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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 15, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm MSK

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the entire history of new russia, that is , it is 110.6% in the manufacturing industries, which is 4% higher than even the most optimistic forecasts that we set for ourselves, the volume of shipped products for the first time exceeded 2 trillion rubles, and over 90% of this volume - this is the shipment of manufacturing industries, it grew by 20% in the twenty-third year, as for metallurgy, for the region it is...
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250 billion rubles. that is, this is a huge , significant amount, and the projects are exclusively high-tech, the most modern. of course, the key to such results was joint work with regional authorities and, of course, with the government of the russian federation and the ministry of industry. in general, nizhny novgorod enterprises raised 33 billion rubles during the twenty-third year with the help of the ministry of industry and trade through the ministry of industry and trade. our own development and through the federal fund for industrial development we received 1.6 billion rubles in the twenty-third year, in total for the entire period 22 billion rubles, so i wanted to once again express my words of gratitude to the supervising ministry and in general, it is very important for the government to note that in addition to the ultra-modern areas of development of metallurgy at ruspolymet, this is the production of powders, granules and titanium...
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ingots, that is, new materials. ruspolymet pays great attention, including to the production of means of production, machine tools, well, in fact, gas stats can also be called ultra-modern means of production. and now, just the other day, on july 20 , a gasostat created by our enterprise, one of the largest in general, will be launched in ufa. in the world, in fact, one of the few in russia, that is, this is the only production of gasostats. therefore, metallurgy is also moving the machine tool industry forward. vladimirovich, thank you very much for your support, for your words of congratulations to the metallurgists, and i wanted to ask for permission to propose to viktorovich to launch a new production, a section of special steel alloys. thank you. and yet, the main area of ​​activity for us remains special metallurgy, and today, on the eve of metallurgy day, ruspolymet is launching. two ovens, one for industrial use
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operation, other experience in industrial production, and we ask vach to give us permission to launch these furnaces, so that by the end of the third quarter we will fully introduce the entire complex of work and provide all the orders that are in demand today in our industry, of course, victor. i give permission with great pleasure, thank you very much, together with the governor we press this button, give a signal to our operator, the leak complex is put into operation.
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from our teams, for our part, we are pleased to welcome you on the eve of our the main holiday, metal day. according to tradition, according to many years of tradition, we are in these. we are trying to launch industrial facilities and social facilities, today we are at the main control post of the new coke oven battery number 12, this is the largest investment project of our plant, the facility was built using the best available technologies, but during construction you will see what numbers in tonnages were used , today this is... we already have a project in progress, the total productivity of the new coke plant batteries 2.5 million tons of dry coke, which makes up half of the needs of coke plants. the complex is equipped with the most modern environmental facilities,
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which is of great importance for the plant and for the city of manitogorsk. the new coke oven battery makes it possible to decommission five obsolete old coke oven batteries. the launch of this new complex, which is in operation today, means that the city of magnitogorsk will be practically. thank you, vladimir vladimirovich, once again for your congratulations and allow me to proceed with the issuance of cox with a new coke batteries, of course, start, thank you.
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the attention you pay to the development of the metallurgical industry in general and the development of the magnitogorsk iron and steel works, in particular, i want to congratulate all metallurgists on their professional holiday for the chelyabinsk region, this is a very important holiday, the metallurgical industry, the manufacturing industry, and the systemically important one for our region, we do emphasis on... the development of the most modern technologies, on unlocking human resources, and the metallurgical industry, today this is an innovative sphere, you said about this, all the facilities that we are launching help improve the environmental well-being of our citizens, this is indeed
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sintering factory number five, which you vladimirovich opened in 1919 here in magnitogorsk, it started today. a new coke oven battery is in operation, in recent years there have been other facilities, i repeat, all of them improve the environmental situation in magnitogorsk, making it possible to achieve the task you set in your decrees to reduce emissions, and i would also like to note that mmk today is actively engaged in import substitution together with the ministry of industry of the russian federation and the regions. a project for the production of rental wolves is being implemented, this is purely import substitution, in fact, mmk is also a leader here, and of course, as i
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reported to you, we are developing not only modern production, but also the social sphere, thanks to your decisions, thanks to national projects, new facilities are being built. healthcare, education, sports, culture, i would also like to note the participation socially responsible business, in this regard, i would like to once again thank: viktor filipovich rashnikov, he not only invests in the plant, in the environment, he invests in the social sphere, since the twenty-first year a unique comprehensive improvement project has been implemented in magnitogorsk, this is an attraction park, viktor filipich will tell you more about it, i will note that this is a new look at the urban environment, the park was made with... love with respect for his hometown, for the legendary magnet, which
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turned 95 this year, here we are just the other day we celebrated the 95th anniversary of the city, in 5 years we will celebrate the centenary of magnetogorsk, we are preparing for this event, including on your instructions, we are planning to build a multidisciplinary medical center, the design has already been completed, now with the ministry of health... we are working on the allocation of the necessary funding and after the launch of this medical center, it will be a new level of medical care for residents of magnitogorsk, the medical center will be located directly on territory of the attraction park, well, actually mmk also allocated land for the construction of this.
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about this unique object for us. the attraction resort is a project that is being implemented on an area of ​​400 hectares; the creation of the first facilities began in the twenty-first year, starting with the construction of roads and parking lots. first of all, the park with an area of ​​27 was launched for metal day in the twenty-second year; a football and a boulevard with musical lights were built.
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sports areas, 40 km available, roads have grown, and the park is well used popular with both residents and guests, since the opening, more than 3 million people have already visited, the third stage of the facility is ready to open, these are vmc personnel centers for children and adults, a panoramic restaurant, and the main object of the third stage is a light and music fan. yes, you see, there are numbers there, the symbolic name is the steel heart of the motherland, it
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was designed specifically for our city, and we are now going to launch it, the area continues its development, next year we have planned the launch of a children's entertainment center, which means area of ​​10,000 m2, an examination is being carried out, today the thermal complex, which we are going to start building this year from... will be launched next, which means that the hockey academy project is almost ready, in november we will also start launching by the end of next year, design work has begun today, this means a hotel and residential complex with an area of ​​600,000 hectares, that is, 600,000 km, the project has already undergone examination today, as veekseldovich said,
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metals quickly adapted to the conditions in which they found themselves in their twenties. in the second year, you gave us the order to rework the metallurgy development strategy at the end of the twenty-second year, thereby we fully respond today to the current geopolitical realities and global trends in metallurgy, the task of achieving our russian technological sovereignty...
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reducing the technogenic impact on the environment. the task associated with all this also concerns the gradual achievement of raw material sovereignty of the industry. to this end , the ferrous metallurgy industry will place special emphasis on the development of the deposit manganese and chromium ores. in non-ferrous metallurgy this concerns tin. and for aluminum , the priority is bauxite and nephilin, and the same applies to ilmenite, as the main raw material for titanium production, and of course, another very important area is the maximum involvement of rare and rare earth metals in the economy. anton andreevich
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mentioned several projects in this part, but it is important that oxides and concentrates. were used to the maximum in all sectors of processing, well, taking this opportunity, i would like to say thank you, vladimirovich, for that the attention that you give to the manufacturing industry and metallurgy, as its basic industry, and i am sure that all the tasks that otrus faces are within their capabilities, they will be implemented, thank you for your attention, i have already said which places in the countries.. occupies in the global production of certain types of metallurgical industry, but one of the key indicators is, of course, steel production; in the twenty-third year - compared to the volume of the twenty-second year - steel production in the country increased by 6.3%, by 4.5 million tons, a total of 76 million tons
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of steel were produced, a very good indicator, which indicates... that in general the metallurgical industry in russia is developing successfully, the metallurgical production index at the end of the twenty-third year was 103.3% . confident, good indicator, good, confident growth, i congratulate everyone once again on the upcoming holiday, there are still a few days until it, a work week ahead, nevertheless i want to congratulate everyone on metal day , thank everyone again for the results work to wish you success. all the best. vladimir putin, via videoconference , took part in a large event dedicated to metallurgist day and the launch of several new facilities at enterprises located in the dpr, nizhny novgorod and chelyabinsk regions. well, now to other news: the chechen republic is in the top 10 regions with the best investment
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climate. deputy minister of economic development dmitry volvach spoke about this at the caucasus investment forum in grozny. my colleague konstantin works on the site churikov, he gets in direct contact with the studio. konstantin, greetings, but there is a lot of talk today in grozny about the economic and investment development of the north caucasus. what is known? the pace of development of the regions of the north caucasus. daria, hello, well, the pace is high, the volume of savings in the caucasian regions is growing, in this sense , the hostess of the “chechen republic” forum sets the tone. today in grozny they are talking about the investment potential of the north caucasus regions and the interest of investors, according to data provided by the deputy minister of economics development of russia dmitry volvoch. in the twenty-third year, the chechen republic attracted more than 163 billion rubles to the regional economy. this.
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the main economic indicator the gross regional product of the chechen republic shows growth annually; if in the sixteenth year it was 201 billion rubles, then in the twenty-second year it was already 315 billion rubles. the caucasian investment forum has practical significance, because, for example, in the year since the previous similar event was held, the vca in the minvody region managed to attract investments of more than 1 trillion rubles. deputy prime minister of the government. the main objective of such an event is
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to attract investment in the development of the north caucasus, in changing the image of the north caucasus, in the development of tourism clusters, and logistics. several agreements have already been signed, very important for the development of the caspian coastal region.
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44 objects are planned to be built in the district alone, this is not the limit, in a few minutes the main event of today’s first day of the forum will begin, the plenary session greater caucasus from sea to sea, we will talk about the development of regions from the black and azov seas to the caspian sea, i note that more than 4 thousand delegates from more than 50 countries of the world, many guests, arrived here. arab republics from the states of the global south, we will keep you informed of events and provide all the details. daria. yes, konstantin, thank you, we will wait for new details about
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the caucasian investment forum, said my colleague, konstantin churikov. the area of ​​the fire in the village of kokhtybel in crimea has grown to 20 hectares, dry vegetation is burning near karadak nature reserve. a second mi-8 helicopter was brought in to extinguish the fire, this time from the russian national guard. earlier, they were sent to the scene of the emergency. mobile group of the ministry of emergency situations. the fire is being extinguished near simferopol. there is an oak grove burning in the village of urozhaynaya near snt edelweiss. the work of firefighters is complicated by strong winds; the adjacent highway is clouded with smoke; smog has also filled the main roads in the vicinity of the city. drivers have to make their way through the smoke screen. and another fire in sevastopol, it has already been localized. in the vicinity of the city, dry grass is burning area 3 hectares. this was reported to the ministry of emergency situations. and according to the words. there is no longer any threat of fire spreading; in the village of durso near novorossiysk , fires continue to be eliminated; strong
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gusts of wind interfere. and despite this, the fire was localized; there is now no threat to industrial facilities and infrastructure. well, as telegram channels report, now the governor of kuban has flown to the site of the fire in novorossiysk together with the deputy minister of the ministry of emergency situations of russia ; a photo taken from the air will be highlighted, but here’s how the fight against the fire is going on from region, reports our correspondent andrey malyovy. these are the local fires that can be observed at the fire site. near novorossiysk, its extinguishing continued all night, hundreds of firefighters, volunteers, dozens of pieces of equipment, as well as several helicopters poured out the flames. in the morning , a special firefighting team from the ministry of emergency situations and an il-76 aircraft joined the firefighting effort. extinguishing is complicated by several factors, including difficult terrain and weather; there is only a narrow strip along the sea along which people and equipment can move, but it is physically very difficult to move
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it’s difficult, it’s much easier for fire, it’s driven by a strong wind that hasn’t stopped for several days. the fire in the forest near novorossiysk began to flare up the day before in the first half of the day. firefighters who arrived at the scene estimated its area at 3 hectares. several dozen people and equipment were immediately involved in extinguishing the fire. later helicopters joined in. however, due to strong winds, the fire continued to flare up. by evening, the area of ​​the fire increased tenfold and exceeded 60 hectares. due to the threat of fire spreading , tourists were evacuated from local recreation centers. we we are at the flegad base, the entire base has burned down. regarding the fires that broke out at recreation centers , almost everything has already been localized, the main
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source. remained behind the tops of the fortress. the evacuation took place both by land and by sea, and three temporary accommodation points were organized. only one is used so far. in total, about 500 people were evacuated. due to the threat of fire spreading to nearby settlements , the population began to be notified of preparations for evacuation. raised attention. an operational team has been organized at the fire extinguishing site headquarters, it included representatives of emergency services, local and regional authorities, a state of emergency has been declared in novorossiysk, a criminal case has also been opened into the fire,
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it is too early to talk about the reasons, although... there are already opinions that without human participation, the matter could not have happened . now the main task facing the rescuers and volunteers who actively responded to the call for help is to stop the fire; this is not easy to do. andrey malyovy konstantin popov, news. due to fires in the krasnodar region at the entrance to a large traffic jam has formed on the crimean bridge from the country of taman, at least 4,500 tourists are stuck in it. there are 1,500 cars waiting their turn at the checkpoint. most of the cars initially went to novorossiysk and anapa. people learned about the fire and are now trying to return to the peninsula. more than 5,000 cars and buses with vacationers are now moving towards crimea. eyewitnesses say that you have to wait up to 5 hours to cross the bridge, and the number of cars continues to grow. last year at this place congestion was also recorded. the maximum
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waiting time was 6.5 hours. without a flint, in a flint he quickly imprisoned me, a self-written pen, magic ink, you’ll get it , the main thing is, van, hurry up, so give me a horse, a mechanical one, beat yourself on the head, you have a nickname, where it’s needed, that’s what my name is, because i’m not taking you where you fool want, but where you need to go.


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