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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 14, 2024 5:00am-5:31am MSK

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this is russia 24 and we continue to talk about the main thing for today: the belgorod region is again under attack from the armed forces of ukraine in the border shebekino, eight people were injured, one of them has an open craniocerebral injury, he is in serious condition, governor vyacheslav announced this glodkov. the windows of five houses were broken, at least 16 cars were cut by shrapnel, and in the village of beloskaya, after repelling a drone attack , the roof of a private house caught fire. firefighters quickly arrived at the scene and the fire had already been identified. liquidate, from the last
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information from the region alexander korbov. the entire yard is dotted with craters, one of the cars took a direct hit, it was completely burned out, the driver himself miraculously survived and managed to leave the affected area. they started shooting in the car, i just ducked down, when they stopped, i immediately ran into the entrance, there was just a man behind me, he was caught a little, well , he had a shoulder and an arm, yes, they sat for about 40 minutes, waiting for them to arrive, they will help, take him away, bandage his hand with a belt, that... for the sixth day in a row, the armed formations of ukraine strikes at shibeikin, aiming at residential areas; as a result of another shelling , eight people were injured of varying degrees of severity. this is the trace left behind by the explosion of a cluster submunition; it exploded here on the playground. the funnel is small, the charge itself is also quite weak, but it leaves behind a large number of fragments. ukrainian civilians.
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podzolkov, conduct belgorod region. russian troops, meanwhile, are confidently advancing in all directions of the special operation. fighters of the north group day they defeated five ukrainian brigades in the kharkov region. the enemy lost more than 200 fighters, a tank and two pickup trucks. this is data from the ministry of defense. a subdivision of the southern group of troops occupied more advantageous positions and defeated the manpower and equipment of the twenty-fourth and seventy- second. ninety trianized, forty
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-sixth, eighty-first airmobile and seventy-ninth air assault brigades of the ukrainian armed forces, in the area of ​​​​the settlements of antonovka, grigorovka, nikolaevka, katerynivka, uspenovka, spornaya, slavyansk, zaleznyanskaya and chasov of the donetsk people's republic repelled two attacks by assault groups, the fifty -fourth mechanized and tenth mountain assault brigades of the ukrainian armed forces. the enemy lost up to 680 military personnel, 15 vehicles, and a combat vehicle per day. during the day , the western group of troops also improved the situation along the front line; nine brigades of the ukrainian armed forces were defeated at once. enemy losses amounted to 590 military personnel. the defense ministry also reported this. at the unit of the vostok group of troops repelled two counterattacks. read more about the progress of the special operation in the report from the front by alexei baranov. above me, right above me,
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i observe the target, often just visually, unmanned aerial vehicles of the ukrainian military are detected, the decision to hit the target is made instantly, these strela 10 anti-aircraft missile systems, western troop groups are constantly changing firing positions in order to avoid defeat for quite a long time in the tense kupa direction, anti-aircraft gunners cover not only.
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necessary constantly, work is in progress, what called direct fire, however, the situation sometimes requires actions from the so-called zopov, the crew received a combat mission now. tankers, in order to support the advance of assault groups, move along the line of combat contact. you have to act on your feet almost every day. they went for direct fire, there was an assault, three forest regiments had to take it. for 2 days they worked directly in the forest regiments and transported infantry, like this, without turning their guns away from the front line, the tankers head to the base to
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to replenish the spent ammunition, in those territories that were recently occupied by the ukrainian military, sappers are already working, a small one on the shore. in order not to risk the lives of sappers, the russian army today uses unmanned equipment everywhere; a special unit of military engineers has been organized in the southern group of troops, who are engaged in its development. we protect the lives of soldiers and try to robotize all engineering processes related to mining or demining. these cars are not only they help the sappers, but also deliver provisions and...
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before yesterday's flight. the latest information from the scene of events in the material of egor grigoriev. the crash site itself is still cordoned off, task forces are working there, law enforcement officers, the investigative committee, and the prosecutor's office are working there. near. and the interdepartmental coordination headquarters opened, we see swamp vehicles, that is, special equipment and atvs are here, which until now only they can get into the forest thicket to work , the forest guard is directly on duty, now specialists from this service
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they continue to lay wires, saw through the wires to the right place so that large equipment can come in, now i’m sharpening the saw, you’re quickly getting dull here. large fragments will be driven by kamaz trucks, probably loaded like equipment, for this purpose the grass is being sawed through, all night the entrance from the nearby village, tracked bulldozers were clearing the site of the plane crash, there is impassable forest all around. it is already obvious that the pilots of the plane took the aircraft as far as possible from the populated areas of the villages that are located nearby in order to avoid human casualties. footage of the plane crash, you can see how the dry superjet 100 literally dives for a few seconds over the tops of the trees of zarevo, then
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a column of black smoke rises, it went straight at an angle of 90°, right past our house, and then after exactly two or three...
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witnesses and eyewitnesses to the incident are being interrogated, the inspection of the scene of the incident continues, and investigative actions are also being carried out on the territory of the plant where the aircraft underwent technical maintenance. the relevant technical data is being withdrawn for further study. documentation. gazprom avia's sukhoi superjet-100 underwent maintenance yesterday and took off from the airfield yesterday. the adopted flight plan in accordance with the application received and approved by the operational bodies of the unified air traffic management system on the route from the lukhovitsy airfield to the vnukov airfield, together with law enforcement agencies and the established commission of the interstate committee , a corresponding investigation is being carried out. representatives of the commission, investigators and documentation on the repairs performed will be examined
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airplane. the crashed dry superjet 100 made its first flight in december 2014. there are no official versions of its crash due to unconfirmed information; two engines could have failed at once. egor grigoriev, vitaly kormazin, dmitry malyshev, sergey kuznetsov, asya oslonyan. news. the russian foreign ministry called the statement of the swedish authorities about the closure legal apathy. charges against anyone, so they decided to close the case. nato helps ukraine fight, but
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not win. a columnist for foreign policy magazine came to this conclusion. she noted that the summit in washington made many promises, but few plans. well , the american conservative believes that the main task of the alliance is its own survival, so nato continues to invent reasons to justify its importance. and because of this policy, a direct clash between the west and russia is getting closer. alexander khristyanka will tell you where he is already preparing for a potential conflict. nowadays , bicycles, new cars and other cargo are peacefully transported along the a2 autobahn, which crosses germany from west to east. soon the highway could become the main transport artery of the war. this, as journalists found out, suggests a secret plan of the bundeswehr and nato in the event of a conflict with russia. what they are already preparing for. 800,000 soldiers will have to be transferred east from the north
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sea ports in the netherlands, belgium and germany within 3-6 months, with them presumably about 200,000 vehicles, heavy equipment, trucks, tanks on platforms. the column will be about 13,000 km long. it is alarming that there are narrow roads on the a2 autobahn, which runs from oberhausen to the berlin ring road. from a security point of view. here is the hohenwart bridge across the elbe with a length of almost 1,200 m, which can, as spiegel magazine argues, for example, be blown up by a rocket or planted explosives, then all is lost, because germany, the operational plan of the alliance assigns the role of a logistics hub in europe, berlin, according to nato strategists, in if anything happens , he will also be responsible for the construction of prisoner camps, especially since there is no shortage of experience in organizing concentration camps in germany, there is almost no time left, he panics in his material russophobic build, essentially engaging in war propaganda. only 5 years left. preparing for an emergency, russia could attack nato in 2029. all this, both a date and a thesis, by
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all indications resembles an information dump from the recent statements of defense minister pistorius, who thereby knocks out billions for the bundeswehr and new arms supplies to ukraine. and now, without much discussion, the united states will still use germany as a base for deploying its missiles, medium and shorter range and hypersonic weapons directed against russia. but chancellor scholz... for some reason i am sure that this will not lead to escalation, our ally, the united states , is now planning to deploy similar long-range missile systems here in germany, which have all this time been the focus of germany's security strategy. on our part there will be no decisions on the supply of weapons, the possibility of using weapons, which will lead to escalation, to a war between russia and nato. in words , according to schultz, this is a step towards containment, but in reality it may turn out to be a step towards a new arms race, and this kind of thing.
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the us withdrew from the treaty with silence inaction of the europeans, now russia is forced to respond to the situation, presidential press secretary dmitry peskov commented on the author and host of the moscow kremlin putin program pavel zarubin. in the case of the deployment of such missiles, including. america continues to earn money, europe is in the crosshairs of our missiles, our country is in the crosshairs of american missiles located in europe, we have already gone through all this, this has already happened, we have enough
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potential to contain these missiles, but the potential victim is the capital of these states. voices calling on the united states not to repeat the mistakes of the cold war, and on nato to stop, began to be heard more often in the west, especially in light of the final statements of the alliance summit about the irreversibility of kiev’s euro-atlantic integration path and that for now a bridge will be built between nato and ukraine. nato likes to call itself the most successful alliance in history, but too often it is forgotten that war was averted not only by nato solidarity, but by nato caution. successive us administrations. at full support of their european allies, rejected calls for an aggressive policy aimed at throwing back soviet power in eastern europe. while nato leaders were pledging military support for zelensky at the washington summit, several influential british newspapers published open letters signed by respected experts on both sides of the atlantic calling for immediate
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peace talks, not least for the sake of ukraine. letter to the london financial times. whom we know as a whole of the international system to understand how stupid the current state of affairs is. one of the highest-ranking and consistent exponents of this idea is hungarian prime minister orban, who, right at the nato summit, as bloomberg writes, in the presence of zelensky, openly stated that ukraine should not join the alliance at all. alexander khristenko, alexander khabarov, evgeny samsonov, news. here - 22m3, yes.
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who were they trying to steal? yes, crime, how much money? well, initially pavlo promised 1 million, crew of four people, i was offered to eject them forcibly, well, that is , actually kill the punishment, how our counterintelligence outplayed budanov’s agents, why does zelensky need a long-range bomber, only we have an interview with a military pilot in the strategist’s cup, and the tsar’s svo bomb. is it true that fab 300 changed the course of the war? why did the americans call the indians during mode’s visit to moscow? peace and prosperity to the friendly indian people. thank you. who else was covered on
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the veranda of nova ogorev. when kyiv will be sent to trenches of teenagers. yes, everything is buried, as they say, the evening is in hap, yes, yes, yes, yes, the most unusual unit of the russian army, it consists of former prisoners whose sentence in the colony was replaced by service on the front line. a unique report by alexander rogatkin from a brigade of yesterday's prisoners. if i had also asked for 2 years, i would have come out as an ordinary zach, now i have come out
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as a holder of the george cross. brotherhood by blood, not by concept. why is there no way here now without shingles of red moss from the swamps plus the prospect of becoming an economic center on the volga, but it was thanks to this that i acquired something that cannot be bought for any money. volga cultural anomie. big news with evgeniy popov. on sunday at 20:00 on... russia. mathematics prepares precisely these very best
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specialists for the nuclear industry of our element of the national center of physics and the country. two intense years of study and practice behind them, master's graduates will receive diplomas and their first work in the highest priority areas of science from artificial... and supercomputers to particle physics of cosmology. vladimir karpov’s future specialty sounds incredibly complicated: extreme electromagnetic fields, relativistic plasma , atosecond physics, but to put it simply, he will have to work with super-powerful lasers. in the future i will be working on calculating energy transfer. in plasma, this is one of the ways to the dream of humanity - to get an endless supply of energy and very cheap, because thermonuclear fusion
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allows you to produce more energy than is spent on the production of this energy, in fact, and thus there will be a new energy source is safe and environmentally friendly. such an installation, and the most powerful in the world, has already been developed by scientists from the institute of laser physics research, it is part of the structure of the federal government...
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2 years, that is, it was quite an intensive training, that is, there was a lot of studying, teachers from the moscow university, that is, who teach to students studying in moscow.
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the national center for physics and mathematics was opened by order of the president 3 years ago with the support of rosatom, its core is a branch of moscow state university, where 100 of the most talented physicists and mathematicians are already studying today. at the fingertips of the masters is the most extensive scientific and practical base of the science city of sorov, namely its nuclear development. are classified as top secret and are of strategic importance for the entire country; every second student today dreams of becoming part of it in the future. while still studying, we do an internship at the russian federal nuclear center. of course, other enterprises, for example, the joint institute for nuclear research in dubna, help smoothly transition and not get lost. one of the key projects of the decade of science and technology, it unites almost six dozen universities, research institutes and high-tech companies that are already conducting research in the most promising
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areas. the best teachers regularly come from moscow, including academicians, corresponding members of wounds, associate professors and candidates for the teaching core of the center. the ambitious goal is to make it a russian cern, and sarov a mecca for young scientists from all over the world. he should be here in his thirtieth year. new world-class scientific center with new installations, with a new system of interaction with the outside world, with a new education system, with a system for the correct transfer of technology from science to industry, which is extremely important. in just 6 years , a city of the future for scientists will appear here. the central part of the campus will be the main academic building for 500 people, next to...
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space, 2,000 specialists can work here at the same time. now only the educational buildings of the moscow state university branch, housing for future students and teachers, cozy townhouses and apartment complexes have been built. hello, come on in! olga burgonskaya is now a certified specialist, graduating. manti is already bored on the hanger, the room in which the graduate lived for 2 years will soon have to leave, it’s sad to leave the campus, but the girl is looking forward to her first working day: i will work in the laboratory, and my task in the future is to create a control system for multichannel laser systems. having studied at their universities for a master's degree,
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students. computer science, five programs developed by specialists from moscow state university and the russian academy of sciences, from september there will be a new specialty dedicated to the physics of the structure of the mother, last name, nothing more. even the most steely nerves, during these words, like taut strings, we leave only pens and pieces of paper on the table. an admissions campaign has started at msu sarov, while graduates are packing their things, applicants are trying to take their place. this year there are only 80 budget places. as in previous years, we have a set in physics, we have a set in mathematics, guys come from all over with experience, but this is geography, in russia, it’s a lot, as a rule, there there are 15-20 universities for each direction, depending on how applications are submitted or...
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how guys come to the competition, participate in universiades, but it is clear that this geography will remain. under the motivating gaze of academician kurchatov, future scientists pass the most important exam in their lives. this is already the fourth admissions company for the moscow state university branch, with more and more applicants every year. the most striking thing that i remember is that the teachers are very good, they explain clearly, clearly, charismatically, in general, really. this attracts attention, this, in my opinion, is another one of the advantages of sorol, which is what a very good level of teaching calls for. you can submit documents remotely until july 20; an exception was made for these students, participants in the physics and mathematics summer school named after nobel laureate in physics igor tam. they not only attended lectures by leading scientists and professors at moscow state university, saw laboratories, but were able to write
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the entrance exam. right within the walls of the branch, this is where i want to go, i i hope that right now, having written this exam, i will get this opportunity, why? well, because now all science is concentrated here, i would really like to achieve some result together with them. the sarov branch of moscow state university, one of eight universities opened outside the capital, is special in its own way, because in the city... from energy to medicine and from the expanses of the arctic to deep space exploration. 2 years of hard work on projects and
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master's degrees.


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