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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 14, 2024 4:30am-5:00am MSK

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received the boots further, the rug received the rug further and further - it turns out upon the arrival of the troops - there are moments when he immediately goes to his battle formations of his units, whether this is a unit on the line of combat contact, or whether it is in the second echelon, and there are times when these same guys, commanders, when... there is time for this, to their training ground, there, as we call internal training grounds, and there they continue to prepare, directly involving the guys who are in the combat zone, firstly, they adapt to the front, to the smell of war, well and secondly, they are already more selective for the tasks that face them, they are already engaged in narrowly focused work, that is, it turns out to be even more of a practice than ours... is the training system different from
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the training system of the armed forces of ukraine and nato troops? well , firstly, in terms of the number of practical actions used, i mean shooting or ammunition used. here we have a rule: if a fighter goes to the training ground, he must shoot at least 24 hours, 24 hours, 150 rounds, and the gradation also goes to the sniper machine gun.
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all the programs that are necessary for conducting classes have been developed, this is 21 days for the gpz, with non-commissioned officers 2 weeks, then with unmanned aircraft, 30 days, of which 10 days they spend here, 20 days are in base areas under the control of tactical leaders, instructors, which are ours, our instructors, who are leaving, but with the practical implementation of combat missions and taking exams right there, that is, the commission goes there. just now the other day he’s going and taking exams there, green waste, here we have 15 people working, working on action and interaction via radio, that is , we have an emphasis here not on tactics, more on radio, we work on low-power, blue to green, we all retreat one by one, free the men to retreat back, let’s have a second one.
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go away, i'm holding on, i'm holding on, i was trained at the center, i received a certificate, yeah. well, how are you learning, guys, guys, how are you, everything is fine, everything is fine, it turns out, will you go or as a unit, they will come to russia, they will come, yes, well, with their own teams, here they have formed as a team, and there they will form as the team, of course, yes, here, if there are no experienced people among you, then everyone there will be experienced, so learn from them right away, of course, try to learn from them, learn. pull yourself up, armor plate, helmet, everything should be tucked in, but this is such a load for you so that you feel as much as possible how much, there they will give you everything, different equipment, another uniform, it’s clear, that’s right, okay, okay, guys, let’s get ready, yeah ,
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help, self-help, help to a friend, here you need to teach. correctly how to evacuate, how to pull out, because it seems to them that he calmly pulls it up when this happens, there is one drawback, so that it’s even easy, well, then water birth may be somewhere for him, so the fragments will fly in, so he must be prepared, and he must identify the most dangerous one so that the blood does not lose. based on this, the first one there, and then all the places, it’s clear, that’s right, the instructor of the second regiment said, private mikhalkin, come on, what are you teaching, and disassembling, assembling a machine gun, bringing the weapon to
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normal combat, yeah, well, disassembling, the assembly must be tied to combat operations, to its, to the immediate episode, usually tell what can happen to the machine gun. and what needs to be quickly eliminated so that the machine gun continues to fire on the battlefield, that either the brake is clogged, or the magazine is there, something else, he inserts it into the magazine, does not shoot, but there is earth, the magazine is there, he must see it all look, that is, what he must immediately eliminate, or whether the cartridge is jammed, what he must do, so he is attached to this, okay, we... uh, all groups have their own areas of terrain, have their own training grounds, having received the commander’s task, if there is time, he drives this unit to this section of the terrain, they directly work for a specific task, assault
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the opornik, which means the opornik takes it, if it’s a populated area, then the populated area takes it, and a new element appears all the time, which you were talking about, in particular, because it was your idea to introduce shotguns. into the army in order to fight fpv at training grounds to train guys to work with shotguns, but i will say this, this is not my idea either, this is the idea of ​​local commanders, in first of all, the fighters who encountered this there understood how to fight, and just last week we trained 80 instructors for troop groups, their training was carried out by the champions of the federation, good guys from the civilian sector are helping. in this regard, we take some people here already under contract with our instructor group, they are naturally engaged in this preparation, i remember on the eve of the counter-offensive , we met with you then in rostov and you were just very actively working to ensure that
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the soldiers were ready for the appearance of tanks, then material was prepared, the experience of foreign countries was summarized on how to deal with this equipment, and it worked perfectly. but here again, if you remember, for some reason everyone imagined abrams tanks or leopards, other tanks, as if they were special, as if they were burning, they were made of a different metal, no, of course, nothing, but that’s why we did the same, they made large banners at the training grounds, they now stand, where such places on the tank showed at what distances it is better to hit the tank. including with we created quite a lot of defeats back then, now i’ll say about 180 groups of tank destroyers, a big role for minefields, no questions asked, aviation, especially army aviation,
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and naturally, they had a sporting interest in trying to watch it burn, that is , when they understood although the same grenade launchers understand, as experts already do, that any technology says, at the same time, they undergo theoretical training, only after that they are allowed to fly. invented here and locally, this is a dump for six wogs, they understand how much area
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cover, depending on speed, release height, well, of course, in the future they will have them - engineering training, where they will include the performance characteristics of ammunition, and where they know that certain ammunition has a certain distance, razsky radius, age plays a role, yes , yes, i just see, we have adults, yes, if there is a desire. how much is this for him? well , let’s say i’m 38, but it was a terrible age, but we can understand, terrible, in just over two years how much army training has changed, supplying the army, well, of course, a colossal change, although i must say that the personnel army that started the war there, it was well provided with combat equipment, everything else and... today the same combat equipment, i will say that helmets, that body armor, they meet all
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standards, the soldiers receive them, the most important thing is that there are enough of them in all warehouses, in all weapons groups, we have, for every comment about snipers, these sniper rifles are not in service, we have shown that they needed, they immediately purchased machine guns, then ak-12s and others, red dot sights. that is, there is dynamics, development and replenishment of troops, we take the same equipment, already at the level of the president, a decision was made, now we must produce equipment, supply it, find equipment with additional armor protection in order to protect the excess personnel, well, plus, of course, cutters, this will not go anywhere, the same barbecues, everything else that is neither at the factory, nor anywhere, no one will understand how to do it, besides...
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and for this we took photographs of those tanks, those guns, those that we have in positions, in shelters, and there is no hole where to give up, that is, the operator still has to rack his brains, from which side to approach this barbecue.
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relatively throughout the entire training ground, we train the fallsave mode, that is, the sticks remember the movement, if they fall into the rap suppression zone, the bird flies in the same position as it passes. everything is the same as on water, plus it should be there here
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, write us the method again and you will clarify the water ones, the plane must have flown by, i think you’ll throw the saber, how does the wound work? got it got drg attacks from that direction it’s clear come up with these things so exactly here they didn’t just get used to it that of course i also enjoyed driving in nature you can’t sit like that, they didn’t sleep with you at all, it doesn’t work like that, you’re in your own zone ? that’s right, yes, that’s where they stand or what do we have? there is a position or there is still one, so do it as it should be, okay, i understand, this is the first war, but the soviet union is understandable, but which is fought by russia without conscripts, when conscripts who are not young are fighting, everything is clear, but here it is exactly like that
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people’s war, well, i don’t take armed conflicts there, but there’s a war somewhere. but even then - the commanders did not take those who served for less than six months, but they did not take the war, they cried, they were eager, but they did not take them, that is, we always took care of people, we always took care of them, of course, we took the majority as ours, we tried to take those into the war who who has served for a year or more, firstly, he is already taught, trained, well, plus...
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and now let’s take the blank, not the forend, but try the magazine, whichever is more convenient, you need to show it, this way or that way, how it’s convenient to do it, air, what kind of carbines do you have? 155, come on, what do you do after each one? no, he recharges himself, come on, give me a plate, good, eat, eat, well, you can learn, don’t forget, let’s go, yes, hold on.
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so follow me, we retreat, we retreat, right flank,
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don’t stand here waiting on a training wheelbarrow for something else, work out that they are standing here waiting like guys, how much they have been doing, about two weeks already, that’s for sure, yes of course, you are now calmly go around this obstacle, yes, yes, are you sure or what, well, in different ways, for some 2 weeks is already enough to fly by, for others 2 weeks every other time it turns out. well, 3 weeks 4 weeks is normal, 21 weeks is normal, yes for piloting , yes, yes, if for a technician, to also set up simple repairs, then of course more, but after how long does it take for your head to start spinning, just sit there, but i really can’t do anything, then everything is not normal , if it’s just standing, if it’s just standing, but standing,
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standing quickly, quickly, well, for about two minutes you’ve already been swimming, right? when they put it on platoon before charging already when they installed it on the drone already installed everything on the drone everything was done and after that the safety requirement is met, yes of course we have it.
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the right leg went ahead, the right one, the contact was cold, they are doing it for the first time today, we’ve been training for literally 2 hours, well, nothing, nothing, normal, so turn around guys, has anyone served, who served, as a submariner, submariner, everything is there, deprived? somewhere left-handed, somewhere right-handed, depending on your mood, you probably hear, you shoot, understand for yourself, just like at home, here’s my left one, i myself, that’s it, i just
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shot, he’s from the same position, maximum three or four shots gone, yes you get used to this, he must shoot from one position, in one place, the enemy also shoots, i understand, yes, that’s right. it’s interesting that it works with a change of position, in our methodology there should be a theme like this: the assault group goes to the right, left in a zigzag and must hit, because when it is retreating it must penetrate and the flankers must squeeze through, men, we are standing, what is your name, and ?
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fired a couple of shots, hid, so you teach him not to, yes, he was bending over, that is , he shoots like this, so he became like this, or like this, but doesn’t stick his legs out, but no, show me how you shot, now, i understand, that’s right, if you have the first destiny, all your training should be a story, a show , a workout, a story, a show, a workout, but that’s the only way, this is the third lesson,
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we’ve worked, it’s excellent, it turns out that it wasn’t destroyed, the state gave the cartridges,
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spent the money, suppressed, killed, destroyed, finished off, that’s the only way, good, or took it, they’ve already fought like that or only, only it turns out, exactly, the main thing is that there will be a trench that you explained the most important thing? the most important thing is to destroy the enemy if possible the most important thing is not to get out too far do not get out into the head do not pull out do not try to pull your head out look the same sniper or someone will cut off the second time around the corner do not go in until you throw a grenade there the dugout do not go in until you get there threw a grenade.
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styxov, i am a traveler, an aeronaut, jean ivan, and so we go out, what a fairy tale without ivan, what has begun? without deception and without flint, did she imprison me to walk in flint, self-written pen, magic ink, you’ll get it, you’re the main thing, van, hurry up, so give me a horse, a mechanical one, but beat yourself over the head, you have a cage where it’s needed, that’s what my name is, because i’m taking it to the wrong place you're a fool and want to go where you want. i can’t live without
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travel, flint, the one who has flint in his pocket doesn’t need a pen, soon.
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the first state radio. russia, more than 100 programs for 130 million listeners, on air around the clock. moscow listens to radio russia, now on 101.5 fm.
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this is russia 24 and we continue to talk about the main thing for today is that the belgorod region is again under attack from the ukrainian armed forces in the border area. eight people were injured, one of them has an open craniocerebral injury, he is in serious condition, governor vyacheslav glodkov announced this. the windows of five houses were broken, and at least 16 cars were hit by shrapnel. in the village of belovskaya, after repelling a drone attack, the roof of a private house caught fire. firefighters quickly arrived at the scene and the fire was already located.


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