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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 15, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm MSK

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yes, sasha, thank you, from grozny, where the caucasus investment forum started, there was my colleague alexandra suvorova, her guest, deputy prime minister alexander novak, well, right after a short advertisement about the situation with fires in the kuban.
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now the economic news is short: mutual trade of the eac countries over 4 months increased by 9.5% compared to the same period last year, this was announced in... the economic development department,
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they noted an increase in trade turnover between russia and partners from the cis. now the share of these countries is 16%. at the end of the year, more than half russian trade accounted for asian countries, 23% for european countries and 11% for the middle east. in the first half of the year, the chinese economy grew by 5% compared to the same period last year, its volume exceeded 61.5 trillion yuan. this is data from the state statistics service of the people's republic of china. the largest increase is almost 6%. let me remind you that at the end of the year, china took second place in terms of economic growth among the g20 countries, with india taking first place. rusnano repaid the loans ahead of schedule. the corporation paid off 80% of the debt accumulated before the twenty-first year. the discount helped to do this. the company agreed with banks on a 20% discount for early repayment. the amount of payments to rusnano.
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called, but in march the debt was estimated at 48 billion rubles. as interfax reported, citing a company representative, the debt arose due to manipulation of reporting and ineffective management. and the main shareholder of yandex, consortium one, completed settlements for the exchange of yandex nv shares. investors were able to exchange securities of the dutch company for shares of the new domestic legal entity yandex. securities or money for them listed by broker. let me remind you, in february. concluded a deal to sell assets, by the end of july, it must change its name and stop using yandex brands. it was economic news, briefly. what can negatively affect the liver? constant stress, unhealthy diet, environment, this can lead to inflammation and destruction of liver cells.
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okka, the world i watch, i am chef kote aganezov, on my blog i share simple and quick recipes, and to make it even tastier, the right sauce is important. astoria, now it’s definitely delicious. grandfather disappeared in the garage for weeks, father. for days, but a few minutes in the garage is enough for me, drive your car into the avito auto garage and you will immediately see the suitable spare parts. avito auto garage, the garage of our time. register your car in the avito auto garage
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and get a chance to win a new car. in the branch and online. a reliable base, fairy chicken is needed for sweet dreams, rubber chicken for distracting maneuvers, the most tender chicken for burgers at the tasty point, new curry sauce in chicken premier and chicken hit curry, try it at the tasty point. the problem of cystitis is known to many women. the main cause of cystitis is bacteria. cyston helps fight cystitis. when cystitis. then syston. still thinking about the perfect home? it's time to click on the house to buy an apartment in a new or resale building or build your own house with a mortgage. at domklik, everyone will find housing for themselves. due to fires in
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the krasnodar territory , a large traffic jam formed at the entrance to the crimean bridge from the taman side. at least 4 and a half were stuck in it. thousands of tourists. by according to mash , 1,500 cars are waiting for their turn at the checkpoint. most of the cars initially went to novorossiysk and anapa. people learned about the fire and are now trying to return to the peninsula. more than 5.00 buses with vacationers are now moving towards crimea. eyewitnesses say that you have to wait up to 5 hours to cross the bridge, and the number of cars continues to grow. last year, congestion was also recorded in this place. maximum waiting time. it was possible to localize large forest fires in yakutia, there the fire area is more than 40,000 hectares. it was also possible to stop the spread of fire in six more forest districts. more than 1,800 people are fighting the fire in the region, more than 150
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units of ground equipment are involved, but most of the outbreaks are in hard-to-reach areas where only aviation can operate. assistance is provided by about 600 paratroopers and airborne forest protection paratroopers from neighboring countries. a peace plan for resolving the conflict in ukraine is on the table of all eu leaders, prime minister of hungary viktor orban. about this in interview with local press. said political adviser to the hungarian leader balazs orban. without disclosing details, he added that this plan is based on a realistic assessment of the situation, realistic goals and deadlines. the same interview notes that the head of the hungarian government intends to continue the peacekeeping mission and that he has new trips and negotiations ahead. i will add that this interview has already been commented on in the kremlin, as putin’s press secretary dmitry peskov said, the russian leadership is aware of viktor orban’s approach to resolving the conflict ukraine. but the contents of his letter to eu leaders are not known. the russian pilot, whom
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the ukrainian special services were going to recruit to hijack the tu-22 m3, told the details of this operation. according to him, kiev contacted him last fall. they demanded that the rest of the crew be eliminated during the escape. the fsb reported a week ago that the ukrainian plan had failed, details of this failed operation of the ukrainian special services in the material of yevgeny popov. tu-22 m3? yes, the strategic missile carrier tu-22m3, which they tried to hijack? yes, this plane, tu-22 m3, is one of the most secret. the ukrainian main
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intelligence directorate wanted to steal one of the most powerful in our long-range military aviation ; the ukrainian side could hardly use it, despite all its incredible power, there are no specialists, no engineers, they sawed up their tu-22 m3 long ago back in early 2000 . years at the request of the americans, but of course, the pr effect and information effect is what kiev and zelensky wanted to achieve, they always act according to a certain media plan in their own. military operations, in their political operations. how did they offer you to fly to the territory of ukraine? after all, the line of combat
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contact, the saturation of missile defense and air defense systems? that intelligence officer with whom i spoke, the so-called pavlo, he kept rushing me at this moment, it was precisely this technical moment on the perimeter of the aircraft that was given the least amount of time and questions, it is not so simple. so you took off, added ore there, flew away, no, ore in aviation slang and control levers engine, essentially like a gas pedal of a car, a radio game with the guru ukraine, our counterintelligence officers waged for 9 months, in the end they squeezed the maximum out of the enemy, well, they thought that we would fall for this and not ask questions, but they were in a hurry, come on, come on , come on, come on, come on, after completing a certain task, i’ll turn on the maximum mode with ore flight. maximum there are more sounds , i’ll go in their direction to ozernoye, well, the last
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airfield was ozernoye, so you landed at ozernoye airfield, then what do they tell you promised? so we pick you up, we go like this, we will support you for some time in ukraine, and then you will get your money there, you will go, how much money? well, initially pavlo promised 1 million, allegedly citing some kind of law. ukraine, well, here we are, as they say, we decided to raise the rate, stopped at three, then sent a video with money that was supposedly intended for me, this crooked account, then demonstrated how they reached you, originally the release was in october twenty third year, messenger telegram, they knew my name, the names of my loved ones, and there was also certain information there. behaved brazenly, who else would openly threaten like that, naturally, the first thing is, well, anger,
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that someone is threatening my family, this is already the handwriting of ukrainian intelligence, they are trying to hit what is most dear to them, they wrote messages, called. if we’re already talking about sincerity, let’s do it this way, you know everything about me, but practically, not everything, well, not everything, but you know a lot, you know why i’m sticking out, i’ll outline it for you now, i ’ll outline it for you now.
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the prospect of receiving 3 million dollars from the pilot was required to commit high treason, leave his family hostage, fly the missile carrier to the ukrainian ozernoye airfield and kill his crewmates. and only today we have a unique opportunity to be on board the most secret long-range aviation aircraft tu-22m3, which every day takes part in a special military operation, smashing the enemy. let's try to open it. hatch, whose place is this, it turns out, this is an assistant, let’s climb in carefully, you can’t touch anything, naturally, here i am the place of the ship's assistant commander, and the crew was four people, and what was supposed to happen to the crew? i was offered to eject them forcibly, so to speak, in a humane way
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, to eliminate them, that is, to actually kill them, that is, they wanted you to bring the plane and kill three of your colleagues. yes, yes, but can you, as the commander of a ship in this plane , forcibly eject the crew? yes, there is such a function, so i can demonstrate it, there is a device here, it is usually counterclockwise, counterclockwise means it is sealed, yes, yes, there are two toggle switches, they signal the navigator to the operator, the lamp lights up, indicating that they are preparing to eject, and after the ejection the plane can continue the flight, the pilot... therefore, they first sent a pole's card, a video with a picture of money, account numbers in polish banks, then a photo of an italian passport for his wife. it is impossible to produce such documents without the assistance of european governments. this is a real passport of a polish citizen, look on the internet, carefully and figure it out, everything is written on it, look at the map on the internet
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pole, well, if you want, i’ll find it for you. not only informational, but political effect if successful. operations of the main intelligence directorate of ukraine are difficult to even imagine, because the tu-22 m3 is a carrier of strategic nuclear weapons, all missiles, all bombs that are suspended on these pylons, which are in bomb bays, can be either nuclear or non-nuclear , just imagine for a second the headlines of western newspapers: on the morning after they would have succeeded, exactly 2 years ago, fsb counterintelligence stopped an attempt to hijack a su-34 fighter bomber, then the operation was personally sanctioned by
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the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine zaluzhny, the british agent christ grozdev and officers were brought in for execution. the hijacking of all this, how you extracted from them the coordinates of equipment, engineering infrastructure, which were subsequently struck by our aerospace forces. i pressed the point that i needed to prepare, well, i really needed to prepare, especially since it
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was supposed that i was supposed to fly alone if the crew were eliminated, that is, he... various airfields were proposed, which according to for certain reasons, they were not suitable for our type of aircraft. supersonic missile carrier-bomber tu-22m3, a carrier of nuclear weapons in nato codification - backfiire, flash or reverse fire. an aircraft with a variable sweep wing allows the wings to literally fold at supersonic speeds, providing unique aerodynamics, with the entire fusulage covered in red stars. is it only ukraine or syria, georgia? no, this plane has been involved for a long time, and it passed through syria, took part in the georgian conflict, and it periodically undergoes regulations fits into... the plant and it was repainted several times, so here, if it had been used first, there wouldn’t have been enough stars so that the stars, as they say, this is part of
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the nuclear triad, i understand correctly, correctly, part of the nuclear triad a component of the strategic nuclear forces, it was they tu-22m3 that put an end to the battle for mariupol with unguided free-fall bombs, boldly entering the zone... there is no need for the target now. backfiire fights with missiles, including hypersonic ones. well, according to the open data that is available about this plane, in principle,
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can fly to lisbon. yes, including. the distant one is generally a white bone, as they say. i have a certain contribution to our victory. i am like a combat unit, i am like a crew commander. as my crew, in general, we are one unit, we produce results, we deliver. contribution, invaluable contribution for the tu-22 m3, its one of the tasks, as an element of the nuclear triad, missile carriers constantly patrol the skies over the japanese seas of okhotsk, the caspian and the baltic, you spend a lot, a lot of time, yes, yes, a lot, when you are in neutral waters nato fighters are accompanying you, after all, long-range aviation, a carrier of nuclear weapons, we have already met with our partners who were at the top, yes, it happened, i can’t say when, under what conditions, but yes, these were the options. during the radio game, the commander of the missile carrier continued to fly as
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before, often he himself suggested to the counterintelligence officers what to answer pavlo, then he sat in the cockpit and went on a combat mission, according to the f16 rates, the ukrainian military pilots are indifferent, the f16 can change the situation, i think not, it seems to me already . will help you serious car? no, i think our 134 is much better. on monday, the ukrainian air force ozernaya airfield in the zhytomyr region, where , according to kiev’s plan, the tu-22 m3 was supposed to fly, was hit by a massive missile attack by the aerospace forces. the russian ministry of defense does not provide other details, but apparently, this blow became the final chord of the radio game. evgeny popov, natalya konyakhova, nikolay koskin, alexander sidorov, dmitry matros. zaporozhye joined the national labor productivity project. it helps
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entrepreneurs improve business processes, for example, management, logistics or product sales. companies with a turnover above 400 million rubles can receive support. in this case, the share of foreign participation may not exceed 50%. let us remind you that the national project is available to enterprises from such areas as construction and manufacturing. experts will train enterprises in the principles of lean production, implement targeted projects at enterprises, which will increase labor productivity at these enterprises, increase the revenue of enterprises, and ultimately increase the production of products that are needed including for residents of this region. if we talk about the implementation of the national project in general, we already have over 600 companies within the perimeter of the national project. the working season of medical teams has started in russia. this year more than 15 thousand students will take part in it. in total, 10 labor teams were organized at medical institutions in
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different russian cities. medical students from friendly countries will also take part in the project. this action and this direction for healthcare is very important, because in the summer, including vacation period, students, doctors who already have a permit. work in certain positions, help medical organizations go through this period to ensure volumes of medical care, including taking part in medical examination of the population in preventive areas. for the first time , a medical student team will work in moscow; it will unite students from faculties of medical universities and colleges. 50 people will work in pharmacies, another 47 in medical institutions of russian railways medicine. there are definitely twice as many projects, that is, there are 10 of them, exactly all-russians, and if we talk about the activities of the guys, well, in general, the ministry of health has been very supportive of us
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since the beginning of the year, when we had our first meeting. organizing committee, the second direction is supporting our professional skills competition, and every year, yes, that is, we gather a large pool of experts, and the guys compete in competencies and disciplines, this year it will be held as part of our anniversary year in moscow. the delicious calendar returns to the delicious calendar, period. we give 100% cashback every friday when paying with alfa bank cards. world blockbusters on the yandex market, what were you waiting for, maybe a wall one with a 19% discount, start your journey into business with the support of sber, they will open an account in sber business, help with accounting, legal issues and connect an online cash register, all this is free, we open path to business, sberbusiness, legend!
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investigation, assassination attempt on donald trump. what are the known details, can the two court cases against trump be dismissed and will the shooting at rallies lead to a crisis of legitimacy in the states? this is in the report of our correspondent in the usa. the spread of fire has been stopped, outbreaks in the turbas territory have been eliminated, but due to strong winds the threat of new open burning still remains. what is the situation near novorossiysk and when will tourists evacuated from the danger zone be able to return? a new forest fire broke out near simferopol, a grove in the village of urozhaynaya caught fire, the highway was filled with smoke, and there is a risk that the fire will spread to summer cottages. what could have caused it? maritime cooperation
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, joint exercises between russia and china have started. the loud and harsh corvettes of the pacific fleet entered the south china sea. we'll tell you what they'll do. at these moments in a forest is burning in the vicinity of simferopol. a fire broke out in an oak grove in the village of urozhainye. the highway was covered in smoke. next to the fireplace there is a gardening association. will already spread to 5 hectares, and there is a risk that it will spread to summer cottages. fire crews have already left for the emergency site, but strong winds, like the day before in novorossiysk, complicate the work of specialists. smog has also filled the main roads in this part of the simferopol vicinity; drivers have to make their way through the house curtain. in addition, in crimea, next to the karadakh nature reserve on an area of ​​2 hectares is burning with dead wood. the regional headquarters of the ministry of emergency situations reported that
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they had sent to the scene.


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