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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 14, 2024 9:00am-9:31am MSK

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the body of the suspect in the assassination attempt on donald trump was identified as a twenty-year-old man from pennsylvania, the state where the former president spoke to his supporters. the politician became the target of a sniper and after being shot, he was literally a centimeter from death, the bullet hit his right ear, as the media reported, one rally participant was killed, two more were wounded, the attacker himself was eliminated. according to sources from trump's security team , the secret service has been asked for several weeks to strengthen the politician's security, but the biden administration has refused to do so. v
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the republican-controlled house of representatives said it would launch its own investigation. now uselina has guarded the houses of presidential candidates in florida and new york, and his personal security has been strengthened. the politician is not going to give up the election campaign. trump plans to attend the republican national convention on monday. now there is a video from the ministry of defense, footage of the impact of a powerful fap-300 aerial bomb in a special operation zone. the su-34 crew destroyed a large point. which allowed the plane to strike from a safe distance, hitting the ground successfully amazed. the fab-3000 is capable of hitting very fortified targets, long-term structures, and also deep command posts. the combat power of this bomb cannot be ignored. it is difficult to imagine a target that could not be hit.
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was returning with his wife from the front line, despite the fact that the man had already updated all the information about himself, the military took him with them, at the military registration and enlistment office the volunteer, according to him, was handcuffed, choked, hit with his head against the wall, the victim was taken away by an ambulance, the military called these words lied that the man was running around the military registration and enlistment office threw himself on chairs, but in odessa , security forces twisted a resident relaxing on the beach so tightly that they broke his jaw; this man’s data was also updated in the military registration and enlistment office, yakutia, transbaikalia and buryatia. on
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the territory of the irakut region itself there are also hot spots; more than 4.0 gatars of forest are burning. more than a hundred fires have been recorded in yakutia, several of them are located near populated areas. in areas where the fire has come close to residential areas, rescue teams are being expanded. approximately engulfed in fire 280. the situation in buryat has improved slightly; 26 natural fires were extinguished in the republic within 24 hours; active efforts to combat fires continue in the amur region and khabarovsk territory. immediately after the advertisement, our broadcast will continue with vladimir burtok’s author’s program, a view from st. petersburg. the two components of phosphaglyph
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not only help restore liver cells, but also fight the cause of their destruction, inflammation. phosphoglyph, now in economical packaging of 96 capsules. start your business journey with sber support. sber business will open account, help with accounting, legal issues and connect an online cash register. and all this is free. we open the way to business. sberbusiness. enjoy your rolls at a tasty spot. caesar roll with tender chicken in crispy breading with tomato and cheese. try the caesar roll and other rolls only at a tasty point. what do we bring from our travels with avito? cashback bonuses for your next trip. the avito trip will go as planned with cashback and bonuses. at an excellent interest rate. in the branch and online. your plans. a reliable foundation. the real hunt is
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friends and i wrote a film script. moreover, the life of our country, its very existence, is directly related to its activities. today i would like to remind you of some episodes of his life, perhaps they will have an echo in our days.
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so. stalin chief of the general staff antonov are sitting at a long table with a map of germany. how much time does the general staff need to work out the plan for the berlin operation in detail, asked stalin. three days, antonov answered. we'll watch as the operation progresses. if zhukov does not succeed as planned , we will deploy konego’s right-flank armies to berlin. stalin became. "that's it, you are free." antonov collected the papers and said a little hesitantly: there is a question that does not directly concern the general staff, but which i would like to clarify, if possible,
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please, we have now discussed the plan berlin operation, the most difficult task will fall on zhukov's first belarusian front. this operation will require great skill.
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here, it’s in the germans’ blood, yes, that the germans, this racism is in the blood of all of europe, he paused, in the first world war the germans surrendered, when the british and french had not yet entered german soil, now they are fighting. why? the germans are afraid of retribution for what they have done, anton suggested. no, they understand that the further they resist, the greater
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the retribution, but for the germans there is no shame in surrendering to the british or americans, but for the russians they cannot give up, the thought that some half-assed russians came and defeated civilized europe and... zhzhyukov and konev is unbearable for them. germany, seelow heights.
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the floodplain of the oder river was covered with predawn fog. zhukov looked at his watch; it was exactly 5 o’clock moscow time and 3 o’clock in berlin. and immediately, from the shots of many thousands of guns, mortars and legendary katyushas, ​​the whole place was brightly lit up. thousands of rockets of different colors were launched into the air; at this signal , 43 searchlights, located across every 200 m. a moment later , a powerful cry was heard from all sides towards berlin, hundreds of attack aircraft were constantly rushing overhead, regiments of heavy bomber aircraft were flying a little higher, but the progress forward was very insignificant, the german infantrymen made extensive use... the germans shot down a dozen soviet tanks, at your
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observation post the beetles began to give you patience, you’ll go to the penalty box, understand? he shouted the telephone roll, forward, forward, went podskrebyshev, stalin's secretary, communications beetles, comrade stalin, stalin picks up the phone, silently for a while, listening. raised the receiver to his ear, are you confident that tomorrow you will take the zajeli
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line, and after listening to the answer, he said harshly, i’m not convinced of this, we are thinking of ordering konev to move the tank army to berlin from the south, arakosovsky to speed up the crossing and also hit the entrance to berlin from the north, goodbye, stalin... pipe, division artillery breakthrough batteries fired from heavy guns, many soviet shells were painted with special messages, cover for...
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suddenly the regiment commander appeared in front of him, clearly dissatisfied with the delay in the offensive. the captain of the troubles began to explain to him that this large gray building was preventing progress. the regiment commander took the card from him, looked at him, and said sternly. if it doesn't work out, it's a rip off. hitler had lunch at his
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office with his nutritionist manziali and two secretaries. did not hear the sound of the shot that hitler fired into his head. germany, zhukov's command post. zhukov quickly enters the brandage: connect me to the headquarters, picks up the phone.
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comrade stalin, hitler committed suicide, shot himself. stalin was at the table, scratching next to him, finished the game, scoundrel, stalin said after a pause. it's a pity we couldn't take him alive. not a word to anyone yet. and turning to the one after the fight he said: “ask.” the ukrainian playwright korenchuk entered the office. yes, and stalin. i'm a playwright, worthless deputy people's commissar for foreign affairs, you ordered the borders of soviet ukraine to be agreed upon by treaties, i cannot do this, the president of czechoslovakia benes refused the sudeten regions of slovakia offered to him, but demands from us the transcarpathian ukraine, he calls it sub-carpathian russia, stalin
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chuckled, why is benesh abandoning the suden region today? if they are shitting on the russian brother's head, so comrade kornichuk continued stalin, the point is not that you are a playwright, the point is that you are not behaving the way an older brother should behave, tell mr. benush that
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if he does not sign our version of borders, he may not get home, diplomatically convey the explosion of an atomic bomb in kiroshima on august 6, 1945. stalin stands at the window, looking out. falling dusk went beria, what's wrong the americans showed us that they also have a bomb. and the determination to apply it too, you, lavrenti, need to get down to business, said
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stalin. “i’m ready, comrade stalin,” beri replied. to be quick, you need to start with a special committee, including, i assume, the following comrades. i pulled out a sheet of paper from the folder. and handed it to beria. who to put in charge? asked beria. “i would put vannikov,” stalin replied. let's hope that the forgiven traitor will begin to atone for his sins and selfless work, asked the world. we must proceed from the fact that lavrente that in certain circumstances anyone can betray. this is an axiom of politics. not me, comrade stalin, answered berya. stalin.
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only such performers are needed, he paused, and then got tired and said it all over again, that first, you read about sisyphus, asked stalin, the one who carried the stone up the mountain, asked, let’s carry out industrialization, then it will be easier, we’ll win the war.
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bombs in nagasaki. washington, white house, oval office. sitting at the table with president truman, the head of the us joint intelligence committee, according to the head of the committee reported to the document j.329 prepared by us on november 3, 20 urban areas were listed and recommended as the most suitable targets for strikes using atomic weapons. moscow, gorky, kuibyshev, sverdlovsk , novosibirs, omsk, saratov, kazan, leningrad
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, baku, tashken, chelyabinsk, nizhny tagil, magidogorsk, perm, dvelisiy, novokuzenetsk, grozny, irkutsk, yaroslavl, with a total population of 13 million people, hesitating a little , president rumen signed the document. crushed stalin and molotov, will they go for it? asked molotov. i think not yet. they don't have that many bombs. but if we fail to create our own bombs, they can take advantage of any situation in order to turn our cities into hiroshima and nagasaki. what to do? thank you molotov.
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zhins and armenians, we will have to limit our assistance to the greek partisans, retreat on all fronts, molotov asked. stalin looked at him silently. in the office, the chief, smersh abakumov, reports: into the night. from january 8 to 9 of this year, a secret conduct a search at zhukov's dacha, located in the village of rublev near moscow. the search
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revealed that two rooms of the dacha were turned into a warehouse where a huge amount of various kinds of goods and valuables were stored, for example, woolen fabrics, silk, spoilage, ponvelvet and other materials in total over 4.00 m, furs, sable, monkey, fox, seal, astrakhan fur and astrakhan, 323 in total. chevre of the highest quality, 35 koshes, expensive carpets and tapestries of large sizes, brought from podsdam and other palaces, 44 in total pieces, valuable large-sized classical paintings in artistic frames, 55 pieces in total, partially stored in a warehouse. stalin walks around the office, looking at it.
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lying on tables and sofas, old military maps with offensive arrows drawn on them. continue, expensive sets, tableware and teaware, seven boxes, abakumov continued, silver sets, cutlery and teaware - two boxes, unique hunting rifles from goland goland and others, a total of 20 pieces.
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stalin looks at the map: the berlin plan operations of the first belarusian front, without looking at bakumov he says: go. moscow, kremlin, cinema hall, january 15, 1946. on the screen there is a long procession of people going to ask tsar ivan the terrible to remain in the kingdom.
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thank you dai stalin, thanked esenstein. alexander nikolaevich, july 16 in buenos? no, i have ice delux. so, third? no, i have a big hit. delicious calendar at a delicious point. every day, a new favorite product at a super price. only delicious in the app. point loyalty program sberthank you updated, every month choose up to five top categories with cashback up to 10%. supermarkets, gas stations, cafes, restaurants, taxis and others, and even a percentage on everything, it’s more profitable with a subscription from berprime, what we bring from trips with avito, cashback bonuses for the next trip, the avito trip will go as it is picked up.
9:30 am
i wanted to open a deposit at 18%, it turns out that you can get it at 20%, it turns out that for money you have your own marketplace, financial services, a financial marketplace from the moscow exchange, sausages are just space, and this is cherkizov’s own farm, where selected meat for sausages appears my family likes it so much, cosmic taste. cherkizovo gacm8 executive class minivan, unique radiator grille, electromagnetic suspension, luxury interior for your maximum comfort, jc m8 place first, like you, class, but it wouldn’t...


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