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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 14, 2024 9:30am-10:00am MSK

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the avito trip will go as planned with cashback and bonuses. i wanted to open a deposit at 18%. it turns out that you can get under 20. it turns out that there is a marketplace for money. financial services, financial marketplace from the moscow exchange. sausages, just space. and these are cherkizov’s own farms, where selected meat is produced for the sausages that my family likes so much. cosmically delicious, cherkizovo! gac m8, executive minivan . unique radiator grille, electromagnetic suspension. luxury salon for your maximum comfort. gac m8, place first.
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bank for business. sensoy ssensoy. seensoy, this is what asian taste sounds like. hello, my name is cashboy. i help you buy with maximum profit at the megamarket. for example subboard condo for 14,990 rub. and 30% cashback. find out your credit rating on the compare website or in the app, it's free, see if you have any overdue payments and if anyone has taken out a loan in your name? keep your credit history under control, your credit history may be better than you think, compare, on your side. moscow, the car is moving.
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a car with a us flag on the hood drives out of the gates of the american embassy; us ambassador harriman and representative colmer are in the car. you're going to have a hard day, william, said harriman. i don't think so you will achieve something. he will perceive this as an insult and aggression. then let's send him to hell, colmer grinned. he thinks it's tehran or yalta. no, uncle joe. germany.
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is ready to provide the government of the soviet union with a loan of $10 billion for a period of 20 years. the translator quietly translated for stalin, then nodded his head in satisfaction. colmer continued. the government of the united states believes that the government of the soviet union , in turn, will find it possible to accommodate the following proposals, namely: will withdraw soviet troops from. eastern europe will not provide political support to the governments of these countries, will disclose the content of trade agreements with these countries, will report what part of soviet production goes into service, will disclose data about its economy and will make it possible to control the veracity of this information, will guarantee the protection of american property on the territory of the soviet union, and will not interfere. distribution in the ussr
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of american films, newspapers and magazines. kolmeruk. “okay, mr. colmer,” said stalin. with a benevolent smile, i understood, but tell me, you have a mother, yes, i have a mother, somewhat perplexed, kulamer answered, and what did she teach you, kindness, honesty, hard work, justice, all mothers teach that, do you agree, we owe it to our mothers, said golder? when i was little, my mother told me this story, they said , a robber attacked a peasant in the forest, the peasant began to call for help,
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some strong man came running to his aid man, together they drove away the robber, a strong man says: “for my help, you must give me your field,” this cross realized that this was a man, a real robber, are you hinting at something, colmer asked, my mother was just telling me, stalin explained that i want to say, we did not lose the war, there is no need to talk to us like...
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colmer shrugged, thank you, mr. colmer, everyone has their own path to justice, convey my sincere greetings to the president of today's states, mr. trumin. march 5, 1946, usa, city ​​of fulton, westminster college, winston churchill on the podium, people sitting behind him. people including us president harry truman. cherchi. nobody knows what soviet russia and its communist organization intend to do in the near future. from the baltic to the adriatic. the iron curtain has descended on the continent. the only way
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in which tyranny can now be resisted is through the fraternal union of the english-speaking peoples. fraternal union is not only friendship and mutual understanding. but continued close ties between our military men, there was an audible cry of approval in the hall. truman applauds. may 15, 1946 moscow, molotov , valenkov, rakosovsky, konev, vasilevsky, shtomenko, zhukov and the marshal of the british troops are sitting at a meeting of the supreme military council - fishing. stalin is dressed in a linen suit and holds a pipe in his hands. and walk along the carpet. shtemenko finishes reading the letter with novikov’s testimony. the supreme military council , having examined the statement of the former commander of the air force novikov, found that marshal zhukov, despite
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the high position accorded to him by the government and the supreme command, considered himself offended, expressed dissatisfaction with the government’s decisions and hostility. spoke about him among his subordinates. konyev leans towards vasilevsky. bad sign. stalin is dressed in a pre-war jacket. marshal zhukov continued, having lost all modesty, to believe that his merits were not sufficiently appreciated, at the same time attributing to himself in conversations with his subordinates the development and conduct of all the main operations of the great patriotic war, including and those operations to which he had nothing to do. it was found. stalin stopped in front of zhukov. shtemenko falls silent. it was established - said stalin, looking at zhukov - that there was a plan for the liquidation of the stalingrad group of german troops, which marshal zhukov ascribes to himself. he had no relation. the plan
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was developed in the winter of '42, when marshal zhukov was away from stalingrad. it was found that marsal. that the liquidation of the vchenko group of german troops was carried out not by marshal dzhukov, as he claims, but by a possible horseman, but kiev was liberated not by a blow from the south, from the bukrin bridgehead, as zhukov proposed, but by a blow from the north; it was finally established that while recognizing the merits of marshal zhukov in the capture of berlin, it cannot be denied, as zhukov does. that without the strike of the troops of marshal konev, the strike of the troops of marshal rakosovsky,
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berlin would not have been surrounded and taken. the deathly pale beetle sat with his head down. continue, comrade shtemenko, said stalin. in addition, it follows from novikov’s letter that marshakov is leading a conspiracy to carry out. shtemenko finished, in the hall there was an unbearable silence. stalin addressed those present. after comrade shtemenko read to us a letter from the former air force commander, novikov. please speak out. may i?” marinkov rose from his seat. vasilevsky leaned towards the horse and whispered.
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he has many shortcomings, he likes to take credit for the merits of others,
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he has made mistakes more than once during military operations, but it is difficult to imagine that georgy konstantinovich took the path of anti-state activity, your opinion, i have known zhukov for a long time, she said kosovsky, it happened, we argued heatedly, but can we believe this letter, i was also imprisoned at one time.
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the coffin standing next to the grave stalin throws the mountain from the ground into the grave, on the wall you can see a marble plaque with the inscription, in gold letters, mikhail.
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“voznesensky is arrogant and unrestrained,” molotov replied, almost reaching the point of hand-to-hand jabs. mikayan said that voznesensky, among other things, does not tolerate russians. stalin looked at him, with such sentiments, it is difficult to conduct business in a multinational country. one who cultivates a feeling of national isolation, a sense of national superiority of one people over another. it doesn’t matter whether a tatar, georgian or russian is an enemy of the soviet regime, and we will fiercely continue, the most dangerous crime in the ussr is nationalism and we will fight it mercilessly, not stopping at any measures, no matter what. stalin and molotov enter
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the kremlin through the spassky gate. here are the tatars being evicted from crimea. not only that, a significant part fought with us on the side of the germans. during the occupation crimea, the tatar population actively collaborated with the fascists, handing over and shooting our people, and this is not speculation, not soviet propaganda, not the secret machinations
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of the nkvd, firmly established facts that, in general, are not disputed by anyone. so what were we supposed to do? imprison all tatar male enhancement? how could the only women, old people and children who remained survive? capitalists accuse us of cruelty, why? continue stalin? they are guided by their class morality, but
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we are also guided by morality socialist. besides... “our soldiers who returned from the war would hardly live peacefully next to people who simply shot at them, that’s why the government made such a decision, it is non-cruel, fair, stalin concluded, well, voznesensky betrayed his homeland, he noted molotov, so the punishment will be easier, stalin explained, and voznesensky, let him think”: why are you rivals, beria and marinkov became members of the politburo, but he did not. june 10, moscow, kremlin, basements of the grand palace, archive of the party control committee of the central committee vkpb, a low-level basement room, along the walls of which there are cabinets with questionnaires,
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in the middle there is a long table, brightly lit, shining from the ceiling, by a lamp with a tin shade. beria, lavrentiy pavelich, is incredibly efficient, incredibly ambitious, an excellent organizer, strives for first roles. but is not critical of himself. khrushchev, nikita sergeevich, is cruel, energetic, cunning and smart. rather cunning. strives to be
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a local leader, poorly calculates the long-term consequences of his actions. balenkov, georgy nikolaevich, smart, distrustful, two-faced. doesn't get along well with people. and this one - asked the old one. voznesensky? stalin sat with his eyes closed: i’m tired, mehlish, if i leave, who will?
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as it seemed, then the punishment would be fair and politically necessary. this
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will be done to achieve higher goals. he thought for a second. interesting. an action carried to completion turns into its opposite. the desire for good, brought to its end, is transformed. than the catholic church. here are a few episodes with stalin. it's a pity that i didn't make this film. i guess, that remind you of the deeds of this man, the largest fiery figure in our country.
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existence, as it is now, to be honest, it seemed appropriate to me to remember the affairs of this man, that’s all for today, there are 22. yes, the 122m3 strategic missile carrier that they tried to hijack? yes, a crime, how much money, well, initially pavlo promised 1
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million, the crew was four people, i was offered to eject them forcibly, that is , actually kill the punishment, how our counterintelligence outplayed budanov’s agents, why does zelensky need a long-range bomber, only we have an interview with a military pilot. in the cup of the strategist and the king there is an air defense bomb. is it true that fab 3000 changed the course of the war? why did the americans call him indian during modi’s visit to moscow? peace and prosperity to the friendly indian people. thank you. who else did he cover on veranda nova?
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who replaced punishment in the colony with service on the front line. a unique report by alexander rogatkin from a brigade of yesterday's prisoners. if i had stayed in prison for another 2 years, i would have come out as an ordinary zach, now i came out as a cavalier of st. cross. brotherhood by blood and not by concept. dear guests, our ship has arrived in the city of plus. why is there no red moss from the swamps here now? plus, i lost
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the prospect of becoming an economic center in...
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van, hurry up, so give me a horse, a mechanical one, but beat yourself over the head, you have a nickname that goes where you need it, that’s what my name is, because i’m not taking you where you are a fool wants to go where he needs to go, i can’t live without traveling, flint, he doesn’t need a pen, he who has flint in his pocket, soon.
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donald trump is recovering quickly from assassination attempts. an assistant to the us presidential candidate published a video of him calmly descending from a plane in new jersey. a video is circulating in american court networks in which twenty-year-old thomas matthew crooks, identified as the sniper who shot trump, speaks of hatred of all republicans towards him. details in the material of vesti's own correspondent in the usa, denis davidov.


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