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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 15, 2024 3:30pm-4:01pm MSK

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the waiting time was 6.5 hours, who are you? i, a traveler, an aeronaut, jean ivan, and so we go out talking, what a fairy tale without ivan, eh! what started? without deception and without a flint, you imprisoned me in the fire , a pen, a magic ink of your own, you’ll get it, the main thing is, van, hurry up, so give me a horse, a mechanical one, but beat yourself over the head, you have a nickname, where necessary, that’s what my name is, because i’m not taking you where you fool want, but where you need to go.
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i can’t live without travel, flint, the one who has flint in his pocket doesn’t need a pen, soon.
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now economic news, briefly. russia may again ban gasoline exports in august if the market situation is tense, deputy prime minister alexander novak told reporters at the caucasus investment forum. according to him, the fuel market is now stable, but repairs at some refineries continue, which affects production volumes. in general, russia has accumulated sufficient fuel reserves for periods of peak demand. the government lifted the ban on gasoline exports in may. the reason
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was said to be fuel market saturation. volumes remittances from russia to georgia fell by 3 and a half times. at the end of the half-year, they dropped to $320 million. this is data from the country's national bank. at the same time , transfers from other countries decreased by a total of 30%, to one billion 600 million dollars. russia remains in first place in terms of the number of transfers to georgia, italy is in second place, and the usa is in third place. the chinese economy grew by 5% in the first half of the year. cents compared to the same period last year, its volume exceeded 61.5 trillion yuan, these are data from the prc state statistics service. the largest increase is almost 6% in industry in the service sector, plus 4.5% in the agricultural sector 3.5. let me remind you that at the end of the year, china ranked second in terms of economic growth among the g20 countries. india came out on top. and trump media shares soared 77%. after the assassination attempt on donald trump. on
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the nazdak stock exchange, the securities rose to $54. according to bloomberg, the failed assassination attempt strengthened the former us president's chances of regaining the post of head of state. the trump-media company also owns the social network truth. in turn, the rater notes the excitement around merchandise featuring the politician. it was economic news. short. pentalgin - remedies against different types of pain. pentalgin acts against pain, wherever it is, regardless of the reasons for its occurrence. pentalgin, we can do without pain. every morning in the family of loved ones begins with beauty rituals. the megamarket has everything for our beauty rituals with a discount of up to 99% for thank you bonuses. still thinking about the perfect home? it's time to move on to home. fight, the boldest taste. with a mortgage for
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get super cashback up to 100% every month. or in the application, and we will select a favorable loan taking into account your credit history, compare on your side, right on target, this is a goal, this is a victory, this is a victory, russia, russia,
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russia, russia, are you going to throw out the trash already or not, so , attention, we have a replacement shift for the younger generation, a legend is entering the field to win, now about how the special military operation is progressing, as reported by the ministry of defense, in one day our air defense systems shot down another ukrainian mik-29 fighter, 36 drones of the ukrainian armed forces, as well as five missiles on directions the enemy lost approximately 1,900 fighters. our units are improving the situation along the front line and systematically hitting the equipment in the ssu. thus , units of the north group destroyed three tanks and two pickup trucks of the ukrainian armed forces, and the west military groups hit nine field warehouses enemy. powerful strikes on military installations
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of the ukrainian armed forces in the special operation zone are carried out by the russian fab-3000. this is an air bomb with a universal planning and correction module. military experts call. theirs is perhaps the most effective weapon. assembly footage of their use in the report by evgeny popov. the tsar bomb of a special military operation fab-3000 dobartu-34 goes on a combat mission, the simplest, most destructive and high-precision weapon that changed the course of hostilities.
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the simplicity and power of the assembled fap 300 terrifies the enemy. still the other side doesn’t know how to counteract the universal planning correction module, as well as those bombs that fly along with the wings, here they are, look. the bomb is dropped, the wings are spread, this formidable weapon is already flying at the given coordinates, everything is ingenious, just the synergy of the soviet military-industrial complex and russian engineering has led to an outstanding result, a bomb that is essentially not much different from those that were used during the second world war has become invulnerable weapon of the 21st century. the universal module gave a second life with this archaic ammunition like the fap-300 and any
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free-falling bombs, due to its simple solutions, it does not contain complex technologies; it is often assembled by the engineering staff, everything is quite quickly and high accuracy is achieved with the help of a correction module. as far as i understand, all the heads of our enemy are now occupied with how to counteract. 70-80 km from the place of application, but pilots say that it is possible further. western
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systems simply do not see glide bombs, they do not have engines like missiles, a contrail and thermal trail, like a samurai’s, is the only way to achieve a goal, any weapon must be such that even a cadet can use it, fabrication fully complies with this principle of pilots. i accept the ammunition and the plane in general for combat flight, that is, the next step. you are in the cockpit forward, the next step is takeoff and afterburner, we will win, for sure, thank you, several types of aircraft allow you to work with heavy bombs at once, but most often the vks for such tasks use the modern su-34 fighter bomber, when the su-34 is a duckling they call him, the pilots don’t mind, well, a duckling, we can call him among ourselves... but for others to call him a battle drake, a battle drake? yes, well, well, well, we are leaving
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the su-34, little guy, you see, you can only call him a pilot, you and i have a battle drake in our jackets, now he is sent with a formidable f300 weapon on a combat mission, in combat conditions. four versions of the sumpk, universal planning and correction modules, are 10 m. at
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the moment the enemy does not know how to shoot down any of our bombs, he cannot shoot down in the mpc, no air defense systems, no patriots, no cheetahs, nothing, nothing can shoot him down, so of course she terrifies him, she plans, plans, plans, she doesn’t have her own engine, she relies only on - on... her wings , let’s put it this way, that is, the faster, the higher the height and the faster you drop it, the further it will fly, this is the most important thing, cheap and fast, tens of times faster and cheaper than the rocket production cycle, therefore, of course, this breaks everything, and i’m glad that we learned make them in large quantities, and this inevitably affects the course of the war. joint exercises between russia and china and maritime
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interaction have started. during the maneuvers, the crews will, in particular, practice replenishment of supplies on the move, anti-submarine operations with the participation of aviation, and will also conduct training in air defense systems. as part of the international detachment of ships , the loud and sharp corvettes of the pacific fleet on the chinese side, isminets yingchuan two frigates, as well as a universal transport supply. prime minister's peace plan hungary's viktor orban proposal for resolving the conflict in ukraine is on the table of all eu leaders. wenger's political adviser said this in an interview with the local press. leader balazs orban, without disclosing details, he added that this plan is based on a realistic assessment of the situation, realistic goals and deadlines. the same interview notes that the head of the hungarian government intends to continue the peacekeeping mission and that he has new trips and negotiations ahead. i will add that this interview has already been commented on in the kremlin, as stated presidential press secretary dmitry peskov,
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the russian leadership is aware of viktor orban’s approach to a settlement in ukraine, but unknown. on the contents of his letter to eu leaders. the us secret service has beefed up security for trump until the end of the election campaign. the medical examination court showed that the politician was shot from three types of weapons, the attacker was at a distance of 100 m. and the american media are now writing that after the assassination attempt, donald trump became literally indestructible in the eyes of his supporters. he will tell you how the election race is going now vesti's own correspondent in the usa, dmitry melnikov. after surviving the assassination attempt, trump wanted to postpone his trip to the republican convention in meluki for 2 days, but in his own words he decided not to allow those who wanted to intimidate him to change the course of the election race. today trump will make a big speech at the convention, all of america is waiting for this speech, but for his delegates he is already a victorious hero. it is now difficult to even imagine
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how the delegates to this republican convention, who will fill this hall in a few hours, will greet donald trump when he will pick it up. here at this podium, after the failure of security in pennsylvania, the rules at this convention in milwaukee were noticeably tightened ; ironically, the order to strengthen security measures at this convention was given by none other than trump’s main opponent, president joe biden. by the start of the convention , two-meter fences had been erected around the blocks where the congress center is located, and armed secret service agents will now guard not only trump himself, but members of his campaign headquarters. this is an event of national significance and federal the government provided him with the highest possible level of security. after the assassination attempt on trump, biden himself postponed his planned trip to texas and from the oval office addressed the nation with a call to reduce the intensity and hatred. we don't know if the suspect received help
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or support, or if he communicated with anyone else? as i write to you, law enforcement officials are investigating these matters. to the ex. the president was shot, we cannot and should not follow this path in america. meanwhile, new ones are appearing details of the identity of the shooter thomas matthew crooks, as investigators assure, the twenty-year-old suspect in the attempt on trump did not have any connections with american or foreign terrorist or extremist organizations. as classmates say, the circle belonged to the school shooting club, but did not achieve great results, but showed success in mathematics, was not... dim and was attacked by his peers. he was bullied almost every day. he was just a regular outcast, but you know how teenagers are these days. days. while the fbi is finding out the details of the assassination, trump supporters across america are buying t-shirts with this now legendary photo taken seconds after the shooting in pennsylvania, their
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accusations of what happened to the democratic media, which were not shy about their methods to prevent trump’s victory, are becoming louder and louder. . in these elections. we know they will try to steal the election from us, they will do everything they can to get rid of trump. what words should donald trump address to the delegates of the convention in miluki, who immediately after assassination attempt encouraged the crowd to fight. he himself said the day before that he had completely rewritten his speech, focusing on the call for unification. one day , the election campaign in america took an unexpected and incredible turn. dmitry melnikov and pavel kostrikov, news. from milwaukee wisconsin. a memorial to the victims of the volyn massacre was opened in the polish village of domostava. the opening ceremony was attended by about 20 thousand people, including politicians, activists and relatives of the victims. the topic will be continued by olga panomaryova. thousands of poles came to the opening of the monument victims of the volyn massacre, without being afraid of the thunderstorm. people flinched not from the thunder, but from
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the composition in the center of the sculpture, a child impaled on a pitchfork. more precisely, this cutter is... the very symbol of bandera’s followers, on the wings of an eagle around the name of the villages where ukrainian nationalists massacred all poles, including women and children. this monument is called controversial or even controversial, but it is eloquent, that’s right, in the forty -third year in volyn everything was like that. the author of the monument, sculptor andzhiy petynsky believed, that the monument should be such that from the first time it will be remembered for a lifetime, and its concept was not accepted for six long years, under pressure from warsaw. the government says that we need to choose our words, but we speak openly about the crimes of the holocaust, but here we are told that we need to choose our words. just call a spade a spade and pay tribute to the victims who died in
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inhuman pain. this is an opportunity for repentance. since 1943 , according to various sources, from 100 to 130 thousand people were killed by the hands of bandera. the most widespread the massacres took place on bloody sunday , july 11, 1943. felix trusevich witnessed the massacre in his native village and still... the picture is before his eyes. ukrainian police arrived and surrounded the village of oborki. they herded everyone into one barn and the massacre began. i don't know how they could do this. wanda has three children, marisi has two, victoria has three. how could they kill small children along with their mothers. bang-bang, everyone was shot, a huge pool of blood flowed from the barn. it didn't soak into the straw. the dead were buried on the spot. most of the victims of the volyn massacre have still not found a decent rest, which outrages the public.
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youth and children have become the main topic today . work on two national projects at once: family and a strategic session in the government. during their implementation, special attention will be paid to large families, mikhail mishustin spoke about this. on behalf of the president , a whole system of state support measures will be built, starting from payments at the birth of a child and up to the child’s birth. it will include five federal ones, their implementation will strengthen assistance to families in case of the birth of a child at all stages of his
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growing up, to develop an entire support system, as the president instructed, paying special attention to large families. the maternity capital program will continue, and existing social measures will remain in place. from the twenty-sixth year , an annual family payment will be provided. working mothers and fathers who have two or more children. it is also necessary to concentrate efforts on ensuring that young parents can combine professional activities or studies with raising children, and for this it is proposed to including the opening of mother and child rooms and short-stay groups for schoolchildren in universities. it must be possible to place a child in kindergarten. their construction will continue, primarily in... in those settlements where there is a shortage of places, about a hundred kindergartens will appear there in 6 years, and
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about 2,500 already existing throughout the country will have to be renovated. for the first time in 70 years , a new station will appear on the ring line of the moscow metro. we are talking about a large-scale construction project dostoevskoye station. the mayor of the capital, sergei sobyanin, started the work today. implementation of this project. to implement it, it is necessary to build spare tunnels through which trains will pass along the ring road, build a station on the ring road and connect it with the lyublinsko-dmitrovskaya line, plus exit via a pedestrian crossing to mira avenue, all this underground must be built almost manually, however less we decided on this project from this day on, active work... this project is being resumed, it will last somewhere around 4-5 years.
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july 15 is a memorable date in the military history of russia. july 15, 1410, battle of grunwald. russian troops and their allies, lithuanians, czechs and poles, defeated the german knights in the battle of grunwald. the smolensk regiments withstood the attack of the knights of the techtonian order, predetermining the outcome of the battle. the defeat of the germans is theirs.
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vladimir vladimirovich, would you allow me to start producing cast iron from the fifth blast furnace? of course, i allow it. vladimir putin took part in the launch of new metallurgical facilities. they were again leading to yanakievo, to the dpr. into operation blast furnace number five. investigation into the assassination attempt on donald trump. what are the known details, whether the two lawsuits against trump can be dismissed and whether the shooting at the rally will lead to a crisis of legitimacy in the states. this is in the report of our correspondent in the usa. a new forest fire broke out near simferopol, roscha caught fire in the village of urozhaynaya.


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