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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 14, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm MSK

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the incident will be discussed by deputy chairman of the federation council committee on international affairs andrei klimov. andrey arkadich, i greet you. well, how do you comment on the attack, is it worth believing that this was the work of a lone fanatic of incomprehensible views, to make this version more convincing, a video even appeared in which the shooter, on the eve of the assassination attempt, records an appeal in which he says that he hates both the former president and in general republicans in general, so is it a lone fanatic, everything is as usual? yes, they do to write off single fanatics, in fact , everything is as in the bible, those who sow the wind reap the storm, i want to remind you that 159 years ago, just in the wake of the civil war in the united states of america, the villainous lincoln himself was also killed, allegedly by an actor alone, who stood on the other side of the barricade of the civil war, and the same thing is happening today, when people, whipped up by the hysteria that is at the head...
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can this assassination attempt affect the outcome of the entire presidential campaign in the united states, well, you can ask more specifically , how do you think, how this assassination attempt increases donald trump’s political points, they are already writing here that trump shed blood for america, someone thinks that he has already won this election, that’s what they say, here is your opinion, i carefully watched the footage that is now known to the whole world , look carefully at the faces of those who were around trump, at first it was horror, okay there? there were human
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casualties, shooting, real shooting, then when they saw that there was someone alive, it was like an epiphany on their faces, it was as if someone resurrected before their eyes, and a huge surge of enthusiasm, something similar will now most likely happen in american society in the country of those who support trump and vice versa, in the country of his opponents there is now, of course, complete confusion, because these events, well, maybe they someone would benefit from it if...
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services, attempted assassinations of presidents happen with such regularity, and is it possible to talk about systemic security problems in this regard, and if this happens, or is it something else? violence is part of them political system, it is not surprising that this violence from time to time works against those people whom we consider members of this us political class, it doesn’t work out any other way, all these american pseudo-democratic institutions, they are also based on... violence and they essentially represent a dictatorship for the last 30 years, at least the dictatorship of this neoliberal clan, the helitians, who put their own clan interests above all else and kill millions of people, by the way, all over the planet, this should not be forgotten, including on the territory of the former ussr. well, just briefly, what do you think the global reaction to all events will be now, many presidents have already spoken out, but nevertheless, in general, of course, the reaction is expected, because even those people. who hated trump, they
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are there to maintain their own mask, so to speak, they will say some routine words, but in reality it is clear what everyone wants, and there are people who sincerely wish him recovery, and there are those who do it’s through strength, seeing how the sunset goes the political system that people like biden personified. andrey arkatich, thank you for taking the time to talk to us, keeping in touch with us. was deputy chairman of the federation council committee on international affairs andrei klimov. encroaching on the lives of presidents in the united states is a tradition in the internal life of the country. the official representative of mit russia, maria zakharova, stated this in an interview with our tv channel. i want to draw your attention to the fact that the united states of america, under the current government, has been spending hundreds for many years. us dollars
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to support the kiev regime, maybe, finally, the us administration will take up the solution of internal american problems. ruled by these material and technical capabilities for colossal cash flows and solutions to issues that have confronted america in full force in recent months and years, they are ready to fight almost with other galaxies, they are ready to restore order throughout the world, they cannot restore basic order at home, because american so -called democracy considers it the norm, well, one way or another, it doesn’t fight. with the fact of kindling hatred not only in the domestic political life of one’s country, but also outside, this is the norm for american foreign policy, this is the norm for the american media, this is the norm for american
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statesmen to incite hatred towards states, countries and people. the assassination attempt in the united states... the leaders of the current presidential candidate are being discussed by the entire world media, so the leaders of many countries harshly condemned the incident, the president of the people's republic of china, sidin ping , expressed sympathy for the incident. serbian president aleksandar vucic spoke against violence as a type of political struggle, emphasized that the assassination attempt on former us president donald trump will allow the american to become even stronger. hungarian prime minister viktor orban supported the former head of the white house, emmanuel macron, in turn, called the assassination attempt on trump a shock and wished him a speedy death.
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organs for a quick response. after being examined by doctors, the former president boarded a plane and flew to new jersey, where he will spend the night and continue to work. in american social networks, trump is already being ironically compared to biden. trump vs. bullet, biden vs. stairs. and political commentator jackson hinkol jokes about how the ex-president of the united states carried out an assassination attempt on him better than the current president copes with ordinary stairs. and now to others. news , the ministry of defense released footage of the use of one of the most powerful fap-3000 bombs in a special military operation zone; it was dropped from an su-34 aircraft at a temporary deployment point of the ukrainian armed forces. the three-ton high-explosive bomb was developed in the soviet union. nowadays, it has been equipped with a universal
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planning and correction module. this allows deliver precise strikes from a safe distance from the line of combat contact. fab-300 is capable of striking. very fortified targets, uh, long-term structures, also in-depth, uh, command posts, the combat power of this bomb cannot be ignored, it is difficult to imagine a target that could not be hit, uh, by an aerial bomb of such a nominal mass. i will add a large report about the highly accurate and destructive fab-3000 bomb, which changed the course of hostilities in the northern military district zone. look, in the big final release. russia, and chelyabinsk, meanwhile, is experiencing a flood, after practically non -stop since friday. according to the regional hydromidcenter, 60% of the monthly precipitation fell. the road next to the railway station went under water. trolleybuses on many routes stopped moving and turned on their
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emergency lights, for fear of not being able to overcome the puddles, which looked more like ponds. water was poured into the buses even through closed doors to some motorists who found themselves... it is impossible to detect the markings of pedestrian crossings, and in principle it is not very clear, how to move through the streets now, except perhaps only in fishing boots, the poor thing is holding on, the broadcast of our channel will continue with the parliamentary hour program. the parliamentary hour program is on air.
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hello, we’ll tell you about the main decisions of the state duma this week. tax legislation must address the issues. the state duma adopted a law on a progressive scale of personal income tax. we have people who receive tens of millions of rubles a month, and their maximum rate will be 22%. what will it be like? tax for most russians, i’ll explain example. brix is ​​a parliamentary measurement. you acutely feel the genuine needs, the mood of the needs of millions, and one can say without exaggeration, billions of people on our planet. who came to the forum in the northern capital for what? every country, every people would like the world order to be fair. dozens of areas of work for the main thing.
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deputies vote for high fines for violators, as well as the fight against illegal migrants, a new tax cashback for families with two children and other laws of the week further in our program. a decision that concerns everyone. the state duma adopted amendments to improve the tax system. deputies finalized the bill introduced by the cabinet of ministers. among the most important changes is the introduction of a five-speed gearbox.
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logic of the law adopted today. tax rates for russians will depend on income.
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for those who earn less than 200,000 rubles per month, the rate will not change and will be 13%. the richest will pay the maximum - 22%. at the same time, the increased personal income tax will not apply to all income, only to the amount of exceeding the specified thresholds. let me explain with an example: let’s say a citizen earns 250,000 rubles per month. his annual income from... will be 3 million rubles. according to the new law, a person will pay from 2,400. 13% personal income tax, and the 600 who made up are already 15%. after the first reading , deputies made amendments to the document, clarifying which payments the new tax rates will not apply to. in particular, the rate of 13% remains for svo participants. also , on behalf of the head of state, the increase in personal income tax will not affect allowances received by working in the far north. you and i have now voted to accept the amendments
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that were initiated by the president, and deputies of the state duma supported them. these decisions are extremely important and remove many problems with regard to northern allowances. when this amendment is adopted, they will no longer affect taxation, it will remain the same, as for families. also, deductions will not take into account other support measures, you and i tried to do everything to scrupulously work out the proposals made by the president and implement them in the form law. revenues received from the introduction of a progressive tax scale will be credited to the federal budget and used for the development of regions, industry, and to support families with children, svo participants, pensioners and veterans. it is important that for...
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the year 2024-2026, we will ensure that, first of all, tax revenues are aimed at the development of education, the development of healthcare and, of course, technological sovereignty. innovations for working... parents with two or more children, families with low income will be able to receive called tax cashback, the real personal income tax rate for them will decrease from 13 to 6%. the changes will also affect businesses ; corporate income tax will increase by 5% to 25, and the vat rate will remain unchanged. however, the changes will not affect the self-employed and will not affect 95%
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of small businesses. companies that use a simplified taxation system and earn more than 60 million rubles per year will be required to pay value added tax. benefits for the it sector and radio electronics have been expanded: high-tech companies will be able to pay a reduced rate income tax of 5% until 2030. the rates that are proposed are absolutely competitive in the world and will not encourage our taxpayers to look for some other havens for... in order to avoid this taxation, for 30 years a situation has developed where the so-called neutrality in the tax code, in principle , has led to the fact that our rental industries are being unjustifiably enriched and the manufacturing industries are being stifled, because during this time taxation on manufacturing
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industry three 3 s position is higher than in the rental industry, more funds will be contributed to the budget... and the mining business, the tax on processing centers of interactive bets of bookmakers will increase three times. from january 1 , 2025, a new type of tax will appear, tourist, this is a replacement for the resort tax, the rate will depend on the cost of hotel accommodation. in 2025 it will be 1%, by 2029 it will gradually reach 5%. this amendment was proposed by the government. this tax will be introduced by decisions of municipalities, that is.
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the amendments increased the tax deduction for passing the gto standards to 18 thousand rubles instead of 6.00, as was provided for at the stage of the first reading. in parallel with tax changes , deputies are introducing amendments to the budget code, in particular, 2/3 of the debt on budget loans will be written off to the regions, for a total of almost one and a half trillion rubles. the regions have never received such support from the state, deputies say. this is the execution of an order. president in his message to the federal assembly. yana dobrovolskaya, sergey gordeev, sergey vergunov, alexey chubburkov, duma tv, parliamentary hour. openness, fairness and equality. this week, politicians from states that share these principles gathered in st. petersburg at the anniversary brix parliamentary forum. speaking to the participants, the russian president said the role of parliaments in strengthening equal dialogue
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is extremely important. and the work goes on. state duma chairman vyacheslav volodin proposed resuming. to hold a conference of parliamentary speakers in russia on countering terrorism, strengthening regional cooperation, how a multipolar world is being built from the northern capital, report by elena zhelnina. over the 15 years of its existence, brix has become one of the largest economic centers in parliament.
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the interstate association officially appeared on the world political and economic horizon in june 2009. then its first summit was held. initially, brix consisted of brazil, russia, and india. and china. over time, the bloc expanded to ten states. south africa, iran, saudi arabia joined, united arab emirates, egypt, ethiopia, and this is more than a third of the area and 45%
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of the world's population. this is an organization that unites and is built on mutually beneficial conditions. that’s why more and more countries are joining, countries that want to defend their independence, that don’t like being pressured at all. the role of parliaments in strengthening multilateralism for equitable global development and security is critical. president vladimir putin speaks in the duma hall of the tauride palace. participation of the head of state emphasizes the importance of parliamentary cooperation in the brix format. today, parliamentary dialogue, including within the framework of brix, is more important than ever. after all, you, as representatives of the interests of your peoples, exponents of their political, national will, acutely feel the genuine demands,
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the mood of the needs of millions, and one can say without exaggeration, billions of people on our planet. on the brix fields, vladimir putin holds meetings in negotiations with iran , the head of state. reports: the inauguration of the newly elected president of iran, mr. valodin, your colleague, will lead the russian delegation. the decisions made by heads of state require legislative formalization. they understand that we have an interweaving of economic issues, which result in improving the lives of our citizens, solving social issues, access to culture, and topics related to the humanitarian field. at bilateral meetings they discuss how to increase
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the efficiency of the system of international relations. chairman of the state duma vyacheslav volodin holds negotiations with the chairman of the inter-parliamentary union, speaker of the national assembly of the united republic of tanzania, tulya exxon. the chapter discusses the development of bilateral cooperation and the formation of a common approach to combat challenges. resolve issues of forming the legal field, engage in harmonization of legislation, prepare model laws, this is the future of any inter-parliamentary structures if we want to develop relations between our countries, because there are common challenges, and by forming common approaches it is possible to more deal with them effectively. hanafi gibali leads the meeting of vyacheslav volodin with the chairman of the chamber of deputies of egypt. to the decision to intensify interparliamentary interaction and sign a corresponding agreement. relations between our countries are developing. and, of course, for us, for our
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part, it is important to make our contribution within the framework of interparliamentary interaction; we need a concrete result that people evaluate; it is important to give contacts a more systematic character and enter new formats of cooperation. it's time to go new relationship level, sign. cooperation, to create a commission of such a high level, so we agreed, i just have an assignment, to head a group that will ensure such official visits in order to increase this level of relations. at a meeting with the chairman of the assembly of the islamic council of the islamic republic of iran, mahammad bagher ghalibaf, vyacheslav polodin proposes holding a conference of parliamentary speakers on countering terrorism and strengthening regional cooperation in russia. our country. we have faced enormous challenges and are going through them, solving serious problems in order to strengthen our sovereignty and improve
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the well-being of our citizens, cooperation within the framework of brix allows us to solve many issues together more effectively, together we stand for building a multipolar, fair world order. let's see what happens today. the collective west wants everything only for itself, it is these westerners and pro-westerners who commit the most brutal crimes, and we see that the american government and congress, like what they do to the rest of the world, they impose sanctions against us against you, and do not pay attention to the requests of the people, and of course, not only the government, but also the parliament of all our parties must strongly resist this crime, partners, russia and india. participation in the forum will give new impetus to relations between the parliaments of the two countries. the chairman of the state duma and the speaker of the people's house of the parliament of india discusses
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the development of bilateral cooperation. india is a strategic partner for us, you know how close our state leaders are, in many ways it is their interaction that allows us to actively develop relations between countries, mode visited our country, they talked with our president, many decisions have been made, in this regard, a lot of work awaits us on legislative support - adopted programs , at meetings, invitations are issued to delegations to pay each other official visits. building relationships on equal terms is the main difference between brix. brix has something that other associations do not. what does it mean? this and logistics, this is currency, this is commodity exchange, this is all that they are trying to create problems for our country today in europe and america. this time. secondly, we are united,
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of course, with these countries. attempts to eliminate and compromise donald trump, it was obvious that his life was in danger. dmitry peskov also said that vladimir putin has no plans to call trump after the assassination attempt on the former us president. there was also a statement that a style of using force has emerged in the us domestic arena. these were urgent statements from dmitry peskov. and now
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the continuation of the parliamentary hour program. hereditary, so to speak, what we inherited is a good neighbor policy. many countries want to live by the brix principles; they are not afraid of sanctions pressure, interference in internal affairs, and build international relations in the way they consider correct. do not interfere with our trade, we ourselves will determine how to trade with each other, what to trade with, we advocate for a fair world, so that...
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various integration connections, various projects to exchange our experience through joint conferences, seminars, and this is vital for everyone, without exception. the brix state is united in its opinion, within the framework of the parliamentary dimension , it is necessary to work more actively to implement the decisions of the leaders of our countries, maintain
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a constant dialogue in order... to bring cooperation to a new level, the prospects of which are limitless. this year russia is chairing brix, and the summit of the participating countries will be held in kazan in october. elena zhollanina, andrey tarasov, nikita kharaskin, anna melikyan, elena bogdan, duma tv. parliamentary hour. volunteers of the northern military district were equated to mobilized and contract servicemen in matters of insurance, life and health. as state duma chairman vyacheslav volodin emphasized, the rights of all participants. must be protected equally, regardless of whether they are career military personnel, called up for mobilization, or volunteered to go to the front. read more about other bills considered by deputies this week in our review. disabled children and non-working disabled people with childhood, one of the parents who died during a special military operation will receive two pensions simultaneously, both for disability and for the loss of a breadwinner. law.


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