government of the soviet union, in turn, will find it possible to meet the following proposals, namely, that he would withdraw soviet troops from eastern europe, and would not provide political support." its
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economy and will provide an opportunity to control the veracity of this information, will guarantee the protection of american property on the territory of the soviet union, and will not interfere with the free distribution of the ussr, american films, newspapers and magazines. kolmiru milk. okay, mr. colmer said stalin with a friendly smile. i understood. tell me, do you have a mother? yes, i have a mother, somewhat perplexed, kolor answered, and what did she teach you, kindness, honesty, hard work, justice, all mothers
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teach this, you agree, we are indebted to our mothers , something i said when i was little, my mother. told me this story, stalin said, a robber attacked one peasant in the forest, the peasant began to call for help, some strong man ran to his aid, together they drove away the robber, the strong man said, for my help, you must give me your... a real robber, are you hinting at something, kolomer asked, my mother was just telling the story, stalin explained, what
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i want to say is that we did not lose the war, there is no need to talk to us as if we were losers, this is unfair. our mother was not taught this, of course, comer agreed, but a person’s personal life is different from the life of the state, the state has its own special interests, why, for example, do you need a twelve-million-strong army, the war is over, you need to live in peace. why do you need an atomic bomb? - stalin asked. could you share its secrets with your allies? colmer shrugged. thank you, mr. kulmer, everyone has their own path to justice. please convey my sincere greetings to the president of the united states, mr. trumin. march 5
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, 46, usa, fulton, westminster college, winston churchill is on the podium, people are sitting behind him, including us president harry truman. churchel: no one knows what soviet russia and its communist organization intend to do in the near future. from the baltic to the adriatic, an iron curtain has descended across the continent. the only way in which tyranny can now be resisted is through the fraternal union of the english-speaking peoples. the fraternal union is not only friendship and mutual understanding, but the continuation of close ties between our military.
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leans towards vasilevsky, a bad omen, stalin is dressed in a pre-war jacket. marshal zhvukov told shtemenko, having lost all modesty, believed that his merits were not sufficiently appreciated, at the same time, in conversations with his subordinates, attributing to himself the development and conduct of all the main operations of the great patriotic
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war, including those operations to which he had nothing to do. it was established that stalin stopped in front of the beetle. shtemenko falls silent. marshal zhukov, he had nothing to do with it. the plan was developed in the winter of '42, when marshal zhukov was away from stalingrad. was it has been established that marshal zhukov had nothing to do with the liquidation of the crimean group of german troops, although he attributes this to himself in conversations with his subordinates. it was further established that the liquidation of the korshin-shevchenko group was german. troops was carried out not by marshal zhukov, as he claims, but by marshal konev, and kiev
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was liberated not by a blow from the south, from the bukrinsky bridgehead, as zhukov proposed, but by a blow from the north, it was finally established that recognizing the merits of marshal zhukov in the capture berlin, there's no denying how it does marshov zhukov, that without a strike from marshal konev’s troops and a strike.
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“what we just heard is shocking, ” malankov said excitedly, but at the same time this is a harsh lesson for all of us. i personally overlooked novikov’s criminal affairs and was punished accordingly, but i had no idea that noikov participated with the beetle in preparing a monstrous conspiracy against the soviet state, stalin continued walking, then stopped, enough, comrades , konev began slowly, georgy
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konstantinovich, a difficult man, with a temper, can offend in vain, and loves flattery, but to speak out against the soviet regime, it doesn’t fit in my head, but what do you say , comrade vasilevsky, asked stalin, comrade stalin, you know my opinion, he has many shortcomings, he likes to attribute to himself the faults of others . servants made mistakes more than once during military operations, but it is difficult to imagine that georgy konstantinovich took the path of anti-state activity. what is your opinion koslovsky? i have known zhukov kosovsky for a long time. it happened that we were arguing heatedly. however, can this letter be trusted? me in at one time they were also imprisoned for mistakes in organizing maneuvers, but they were accused of sabotage.
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and what can you, comrade zhukov, tell us, i have nothing to justify, comrade stalin, i have always honestly served the party and our homeland, zhokov answered, and i am not involved in any conspiracy, i kindly ask you to find out under what circumstances the testimony was obtained , i personally know novikov and am convinced that...
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i lost, and i won. june 5 , 1946, moscow, red square. the kremlin chimes are chiming, the coffin is lowered from the dug grave at the kremlin wall, next to the grave, stalin throws a mountain of earth into the grave; on the wall you can see a marble plaque with
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an inscription in gold letters. mikhail ivanovich kalinin. stalin turns around.
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from the point of view of bourgeois morality - this is wrong, what’s wrong, and simply criminal, they passed through the spassky gate. stalin continued, he felt that this topic worried him, but if you look at it from a different point of view, out of the thousands of thousands of tatars drafted into the soviet army,
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almost all of them were deserted. not only that, a significant part fought with us on the side of the germans. stalin continued. the question is how the soviet people, who have lost millions of their sons and daughters, should feel about all this. it is clear that he could not forgive this, because in this case he was dealing not with tatars, with nationalists, traitors to the soviet homeland, with people who betrayed their
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common homeland to the soviet union. so what were we supposed to do?
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june 10, moscow, kremlin, basements of a large palace, archive of the party control committee of the central committee of the all-russian communist party of belarus, low, stacked basement room, along the walls of which there are cabinets with questionnaires, in the middle there is a long table, brightly lit, shining from the ceiling, with a lamp with a tin shade, in the room are stalin and mehlis. molotov, vyacheslav mikhailovich, began to mechlet. usichev is the main thing. smart, good performer, always second. in this capacity
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he is irreplaceable. beria, lavrentiy palovich, is incredibly efficient, incredibly ambitious, and an excellent organizer. he strives for the first roles, but is uncritical of himself. khrushchev. little experience, characterize yourself, said stalin. mehlis, lev zakharovich, chairman
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of the party control committee of the central committee of the all-russian communist party of belarus. stalin sat with his eyes closed. i'm tired, mehlis, if i leave, which of them can be the general secretary of the central committee of the all-union communist party. yes, that’s impossible, meslish replied. why? they will kill you. if not on the second day, then the next. “it’s not very scary,” stalin said after a pause. everything you have done will crumble, disintegrate. they began to open their eyes. it's scarier. there is no one who can replace you. you can not.
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the punishment will be fair, politically necessary, it will be done to achieve higher goals. he thought for a second: interesting, the action brought to the end turns into its opposite, the desire for good, brought to the end, turns into evil. monk luther meant well.
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to be honest, it seemed appropriate to me to recall the affairs of this man,
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that’s all for today.
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if everything looks like the wild west, then there is only one law: shoot first. competition of ideas and money. there was a sensation, and what a sensation. they became tense within america and beyond its borders. what is the remaining intrigue, why now do you need to watch and follow? this is america, a program about a country that is difficult to understand. "slana
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petrovna, good afternoon, the security service of your bank, another moment and the scammer would have had access to the money, the transaction was on your account, but svetlana petrovna turned on the intelligence officer, the account took seconds, urgently dictate your card number so that the money could be transferred to a secure account , i called the bank, i hung up, whoever the scammers pretend to be in order to..." to extract money from you, hang up without talking.
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this is russia 24 and we continue to talk about the main thing for today. belgorod region once again , eight people were injured in the border town of shibekin under attack by the ukrainian armed forces, one of them has an open craniocerebral injury and is in serious condition, governor vyacheslav glodkov reported. the windows of five houses were broken, at least 16 cars were cut by shrapnel, and in the village of belovskaya, after repelling a drone attack , the roof of a private house caught fire. firefighters quickly arrived at the scene and the fire was already located.


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