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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 14, 2024 4:00am-4:31am MSK

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the belgorod region is again under attack from the armed forces of ukraine . to talk about the main thing for today: eight people were wounded in the border shebekino, one of them has an open craniocerebral injury, he is in serious condition, governor vyacheslav glodkov announced this. the windows of five houses were broken, at least 16 cars were cut by shrapnel, and in the village of belovskaya, after repelling a drone attack , the roof of a private house caught fire. firefighters quickly arrived at the scene and the fire was already contained. with the latest information from the region
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alexander korbov. the entire yard is dotted with craters. one of the cars took a direct hit and was completely burned out. the driver himself miraculously survived and managed to leave the affected area. they started shooting in the car, i just ducked down, when they stopped, i immediately ran into the entrance, with a man right behind me. he was caught a little bit, well, he had a shoulder and an arm, yes, they sat for about 40 minutes, waited for them to arrive, help, take him away, bandaged his arm with a belt, that... for the sixth day in a row, the armed formations of ukraine have been striking at shibekina, aiming for the living areas blocks, as a result of another shelling , eight people were injured of varying degrees of severity. this is the trace left behind by the explosion of a cluster submunition, it exploded here on a playground, the crater is small, the charge itself is also quite weak, but it leaves behind a large number of fragments. ukrainian civilians.
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podzulkov, conduct belgorod region. russian troops, meanwhile, are confidently advancing in all directions of the special operation. fighters from the north group defeated five ukrainians in one day brigades in the kharkov region. the enemy lost more than 200 fighters, a tank and two pickup trucks. this is data from the ministry of defense. a subdivision of the southern group of troops occupied more advantageous positions and defeated the manpower and equipment of the twenty-fourth and seventy- second. ninety-third mechanized,
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forty-sixth, eighty-first airmobile and seventy-ninth air assault brigades of the armed forces of ukraine, in the area of ​​​​the settlements of antonovka, grigorovka, nikolaevka, katerynovka, uspenovka, spornaya, slavyansk, zaleznyanskaya and chasov donetskaya people's republic, repelled two attacks by assault groups, the fifty-fourth mechanized and tenth mountain assault brigades of the ukrainian armed forces. the enemy lost up to 680 military personnel, 15 vehicles, and a combat vehicle per day. during the day, the western group of troops also improved the situation along the front line; nine brigades of the ukrainian armed forces suffered defeats at once. enemy losses amounted to 590 military personnel. the defense ministry also reported this. the vostok grouping unit repelled two counterattacks. read more about the progress of the special operation in the report from front alexey baranov. above me, right
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above me, i observe the target. often, this is exactly how, visually, unmanned aerial vehicles of the ukrainian military are detected, and the decision to hit the target is made instantly. these strela-10 anti-aircraft missile systems of the western group of troops are constantly changing firing positions in order to avoid defeat in the rather tense kupinsky direction. anti-aircraft gunners cover not only infantry.
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the breakthrough is directed to a closed firing position, which is only a few kilometers from the front line. tankers, in order to support the advance of assault groups, move along the line of combat contact. you have to act on your feet almost every day. they rode on direct fire, there was an assault, three forest regiments were supposed to take over. for 2 days we worked directly in the forest regiments and transported infantry. and so, without turning the barrel away from the front line, the tankers head to their home base to replenish
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their spent ammunition. in those territories that were recently occupied ukrainian military, sappers are already working. in order not to risk the lives of sappers, the russian army today uses unmanned equipment everywhere; a special unit of military engineers has been organized in the southern group of troops, who are engaged in its development. we protect the lives of soldiers and try to robotize all engineering processes related to mining or demining. these vehicles not only help sappers, but also deliver provisions.
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aviation committee, an entrance was made to the site of the tragedy from the nearest village, work on the dismantling of the aircraft's parts continues; in the meantime, employees of the lawsuit are seizing documentation from the plant where the airliner underwent maintenance before yesterday's flight. the latest information from the scene of events in the material of egor grigoriev. the crash site itself is still cordoned off, task forces are working there, law enforcement officers are working, the investigative committee is working, the prosecutor's office is nearby and... an interdepartmental coordination headquarters has deployed, we see swamp vehicles, that is , special equipment and atvs are here, which are still only them can get there the forest guard is also directly on duty in the forest thicket for work, now the specialists
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of this service continue to lay paths, saw through paths there to the place so that large equipment can come in, now i ’m sharpening the saw, that is, it’s getting dull here quickly. kamaz trucks will drive large fragments, probably load them like equipment, for this purpose the grass is being sawed through, all night long the entrance from a nearby village to the site of the plane crash was cleared by tracked bulldozers, there is impassable forest all around...
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the merit is a real feat of the crew members aircraft: fifty-year-old aircraft commander evgeniy bulavka, co- pilot vladislav kharlamov, forty-four-year-old flight attendant maxim lukmanov, unfortunately died. their bodies were found, but identification will require genetic testing, the investigative committee said. to be deciphered. data from two flight recorders will help determine the cause of the crash. during the inspection of the scene of the incident , the aircraft's flight recorders were discovered and sent for decoding. according to the seized fragments of the fuselage and other the necessary examinations have been assigned to the material evidence.
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witnesses and eyewitnesses to the incident are being questioned, and the investigation of the scene of the incident continues. investigative actions are also being carried out on the territory of the plant where the aircraft underwent technical maintenance. service , the relevant technical documentation is seized for further study. the gazprom avia sukhoi superjet-100 underwent maintenance yesterday and took off from the airport yesterday. after another eight, he disappeared from radar. the aircraft was flying in in accordance with the adopted flight plan, in accordance with the application received and approved by the operational bodies of the unified air traffic management system on the route from the lukhovitsa airfield to the vnukov airfield, together with law enforcement agencies and the established commission of the interstate committee , a corresponding investigation is being conducted. representatives of the commission, investigators and documentation on the repairs performed on the aircraft will be examined. the crashed dry superjet-100
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made its first flight in december 2014. there are no official versions of its crash due to unconfirmed information; two engines could have failed at once. egor grigoriev, vitaly kormazin, dmitry malyshev, sergey kuznetsov, asya oslonyan. news. the russian foreign ministry described the swedish authorities' statement about closing the case as legal apathy. northern streams. official representative of the department maria zakharova recalled that the pipeline explosion occurred in the special economic zone of sweden, but stockholm has neither the right nor the will to object to the united states. namely the administration biden, according to zakharova, became the main beneficiary of the terrorist attack. on smolenskaya square they called this behavior an international conspiracy to conceal a serious crime. let me remind you that the prime minister of sweden said that following the results of the investigation, the authorities came to the conclusion that they could not present it. someone was accused, so they decided to close the case. nato helps ukraine fight, but
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not win. a columnist for foreign policy magazine came to this conclusion. she noted that the washington summit had many promises, but few plans. well in the edition american conservatives believe that the alliance's main task is its own survival. therefore, nato continues to invent reasons to justify its importance. and because of this policy, a direct clash between the west and russia is getting closer. alexander khristyanok will tell you where they are already preparing for a potential conflict. nowadays , bicycles, new cars and other cargo are peacefully transported along the a2 autobahn, which crosses germany from west to east. soon the highway may become the main transport artery of the war. this, as journalists found out, suggests a secret plan of the bundeswehr and nato in the event of a conflict with russia. what they are already preparing for. 800,000 soldiers will have to be transferred east from the north
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sea ports in the netherlands, belgium and germany within three to six months, with them presumably about 200,000 vehicles, heavy equipment, trucks, and tanks on platforms. the column will be about 13,000 km long. the worry is that there are safety bottlenecks on the a2 autobahn, which runs from oberhausen to the berlin ring road. here is the hohenwart bridge across the elbe is almost 1,200 m long, which can, as spiegel magazine argues, for example, be blown up by a rocket or planted explosives, then good luck, because germany, the alliance’s operational plan assigns the role of a logistics hub in europe, berlin, according to nato strategists, will be responsible in case of which for the construction of camps for prisoners, especially since there is no shortage of experience in organizing concentration camps in germany, there is almost no time left, the russophobic build panics in its material, essentially engaged in war propaganda. only 5 years left germany. preparing for an emergency, russia could attack nato in 2029. all
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this, both a date and a thesis, by all indications resembles an information dump from the recent statements of defense minister pistorius, who thereby knocks out billions for the bundeswehr and new arms supplies to ukraine. and now, without much discussion, the united states will also use germany as a base for deploying its missiles, medium- and shorter-range missiles and hypersonic weapons directed against russia, but chancellor scholz... usa is now planning to deploy similar long-range missile systems here in germany, which have all this time been the focus of germany's security strategy. on our part there will be no decisions on the supply of weapons, the possibility of using weapons, which will lead to escalation, to a war between russia and nato. in words , according to schultz, this step towards containment may in fact turn out to be a step towards a new arms race, and this type of weapon. perhaps the most dangerous, difficult to predict, capable of leading to a global war. all this has already happened in recent history, that’s why
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signed a treaty on the reduction of such inf missiles in 1987, but in august 2019 the united states withdrew from the treaty with the silent inaction of the europeans. now russia is forced to respond to the situation, the author and host of the moscow kremlin putin program, pavel zarubin, commented presidential press secretary dmitry peskov. in the case of the deployment of such missiles, including. america continues to earn money, europe is in the crosshairs of our missiles, our country is in the crosshairs of american missiles located in europe, we already have all this passed, all this has already happened, we have enough
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potential to deter these missiles, but the capital of these states is a potential victim. voices calling on the united states not to repeat the mistakes of the cold war, and nato to stop, began to be heard more often in the west, especially in light of the final statements of the alliance summit about the irreversibility of kiev’s euro-atlantic integration path and that for now a bridge will be built between nato and ukraine. nato likes to call itself the most successful alliance in history, but it is too often forgotten that the war was averted not only by nato solidarity, but by nato caution. successive us administrations. with the full support of their european allies , they rejected calls for an aggressive policy aimed at throwing back soviet power in eastern europe. while nato leaders were pledging military support for zelensky at the washington summit, several influential british newspapers published open letters signed by respected experts on both sides of the atlantic calling for immediate
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negotiations on a peaceful settlement, and not least for the sake of ukraine itself. the letter was published in the london financial times.
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who they tried to hijack, yes it’s a crime, how much money, well, initially pavlo promised 1 million, the crew was four people, i was offered to eject them forcibly, that is , actually kill the punishment, how our counterintelligence outplayed budanov’s agents, why does zelensky need a long-range bomber, only we have an interview with a military aircraft in the strategist's bowl. and the tsar bomb svo. is it true that fab 3000 changed the course of the war. why did the americans call indians during modi’s visit to moscow? peace and prosperity to the friendly indian people. thank you. who else was covered on
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the veranda of nova ogorev. when kiev will send teenagers into the trenches. the most unusual unit of the russian army, it consists of former prisoners whose punishment in the colony was replaced by service on the front line. a unique report by alexander rogatkin from a brigade of yesterday's prisoners. if i had stayed in prison for another 2 years, i would have been released as an ordinary
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prisoner, now i am released as a cavalier of eorgilsky christ. brotherhood by blood, not by concept. dear. guests, our ship has arrived in the city plus, why is there no way here now without shingles of red moss from the swamps, plus lost the prospect of becoming an economic center on the volga, but precisely thanks to this i acquired something that no amount of money can buy, the volga cultural anomaly, big news with evgeniy popov, on sunday at 20:00 on... russia , russian special forces are coming to storm , give up, let's drop in, drop by and see them.
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how many years have i known you, i look at different worked in responsible areas, with enormous experience both in the states and in the republic of the leader. but, probably, for me, this is the most golden moment, this is the one for which they received the hero star, when the russian
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army confirmed its right to be called legendary, despite the fact that there were difficult years then. do you remember that episode when there was an anniversary, they reminded me , of course, no, i don’t remember, those years were all young, the tasks were being completed, well , he speaks on ice, as they say in intelligence, and no one paid attention to it, how much this is a difficult task, not difficult, there was a task, it must be completed. well, to be honest, i don’t remember at this time not that there are many tasks,
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but to live in memories from... yes, troop training is one of the most difficult elements in any case, in all respects, in all directions, especially in such dynamics, which is happening now. with the beginning of the campaign, already a special military operation, well, i will say this, in one of the training subjects, we will redo the methodology for the tenth time, because the tactics of the action are changing, the weapons are changing, everything changes. literally 8 months ago we
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went. in order to fight better than anyone in the world, we must prepare better than anyone in the world, we must prepare better than anyone in the world, the training ground must be better than anyone in the world, there must be a scientific material base, that is, everything that accompanies the training of troops, it must be there will be peace for everyone, we have different programs, there is a training program for those who have already served in the army, who were there 5 years ago, there we have questions that are related to
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reminding him of those skills. which he lost that is, to restore the skills that he had in that profession when he served in the army. the second program is when we understand that a person retired 10 years ago, that is, he was not in the army for a long time or did not want to be in the army at all, there is another method, in terms of time it is stretched, the third method is when we understand what is needed it is necessary to carry out coordination, where there must be coordination of calculations with crews, there must be coordination of departments. ass to mouth and so on, the most minimal program now, what we approved was signed by the chief of the general staff with his instructions, this is 4 weeks, when it means to go to the training center to restore all these skills and take a political course, hello guys, sit down, sit down, sit down, sit down, just arrived, yes, everyone is ready, or we will prepare, we will
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prepare. build up constantly, don’t wait for the team, do it yourself, it’s clear that taking into account age, taking into account weight characteristics, especially when the armor is fully equipped, so as not to break your leg, perform it slowly but surely task, pay attention to this, well, listen to the instructors, commanders, they will tell you everything. ok, let's go, let's see what they're dressing you in, sit down, sit down, sit down, hello, don't be distracted, work, let's go and see where they get the clothes, here they are cleanly registered, here i have a holusha, everything else, yes, yes , accordingly, a medical examination takes place here, so there is not a small place for you. within an hour
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they will not be here as normal yes normal the second contract is more on underground communications second contract yes well done where he fought smells like artyomovskaya management come on for the second contract here explain to me he came here what he gets means here he gets something that is not in size then after the bag is collected the serviceman goes further to get further bunding, a set of uniforms, a set of uniforms, yes, we have wonkop uniforms, not numbers, wonkop uniforms, yes, that is, we give summer uniforms, so on, also depending on the size, you will customize the floor according to size, i see, the boots are so light, right, right?


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