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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 14, 2024 5:00pm-5:30pm MSK

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“get down, the secret service is in command, they are on stage in 2 seconds, the audience is in a panic, that the situation with the presidential candidate is still unclear, then a shot is heard again, this is the response of the secret service, the shooter has been eliminated, trump is a former president, he has lifelong protection from the state , special forces with machine guns appear on the stage, you can hear the security getting ready to take the politician away, let me put on my shoes, trump repeats several times, the bodyguards surround him, covering him, but he does not leave the stage, that is, to fight. shouts to the crowd, they answer him with applause. then the incessant usa, while the most popular presidential candidate, is led by security to the car. the video is spreading across social networks at breakneck speed. with
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the commentary, this is the next president of the united states, he shed his blood for america. a motorcade carries trump away from the site. eyewitnesses filmed who shot at the presidential candidate, a man lying on the roof of a building, taking aim and firing several shots. from the point where the shooter was to the podium behind which trump stood less than 150 m, the killing distance for a rifle with an aim. why did the secret service leave this height?
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after the attack on trump, the joker’s page is now blocked, one way or another, the list of victims of the attacker, one of the spectators was killed, two more were seriously wounded, the police are carrying away blood from one of the victims from the podium on the steps. i'm an emergency doctor, i saw a guy who was pinned between the benches, his brain was out, he was wounded in the head, there was a lot of blood. what can be seen with trump from the photographs: his right ear is bleeding, there is blood on his cheek, a few hours after... "i want to thank
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united states secret service to all law enforcement agencies for their quick response to the shooting that just occurred in butler, pennsylvania. most importantly, i want to express my condolences to the family of the person who died at the rally, as well as the family of another person who was seriously injured. it is incredible that this can happen in our country, at the moment nothing is known about the shooter, who is already dead, i was hit by a bullet that pierced the upper part of the right."
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he is fine, i plan to talk to him in the near future, in america there is no place for this , he has his doctors now, apparently, with violence, this is bad, this is bad, this is one of the reasons why we must unite this country, we cannot allow this to happen, who just like biden and his comrades with their own hands for several years sculpted the image of the devil out of trump, every liberal channel spoke about him as an absolute evil for america, the level of hatred. the democrats tried to knock out their competitor in the trump race with all their might, they called him a russian spy, they staged two impeachments, numerous trials, nothing worked. if you start with criticism, then organize two impeachments, then accuse him of crimes and nothing works. what's left? everything is heading towards an assassination attempt. the words of the most popular journalist in the united states, takeran, turned out to be prophetic. trump came in second.
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even film the bullet that was flying at trump. the presidential candidates' homes in florida and new york, where he returned after the assassination attempt, are now under tight security. politician to refuse election campaign not going to. on monday he will be at the republican national convention. denis davidov and polina fedorova, lead. russia has always condemned any manifestations of violence in the course of political struggle, the kremlin said, commenting on the assassination attempt on trump. the ministry noted that the encroachment on... the lives of presidents in the united states has become a tradition, and russian senators and deputies reacted to the incident. egor grigoriev will tell you what assessments were made. the show called american elections added fire in every sense. in connection with the current administration
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the kremlin does not see the american president committing an attempt on trump’s life, dmitry peskov emphasized, but the style of work of the us authorities created all the conditions for what happened. now, in essence, the violence has been transferred to. inside the country, we do not think at all and do not believe that the attempt to eliminate presidential candidate trump was organized by the current government, but the atmosphere that was created by this administration was created during the political struggle, the atmosphere around candidate trump was what provoked it what america is facing today, the most important element of the current presidential race in the united states is unbridled hysteria, and before...
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interference in the affairs of sovereign states is one of the possible reasons, or rather consequences, that almost led to murder, state duma chairman vyacheslav volodin on who and what is behind the assassination attempt on donald trump. trump's position on the ukrainian issue could have caused an act of aggression. this cannot be completely ruled out at this stage. one of the few western politicians who openly spoke about the need to stop sponsoring military actions. the frequency of assassination attempts on american political leaders, the choice of forceful methods to solve problems, is now obvious not only outside, but inside the united states. and the possible assassination attempt on trump has been talked about for a long time, the systematic nature of the examples
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of american political assassinations, highlighted the official representative of the meade, maria zakharova. this is the norm for american foreign policy, this is the norm for... but will they look for a connection between the assassination attempt on a presidential candidate and the crisis in american power, or will they simply blame everything on another single fan, while events develop as expected according to the second scenario. egor grigoriev, news. russian troops
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took control of the village of urozhaynaya in the donetsk people's republic, the ministry of defense reported. now harvesting and demining is underway. meanwhile, the central and southern groups. the west group occupied more advantageous positions, and the north and dnepr groups defeated several enemy formations. in addition, russian troops attacked a railway train with troops and equipment of the ukrainian armed forces. as a result of successful actions, a subdivision of the vostok group of troops captured the village of urozhaynoye, donetsk people's republic and is clearing it and clearing mines. the manpower and equipment of the 72nd mechanized were defeated.
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about 160 specialists and 40 pieces of equipment, aviation was also involved. i am at the scene of a fire. at the moment , all employees and vacationers of bass vacation romance, blue wave, frigate, all evacuated, life and health, nothing threatens, firefighting continues, all services and public organizations. in peak load zones, passengers at shermetyevo airport are asked to arrive in advance and do not forget about
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online check-in options. the day before , an off-site meeting was held at the airport with the participation of the ministry of transport, following which aeroflot and sheremetyev were instructed to work out additional measures to speed up all pre-flight procedures. the company noted that in general the situation is now normal for summer time, all airport services are working at maximum intensity. if possible then. it is advisable to arrive 4 hours in advance; if you are traveling without luggage, then it makes sense to go through online check-in, which opens a day in advance, that is, this will reduce the waiting time, passengers in line, and will also allow you to board as quickly as possible. now there is a short advertisement, after which our broadcast will continue with the program america with valentin bogdanov. as we age, changes in vision can change the way things are done. toufon is created
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secure account, ringing the bank, she hung up, whoever the scammers pretend to be, in order to extract money from... you, hang up without talking. this is america, a program about a country that is difficult to understand. hello. exactly 50 years have passed since the signing of the soviet-american treaty on limiting underground nuclear tests. unlike many other agreements between moscow and washington, this one is in effect, although it may still be in effect. recently, former trump national security advisor robert o'brien has called for a resumption of us underground nuclear testing if his boss is re-elected. the goal is to confront russia and china. and the nuclear arms race is not the worst prospect here. after all,
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the treaty limiting underground testing of nuclear weapons, which, among other things, sets a threshold under. and the democrats do nothing but compete in nuclear threats, they also sound from the white house. unless our adversaries change course, we may need to increase number of warheads, and if the president makes such a decision, we must be fully prepared to carry out this task. considering that the nuclear suitcase and red button is now in the hands of a man who forgets the names of his closest advisers, calls himself a black woman and promises his party colleagues to go to bed early, the uneasy feeling is only growing. we are talking about the possible destruction of the entire world, and biden
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says that the nuclear issue is not important, global warming is important. i love fresh too air and clean water, but... the real existential threat is that tomorrow a war so destructive could begin that the world will not be able to recover from it, and these are not just political statements, just look at the hands of the so -called doomsday clock, this is a project magazine of the university of chicago, the magazine is called the bulletin of atomic scientists, it was started in 1947 by the creators of the first american atomic bomb, in the entire history of the clock hands have never... never been so close to midnight, here look for yourself, this is a fragment of one of our filmings from last year. standing next to the doomsday clock, it is difficult to imagine the apocalypse around the university auditorium, and yet, just 90 seconds, the world has never been so close to the abyss. by the way, during the caribbean crisis, the doomsday clock
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showed 7 minutes to midnight, this despite the fact that the approach...
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is not used for its intended purpose, they were converted into a storage room or bicycles are stored there, so are we in a bomb shelter? yes, we are here, how many people live in this house, more than about 20 apartments can fit here, maybe a couple hundred people, that is, you can last here for several hours, well, yes, if you are lucky. there, you wouldn’t want to spend here, no, not a single hour, not a minute, and especially not a single day, this is crazy, you can see, the room is about 10 by 20,
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it’s too small. ines hazanovic, originally from the former yugoslavia, he witnessed the civil war, and he was very alarmed, we filmed this report during the anniversary of the cuban missile crisis, and here he is before our eyes he loaded his things into a truck because he was moving from a big city... which he no longer considered a safe place to the mountains, where there were fewer people, and there was a better opportunity to somehow hide, in general , many americans now have such sentiments, not all of them, it’s true that there is an opportunity to move, but those who are richer began again to buy items for survival and build a shelter; in 2023 , a record amount of money was spent in the united states... for these purposes - $11 billion. in texas, which has long had a popular culture of preppers preparing for... various options for the apocalypse, one of
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the creators of individual shelters said that in a month interest in his products increased by 700%. the most expensive bunker cost the buyer $240,000. that is, there is a real boom in bunker construction in the world. many companies have emerged to meet the demand. one of them built 14 bunkers in new zealand, which is also far away, that is, apparently doubly safe. there are those who are turning abandoned missile silos in america itself into some kind of underground bunkers. in there is a company in the czech republic that specializes in requests for billionaires. these are ultra-luxurious underground doomsday dwellings. well, it’s clear that such a business is supported, of course, by.
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7 m underground, a stainless steel bunker cost 80 thousand dollars, you can live here for weeks or even months, there is running water, wi-fi and even a bread oven. 6 years ago we made 10-11 bunkers a year, now we’re almost there. this is incredible growth. among these companies there are real champions with the most huge, large-scale projects, well a whole town of bunkers, located in south dakota, the area is called the black hills, at one time there was a missile base there, which was used by the american army, then it was sold, abandoned, well, in general , businessmen are now building on this place. and they turn these underground communications into new bunkers, the total population of this town should be 10,000 people, each such dwelling
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is sold for $55,000, they organize excursions, bloggers go there, fuel and water will be stored here, all the walls are insulated, the pipes too, so that they don’t freeze, on this side there’s another storage facility for fuel and the thing i like most is a filter that cleans... i can’t remember the old soviet joke about what to do in the event of a nuclear explosion, they answer that you just need to cover yourself with a sheet and crawl to the cemetery, this
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is roughly the same advice that today’s youtubers give to those who want to organize some kind of place at home in order to survive a nuclear disaster. the easiest way to build a shelter. incline to wall a wooden structure in the form of a box filled with sand, as we know, compressed dirt and sand are well protected from radioactive particles. demand, as we know, creates supply, and celebrities also create the situation; they also rushed to comment and talk about how they are preparing for the doomsday of the apocalypse. in general, i prepare for different things. i have a set of earthquake cases: flat shoes, a bag. over your shoulder, physical training, and who are you planning to escape from? i don’t know, you will need something with which you can
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start a fire hunt animals, very important, i would take guns, bows, arrow cartridges, water disinfection tablets, high-calorie bars that take up little space, get into my land cruiser and leave los angeles, because there will be nothing to eat here . los angeles is california, california is silicon valley, and there are a lot of rich people there and quite a few people who already consider themselves to be that very anxious generation z, among the billionaires is silicon. liny there is a huge demand for bunkers of the highest level, this is somewhat reminiscent of fashion, twenty, or maybe thirty years ago, when they bought expensive yachts, now they are building expensive bunkers, the most famous character here is probably mark zuckerberg, there have long been rumors that on the hawaiian island he is building, probably, the most expensive thing in the world , shelter, bunker, the rumors are
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fantastic, they have their own reserves...
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technology expert douglas razhkov spoke about attending a highly secret meeting with super-rich people who wanted to know his opinion on how to prepare for hour x. his conclusion: their extreme wealth and privilege have only led to an obsession with protecting ourselves from dangers such as climate change, mass migration, disease, and resource depletion. for them, the technologies of the future are aimed at only one thing: getting away from the rest. billionaires think about the end of the world, but for... some the end of the world comes every day, but if a person, for example, has no housing, in america this is such a big problem, here's what to do in this case, here's paradoxically one of such private bunkers helped a person in peaceful life, girl, her name is caitlin, she rented such a bunker from her friend, pays small money by american standards, lives in this
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bunker for $500 a month, has equipped it. well, he talks every day about his life and existence underground . the advantage of living down here is that you can't hear the street at all when the door is closed, the room is not bare and it's actually very cool here, even when it's hot outside. living in a bunker, caitlin saves on utilities; her water comes from a well, her electricity comes from solar batteries the only thing that is inconvenient is that it all affects... her personal life, she admits that she once invited a boyfriend to her home, in general, she is a pretty girl, but the young man considered the prospect of a date in a bunker worse than a nuclear war. this was america, all the best to you. what
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