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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 14, 2024 11:00am-11:30am MSK

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fbi specialists have identified the body of a suspect in the assassination attempt on donald trump. he turned out to be a twenty-year-old man from pennsylvania, the state where the former president spoke to supporters. the politician became the target of the sniper even after the shot. was literally a centimeter from death, a bullet hit his right ear, as the media reported, one participant in the rally was killed, two more were injured, the attacker himself was eliminated. and now the official representative of mitrossia, maria zakharova, is in touch with us. maria vladimirovna, i greet you. yes, good afternoon. maria vladimirovna, well, many journalists and analysts, unfortunately, warned about the possibility of such an incident. you wrote that in the united states they literally encourage incitement to hatred towards political figures. both
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trump himself and republicans in general. what exactly did you mean by inciting hatred? you know, well, i don’t know what to attribute this to, coincidences, mysticism or just forecasting, but the fact is that exactly 2 months ago, just day after day, on may 13 of this year, i...
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called for confirmation to murder, liquidation donald trump, that is, what does it mean to call up, they did not gather any groups, they did not form combat units, but they absolutely clearly gave, as they themselves say, a narrative, that is, directions of thought and action that legitimize the elimination of a physical presidential candidate usa, yes, he was not officially nominated at that time, but everyone understood that, understood that... and he
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said the same thing, that obviously he would participate 100% in the presidential race, and even if he did not participate in the presidential race race, he is a politician and former president of the united states, but among other things, listen to what president biden said today, he said that such manifestations as an attempt on the life of an american, a presidential candidate, a public figure, a political figure are.
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american citizens, since 1835, the whole world has been operating in our country, appealing to... to the fact of the assassination of president kennedy, but yes, it was probably the most striking of all these monstrous crimes, because it was literally watched live every people in the world, it was a live broadcast, by those years it was something unique, but there are dozens of such crimes against american presidents and presidential candidates, well, the first of these most striking attempts on the life of a president. andrew jackson, 1800, i note, 1865, assassination of president lincoln, 1881, assassination of president james garfield, 1901, assassination of president william mckenley,
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1912, assassination of theodore truzelt, 1933, assassination of dalano roosevelt, 1935 assassination of candidate for the presidency of hulong, and well, even. already in the middle of the 20th century, in principle, truman, and john kennedy, then robert kennedy, and further, well, enough of the names and dates already heard. what does this mean? this suggests that when people like hillary clinton talk about a threat to american democracy, it comes from american democracy itself. this means that in this system, assassinations of the president are attempts to assassinate the president, unfortunately. traditions that are becoming normal, a tradition that is not interrupted, and a tradition that is not broken, and a tradition that is still is stimulated, this is already the norm, yes, it is not legislative, yes, it is contrary to their laws, but they do nothing with it,
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the next point, i think, is the most important, i have been listening for a couple of hours now before our broadcast american television channel. burning hatred towards specific figures in their political life, this is not criticism, this is not debate, this is not an attempt to somehow belittle the importance of an alternative point of view, this can only
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be qualified as inciting hatred, inciting hatred that is for people unhealthy, marginal, for people who have... the lives of their country, but outside, this is the norm for hatred, not only in the internal political of american foreign policy, this is the norm for the american media, this is the norm for american government... figures incite hatred towards states, countries and peoples, do not criticize, do not question the correctness of the course, or express an alternative agenda, do not debate or even fight politically,
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namely incite hatred, that is cultivate hatred and anger in people en masse. total rejection to the level of legitimizing the destruction of the opponent, doing it on a systemic basis, that’s the problem and the threat, call it american democracy, american life, american style and the american nation in general, that’s what they should be focused on now, and i also want say, look, again now all of america... is wondering how it can be that, according to eyewitnesses, by the way, they should now take them under protection, because when, as you remember, they committed the crime of assassination of kennedy, then they killed everyone, under strange
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circumstances, all the witnesses, so now they would have to somehow start protecting and protecting these very witnesses who are giving interviews, so... on camera now in america they say that they tried to reach out to the police, pointing them to a man who climbs onto the roof of a building with a gun and spends a few minutes there...
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these colossal flows of money and money will be directed into american problems and material and technical capabilities for resolving issues that have confronted america in full force in recent months and years, you understand, they are ready to fight, listen to them, they are ready to fight almost with other galaxies, they are ready to restore order throughout the world, they they cannot restore basic order in their home. these are the issues the united states should now take up seriously; this bell is already ringing in
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washington. marya vladimirovna, we thank you for such a detailed comment, i let me remind you that the official representative of the russian ministry of foreign affairs, maria zakharovorov, was in touch with us. now there is a short advertisement, after which the program on duty will continue our broadcast. travel with alfabank, choose where to fly in the alfa travel service and receive a superkick for air tickets up to 30%. buy profitably in the bank app or on the alpha travel website. not just profitable, alpha profitable. attacked by credit card debt? i'll show you a couple of tricks. we collect all credit card debts into one loan and conveniently repay them within 24 months. and don't forget about shopping at installments. kholva - simple installment plans.
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but i sent it under the wheels of a car. why are the relatives of the deceased worried that the defendant will escape punishment? detective history in krasnodar. why did the bakery employee poison her colleagues and kidnap the director of the enterprise? it is classified as secret whether
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new defendants will appear in the criminal case of the murder of an american journalist with russian roots. 20 years without gender khlebnikov? let's remember. to be or not to be underground special forces, what is proposed by the famous digger vadim mikhailov, why is he in favor of legalizing excursions to sewers, vases for a million rubles, heavy luxury and premium cars, and also cash in food containers, fsb officers distributed this week footage of a search in the houses of influential ivanovo officials; they were approached as part of a criminal case for abuse of power. the defendants were deputy chairmen of the regional government irina ermish and sergei zubnin. so where did the money that ended up with the officials not go? vladimir bazov sorted it out. city center of ivanovo. shifting from foot to foot, tired passengers wait for their bus; they say that sometimes you can stand for an hour. according to ivanovtsev, public transport rarely runs, some buses it's even scary to go in.
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transport is terrible. for example, mineego can’t leave now, although not yet. sergei zobnin, who is responsible for the development of the chairman of the government of the ivanovo region of infrastructure in the region and his colleague irina ermish, who oversees the social sphere. the fleet of influential officials suspected of abuse of power is amazing. here are representatives of the german automobile industry for 12 and 30 million rubles. and an electric car from a chinese manufacturer worth up to 6 million rubles. its practical compatriot, a hybrid suv for 8
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million. against the backdrop of gray city landscapes in the estates of the defendants in the criminal case, one could be blinded by the interiors. in the operational footage you can see vases of an elite french brand, each worth at least a million rubles, and a lot of cash was also seized from officials. interestingly, food containers were used to store money. in one of these they found 12 packs of five thousand dollar bills. the operatives were well prepared and took a adding machine with them. such a container holds approximately 6 million rubles. fsb officers found out where this came from luxury in one of the poorest regions of russia. according to them, high-ranking officials. helped a commercial company win competitions for the renovation of social facilities. over 2 years, the company concluded more than twenty contracts worth 850 million rubles. accomplices could receive up to a million rubles a month for such assistance. the fsb is conducting investigative and investigative activities aimed at establishing criminal connections between the persons involved in the criminal case and other episodes of their illegal activities. according to
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media reports, we are talking about the company "zhil stroy" center." this year, the company's employees must repair several schools, a music school, a college of culture, one of the facilities is an orphanage in the city of shuya. a rickety fence that is supported by wire, the sidewalk almost goes underground, the road is broken, in general, repairs have been awaiting here for a very long time. only the contractor, it seems, has not yet started work, and it’s already the height of the season. the owner of the company, dmitry fedulov , is now also a defendant in the criminal case. government of the ivanovo region sergei zobnin. this is such a family one. in a row , local media write that dmitry fedulov’s company, the housing construction center, began actively receiving government contracts for the construction and reconstruction of regional infrastructure facilities in 2017. they offered a favorable price, but lost at auctions, they say they had little experience
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in executing contracts; they say that sometimes unwanted competitors were simply not allowed to participate in the auction or were excluded for domestic reasons. perhaps, under the patronage of his relative fedulov received another big contract in shuya for the repair of workshops at the local technological college, which cost the regional treasury 50 million rubles. although competitors of the housing construction center offered to do this for 4 million rubles. cheaper. this difference could go into the pockets of officials and businessmen. if in 2017 the profit of the housing construction center amounted to about 4 million rubles. then last year it was already 34 million. it seems that everyone was in the black except residents of the ivanovo region. they are waiting for renovated buildings, good bus service and of course dreaming of smooth roads, because once you get off the main street there are patches of holes everywhere. apparently, that’s why there are so many car services here, 2 and a half hundred for a city with a population of three hundred thousand, it’s clear there’s no end to customers. i’m already tired of visiting the guys, that is, everything suffers,
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the chassis, all these spare parts, they constantly need to be changed. the detention of high-ranking officials caused widespread public outcry. this is how the regional government commented on this story. any corruption offenses must be thoroughly investigated. the government of the ivanovo region, in coordination with all departments, is carrying out this process systematically. work in this direction, law enforcement agencies are conducting an investigation, guilt or innocence will be determined by the court. investigators and the court will really sort it out while the defendants in the criminal case are given a preventive measure. the husband's son came to support the deputy chairman of the government of the ivanovo region, and he did not hesitate to show off a designer handbag from louis véton. well, what do you think, here's yours, what can i say? bad? the court arrested both deputy chairmen of the government of the ivanovo region and the businessman who received the profitable one. contracts. it is possible that this is not the last high-profile arrest. it was reported that initially fsb officers had questions for
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some department directors; however, the officials were released, but perhaps it was too early for them to relax. in addition, the head of the investigative committee in the ivanovo region has recently changed. now this position is temporarily occupied by alexey tkach. he moved in ivanovo from the kemerovo region, which means that he is in no way connected with local clans and is probably active. will join the fight against corruption in the region. vladimir bazov, igor stepanov, evgeny makunev, conduct the duty unit from the ivanovo region. the new shoulder straps led to a criminal case in stavropol; a high-ranking bailiff is being tried for causing death by negligence. after the corporate party, alexey tokar, the head of the department responsible for the seizure and sale of debtors’ property, pushed his colleague onto a busy road. why wasn’t he even temporarily suspended from work after what happened, and is it true?
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for 10 people, 18 bottles of strong alcohol, as we were told at the establishment, the event was organized in advance, to celebrate the receipt of new titles, the bailiffs wanted, as they say, without prying eyes, the table was located in this place, there are no surveillance cameras in this part of the hall, therefore, it is difficult to say what happened before the tragedy. restabar employees told us that the participants in the feast behaved defiantly and aggressively and did not react to the staff's remark. and one of the bailiffs allegedly got so drunk that they had to show him the exit. we called a taxi for him three times, we put him in a taxi, three times we put a man in, he got out of this
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car, he returned to our summer terrace, so you understand how drunk he was, he got lost inside the establishment, in locker rooms, since we have an area with a swimming pool, and could not find a way out. then his drunken colleagues came to the rescue; these surveillance camera footage shows how alexey tokar tried. put in a taxi his subordinate sergei golovinsky, who could barely stand on his feet, but after a few seconds, it seems, a conflict occurred between them; presumably, the turner pushed golovinsky so that the second one ended up on the roadway. sergei golovinsky had little chance to survive, there was quite a lot of traffic here, the driver of the car could simply not have time to brake, everything happened too quickly and unexpectedly. sergei golovinsky died on the spot, and a criminal case was opened against his boss. to a man. born in 1986 charged with committing a crime under article 109 of the criminal code, that is
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, causing death by negligence. previously , golovensky worked in the leninsky district department of bailiffs of the city of stavropol, he waited a long time for a promotion and wanted to move to the regional department. and it would seem that the dream has come true, but it was possible to take on a new position only on paper. on friday they celebrated sergei's promotion and transfer to management. but alexey togor received his position a long time ago, in the regional administration he heads a unit, which deals with the confiscation and sale of debtors' property. a year after the tragedy , he... not only remains free, but still holds a high position. i assume that a person, using his position, his position, can influence the judicial investigation, because all the witnesses are his direct subordinates and they have not appeared at the court hearing twice already. according to the widow of sergei golovinsky, the consideration of the criminal case is deliberately delayed, this
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may be beneficial to the turner, because... article causing death by negligence, the period of prosecution is only 2 years. the most important thing that the relatives release in this story is that the statute of limitations in our country stops running once the law has entered into legal force, that is, in fact, even if a sentence is passed, it and the defenders have the right to appeal, as a result of this appeal also there is a process of, so to speak, tightening. is alexey tokar really trying to avoid punishment in this way?
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from his management, is this really the turner? an irreplaceable specialist, however, at the time the report was broadcast, they had not received a response to the official request. they explained to us orally that the criminal case was not related to the performance of official duties, and therefore there was no reason for removal from office. this greatly surprised some experts who are well acquainted with the service in the authorities. based on the established disciplinary and judicial practice, employees of the ministry of internal affairs are dismissed from internal affairs bodies on negative grounds. for committed much lesser offenses, they are often brought to trial disciplinary liability and supervisors of dismissed employees. it is very difficult to prove the fact of death caused by negligence; four examinations were carried out , but investigators came to the conclusion that it was an accident. the friends of the deceased bailiff hope for a fair punishment and regret that they were not around that evening. i have known him for many years, and i have never seen him in
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a state of strong alcoholism. journalists recalled the editor-in-chief of the russian version of forbes, who became a victim of a contract killing. the criminal case is still ongoing classified as secret, it is suspended, but not closed, which means the investigation is still underway. the main version of the reprisal is the professional activity of a journalist. an american with russian roots told the west the truth about russia, which they did not always want to hear. for example, khlebnikov in his book, here i have it in my hands, accused the oligarch boris berezovsky, who at that time
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fled to london in... and this is what he writes: on the eve of the new year, i already knew that vlad would be killed - one of them told me friends of listiv's business partners. and further, on february 28th the day before listiv's murder, berezovsky met with a thief in law named nikolai and gave him $100.00 in cash. the oligarch then harbored a grudge, so could he? order the murder of khlepnikov, our report is about this. journalist kirill vishnepolsky shows a book donated by a close friend and colleague who has not been around for 20 years. pavel yuryevich khlebnikov, dear, i feel terribly sorry for him. pavel yuryevich is paul khlebnikov for his passport, an american journalist with russian roots, born in new york, received an excellent education in californian


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