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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 15, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm MSK

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maritime cooperation, joint exercises between russia and china have started. the loud and harsh corvettes of the pacific fleet entered the south china sea. we'll tell you what they'll do. new details surrounding the ukrainian attempt to hijack the russian tu-22 m3. why did kiev plan this operation and how did it want to use the hijacked aircraft? about this in the material of evgeny popov. donald trump says joe biden is going to direct the justice department to drop two cases brought against trump. the former president stated this in an interview with tabloed new york post. the publication clarifies that there are no signs that such a measure is being prepared. trump also said that biden called him shortly after the attack and was very kind. but.
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vesti's own correspondent in the usa, dmitry melnikov, will tell you about the recent attempt on donald trump's life and how it is affecting the election race. after surviving the assassination attempt, trump wanted to postpone his trip to the republican convention in melwaukee for 2 days, but in his own words he decided not to allow those who wanted to intimidate him to change the course election race. an event that until recently seemed devoid of intrigue, the delegates had to simply approve his candidacy. now, in terms of intensity and drama, it will definitely go down in the history of american politics. today trump will make a big speech at the convention, all of america is waiting for this speech, but for his delegates he is already a victorious hero. now it’s even difficult to imagine how the delegates to this republican convention, who will fill this hall in a few hours, will greet donald trump when he rises to this podium. after failure security in pennsylvania, the rules at this convention in milwaukee were noticeably tightened. and
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ironically, the order to increase security at this convention was given by none other than trump's main opponent, president joe biden. by the beginning of the convention , two-meter fences had been erected around the blocks where the convention center is located, and armed secret service agents will now guard not only trump himself, but members of his campaign headquarters. this is an event of national importance and the federal government has provided it with maximum possible level of security. prepared and ready to act, and the democratic campaign decided to suspend the airing of campaign videos where trump was presented as a dictator who must be stopped at any cost. biden himself, after the assassination attempt on trump, postponed his planned trip to texas, and from his secluded office appealed to the nation to reduce the degree of tension and hatred. we do not know if the suspect received help or support, or if he communicated with anyone else. while i'm talking to you.
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law enforcement officials are investigating these questions. tonight i want to focus on the facts we already know. the former president was shot. we cannot and should not follow this path in america. meanwhile, new details about the identity of shooter thomas matthew crooks are emerging. according to investigators, the twenty-year-old suspect in the assassination attempt on trump did not have any connections with american or foreign terrorist or extremist organizations. there is no indication that he could have acted.
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made seconds after the shot at pennsylvania, they are increasingly accusing the democratic media of what happened, which did not hesitate in using methods to prevent trump from winning this election. we know they will try to steal the election from us, they will do everything they can to get rid of trump. and they tried to do it. so we are here to show that this will not happen. we won't let this happen. what words should i address to the delegates of the convention in milwaukee? took an unexpected and incredible turn. one day election campaign in america dmitry melnikov and pavel kostrikov, news from milwaukee, wisconsin. we will discuss the consequences of the assassination attempt on us presidential candidates with the director of the institute of world economy and international relations iran, fedor. he is in
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direct contact with us fyodor genrikhovich, hello, hello, from your point of view, can joe biden now really instruct the us department of justice to close the two cases filed against. from donald trump? i don’t think he will take such measures, this is too serious interference in judicial processes, in activities of justice authorities. uh, this is not in the rules of the american political system, but what can change, and we are already seeing this, is the rhetoric of the headquarters, joe biden and the rhetoric that is used by the democrats. during the propaganda support of the presidential campaign, this is what can be expected, firstly, biden has already made a special statement about the inadmissibility of such actions, expressed support
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for the former president and potential us presidential candidate donald trump, he himself, the former us president did the same barack obama, in general these are signals. so very serious for ordinary democrats, not only for the party establishment, that comrades, let’s not drive polarization so much and put, well, express such tough positions on another candidate, it is clear that today there will be a triumphant nomination of donald trump as a candidate from the republican one. party, only in august in the twentieth there will be a convention of the democratic party, i want to draw your attention to the fact that until recently there was talk that joe biden could withdraw from the presidential race, some congressmen and even
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senators have spoken out on this issue, but i think that the democrats have no choice but to nominate the current president as their candidate. another thing is that his position, especially after this assassination attempt, may weaken significantly. well, as you have already noted, the rhetoric of the democrats is now changing, trump himself said that the competition in the election race will be more civilized, but is it worth it along with such a softening of the rhetoric? expect some unexpected steps from the democrats, taking into account the stunning growth in the popularity of donald trump after the assassination attempt, well, look. quite clearly, president biden's team expects him to be the candidate and he will participate in the race, he stated the conditions under which he will withdraw his candidacy is if the majority of democrats in congress speak out
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accordingly, i do not think that they will speak out accordingly thus, i think that biden will still be nominated as candidate in august, although... is of course a subject of speculation on the part of the republicans, the republicans are playing up this topic in their campaign regarding the capacity of the current us president ; his health periodically fails him and this is very active. in general, it looks like donald trump has a chance of becoming president. the united states today is already significantly larger than that of the current president biden, but there may be different turns - in the presidential campaign, we just became convinced of this, well, it is clear that it is still very important a factor that biden can play as
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a trump card is the socio-economic situation, indeed, in the us economy everything is not so bad, in the social sphere biden... managed to implement some of what barack obama was planning, that is, he has there are bargaining chips he can provide to the voter. another thing is that in the sphere of foreign policy there are relatively few such trump cards, and the fact that the biden administration made ukraine such a foreign policy project used the conflict in ukraine as a lever for pressure on nato allies, for the consolidation of the north atlantic alliance, in order to force their allies in europe to pay more for their security, to increase their military expenditures above 2% of gdp, let me now remind you that 23 nato countries are ready to pay, bear military expenditures for above
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2% of gdp, this is of course a relatively serious achievement for joe biden, but he has nothing to show for it. from the point of view of some way out of this crisis situation and he has nothing to show in terms of the development of relations with china for now. no success either can be traced, plus the immigration problem, plus a whole series of problems that actually indicate that biden and his team were not effective in all areas, there are difficulties in the middle east, difficult relations with saudi arabia, difficult relations with turkey , in general, i would not say that the foreign policy mischief can be seriously played out by the biden team. here are domestic political, socio-economic things, there is something to show biden, although
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there are a lot of reasons for criticism, trump is actively uses, for the american voter, what is much more important is what is happening in the economy in terms of welfare, in terms of the dynamics of consumer spending, the dynamics of wages, household spending, the state of consumer lending, in fact, the average american. interests much more than foreign policy issues, and there are successes here, but there are also grounds for criticism. trump, for example, talks about the need for a serious reindustrialization of america, which resonates with many, especially in deep america. hearts - both medium-sized businesses, small businesses, and those who work at industrial enterprises, they, of course, uh, are really looking forward to some kind of government measures here, they really count on trump, but biden... for example, was able to rock and promote the american military-industrial complex,
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use this campaign to intimidate europeans and americans with the so-called russian threat to the maximum in order to increase military spending, increase orders and contracts of the american military-industrial complex, arms supplies and military equipment to ukraine, old and which in general... were often already beyond or on the verge of expiration dates, this made it possible to receive new orders for the production of new ones both for the united states itself and for the allies. naturally, there are multiplier effects here, and the military-industrial complex always pulls along new technologies, pulls related related industries - industrial production industries in the first place, but not only, there is also something to show bide.
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election campaign, including issues foreign policy, and not just issues of morality,
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ethics, and some socio-economic things on which the positions of democrats and republicans differ, i think that there will also be a very interesting agenda here in terms of infrastructure projects, large economic projects, which require the attraction of public funds.
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i don’t want to guess, it wouldn’t be respectable to guess and anticipate what he changed there, i , of course, haven’t seen this document yet, when there’s a speech, i’ll be ready to comment, but i can say it is clear that donald trump will try to show that he does not use this, this attack, this attack, and in
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order to antagonize society even more, he will try to say that we should, well, on behalf of... the candidate americans, he must tell his voters that we must consolidate to protect the interests of america, i think that trump will definitely have this rhetoric. another thing is that it is clear that trump will not blame the democrats in any way for that they are behind the assassination attempt, i think. will speak about the interests of the entire united states, he will not use conspiracy rhetoric, although now there are a lot of similar publications on american social networks, and even some media indulge in this, but this is not serious, this is not serious, it is clear that anything can happen in big politics , but here are clearly the results of
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the swing of public opinion, because when and when it swings.
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june 28 is a parade of planets, get ready for an expedition to the arctic, on the twenty-eighth i have nuggets, and on the twenty-fourth, the twenty-fourth , a chicken burger, a delicious calendar, delicious , period, every day, a new favorite product at a super price, only in the app, delicious, period, start your journey into business with the support of sber, they will open an account in sber business for... they can help with accounting, legal issues and will connect an online cash register, all this is free, we open the way to business, sberbusiness, one of my friends connected unlimited in a megaphone completely free of charge, and now she is on the internet all the time, have time to connect megapower for unlimited services until the end of summer, so that the internet does not
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end, only in a megaphone, formula. takayama motor oil instantly adapts to any engine operating mode and in real time activates the additives that are necessary to protect it right now. takayama - adaptive engine protection. i wanted to open a deposit at 18%. it turns out that you can under 20. i was thinking about opening a deposit in one bank. it turns out that you can do different ones at once. for money, your own marketplace. it turns out that open a deposit with a rate of 20%. financial services financial market from the moscow exchange. pairs of chicken hit chiquineras with new curry sauce at a competitive price. what kind of square is this? interesting, let me show you. this marking code is an honest sign. your assistant for safe shopping. the cash register
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moments with holy spring water, with fruit flavors, a source of joy for you, one of my friends has the fastest mobile internet, cool video, what after all , the speed is high, it was you who connected the ginny even at five, although you better not need it, the megaphone is number one in terms of speed... sberbank mortgage for any type of housing, for a new building, secondary housing or building a house. fairytale chicken is needed for sweet dreams, rubber chicken for distracting maneuvers, the most tender chicken for burgers in the tasty spot, new curry sauce in chicken premium and chicken hit carry, try it in the tasty spot. the caucasus investment forum started today in grozny, focusing on
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issues of infrastructure, agro-industrial complex, banking sector and energy. my colleague alexandra suvorova works at the forum, she is now joining us with a guest. alexandra, greetings, i convey to you word in grozny. dasha, greetings, thank you, well, that’s basically all the topics you just talked about. we will discuss them with deputy prime minister alexander novak, he is here now. hello, alexander valentinovich. hello. let's first talk about investments, the investment forum, given that it is being held for the second time. what volume of investments have you already managed to attract to the north caucasus federal district over this period of time? yes, well, first of all , i want to say that today in the chechen republic in the city of grozny a large-scale event is taking place, the second investment, caucasian forum, which is held in accordance with the decree of the russian president. federation of vladimirovich putin, today there are a large number of participants, about 4,000 people have declared, forum participants, more than 50 countries are participating,
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that is, a large-scale event is of great interest, and, of course, the central event of the caucasian investment forum will be tomorrow, when it will take part chairman of the government of the russian federation, mikhail vladimirovich mishustin, and of course, the main task of such an event is... to attract investment in the development of the north caucasus, in changing the image of the north caucasus, in the development of tourism clusters, logistics, that is , all economic areas, and of course, an important indicator is investment, based on the results of the past in 2018, the total volume of investments in fixed assets in the north caucasus amounted to just over 1 trillion rubles, and this is largely due to the fact that the first forum was held last year. where it was signed many different agreements between our forum participants, this year, on the first day, several very important agreements on the development
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of the caspian coastal cluster in dagestan were signed between the subject of the russian federation dagestan and the investor, an agreement was signed today on the construction of an airport near cherkessk in order to to provide. logistics infrastructure for tourists who will travel to ski resorts, karachayev, cherkessia and so on, so this is of course a very important event, several years ago, a government representative set the task for each subject of the russian federation to create an economic model of its development, today at the forum all representatives of the regions show what models are shown within the framework of these models, how they developed, what results were achieved, what projects were implemented, 35 key projects , which today... are essentially carried out in such a controlled regime from the government of the russian federation, the total volume of investments in them is somewhere around 1.700 billion rubles. and they are already implementing these projects,
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tomorrow the heads of regions will report to the prime minister on their implementation. in general , i am sure that holding such a forum in this format in the caucasus, of course, is an additional impetus for the development of this region, for improving the quality of life of the people living here. attracting tourists here, to attract investment and to make the region more open. by the way, speaking of tourism, based on the results of the first half of the year, how many guests visited the resorts of the north caucasus federal district? this year, in 5 months, while data is available, visited there are already 1,900 thousand tourists in the regions of the north caucasus, which is almost 5% more than last year for the same period. if we talk about last year, for example, compare last year. about 6 million tourists visited the sulfur caucasus and the increase was about 20%. that is, we actually see that every year more and more
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tourists come here not only. russian, but foreign, because new ski clusters are being built here, infrastructure is being developed, new places for recreation are being created here, in particular kaumenvody, this a resort known to everyone, where investments are constantly being made in improvement, in attracting tourists there, for example, today it is very difficult, even in my opinion, to get tickets for accommodation, buy tickets, and so on, so new hotels need to be built here.
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for post-seavkaz, and another important topic is agriculture, in fact, on the approach to grozny, that year when you fly up to the mineral waters, you see how much agricultural land there is already, in the last 2 years there have been five large agricultural projects sponsored and provided loans by the caucasus russian federation corporation, what are your plans in this area? yes, indeed, agriculture in the region is one of the key areas of development, along with industry, tourism, which we talked about, and the development of transport and logistics areas, well, this is a fertile region. here is a very fertile climate for the development of agriculture, as you know, well, for example, here, if we talk about sheep breeding, then about 50% of the population is generally in the northern caucasus in our country as a whole, and 50% of wool is produced here, viticulture is actively developing here, and the production of vegetables, tomatoes, apples, fruits, logistics centers are being built here, and
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a number have already been built, a number are still under implementation.
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immediately after a short advertisement about the situation with her guest, deputy prime minister alexander novak, but the fires in kuban.


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