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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 15, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm MSK

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maritime cooperation, joint exercises between russia and china have started. the loud and bold corvettes of the pacific fleet entered the south china sea. we'll tell you what they'll do. at these moments , a forest is burning in the vicinity of simferopol. a fire broke out in an oak grove in the village of urozhaynaya. the highway was covered in smoke. it is located next to the fireplace. there is a risk that it will spread to summer cottages. fire crews have already left for the emergency site, but strong winds, like the day before in novorossiysk, complicate the work of specialists. the smog also filled the main roads in this part outskirts of simferopol, drivers have to make their way through the house curtain. in addition, in crimea, next to the karadakh nature reserve, dead wood is burning on an area of ​​2 hectares. the regional... ministry of emergency situations reported that
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two fire departments were sent to the scene. and in the village of durso near novorossiysk, they managed to stop the spread of fire. there is no threat to industrial facilities and infrastructure. police are interviewing eyewitnesses to the forest fire. this will help determine its causes. andrey malyovany will talk about how is the fight against the fire element going? such local fires can still be observed at the site of the fire near novorossiysk. its extinguishing. continued throughout the night, with hundreds of firefighters, volunteers, dozens of pieces of equipment, and several helicopters pouring down the flames. in the morning, a special il-76 plane from the ministry of emergency situations joined the fire extinguishing effort. the firefighting effort is complicated by several factors, including difficult terrain and weather. there is only a narrow strip along the sea along which people and equipment can move, but it is physically very difficult to move, fire much simpler, it is driven by a strong wind that does not stop.
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several dozen people and equipment were immediately involved, helicopters later joined in, but due to strong winds the fire continued to flare up, by the evening the fire area increased tenfold and exceeded 60 hectares, steadily intense, this is the most important thing - controlled. now we will work with the aviation of the ministry of emergency situations, after the work of the helicopters we will go through this personnel and continue to service the smaller ones. due to the threat of fire spreading , tourists were evacuated from local bases recreation. we are located at the flegad base. the entire base burned out. regarding the fires that broke out at recreation centers, almost everything has already been localized. the main source of the fire remained.
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beyond the tops of the fortress. the evacuation took place both by land and by sea. three temporary accommodation points were organized. only one is used so far. in total, about 500 people were evacuated. due to the threat of fire spreading to nearby settlements , the population began to be notified of preparations for evacuation. attention attention. it started there, yeah. believed that she was so fast, but for now we we dispersed the car, there were about 50 cars here, i saw that the flame was already burning on this side of the road, we already had to get out of here ourselves. an operational headquarters has been set up at the scene of the fire, including representatives of emergency services, local and regional authorities. a state of emergency has been declared in novorossiysk. a criminal case has also been opened regarding the fire. it’s too early to talk about the reasons, although there are already opinions that without participation.
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in the krasnodar territory, at the entrance to the crimean bridge from the taman side, a large there is a traffic jam, at least 4,500 tourists are stuck in it, 1,500 cars are waiting for their turn at the checkpoint, most of the cars were originally going to novorossiysk and anapa, people learned about the fire and are now trying to return to the peninsula. more than 500 cars and buses with vacationers are now moving towards crimea. eyewitnesses say that you have to wait up to 5 hours to cross the bridge, and the number of cars continues to grow. last year , congestion was also recorded in this place. the maximum waiting time was 6.5 hours. well now to others news after the assassination attempts. on donald
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trump, his ratings have soared, even those who were previously in the democratic camp want to vote for him. this is the latest polling data, and the white house is holding behind-the-scenes negotiations with the rioters. a centimeter from his head, this photo of trump's wound spread throughout the world's laughs, close-up, scarlet blood, a fresh cover of time, also red, the general mood in the newspaper headlines, shock, fear, confusion, the ex-president is saved, the nation is on the brink, the united states is literally one photographs, american rappers sing in honor of trump, he is a real hero for them, the center of new york is noisy, celebrating the rebirth of someone who is now against the democrats. it's wonderful, people are smiling, people are united, people are celebrating the second life of our trump. well in the sky, poetry, the best don't
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give up. trump 24 for all of manhattan. the white house is not sleeping; against the backdrop of the dramatic assassination attempt on trump , biden’s behind-the-scenes negotiations with those rebelling against him took place almost unnoticed. usa, and many are unhappy with this. it seems to me that when foreign leaders see how he makes these mistakes, these egregious blunders, to them it's evidence of what they saw in private conversations with biden. this is not a person who can have a serious, thoughtful and deep conversation about important issues. well, the meeting ended in fiasco. it got to the point where... biden simply yelled at his opponents, sources say. now over 100 congressmen have announced that they are sharply ready to break with biden, experts say. the assassination attempt on trump will provide him with a surge of new donors and voters, say political scientists. well, this will definitely
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silence the democrats, because otherwise they can be accused of threatening trump's life, and this already leads to possible legal charges. some people supporting biden or another candidate speaking. so obligated to do something that against trump they apparently felt emboldened to try to kill the man. the americans agree with this and demand a speedy trial of the case. we will fight harder, they angered us with this. the investigation into the case has just begun, and there has long been a split in society; experts, albeit indirectly, blame the democrats for everything. they say, in fact, they incited the same hatred among voters, but this is the opinion in the media close to the democrats. media and politicians of the democratic party their calls led to this assassination attempt, don’t you remember how many called for this, congressman dan goldman, for example, rhetoric leads to action, if you deny this, you are cynically imbeciled, while shooting at
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trump is common a joke in the western world, a year ago on new zealand television presenters depicted the shooting of the former us president live. okay, donald trump is here. so let's start, let's say donald trump is lying there, it seems to me that there should be a lazar on this joke, oh, that was cool, those who don't like trump a lot, including abroad, experts summarize. there are many ardent supporters of ukraine who are fearful and dissatisfied with the prospect of a trump presidency, given trump's open statement that he will seek a negotiated end to the russian-ukrainian war. in poland there were even those who really tried justify the murder of a presidential candidate, compared to hitler. and , apparently, there is no difference for them, commenting on this, the americans write, thus, the murder of any wrong politician can be justified and nothing will happen for it, but while instilling its democracy in the world, the white house simply forgot what it is, itself. marjarodilka, news. and we have compiled a chronology of how
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events unfolded during the assassination attempt on the former us president. donald trump was assassinated in pennsylvania. blood visible on face, former us president cheers up, raises his hand three times and says to the americans: fight, trump is being taken to the hospital in an armored car, after an examination, his headquarters said trump is not in danger of his life. a little later, trump himself issued a statement.
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it’s incredible that this could happen in our country,” he wrote. the incident caused a reaction. us intelligence agencies said an investigation is underway. trump's associates have started their own, the american said. the people must know the truth now about how the special military operation is progressing, as reported in ministry of defense within 24 hours, our air defense systems shot down another ukrainian mig2 fighter. 36 ukrainian armed forces drones, as well as five missiles. the enemy lost approximately 1,900 fighters in different directions. our unit is improving the situation along the front line and systematically hitting the ukrainian armed forces’ equipment. thus, a unit of the north group destroyed three tanks and two pickup trucks of the ukrainian armed forces. military group west hit nine enemy field warehouses. joint maritime exercises between russia and china have started. the opening ceremony. took place in the chinese port of jang, during during the maneuvers, the crews will, in particular, practice
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replenishment of supplies on the move, anti-submarine operations with the participation of aviation, and will also conduct training in air defense systems. the international detachment of corvette ships includes the loud and sharp pacific fleet, the chinese side includes the yingchuan ismin, two frigates, as well as a universal transport supply. now there is a short advertisement, stay tuned. woster! it tastes better on fire! burgers! so that you have time to finish everything this summer, we in avito have collected the best offers for new building materials. buy from local suppliers with discounts of up to 60% until august 14th and start your vacation early! build your plans faster and cheaper with avito for your home. avito is more profitable for everyone. what do you think? cool, but
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a free debit alpha card, it’s not just profitable, alpha is profitable, but beat yourself over the head, van, hurry up, what sparks interest? uh, uh, what started? and makes life brighter. he imprisoned me in the fire chamber. certainly. flint. ivan, oh, so we come out tyoski. soon. and about sports news, in less than a week. the russian premier league starts on july 20. moscow spartak is entering another season with a new head
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coach, the eminent serbian denin stankovic. how the footballers of the moscow club work under the guidance of a forty-five-year-old specialist, team midfielder roman zobnin told. watch the full interview with him on our channel after midnight. the first thing he said was that we need to respect each other, respect partners, respect the coach, respect the club employees, here uh. treat everyone with respect and work as hard as possible during training, during training he can be quite restrained, he can be emotional, depending on how we train, it happens that he can give a hint somewhere, he can be calm, it happens that he can cram, with an emotional component in any case, spartak needs and the team needs it in any case, because when spartak is not an easy team, we all know, ah, emotions are needed here. in any case, you need a great, great desire, so to work in spartak and achieve results,
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that’s all we’ve seen so far, he has it, of course, and we’re following him, now the staff from the coordination center is correct. good afternoon, dear colleagues, we continue our work, hold strategic sessions, the president in the updated may decree. national goals, the key ones are preserving the population, improving health, increasing the well-being of people, and supporting families, and also, of course, realizing the potential of each person, developing his talents, here we are today we’ll just look at how the preparation of two national projects is going on, aimed at solving their problems: the first of
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them is a large-scale family project, it will include five federal ones, their implementation on... will make it possible to strengthen assistance to families at the birth of a child at all stages of his growing up , to grow a whole support system, as the president instructed, paying special attention to large families. the maternity capital program will continue, existing social measures will be maintained, and from the twenty-sixth year an annual family allowance will be provided payment to working mothers and fathers who have two or more children. it is also necessary to concentrate efforts on...
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we also need to renovate about 2,500 existing ones throughout the country in order to create conditions in the regions for family leisure and development in creativity, within the framework of the national project we will also update cultural institutions, and of course we will help families with decisions housing issue and overcoming financial difficulties. another significant area of ​​work is increasing the accessibility of medical care to citizens. the state of health care largely depends on the quality of life and demographic indicators, so such topics are always the focus of the government’s work. on behalf of the president , the modernization of institutions that provide assistance to mothers and children has continued. we will expand the network of antenatal clinics, introducing the latest approaches into their activities, create
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conditions for on-site forms of work, and organize home visits for women who have recently become mothers. and those in need of postpartum support. it is important to remember that families are not only moms, dads and kids, they are our grandmothers and grandfathers. they, of course, also need the attention of the state. it is not always easy for older citizens to take care of themselves. therefore , as the head of state instructed, we will provide for the development of a long-term care system so that by the end of the decade it will be available to half a million people. they will be able to receive comprehensive social and medical care at home and support in a variety of life situations. it is necessary to involve our older generation in cultural, leisure, educational events, volunteering and living an active and interesting life can and should be done at any age, especially since such people have extensive experience. they
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can share their knowledge with young people and serve as mentors. supporting citizens who are raising children, caring for the younger generation and older people is a priority for the government; all aspects of such large-scale, complex work must be taken into account when preparing the national project and the federal projects that are included in it. today we also let's consider another national project, youth and children. as the president noted, it should be about the future and for the future of our country. in russia there are now almost 37 million citizens from 14 to 35 years old, people at this age, according to our legislation , are considered youth, this is almost a quarter of all residents of the state, together with children from 3 years old, the figure is approaching 55 million and will grow. they are all our modern generation, and
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it is important for everyone to create opportunities for self-realization and development. talents so that they can achieve success in those areas who choose to benefit themselves, their family and their country. this is exactly what the new national project is aimed at; its activities will take into account the specifics of each age. citizens will be able to receive government assistance throughout their entire life, from the earliest years while studying at school, college, university, and then at the beginning of their career when moving to their first job. and when creating your own family. the national project will include nine federal ones, which will combine all measures to support children and youth and will allow coordinate activities. different departments in implementing policies in this area, with the participation of public institutions, volunteer and voluntary organizations. we will pay special attention to the development
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of infrastructure for the future generation. on the instructions of the president, the construction of general education institutions will continue, and we will also update the material and technical base of pedagogical universities. on the initiative of the head of state , a network of twelve advanced ones will be formed in all districts of the russian federation within 6 years. flagship schools, they will become use modern teaching practices. the main goal is to ensure that children receive knowledge in a comfortable environment, can try themselves in creativity, science, sports, and we will focus the education system on helping to unlock the potential of each student. we will also develop a vocational guidance program; by the end of the decade it should cover all students. to improve the quality of higher education, let's continue. build a network of world -class campuses in universities, in 12 years there should be them at least forty with the necessary equipment, including for conducting research and
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applying the most modern, latest educational methods, and of course the best opportunities for professional and personal growth. to achieve the technological leadership of our country, we are making efforts and training highly qualified engineering personnel capable of providing. the creation of breakthrough solutions, as well as those who will participate in the operation of new developments; for this , advanced universities will continue to appear in the country’s leading universities engineering schools. dear colleagues, the president noted that the topic of youth policy is strategically important. today's young people are the future of our country, and of course, it is simply necessary to do everything possible so that they can express themselves and their talents. set goals and achieved success. let's discuss in detail today what activities should be included in the new national projects. mikhail mishustin held
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a strategic session on the national projects family and youth and children. now a short advertisement, then we will continue the release. you you don’t decide exactly how you will meet your first love. you don't decide where you make lifelong friends. you don't decide which option you get, but only you decide what your future will be like. study wherever you want and don’t worry about tuition payments with an educational loan from sber, with government support. calculate payments right now what do we bring back from savita’s travels? cashback bonuses? everything will go as planned with cashback with bonuses, when you are an adult, it is so easy to forget that joy lives inside us, but it is real
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fisherman's day was celebrated in astrakhan. the ukhi festival took place on the central embankment of the city. the soup was prepared by chefs from several regions of the region, and festival guests determined the most delicious recipe. at the festival , the best representatives of the fishing profession were awarded, and the traditional release of juvenile sturgeon fish took place there. governor igor babushkin also took part in it. this my favorite holiday is not only mine, it is the favorite holiday of the whole country, well, especially widely, it certainly fits here, in our region. i wish i could. take better care of ours, our property, and the fish that live here in our reservoirs, and we, for our part, are doing everything necessary to ensure that the fish actively reproduce in our country every year.
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the working season of medical teams has started in russia; more than 15 thousand students will take part in it this year. in total, 10 labor teams were organized on the basis of medical institutions in different russian cities. medical students from friendly countries will also take part in the project. you can find out. this action and this direction for healthcare are very important, because during the summer period, including the vacation period, students and doctors who already have permission to work in certain positions help medical organizations get through this period to provide volumes of medical care, including including taking part in medical examination of the population in preventive areas,


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