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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 14, 2024 8:30am-9:00am MSK

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the application is extremely wide, you will now see the production details, and this plant is one of the largest steel producers in russia, for example, it produces weather-resistant steel, in particular , more than 100 masts have been built from it throughout the country. ural steel has, probably, the best thermal department in the country, which allows... large volumes of heat treatment of this rolled product, for which we are a supplier for bridge structures. in total, there are over 100 steel grades, there are unique ones, of which there are more and more. today, the plant faces ambitious tasks to produce corian-resistant steel that can withstand critical sub-zero temperatures, as well as a very large... we pay attention to interlocking
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sheets, this is a sheet consisting simultaneously of a stainless steel layer and a layer of carbon steel. plus, in addition to rental, they produce all kinds of cast products, even weighing more than 100 tons. for the production of railway wheels, for the production of shaped wheels, for the production of rail blanks, the plant also produces commercial cast iron, and of course same. we are currently developing facade foundry production. modern equipment helps production. investments of more than 150 billion rubles are planned for this over the next 5 years. about 300 million is spent annually on environmental programs. which, by the way, helped reduce emissions into the atmosphere by a third. we are currently implementing four large investment projects with a total capital intensity of more than 130 billion rubles, so several projects
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will be completed in 2025, in particular the gas purification project, we want to decide once forever the problem with emissions in the steel smelting shop of the plant, in the twenty-sixth year we will launch two more large investment projects. we are talking about two new productions, including railway wheels. demand for all the plant’s products is growing, primarily in its own market. in 2021, the plant produced 1.5 million tons of steel, today we are already producing about one million 900 thousand tons of steel, in 2025 we hope to reach 2.2 million tons of steel. development, of course, requires personnel. this includes working with educational institutions, about 200 agreements have been signed with students on preparation and further work, this is cooperation with technical schools. we are.
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partners of three colleges that participate in the vocational program, and this is only part of our work on training, we are also trying to participate in the activities of the mrs. branch and, in fact, the training plant at uray steel. and of course, this is joint work with the state. together we sign the appropriate agreement, in which we define the roles of the task. everyone and specialists the best people come from enterprises to these sites, they are allocated, they work, train young people, and in a fairly short time they can attract and, moreover, attract them to their enterprises, solving this personnel shortage and the problem of young high-quality specialists, we have 14 of them no one else in the country has such a number of two other subjects, as industrial as our subject. and we see huge
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potential here. industrial tourism helps to show that metallug’s work can be promising. we are the most we were the first to develop this area in the orenburg region; schoolchildren and various enterprises come to us for industrial tourism on excursions, and we also thereby attract new workers. of course, comfortable working conditions and housing are also important to employees. that’s why the metallugs are building two apartment buildings in novotroitsk. that year, the plant became the largest taxpayer in the region, plus 13 billion rubles to the budget. they participate in social programs, even fought against unprecedented flooding in the region, so to speak. the whole world. we helped with everything we could, unloading trucks with humanitarian aid. heat guns and, of course,
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many thanks to the plant employees who provided assistance on site as volunteers. in order to speed up the supply of humanitarian aid, they adopted a special regime for... and also support, but now on the contrary, the business itself, metallurgists have a desire to develop supplies abroad, and these are already the profiles of the russian export center, where there are many different measures, from training, certification, patenting and compensation logistics costs, then free participation in exhibitions abroad under the brand made in russia, this whole set of events is the essence of our program made in russia and
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the available options are presented on the digital platform my export, there are the same subsidies, and different types of services include finding a partner there to receive legal services, logistics services, certification, patenting, a lot of different opportunities, including we naturally used this platform to to present exporters and financial services. well, next we will talk about metal products,
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this plant was built in 16 months, robotic production of large -diameter pipes, capacity 750. there are many applications and the strip for pipes comes from novotroidsk, orenburg region. there is a new product called clad pipes, they have a layer of stainless steel. working in the most difficult conditions, including at nuclear power plants, it lasts many times longer than usual, up to 40 years. by the way, about energy and one more thing example where products are needed. the gas that comes from the field, before getting, for example, into your stove and
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heating a kettle of water, must go through several stages of preparation, the same pressure must be lowered, for this you need special equipment, one might say. and it is produced by sorators. russia is undergoing a large-scale gasification program. the tasks are ambitious; more than 24,000 new gas pipelines will appear in 72 regions, for everything. equipment is needed and in modern realities it is clearly not foreign, so it must be russian product, the plant expanded its area, carried out modernization, and during the period from 2010 to 2024,
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the growth of production area amounted to about 50,000 km, with a total investment of 2.5 billion rubles. actually, we have received new products. even better than foreign ones. among the latest achievements in this direction, i would like to note the readiness for serial production of the rdp type pressure regulator and the insha gear pump. based on the results of factory tests, these products confirmed their performance and compliance with the declared technical characteristics, in some aspects and superiority over competitors. to continue in the same production spirit and expand, of course, we need specialists, who are in short supply. implementation of the federal project is professional and ready to invest about 10 million rubles in this direction. personnel training is an issue that requires solutions by the whole world, jobs,
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training, social conditions. and it’s worth saying that just last year , more than 60 billion were allocated to the territory for the national project initiated by the president saratov region. in that. energy, food security also depends on it, here is a story from dagestan. where else do you need good metal, not only in order to prepare something useful, you don’t always need to mix the ingredients, sometimes they
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need to be carefully separated with simulated accuracy, separators are made at this enterprise in dagestan and now you will find out who uses them . in makhachkala in soviet times, they produced separators, but they fell apart.
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any separator, even up to 15 tons and not only for the food industry, demand has increased significantly. now in principle, we will make about 50-60 units per year. previously, of course, there was no such number. previously , if we made 10 separators a year, that was good. of course, there are plans for new products. this is a separator for high-life cream, so that it gives us 82.5% fat content butter. this is not the case in russia, no, only the germans made these separators. for development
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, equipment needs to be updated and subsidies are needed. if we receive a subsidy, we could easily upgrade the technical park in a revolving way. it is necessary to quench the personnel hunger. there is an agreement with the college of mechanical engineering and service. ruslan is currently undergoing an internship. already from the third year he undergoes full training on a cnc machine. the company, despite the fact that logistics began to want to become an engineer, the work will be more expensive, and before europe took the dagestan product, it is developing exports to friendly countries. the export center really provides us with informational support. exhibitions, in this regard, it turns out to be both exhibitions and consultations that they give us, and
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there were many difficulties, for example, to pay, they help us, over the past year the russian export center supported a record number of 2400 companies, volume growth by 23%, there are more transactions abroad and, in accordance with modern challenges, new support measures are appearing within the framework of the international cooperation national project. there are also enterprises that are just about to export, but first they need to get
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on their feet, which is what the plant in the orenburg region is actively doing; now there will be a story of revival. 7 years ago this plant in the orenburg region underwent a procedure bankruptcy, well... now, as you can see, it’s working, producing high-carbon ferrochrome up to 400 tons per year, how did you manage to save production and most importantly, what’s next now? and you will find out. the history of this plant since 1958 is rich in events. in the land of the soviets, nickel was needed. there are deposits here, but the main production went to norilsk and the enterprise
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at one time even worked on cuban ore. then a series of changes of owners, foreign hands. the plant was completely practically destroyed; the heating bed stoves were removed the centrifuges were essentially stolen, yes, yes they were stolen, that is, it was unique equipment, this is unique equipment , all of them here in russia can be counted on one finger on these furnaces and it was possible to process local ores, and also... the road was turned over for metal, problems with water, but such a bad inheritance did not stop vitaly, who acquired the remains of the plant, within a year he managed to restore communications, assemble the staff again, well, people did not believe at first, but little by little, that is, they began
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to turn their faces towards us, he came to us and - the governor of the orenburg region also supported us in this regard. for example, pavel once worked at this plant for 15 years, but ended up in central america. well, guys, an acquaintance called, come back, the plant is operational, there are prospects, interesting, new production, now the guys who worked here for 10, 20 years are returning, so production is getting better. platinum is expensive, it was hidden for some time . for example, this cup for samples from home, well, now it has returned to scientific work. two ovens survived, they were painstakingly we restored and started production, it was
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decided to start working on spherochrome, now at the moment we...
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yes, there is support from the governor, we recently received an answer that they support us, but what in the future? the need for ferrochrome is great, there are a lot of imports on the market, but here it is possible to develop deposits of nickel, cobalt, tungsten and titanium, we need to restore the smelting shop, the vanyukov furnace, connect science to create
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a metallurgical technology park, there is support from the authorities, associations of technology parks, there is... this resident has already submitted an application to us for the mashstroy machine, which needs to obtain cast iron and cast large -sized frames, that is, machines, yes, which, that is, are ready to place both workshop equipment and a foundry here on our territory. cast iron production, as a result, the technopark will be able to conduct scientific research, produce the necessary metal, say, for aviation, space, the nuclear industry and machine tool industry, plus... there is export potential, kazakhstan, china. now we are negotiating with the people's
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republic of china, we will try to find a common denominator. now, i think that in the near future we will implement this direction. that year there was a record for trade turnover with china, and russia is diligently promoting its products there. china has already hosted two made in russia fairs; dozens of russian companies presented their products with the support. participation in exhibitions or business missions is a very important tool for establishing live contacts with potential buyers for displaying your products.
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a story about a participant in a technology park in the orenburg region, a company that produces machine tools in penzi. a wide range of machines, from simple mechanical to high-precision machining centers. yes, this is a vertical machining center. a unique machine, all our guides are sliding, not rolling, accordingly, this gives more serious rigidity, stability, the percentage
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of localization is growing, already about 80, all our components are made in russia, made of russian metal, processed, everything is just everything except the system , production in cooperation is created. thousand per year seems to be an increase, but growth sales are hampered by asian competitors, they put pressure on price, not quality, over 2000 machines are imported to russia per year, only about one and a half thousand are produced, manufacturers say that the introduction of a tax could help if a chinese machine costs here
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not 7 million, but 8 or 8 to russian, but the most important thing is to reduce the cost of our machines, go into serial production, develop foundry production of bearings, parts to help reduce electricity tariffs, for technological sovereignty, according to experts, it is necessary to produce about 50 thousand machines per year, a challenge for science, metallurgists, those who train specialists , you need a steel one. character, and this applies, perhaps, to all industries.
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there is a 22 m3 strategic missile carrier, yes, a 122 m3 strategic missile carrier, which they tried to hijack, yes. crime, how much money, well, initially pavlo promised 1 million, crew four person, i was offered to eject them forcibly, well, that is, actually kill the punishment, how our counterintelligence outplayed budanov’s agents, why does zelensky need a long-range bomber, only we have an interview with a military flight in the strategist’s cup and the tsar bomb with... is it true that fab 3000 changed the course of the war? why did the americans call indians
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during modi's visit to moscow? mumbled zelensky, i’m better, you’re damn better, how will orban be punished for visits to moscow and marol, and what dare you, you have a whole city here, yes, everything is buried, as they say, evening in ha, yes, yes, the most unusual unit of the russian army, it consists of former prisoners whose punishment in the colony was replaced by service on the front line, a unique
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report. if i had stayed in prison for another 2 years, i would have been released as an ordinary prisoner, but now i am released as a cavalier of the st. george. brotherhood by blood and not by concept. dear guests, our ship has arrived in the city of plus. why is it impossible here now without trunks of red moss from the swamps. plus , he lost the prospect of becoming an economic center on the volga, but it was thanks to this that he acquired something that cannot be bought at any price money. volga cultural anomaly. big news with evgeniy popov. on sunday at 20:00 on the russia channel.
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fbi specialists have identified the body of the suspect in the attempted murder. donald trump, he turned out to be a twenty-year-old man from pennsylvania, the state where the former president spoke to his supporters. the politician became the target of snipers, after the shot he was literally a centimeter from death, the bullet hit his right ear. according to media reports, one rally participant was killed, two more were injured, and the attacker himself was eliminated. according to sources from trump's secret service security for several weeks...


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