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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 15, 2024 1:00am-1:31am MSK

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is it only ukraine or syria, georgia? no, this aircraft has been participating for a long time, and it also took part in the georgian conflict in syria, it also periodically goes to the factory for regulations and it has been repainted several times, so if it had been used first, there would not have been enough bodywork for the stars, as they say, stuff it here. this is part of the nuclear triad, i understand correctly, correctly, part of the nuclear triad is the components of strategic nuclear forces. it was they tu-22m3 that put an end to the battle for mariupol, with uncontrolled free-fall bombs, boldly entering the air defense zone , they smoked out from the basements of azovstal, the remnants of selected units of the azov battalion, forcing 2,500 military personnel to surrender to... what kind of
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suspensions are these, these are exactly the same x32 - these are beam holders for suspending all possible bomb loads , 50 tons of weapons, that is, this can be no problem for him. there is no need to risk throwing unguided bombs directly at the target, backfaire is fighting with missiles, including hypersonic ones. well, according to the open data that exists about this plane, it in principle, it can fly to lisbon, and also, the distant flight is generally a white bone, i have a certain contribution to our victory, i am as a combat unit, i am as a crew commander, as my crew, in general, we are a single whole, we make a result, we make a contribution, an invaluable contribution for the tu-22 m3, its one of the tasks, as an element...
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the missile carrier continued to fly as before, often he himself told the counterintelligence officers what to answer pavlo, then sat in the cockpit and went to combat task, military aircraft are indifferent to the supply of f-16s to ukrainians. f-16s can change the situation? i think no. i do n't think it will help anymore. but is the car serious? no, i think our c34s are much better.
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from the very beginning of the special operation , former prisoners have been fighting shoulder to shoulder with regular military personnel and volunteers. those who decided to atone for the crimes committed not in a stuffy cell, on the battlefield. it is not known exactly how many former prisoners went to fight with ukrainian neo-nazis, but it is clear that the number is in the tens of thousands. the last time such a massive participation of prisoners in hostilities in our history was more than 80 years ago they fought heroically. with the beginning
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of the great patriotic war, under amnesty and early release, those who were subject to parole were released immediately to the front, 420 thousand, this was in the forty-first year, there was no difference, everyone was sent, in total during the years of the great patriotic war from the colony was sent to the front about. million people. here's a story for you. for many prisoners, participation in the svo is a unique chance not only to receive conditional or early release, but also to undergo a kind of cleansing start life from scratch. of course, society's concerns regarding former prisoners are understandable. but, as practice shows, there are much fewer recidivisms among those who went to military service than among those who
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were released from prison after serving their sentence, putin spoke about this last year at a meeting with military officers. what would you like to pay attention to? look, here we are. ritides in general on this topic are inevitable, but the negative consequences are minimal. today, former prisoners serve in the most difficult sectors of the front. many were awarded high state awards, including the st. george cross, the order
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of courage, and the medal for courage. it was precisely these soldiers from stormv company that my colleague alexander ragatkin first met on the front line. his film... storm in law will air on the russia-24 tv channel next weekend, but in the meantime, watch his unique report only here. we are in the position of one of the most unusual units of the russian army, about which there have been a lot of misunderstandings recently. the whole point is that it consists from former prisoners whose sentence in prison was replaced by service on the front line. trenches, companies of assault seals, a missile danger has been declared on the surface, kamigadze drones are constantly buzzing in the sky, but here it is more or less calm, only the led lighting from new year's garlands creates a feeling of unreality of what is happening, this is our
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location, where our stormtroopers live, let's come here , yes, you have a whole city here, and everything is buried, as they say, the evening is in hap, yes, yes, yes? two rolls of logs, so this is the maximum, well, if that’s possible to put it mildly, it is as safe as possible here. this, of course, is not a prison hut, but dugouts built in accordance with all the laws of fortification. the zone is not particularly remembered here. this is all in the past, now there are not prisoners here, but paratroopers of the ulyanovsk airborne division. previously , such units formed in the colonies were called storm z, now the assault companies of v., in principle, everything is done for relaxation, that is , the assault groups arrived from the task, everything, they have a bathhouse, i have a rest, television, too, everything, but he has his own air conditioning, tv, playstation, refrigerator, everything to be able to adequately rest, now we
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are going to build a gym, we have just dug it up, there is even a robot vacuum cleaner, what to do, stormtroopers lament, if there are drones in the sky, then why shouldn’t they be underground , he even works for us when we go somewhere on assignments, the rules for accepting contract prisoners have become more stringent, if at the beginning they took them for six months with a full pardon, now the contract is for at least a year with conditional early release. the state gave us a chance to improve without sitting there, actually show that you are a man, a man who defends his fatherland.
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worthy. artyom has already managed to distinguish himself. rotv is clearing the dnieper islands opposite krynoki. the enemy is constantly trying to gain a foothold there to create a bridgehead for an offensive on the left bank. get ready to transport the bag and shmurdyak to the other side with the barrel. i have a gun behind me. nester and his comrades secretly crossed the channel on foam rafts and captured two ukrainian observers. guys, yes dont kill.
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such young guys as nesterov in rotv, probably the majority, article 228, possession and
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distribution of drugs, wanted quick money, received a long sentence, also bookmarks, believed in easy money, that’s not what i believed, no one and how many got 10 years, for murders give less, and what city, yes, it’s the same thing, it’s murder, only it’s unfamiliar. people, the city of perem. mikhail marinen, with the nickname forest, understands perfectly what he has done, now he has the greatest desire to prove to everyone that it was an accident, an absurd one a mistake that he is ready to correct at the cost of his own life. yes, i'm a young guy, and then what? this is a chance, here you have everything, here you can learn everything, how to live, how to survive, how to work, this is really, well, a chance. “here he is, correct yourself, if you want
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, please, just to survive and return home as a free man, to be honest, it can be so scary here that you become completely shallow, you come out, you become a new person, how i stayed alive, i don’t understand how i stayed alive, i don’t know, it’s just such a fear, a special fear, there’s nothing like this anywhere in life..." you experience it, he knocks everything out of you, all the crap, everything in general, you recharge, you don’t regret at all that this is how things turned out and you ended up on the front line, where every day could be your last, but it would still be bad, maybe i left for convenience, i have never lived a more interesting life in my life than here, it’s really, well, interesting, they don’t complain about the equipment here, there is almost everything, pickups, several.
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the staff priest of the ulyanovsk airborne division is responsible for the educational work of the assault seals. father has arrived. everyone who baptized, go to the new headquarters. welcome. to all good spirits and indecently and forever and ever. the dugout temporarily turns into a temple. some of the stormtroopers never took communion, some were not even baptized. people often enter prison without a cross. into battle, all with christ, not on the body in the soul. holy god, immortal, have mercy on us. here
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the thought occurs to many that if they had gone to church earlier, they would not have ended up in prison. some people will say that this is unfair, from a christian point of view, for us it is also a paradox when the thief hanging on the cross with christ, the first to enter the kingdom of heaven, well, how is that, he robbed, killed, whatever he did, and today you will be with me in heaven, the first from the point of view.
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there is no doubt even a fraction. prison is a prison, it’s you, when you understand that your whole future life will depend on one certificate, that you’re on trial, where you would go to work, what you would like to do, it all depends on it, it’s all for you it just completely ruins your whole life, here there is an opportunity to redeem it, you can be free, here
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they live one day, but a full, rich life, here is the deputy commander
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, the verdict was fair, i think not, but the court knows better, and yet, despite the unfair verdict, you went to fight for your homeland, for the state, well, the state in this it’s not the people’s fault, unfortunately, but the state has nothing to do with it. we love our state very much. denis believes that he had a rare chance to prove his innocence on the battlefield, and after serving only a month and a half, he signed a contract with the airborne forces for 2 years. i would have gone anyway. i have many friends who are at war with donetsk, and my former colleagues. so this decision was conscious. become
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the main cat of the assault seals and earn authority among former prisoners of the colonies strictly. correct in your life, but anything can happen , someone will not be corrected even by 25 years behind bars, let alone the front line, they didn’t make a mistake once, and to make another mistake and show cowardice, they... won’t forgive this, those who were cowardly , they are no longer here, some were sent back, because there is nothing worse than betraying your comrades, leaving with position, they still have the rest of their time off, so to speak, at the trial they are given twice as much, for refusal to carry out a combat mission, for desertion and unauthorized abandonment of a unit, now they give the maximum,
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well, there are probably only a few of them, and there are only a few of them, the majority, one might say 98%. former prisoners are not thrown into battle, they usually practice storming enemy trenches and dugouts for several weeks at the training ground, work, to the right, even to the right, to the right, let's work, no one is sent to be meat, everyone is here, everyone is trained here, everyone is here they train, here they give everyone the opportunity to train, no one
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forces anyone, everyone knows what they need and what they don’t need, a full-fledged unit behind your backs. there are no machine gunners, there are no detachment barriers, no, no, no, there are no detachment barriers, we are full-fledged, the same contract soldiers as all the employees here, we also receive the same treatment as everyone else. kamilla daut gadzhieva from makhachkala was made a stormtrooper by the street, he received 10 years for robbery, after serving half the term, he signed a contract with the novorossiysk division airborne forces, quickly became a commander, and now instead of jewelry stores, ukrainian oporniks are storming. this is why i came here, to return home clean, to be free, to walk like all normal people. those whom society and family had once given up on suddenly found a new profession, turned out to be born soldiers and commanders,
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felt needed for the country, when yegor seredov received the st. george cross, it was as if he was born again. holding this award in my hand, i understand that i would have been in jail for 2 more years. years, i would have left as an ordinary prisoner, perhaps even remaining the same drug addict who was sent to prison. now i have emerged as a knight of the cross of st. george, i couldn’t even imagine that there would be such a turn in my life, and i don’t even have the slightest desire to return to the life from which i left. 90% of the companies in the ulyanovsk airborne division have received state awards, 27 people have already received orders of courage and medals for bravery. the command treats us completely adequately, as if they were ordinary members of our team. to the soldiers, many thanks to the regiment commander for this, and we don’t feel like some kind of penalty box, we are the same military personnel as everyone else. here everything is different,
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a real brotherhood by blood, but not by understanding how it sparkled, my diamond crown, it was covered in sweat, blood burns , molten lead hit me in the face and was burned out.
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it is noteworthy how calmly the western bloc reacts to the news from the white house about plans to deploy a group of sam6 missiles, tomahawks and hypersonic carriers in germany. a short press release and no reactions, reflection and attempts to analyze the consequences. it is enough to briefly study the missiles to understand that the united states is throwing europe into the crucible of a world war, with mutually assured destruction. the pentagon will deploy missiles in germany that pose a direct threat to russia, reaching st. petersburg, kazan, moscow, novosibirsk and yekaterinburg.
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if these missiles are deployed, including hypersonic missiles, we will also have to direct such missiles in that direction, as i understand it, of course, this has always been the case, you know, a paradoxical situation, the united states deployed different types of missiles, of different ranges, but traditionally aimed at our country. shorter range, the damage radius indicated in the document is from 500 to 5,500 km.
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trump also signed the inf treaty, that is, the middle and it is easy to imagine the geography of the response if a short press release from the white house becomes a reality, almost all european capitals are under threat if our missiles land in kaliningrad, berlin, warsaw, all the baltic states, paris, bucharest, prague. certainly, american base in germany garmiya shpartin kirchen, pacha barracks, spandal, ramstein. particular attention to britain, our traditional enemy, since a significant part of the northern fleet will work against it. washington puts not only london at risk, but also manchester, birmingham, the largest naval base devonport, clyth in scotland, where the king stores trident nuclear missiles, port. chatom rope in kent. britain is in its most vulnerable position, in principle, all it takes is three missiles and this civilization will collapse. west of this. as if not
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sees, is busy installing his rockets, preparing the ground and images for the average person. on monday , a great tragedy occurred in kiev: a norwegian missile fired from the nasams anti-aircraft missile system hit a children's hospital. it was only by luck that none of the patients died. but no one needs the truth. kyiv blamed russia for the strike. washington is preparing a response. nato summit mentions strike. for the hospital in the final declarations. unfortunately, the west always acts this way. no need to get smart and figure it out. only one point of view, only one version. in the struggle for the strategic defeat of russia, all methods are good. remember how an official from the zelensky administration called vacationers in sevastopol military targets after the american atacom ballistic missile attack on the beach on june 23. yes, this is america,
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yes, a bribe attack on a beach crowded with tourists, so what? there are not and cannot be any beaches, tourist areas or other fictitious signs of peaceful life in crimea. crimea is also a large military camp and warehouse with hundreds of direct military targets that the russians they are cynically trying to disguise and close their civilians, who, for their part , are civilian occupiers. we have everything. otherwise, i won’t judge whether it’s good or bad, but otherwise, children are children, tourists on the beach, just tourists, wherever they are, in odessa, mariupol, kiev or sevastopol. i can’t imagine that in krimleda or any municipality anyone even thought about what the zelensky administration said about the dead children in crimea. yes, there are fierce clashes, unfortunately.
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people, both military and civilian. our country is fighting for survival and security guarantees, and we do not hide this from anyone. vasily nebenze, our permanent representative to the un , at a meeting of the security council on tuesday , broke down the situation with the kiev hospital. but his speech was understandably not broadcast by western channels. and here’s what they published in hot pursuit.
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a russian missile would have left nothing left of the building, and the children and most adults would have died rather than been injured. russia does not hide the fact that on that day it struck kiev plant named after artyom, and the targets were brilliantly hit.
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which hit the plant. such tragedies precisely for the interception of that russian missile could have been avoided if the kiev regime, in violation of international humanitarian law, had not placed air defense systems and heavy weapons in residential areas. however, at this moment his western sponsors prefer to turn a blind eye.
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for banking.


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