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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 14, 2024 7:30am-8:01am MSK

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and he holds it, i grab it even tighter , i remove it like this, it turns out there is an entrance here, we all start to go out, it starts yelling, the door opens, he pulls me, of the rabbits you are the first, but he hits me, i move away , i don’t fall, well, in the sense i just move away, start hitting him, in the end we have, well, a fight, i fall, it’s nearby, i don’t know, well, that’s what was at hand, there, like, a picket fence, so a board, in short, a small one, like this, i began to upholster. he falls on me, we begin fight, fight, that’s it, i get up, he starts to sit, according to sankin, he just left, and already near his house he discovered that he had dropped his phone, he decided to go back and look, then i think i’ll go, that’s where the whole fight happened, i’ll go there, sitting there, i go there, a hare is sitting on the street, yes, he’s sitting on the street, well, squatting like that, i started looking for my phone, i see my phone is lying, there’s some woman in the window, it’s over...
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it’s time to give a rating his actions, but he still doesn’t admit his guilt, well, what do you think, you guys saved him, yes, i think so, honestly, quite seriously , i think so, yes, it was i who prevented the crime, i didn’t go to kill him, not something, any person would have done the same, every person has children, not even for our own, for strangers, then this, well, what would happen then, if now there is violence, i don’t know, petophilia, if everyone goes through, well, what’s the point, everyone will have their own way. llamas keep hiding and pedophiles
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are predators there, well, they will do whatever they want, that’s the point, what’s the point, but that’s not investigators, they’re not the police, they don’t really care about all this, they’re drunks over there, roughly speaking, they’re catching everything, that’s all, at least that’s how the convicted sankin puts his version of events, if you believe his words, it turns out that it’s true he did not kill zaitsev and ended up behind bars due to ill fate, due to an accidental coincidence of circumstances, the question... the investigator could have clarified the situation a lot, because it is he, like no one else, who looks at the case from the outside and operates only with facts, however, representatives of the regional investigative committee for some reason they refused to meet with our film crew, or there really are too many circumstances related to schoolchildren in the story of the death of the pedophile zaitsev, this information cannot be disclosed by law, or the investigation was conducted extremely poorly, we are seeking clarification...
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perhaps we can do remark, perhaps some suggestions happened next, there was a conflict at that moment sankin was passing, and he came up , a conflict arose, what happened then, unfortunately , no one knows either, but it has been established the next thing is that already at around 2:00 a.m., that is, after more than 4:00 a.m. , a signal was received at the police department that a person was being beaten, they called an ambulance and at about two o’clock a squad and... emergency medical care
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at about 2 o’clock, then everyone already knows about that video, under what circumstances they were, sankin was detained and the victim of the hares was discovered. zaitsev died in an ambulance and the examination proved that he died not from blows, but from cooling, right? surprising, yes, but there are even such cases. we decided to meet the relatives and friends of vladimir sankin and see how the convicted auto mechanic lived and where he worked. this is the outskirts of ufa, the private sector, furmanova street 25. here, in a small house, for the last few years, vladimir sankin lived with his common-law wife. most of the residents of this area once worked at the ufa engine plant. so vladimir was always drawn to the garage. he loved to rummage under the hood of old foreign cars. young sankin studied car mechanics nearby in the garage of his andrey's neighbor.
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he could stand up, he was always a man of justice, a man of truth, such a, well, how can i say, a good guy, he always runs to meet people, runs to help, honestly, his soul still hurts, he suffered essentially in his simplicity, in his kindness, no, no, he’s definitely not a criminal, wow, we love you, you’re a hero, and i’m proud that such a neighbor lives next to me, we support you in every possible way, we supported you,
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he’s lying, so we turned to him with questions about controversial neighbor about a fight under his windows, if they killed, it was done quietly, we didn’t hear nothing, we live on the second floor alone and basically didn’t hear anything, although when he turned on loud music, naturally we heard the deceased hares, everyone saw him here, he went to the store, he was never drunk or caused any strange emotions , no, no, well, it seems like we knew that he... so to speak, we are judging, yes, probably the expression is true, but somewhere there were some kind of riots or something else, this did not happen. the honored doctor does not share the opinion of the majority of ufa residents about the manly act of vladimir sankin. sankin,
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for example, is the person who killed your neighbor a criminal or a hero? in your opinion, oh, you’re setting a sharp limit, that’s probably not possible. now this is the job of collecting food during the season, and how long have you been going ? you’ve been collecting parcels every week, literally every week , we’ve already sent three parcels, and we’re sending them every week, every week, every week, every week, and what are you
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collecting during the season, volodya? and coffee and sausage and buzhunin and today there’s honey, well, i don’t even know how say lemon oil lard uh-huh then what else? well, it’s going to burn, here are the cubes, it turns out their cubes are what kind of soup they need, they’re cooking some kind of soup, but it turns out, no, i don’t know what’s cooking there, yes, but these cubes are like seasoning for seasoning something , then chinese noodles, this dry puree, lately galina ivanovna has been crying non-stop, any simple conversation about the weather, about the prices of medicines.
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i walked with good thoughts and encouraged him , i thought conditionally, but maybe we even with we discussed it with him, i say: okay, wait, be patient, maybe not everything is so scary, maybe two years. polina talks and talks, it is impossible to stop her, it is clear that the girl is trying
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to hold back her tears, in the end she forgets about the video camera and turns to her husband. vova, hello, we all miss you, we are very bored without you, it’s bad, it’s hard, but you hang in there, we hope that everything will work out soon, after all, the truth will prevail, there will be, as they say, a holiday on our street, for you. he died of hypothermia, they hang me premeditated murder, he had just been released, he said that he was in prison for murder,
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he was in prison for 12 years, but it seems he was in prison for pedophilia, well, it’s a shame, it hurts, but that’s how it feels, of course, well, 8 years for nothing, seriously, for nothing what if everything worked normally, they would either put it in the trash, or they would check it there, at least they would come, well, yes, i will fight to the end, this is 100%, i mean, i will write yes until all the trials i will write, absolutely to everyone, well, because this is not... 8 years of strict regime, auto mechanic vladimir sankin cannot come to terms with the harsh sentence, thanks people for their support, it is important for him that the family did not turn away, the note from his mother touched vladimir to the depths of his soul, he even shed tears. hello son, we are waiting for you to return home, everything is fine with us, we hope to return home soon. don’t worry, don’t be upset for us, we hope for a good, acquittal verdict, we
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love you very much, very, very much, don’t worry, take care of yourself, we have no right and are not going to discuss the verdict passed by the kalininsky district court of the city of ufa, and as for sankin himself, his relatives, social activists. and lawyers, everyone is not waiting for an appeal. i'll tell you about the criminal code. according to the criminal code, sankin is not a murderer. sankin is a man who may have exceeded the necessary measure of self-defense, because, let me remind you, he didn’t come and hit zaitsev, he came and snatched the child from zaitsev’s hands, and zaitsev dealt a crushing blow to his face. perhaps sankin exceeded the permissible measure of self-defense. that's what he says. criminal code, but sankin is not a murderer. so, vladimir sankin received 8 years of strict penal colony
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mode. the investigation believes that he deliberately dealt with the repeat offender, pedophile zaitsev. however, the examination showed that the victim criminal died from hypothermia in the ambulance. the teenagers immediately stated that they had become victims of a pervert and uncle. let's say, a pedophile, yes, there is a lot of negativity on social networks, even many public
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figures speak out about this, but i did not find such a justified position of the ministry, for example, or the investigative committee, but what, excuse me, gentlemen, are you either you are distorting the fact, it was completely wrong, and it turns out that we have such a tendency that they say, well, there is no need to defend, i saw a child offended, go ahead, that is, we either need to constructively object to this, but... since the dialogue that began on federal channels on the internet was initiated by the defense, we were not invited there for this whole situation is artificially inflated, some of these issues, it is tightening up the controversy, a fair trial today is unfair, we did our job, the court made a decision, colleagues, we are not working on the principle is a pity or not a pity, in the law the word is a pity or not a pity, in the law the word
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is proven or not proven, and accordingly we do not invent articles of the criminal code. we are guided by those who provide for responsibility, that’s all, it ’s public opinion that considers him a hero, of course he cannot be written down in the book of heroes, of course he committed illegal actions, but the qualifications are incorrect, the process was carried out incorrectly and the verdict is completely unfair, these are all three circumstances don't give us the opportunity to say, on the one hand, that he is a criminal, but on the other hand, it is also impossible to call him a hero. to say that, of course, the situation is extremely complicated, and it’s not for nothing that there are different opinions in society, well, you can say 50/50, half for sankin, half against sankin, the event took place, took place, and the boys were in the pedophile’s apartment, were in the apartment pedophile, one of them left, left, called for help, called for help, at
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that moment sankin appeared, who, under the impression of what he heard, committed... certain actions that led to such a sad outcome, he went too far, he did not go too far, this was precisely the task of the investigative authorities, to determine beyond the court whether he acted within the framework of the necessary defense within the limits of what was necessary, or whether he crossed this line. every wednesday , galina ivanovna sankina collects another seasonal grocery package for her son. the grief-stricken woman knows exactly what her beloved volodya and his cellmates need. the mother is still waiting for her son to come home. that is, you didn’t think that you would wear it for your son. and the latter believed
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that he would be released, there was not even a thought.
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this is what we saw in the high-profile criminal case of auto mechanic vladimir sankin, who protected children from a pedophile. this was our investigation from ufa, the conclusions of the cases are only for you, see you on the russia 24 tv channel. after the release of our program. on air, the chairman of the investigative committee of russia, alexander bastrykin, instructed the central apparatus to re-examine the case of ufim resident vladimir sankin. and on april 26, 2021, the supreme court of the republic of bashkirtastan reviewed the auto mechanic’s sentence and reduced the term from 8 to 6 years
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in prison. and that's how it was. soften. vladimir sankin’s close lawyers are not going to stop there; they want a complete review of the case in the supreme court of russia.
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fbi specialists identified the suspect's body in the assassination attempt on donald trump, cnn reports. and it turned out to be a twenty-year-old man from pennsylvania, the state where trump spoke to supporters. the politician became the target of a sniper and after the shot was literally a centimeter from death, the bullet hit his right ear. according to media reports, the attacker himself and at least one other participant in the rally were killed. trump's security sources said the secret service had been asked for weeks to beef up the politician's security, but the biden administration refused. in republican controlled house of representatives.


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