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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 14, 2024 3:30pm-4:01pm MSK

3:30 pm
our chest is intact, i just look, there are holes in the uniform, like your boy brother, janitor, janitor, how did you get caught, it was while landing that it caught on a wire there, it fell with a shot and yes, it ran into a tripwire , it turns out, yes it turns out, yes i and well, we were looking for one comrade there, he had a grenade, it turns out that there was a grenade on the tripwire, a mine, no, but i didn’t...
3:31 pm
come here, you fools, and what, right away, bite, right away, that’s the bite do, yes, that’s it, you can’t be knocked down, how far is it from the enemy, there are places where 400 m, 400 m, 400 m across the field and just
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because the field, well, the field, you can’t make any kind of fortification, it happens that it seems like 400 mti to the enemy needs 9 km, yeah, well, to cover up so as not to get under fire now after the terekon , what’s the next task to take the plant , i understand correctly, but no, i’ll now take the clearings , we need to create a bridgehead the plant is a very large fortification; in order to take the plant, they must first cut off supplies and organize a bridgehead; our brigade pressed closely on this side. on the other hand there's a little bit there, it's as big as kovstar, yes, yes, yes, there are bunkers there everything was going well, they were just still up, there was no terikon, and they still had an altitude in this situation, that is, they saw everything, their signals worked, the altitude is not something that you just observe there, no, the altitude - this means you can use all kinds of weapons, guns, fp, communications, cameras, well, a machine gun. he said that it’s easy, they see
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they have eyes on this one on the recon and they can easily see us from there, yes, then they will cover us, these are the trees, the planting, this, over here, there are dills sitting there, they have eyes there , they see us now. idea from here to there 900 m, they just start with a machine gun in long bursts, it still flies and wants, the delicious calendar returns to a delicious point, we give one hundred percent cashback every friday when paying with alphabank cards lif52 cleans and restores.
3:34 pm
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3:35 pm
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3:36 pm
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3:37 pm
for domclick. pain can be different, the mechanism of development of pain is important, what caused the pain if there is pentalgin. to kiev, let's all be on duty, everyone's ears, in short, let's get involved in the work, if we'll take the wastewater treatment right now, where
3:38 pm
to put it, the jambic is here, yes, the jambic, speak up, let them prepare the discharge, gas, gas, look, he's watching , that’s it, everything has been done since thirty, from thirty to lead to... look at these, on the shortcomings, lies, everything, poplar, in place, he, everything, he died, yes, i knew that he would, listen, maybe we’ll order popcorn, he’s looking at 948, there’s nothing here,
3:39 pm
nixon is on the walkie-talkie, yes, get on the walkie-talkie, that’s it we looked, here, here, here. there 's a broken down building here, it's not the extension that interests me, it's down there below that, here it is under the slab and under the slab, just raise the copter in the air, i'm telling you right away, raise the zoom, make less bags, it's 200, most likely , most likely only two hundredths, but since all the two hundredths are in place, that means it’s been a long time, i i need you to drop the grenade now, there may be two snipers there now, no, because in... i’ll show you now, raise the zoom , do less, there are about two thermal temperatures here since yesterday, what is it lying there, look, look, guy, they were here, zincs, something is a signal here, what is it, yes, i’m still
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30%, come on, don’t arrogate, whose is this, these are birds, right there on mine, come on? yes, it’s a dirty decision or the boiler lies in the ground, they ’ve been squeezed out with their own weapons, we’re flying to kill them when iskander stuffed some coffee. the dill will find a reset and there they fly on them, ask him to bring this bird, let’s even show that in short, the dill drone is now charging and flying to kill them, thank you, thank you to the germans for the help, for the reset, for the reset, good for the good bird , enterprise, we’re still flying to you stas sign it works let's what? and so you don’t even need to hang it here, you put everything in it, but
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you need it, come on, come on carefully, come on, now you know what the weight is, now it will be, yes, put it up, that’s it, enjoy watching. now fellow documentarians i i’ll show you how to work popcorn, coffee, tv, mavic, well, then you’ll see everything in the picture now, this is how they live in war, and you took off, eat, and did they give this to your mother?
3:42 pm
watch everything, let's go back, now it's billiards, it's billiards, look, now it's straight into the hole, watch, now the second one will work out, it will work out, it will turn out, there is, there is, cover, cover, cover, yes, three, we see, cover, everything is fine , lies, burp, look.
3:43 pm
rusich, let's cover, we hit the third, four, four are burping, country, country, point 87, 87,
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we smoked out four germans, we smoked out four the germans are standing there, and you know how tense it is when it’s smoldering, and the dvoz, listen, just threw them, the beauty of the linen.
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i threw it off now, we’ll figure it out , you put it in like this.
3:46 pm
tas is ready to take off, ready to take off. so we’ll put a spark troika in the air, well, we ’ll fly back and forth, reloading is waiting for recharge bro, come on, these are where the germans are, where the germans are, what does it mean where the germans are, they are either germans or dill, or germans?
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it’s already more fashionable, but essentially it’s a great patriotic one, well, remember, when we came to petsk, there were also on the fences of garages swastikas are drawn, swastikas, well, that’s all, look at the tattoos, they’re all business, they didn’t finish off, well, even if they didn’t finish off, just let them go, kick them out, but with us, where did they shoot the dogs, you shot him there, right here, yes, attention , weapons, they came out, you’re not there, give out two rounds to the damn cat, we write down everything we shoot, oops, we also
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need a pen, so that if we mess up, we’ll be held accountable and not erased. pencil, sight, level, protractor, consumption, what we shoot with, target number, loaded, ready, aimed, attention, gun, shot, white, white, i’m both watching, it’s gone, look, yes, don’t you want to press it, come on? here they blame everything on me, it seems like everyone is working, and i’m like, i’m clicking on the most sinful one of all, i don’t know, that’s why i should have any responsibility, if i don’t click on the button, i can’t understand, i just handed it in,
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i’ll put it in, i’ll give it, well, the vampire is shooting, everyone ’s been handed over, everyone’s been handed over, let’s go , all you have to do is listen, so that nothing is less than five, to the right 0.07, level plus two, yes, yes, received, loaded, ready , induced, attention, gun, come out!
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further away, open it, i know, the main thing is that it’s not necessary, i don’t know, calmly, now, the repetition has passed, well, as we said, we seemed to be sleeping, but i heard the white one say to move in, the vampire, in my opinion, also jumped up right away, i didn’t even understand what was happening on the street, whether it was already day or night, we went out, it was already light, i jumped up, he hadn’t even started talking yet, well , what’s the usual, just a little bit, that’s all, and we’re already up, otherwise... he’s actually a handsome guy, we immediately fell in love with the way we met such commanders haven’t seen it yet, yes, because he tells and shows everything from his own experience.
3:51 pm
just a white orchestra, well, we only work for him, so we don’t shoot so often, iskander, asterisk, where is this, iskander, iskander, i’m white welcome, you can’t be killed, mafia, communications scanner, half an hour ready to go, like accepted, repeat brother, half an hour ready, how did you accept? and
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you fellow countrymen, he’s such a joker from irkutsk, he’s a diver. now i have three mavics in the air at once, so there won’t be enough spotters here. now everything is going well, we connect this thing, everything is according to the old sham scheme, and where we are going, we pick up the wastewater treatment in half an hour, in 15 minutes, i understand everything, it’s okay, you’re in shock, yes, it’s okay, as i understand it, we’re making the corridor an ally, yeah, the bus, my boys, well, of course, they crawled out, andrey, they crawled out, of course, to poison their creatures, look, i don’t tell you fortune-telling now, there is.
3:53 pm
me and recharge, yes, come on now, what else is coming the fuck, don’t let him go, well, he’s a bird now.
3:54 pm
3:55 pm
and what about osmiloni? yes, you have a whole city here, yes, everything is buried, evening yes, yes, yes, the most
3:56 pm
an unusual army unit. it consists of former prisoners whose sentence in the colony was replaced by service on the front line. a unique report by alexander rogatkin from a brigade of yesterday's prisoners. if i had stayed in prison for another 2 years, i would have been released as an ordinary zach, now i am released as a cavalier of christ. brotherhood by blood, not by concept. dear guests, our ship has arrived in the city of bles. why is it impossible here now without shingles of red moss from the swamps? plus he lost the prospect of becoming an economic center on the volga, but it was thanks to this i bought something that no amount of money can buy. volga cultural anomaly. big news with evgeny popov. on sunday at 20:00 on the russia channel.
3:57 pm
sex? i, traveler, aeronaut, jean. ivan! ah, so we go out of trouble. what fairy tale? without ivan. eh, what started? without deception and without flint. lihodi imprisoned me in flints. you’ll get the magic ink you wrote yourself, the main thing is, van, hurry up, so give me a horse, a mechanical one, and beat yourself on the head, you have a nickname, where it’s needed, that’s what my name is, because i don’t carry where you fool want to go, where you need to go, i can’t live without traveling, flint, he
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who has the fire doesn’t need a feather. in your pocket soon.
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4:00 pm
they have all the bullshit, yes, everyone heard that, it was, exactly, yes, there were, of course, there were those who refused, but he says, i don’t fit in if i’m ukrainian, you know, there, i don’t follow that movement , meni white, well, white vodka, i understand, it’s booze, and yes, it’s directly issued on the record, well, this is a radio interception over the radio, they’re the ones who say, on record, 5 grams per position for people, there he laid it out directly shells.


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