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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 15, 2024 10:30am-11:00am MSK

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is trying to extend this logic to international relations, this is extremely dangerous and threatens with serious consequences, curiously, we are now in agreement with the united states on little, let’s say, however, the former prosecutor of the us department of justice ronald siewert says exactly the same thing as you. he says: now the background noise - this quote in political campaigns, can provoke crazy people who are mentally unstable to begin with. these are people who need psychological help. and he adds that, although he does not have exact information about the biography of the criminal, the information available about him suggests that he was a problematic person. he called democrats' calls to tone down their political rhetoric in public hypocritical after they themselves called trump a threat to democracy. judging by these words, judging by what is happening, we can hardly say that any attempts to descale, say, the rage that is now present in american society, that intransigence, moreover... on both sides, and
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on the part of the democrats, and on the part of the republicans towards each other, we can hardly count on the fact that this degree will be reduced in any serious way, so from your point of view, can we expect similar provocations, at least provocations in the near future? in any case , the american authorities need to do everything possible so that such things do not repeat themselves and do not become fashionable, because they involve... young people, these are not people 60 plus, but people who have barely crossed the twenty-year mark, that’s why this infection terrorist, the infection of violence, dictatorship, it leads to the fact that such manifestations, diseases, diseases of society, they are not excluded in the future, in this, in this sense, prosecutor, saboteur, in my opinion, yes, you mentioned his last name, he's absolutely right, he's absolutely.
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this is another question, most likely in the minority, because everyone is infected with this kind of media psychosis associated with the upcoming elections, and behind the media psychosis there is always something more serious and dangerous, in a word, let’s wait, let’s hope for good health meaning. it is curious that even before the assassination attempt on donald trump, many mainstream, and american media, commented: the results of the nato summit
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said that the western elites would take up a new direction, and at the summit they were engaged not only in ukrainian problems, including in the context of the upcoming american elections. as several american publications report, immediately at the nato summit, european leaders tried to build bridges with trump, this quote. through people who worked on his team and may join the new administration. in particular, according to the financial times, eu representatives were on the sidelines (quote: they wooed the ex-secretary of the apparatus).
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has slipped into exactly opposite positions, he is now leading an army of war, an army of military actions against the russian federation, trying. crush it, drown it in every possible way, and spares no money, no words, no meetings like this summit for this, a heavy impression, a heavy, very difficult impression, and , paradoxically, but the nato summit, which took place literally last week, and the fact of the assassination attempt for a presidential candidate. are logically and semantically interconnected, we must understand this and refuse this diligent whipping up of passions in international affairs, because all this is instantly extrapolated to the domestic audience, to domestic politics, in fact, this is what we are
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seeing now in the united states, we should not , so to speak, to spare words in order to give... such analyses, we must speak about this directly, we are not against negotiating with any participants in international processes, so that restore mutual understanding, but not at the expense of their own interests and their own positions. the united states does not understand this, or at least the current leadership of the united states does not want to do this kind of thing, which means positive progress. let's see what happens as a result, we have strong nerves, which means we can wait and analyze, but i want to return again to the fact that the americans must seriously think about the military-political aspect of their policy and
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about domestic policy, which still strongly implicated in violence, these are actually my opinions, thank you very much, the most important thing is that we really have. the first are strong, despite active attempts, frankly, to shake them, we have recently seen a lot in this direction, thank you very much for being in touch with us, and kirill stanislavich benediktov, another of our guests, kirillislavovich, can you hear me, hello, hello, i hear you well, i would like to return to the assassination attempt on donald trump, and many people admired him endurance, frankly speaking, his general behavior after he was wounded, thank god for the wound. from your point of view , will this assassination attempt seriously affect his determination to participate in the presidential race, his rhetoric, and his election promise, or will he
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generally remain in his positions, well, adjusted, of course, for what happened? you know, we will find out about this, probably even in the very next few days, because today it opens... so he told senator ransi graham, who was accompanying him, that this is basically his quite a good friend, a republican too, that he prepared a speech for the convention in which he was going to very harshly criticize
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the current biden administration as corrupt, criminal, and so on, that it was a very good, very tough speech, but he threw it away after the fact that happened from... is going to give a new speech in which he will call on america for unity, the american people for unity, although they admit that this is practically, well, very difficult, if not impossible. that's all we know for now, so we'll see. how will all this happen in reality, because trump is a rather unpredictable person, he is subject to emotions, we know this, during the 4 years of his presidency, this happened several times very, as it were... obviously, it is possible that he will change his point of view, but at the moment there is a feeling that he really felt that he needed to change his rhetoric a little, change the direction of his struggle, before that he very harshly criticized biden and his
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administration, the first bell, one might say, was that he didn't criticize very strongly for biden after his disgraceful failure. now he will change his tactics of fighting biden,
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make it softer, and more civilized, as he said, in fact, this is really a rather wise move, because now trump, of course, is very much ahead of biden in packs, what happened in pennsylvania , this shooting and assassination attempt, in fact, is the image that, well, even before this trump had... the image of a fighter against the system, but now it is already confirmed literally with blood, this is the famous photograph, which has already become a cult, yes, where he shakes his fist with a bloody face, this, of course, has greatly strengthened trump’s position, in fact, we can say that he has already won this campaign, in this situation, he absolutely does not need to resort to any some harsh rhetoric.
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trump, in general, this is also a rather interesting story, i think that it
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will be jade, a senator, young, thirty-nine years old, but, but let’s see, there are other candidates, in any case, what can be said, one can say, what at the moment, of course, the attack on pennsylvania, in general, the fact that a miracle, an accident, i don’t know, god,
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didn’t stop at all, which means the speech, he spoke for another 90 minutes after that, turning to his supporters, he said what it means, you probably didn’t understand, yes, but they shot at me now, in general, they wounded me, but you can’t kill an old moose so easily, this also, in general, brought him points, although he didn’t win the elections then, but, but that’s another perfect story , in any case , trump has already entered himself into this gallery political leaders who... behaved during the assassination attempt, and no matter how this campaign ends, in history,
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of course, he will remain as such a very very decisive, very brave, very courageous leader. thank you very much, kirill stanislavovich, yes, there is indeed a softening of rhetoric in general, apparently, and on both sides one can judge by trump’s statements, which are in his interview with the new york post, in the promise that, according to him, joe gave him '. somewhat cooled down the hottest goals in washington, the only the question is, is it too late, what do they think about this in new york? we’ll talk literally in a few minutes, right after the advertisement, contact journalist john voroli, just from new york, and discuss how he assesses the events taking place now and their main impact on the upcoming american elections. stay with us. only at alfabank.
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sber support. sber-business will open an account and help with accounting and legal issues. and connect an online cash register, all this is free, we open the way to business, sberbusiness, we continue to discuss the assassination attempt on the presidential candidate and former president of the united states, at the same time donald trump, and details of the identity of the suspect in this attempt have become known, abc news reports this, and... that they have never heard that the suspect moreover, other classmates add, discussed politics or trump in particular, confirm that he
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really had no friends. joining us now is john varol, political commentator. hello, you are now in new york, thank you very much for being in the dead of night, you found the opportunity to still stay awake to talk to us, answer our questions. please tell me, is the american press now somehow explaining the motives of the suspect, because judging by what joe biden said in his address, at that time nothing much was known about the motives, maybe the journalists managed to dig up something faster than, say, providing official information to the american president? well, as you know, there are...
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many donors to the democratic party, we can, in general, we can end the conversation here, it’s all clear who benefits from all this, only joe biden and the white house, but remove trump. only it benefits them, well, of course, also for kiev, the kiev regime is also beneficial, and then we can also discuss this issue, i also found interesting information, but it
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is obvious that donald trump is the biggest headache for the white house for joe biden and joe biden cannot defeat donald trump, this was already obvious last week after all this is a problem after the debate, they the white house has been trying for many years to destroy donald trump, nothing works. there are so many criminal cases there and donald trump has only become even more popular, it remains one, one solution to the issue of donald trump will only physically destroy him, and as we know, under joe biden, the united states has become the main sponsor of terrorism in the world, they are carrying out genocide in gaza, a war against your country, and after all this, what is it to just kill donald trump, this is nothing, this is absolutely nothing, so i must understand how much this is. bloody, this is the regime in washington, and they, they are capable of doing anything to remain in power, and the democratic party is absolutely not leaving the white house, peacefully, they are in no way
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case they are not going to leave the white house, as you think, since the assassination attempt clearly failed, there is such a point of view that all that donald trump now needs is to survive until the elections, that is, in the literal sense , to stay alive, then his victory is guaranteed, do you agree with this, do you agree? within 4 years they can kill him at any moment and i think even kill his vice president so that there is such complete chaos in the usa, because once again our bulgarians are not
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going to give up power, so i think that once again the democratic parties, they find a way to win on november 5, they remain in power, i give little chance that trump will ultimately win, well, yes, if we had fair elections, if there was no such violence in our country . it is clear that donald trump would have won easily, very easily, but once again, we perfectly understand what the usa is today, and therefore, well, once again , the democratic parties, they cannot, here is a very good reason why they cannot give up power donald trump, because they understand perfectly well that they will be to imprison, he will imprison the olgarks, he will imprison nantsipolosi and clinton, all other high-ranking officials in the democratic party, they understand this perfectly well, they generally cannot, i even understand them, full stop.
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level, rage today, and the anger in society is as great as ever, and this topic comes back a lot again, whether there will be civil wars, but today i hear so much from so many of my neighbors, oh, it’s time to prepare for a civil war, this is the conversation i haven’t heard for 3 years exactly, but when there was blm, as you remember, in the summer of the twentieth the last time there were such conversations was a year ago, then there weren’t any for many years. now this topic is coming back again, will we have civil wars? but because we don’t understand how to get out of this situation, once again, we have a right-wing elite, our elite doesn’t
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want to give power to the people, they don’t want to respect the opinion of the people, the voice of the people, but the people absolutely support trump, he really should to be the next president, oh by the way i'm not a donald trump supporter, i 'm saying right away, i will vote for kennedy, so don’t think that i’m campaigning for trump like that. no, absolutely not, i would like kennedy to win, well, it’s clear that he won’t win, but yes, a lot of people, republicans, and people who are independent, who are independent, they are very sad, now it’s really so very difficult the atmosphere in the country, people understand that the situation is very critically hopeless, we don’t know how to get out of this situation, unfortunately, once again they see a lot, they foresee some kind of, maybe not quite a civil war, but it’s a mess...
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this is the largest ukrainian diaspora in the usa, well, after new york, but new york is a special matter, of course, a city of immigrants, but in general , pettsburg is the second largest, and there, especially over the last 2 years, the number of ukrainians has increased greatly, who live in pittsburgh, on the outskirts of pittsburgh, and many of them are radical, they openly support terrorist groups in ukraine, they are very aggressive,
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understandably towards donald trump. and we can assume there is a high probability that most likely the ukrainian special services will most likely just vkontakte, i guess that maybe he was in contact with such a young man, we already know such sad examples when they did this, they made contact with a young man, a young girl was recruited to commit terrorist acts , there were such cases and maybe in this case they did the same, i want to ask, will you? whether to investigate this option or not, but i can already answer the question, it is clear that they will not investigate, because the fbi supports the kiev regime, so unfortunately, and i think so again, i understand this is speculation, but based on some facts, which, as i said, we can assume that this is so, that maybe there really are some ukrainian traces, but our the intelligence agency will never investigate this because it is not beneficial to the white house, once again, our intelligence agency, the fbi,
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serves only. thank you very much, john, thank you very much for being in touch with us and answering our questions, thank you very much to our viewers, thank you for your attention.
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11:00 am
the spread of fire in the forest in the village of durso near. the russian one was stopped, there is no threat to industrial facilities and infrastructure, as reported by the ministry of emergency situations, the fire area is 62 hectares, all fires on the territory of turbas have been eliminated, a total of 68 buildings were damaged by the fire, 500 people were evacuated, aviation, special equipment and more than 300 rescuers were involved in extinguishing .


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