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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 15, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm MSK

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vladimir vladimirovich, allow me to start producing cast iron with the fifth furnace chamber? of course, i allow it. vladimir putin took part in the launch of new metallurgical plants. in yanakievo in the dpr, blast furnace number 5 was re-commissioned. the investigation into the assassination attempt on donald trump, what are the known details, can two court cases against trump be closed and will the shooting at a rally lead to a crisis of legitimacy in the states? this is in the report of our correspondent in the usa. a new forest fire broke out near simferopol, grove in the village of urozhaynaya. shotse is covered in smoke,
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there is a risk that the fire will spread to dacha plots, what could be the reason, how to attract investors to the north caucasus federal district and what economic results the region has shown in recent years, this and more is discussed at the north caucasus investment forum, we are waiting for the broadcast from grozny . russia is proud of its achievements. metals that are of strategic importance for the country, including for equipping the army and navy. these are the words of vladimir putin. the president accepted today participation in a big event dedicated to the upcoming metallug day. putin congratulated everyone who works in this key industry for the country. via video conference, the president launched several new facilities at enterprises in the dpr, the urals and the nizhny novgorod region. she also said that domestic steel production has more than increased over the year.
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intellectual potential, implementation of large infrastructure projects, equipping the army and navy, that is, for the further growth of the national economy, reliable provision defense and security of the homeland. the fire in the village of durso near novorossiysk has been localized, the governor of the krasnodar territory, veniamin kondratyev, announced. today he went to the site of the fire together with deputy minister of emergency situations anatoly soprunovsky and inspected the area in the area. tract dry crack. the spread
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of the fire was stopped on an area of ​​62 hectares, the head of the region specified. now we have to completely eliminate the fire. the police are interviewing eyewitnesses to the fire to help establish its cause. to extinguish hundreds of rescuers were involved in aviation and special equipment. due to a fire in the krasnodar territory , a large traffic jam formed at the entrance to the crimean bridge from the taman side. at least 4 and a half were stuck in it. there are 1,500 cars waiting their turn at the checkpoint. most of the cars initially went to novorossiysk and onapa. but people learned about the fire and are now trying to return to the peninsula. more than 5.0 cars and buses with vacationers are now moving towards crimea. eyewitnesses tell us what to expect it takes up to 5 hours to cross the bridge, and the number of cars continues to grow. last year, congestion was also recorded in this place. maximum waiting time. the official
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city tourist portal visit st. petersburg invites you to st. petersburg, the city of history and romance, architectural splendor, innovative museums, the highest level of excursion services, creative space and the unique atmosphere of the northern capital, in which everyone can feel like a st. petersburger, all this. a unique journey of experiences together with family and friends. welcome to st. petersburg, the city where good mood is born. now about how the special military operation is progressing. according to the ministry of defense, within 24 hours our air defense systems shot down another ukrainian mig-29 fighter, 36 ukrainian armed forces drones, as well as five hymer missiles. the enemy
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lost approximately 1,900 people in different directions. our unit is improving the situation along the front line and systematically hitting the ukrainian armed forces’ equipment. so the north group unit was destroyed. tank and two ukrainian armed forces pickup trucks, and west military groups hit nine enemy field warehouses. joint maritime exercises between russia and china have started. the opening ceremony took place in the chinese port of jan. during the maneuvers, the crews will, in particular, practice on-the-fly resupply, anti-submarine operations with the participation of aviation, and will also conduct training in air defense systems. as part of an international squadron of corvette ships, the pacific is loud and harsh. fleet from the chinese side destroyer yingchuan two frigate, as well as a universal transport supply. the peace plan of hungarian prime minister viktor orban to resolve the conflict in ukraine is on the table of all eu leaders. political adviser
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to the hungarian leader balazs orban stated this in an interview with the local press. without disclosing details, he added that this plan is based on a realistic assessment of the situation, realistic goals and deadlines. the same interview notes that the head of the hungarian government intends to continue the peacekeeping mission and that he has new trips and negotiations ahead. i'll add that this interview has already been commented on in the kremlin, as presidential press secretary dmitry peskov said, the russian leadership knows viktor orban’s approach to the settlement in ukraine, but the content of his letter to eu leaders is unknown. the us secret service has beefed up security for trump until the end of the election campaign. the medical examination showed that the politician was shot from three types of weapons, the attacker was at a distance of 100 km. the american media are now writing that after the assassination attempts, donald trump became literally indestructible in the eyes of his supporters. how now the election race is underway,
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vesti’s own correspondent in the usa , dmitry melnikov, will tell you. having survived the assassination attempt, trump wanted to postpone his trip to the republican convention in meluki for 2 days, but in his own words he decided not to... allow those who wanted to intimidate him to change the course of the election race. today trump will make a big speech at the convention, all of america is waiting for this speech, but for his delegates he is already a victorious hero. now it’s even difficult to imagine how the delegates to this republican convention, who in a few hours will fill this hall, they will greet donald trump when he rises to this podium. after the failure of security in pennsylvania, the rules at this convention in meluka were noticeably tightened ...
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after the assassination attempt, trump postponed his planned trip to texas and from the oval office addressed the nation with a call to reduce the degree of tension and hatred. we do not know if the suspect received help or support, or if he communicated with anyone else. as i write to you, law enforcement officials are investigating these matters. the former president was shot. we are not we can and shouldn't follow this path in america. meanwhile, new details about the shooter’s personality are emerging. matthew crooks, as investigators assure, the twenty-year-old suspect in the assassination attempt on trump did not have any connections with american or foreign terrorist or extremist organizations, as classmates say, the circle was in the school shooting club, but
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did not achieve great results, but showed success in mathematics, was unsociable and was attacked by peers. he was bullied almost every day, he was an ordinary outcast, but you know what... while the fbi is finding out the details of the assassination, trump supporters across america are buying t-shirts with this now legendary photo taken seconds after the shooting in pennsylvania, their voices are growing louder blaming the democratic media for what happened, which did not hesitate in using methods to prevent trump from winning this election. we know they will try to steal the election from us, they will do everything they can to get rid of trump. words to address the delegates of the congress in milwaukee donald trump, who immediately after the assassination exhorted the crowd to fight. he himself said the day before that he had completely rewritten his speech, focusing on the call for unification. one day, the election campaign in america took an unexpected and
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incredible turn. dmitry melnikov and pavel kostrikov, news from milwaukee, wisconsin. and we have compiled a chronology of how events unfolded during the assassination attempt on the ex-president. usa. donald trump was assassinated in pennsylvania. shots were fired during his campaign rally, at the very moment when the former us leader was addressing voters. trump criticizes biden's policies and suddenly grabs his right ear, falls to the floor of the stage covered by a banner, at the same moment secret service agents rush towards him and literally cover him. more shots are heard somewhere in the stadium. afterwards, trump’s security service explained that the criminal had been eliminated. trump is lifted up, he is taken from the stage in a tight ring of security, blood is visible on his face. the former us president cheers up, raises his hand and speaks three times americans: fight. in an armored car. taken to the hospital, after an examination , his headquarters said trump was out of danger, his life was not in danger. a little later, trump
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himself issued a statement. it’s incredible that this could happen in our country,” he wrote. the incident caused a reaction. us intelligence agencies said an investigation is underway. trump's associates began their own, saying that the american people must know the truth. now there is a live broadcast from grozny. lazis kudratov, minister of investment, industry and trade of the republic uzbekistan. ramzan kadyrov, head of the chechen republic, hero of russia.
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andrey kostin, president, chairman of the board of vtb bank. and alexander novak, deputy prime minister of the russian federation. alexander valentinovich, before we begin our plenary session, i will ask you, as the chairman of the caucasian organizing committee...
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i sincerely thank all the participants and guests of the forum for finding the opportunity to come, take part in discussions and discuss the possibilities of cooperation with the caucasian regions of russia, i thank the head . republics ramzan akhmatovich kadyrov for his active personal participation in the preparation of the forum, the traditionally warm welcome of the guests of the event participants, as you all have already noticed very well. today, the chechen republic is one of the most prosperous and promising regions of the country, and i would like to thank you on behalf of the government of the russian federation, your razanzanich, and your team for your dedication and constructive interaction. the forum was prepared as soon as possible. quite a complex event, but which has already gained great interest among
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participants and not only guests from our country, but also guests and countries of our partners. the caucasus is a unique region in its nature and original culture. this is a real pearl of russia. tourists from all over russia come here to enjoy the picturesque landscapes, breathe in the purest mountain air, and go skiing. relax in sanatoriums, get acquainted with local traditions and delicious national cuisine. the territory of the greater caucasus is home to a rich historical heritage, including numerous monuments unesco. therefore , excursion destinations and educational tourism are actively developing. many who have visited these places note that, despite the undeniable advantages of the region, the main value of these places is their openness. hospitable and welcoming people. in addition, there are many young people here, which creates enormous opportunities for
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economic development. today, the government of the country, regional authorities, development institutions, and business have united to unlock 100% of the potential of this region. bring the local economy and social sphere to a fundamentally a new level to make it comfortable to live, work and relax here. as you know, last year in the city. mineral water , the first caucasian investment exhibition was successfully held. it attracted significant attention from russian foreign participants. the exhibition was visited by about 3,000 people, including managers. representatives of government authorities, industry companies, businessmen, guests from fifteen foreign countries arrived, including from the cis countries and the caspian five, more than 50 cooperation agreements were signed. considering this positive experience, russian president vladimirovich putin supported the organization of the first caucasian investment forum. the new status of the event made it possible to expand
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the agenda, business program, and geography of participants. this year, more than 4,000 participants from more than 50 countries and territories are expected; such a representative composition will allow for a comprehensive discussion of issues of strengthening interregional integration, building new trade and logistics chains, as well as attracting domestic foreign investment in the regions and russia. key tomorrow's event will be the participation of prime minister mikhalavich mishustin in the forum program. when preparing the forum, we set ourselves, by and large, one key, but very... capacious task: to clearly show and tell what broad opportunities the regions of the greater caucasus have, how many prospects there are for the implementation of business ideas in a variety of areas. i am confident that this goal will be achieved, and promising projects and ideas will be developed here. i would like to wish all the participants and guests of the forum successful fruitful work.
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thank you very much, alexander valentinovich. allow me, dear participants and guests of our plenary session, i will now read, with your permission, very simple things on paper, and why on paper, so as not to make mistakes, these things: people in the north caucasus are hospitable, hardy, cheerful, open. the north caucasus has a rich history, pleasant climate, delicious cuisine and beautiful traditions. why was it important not to make a mistake, because it is not easy. and the specific result of a sociological study conducted every year by the tas agency, to understand how the federal audience looks at the caucasus, because our task is to show and talk about the caucasus in such a way that all absolutely undeserved stereotypes and unfair myths become a thing of
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the past, so that everyone understands what the new caucasus is, and tas has a whole separate project : it’s called, and we are doing this very closely, we treat the caucasus with great love and care. it is no coincidence that our plenary session begins today, the greater caucasus from sea to sea. that's really it so, because the geography of our forum is now such that it has expanded many times and today already includes the territory of the azov-black sea and caspian basin. and what is it? this is a common transport system, common logistics, a common unified energy system, of course, the greater caucasus and the south of russia, at the same time it is also a common breadbasket for the whole side, it is also a guarantee of our food sovereignty, but in general this is of course a single economic space, dear speakers and distinguished guests ,
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welcome to the north caucasus, welcome welcome, you have already noticed how beautiful... this formidable city is, and of course, now you seem to know who i will invite to the stage now, but of course, the hero of russia, the head of the chechen republic, ramzan akhmatovich kadyrov. thank you, thank you. good afternoon, dear colleagues, forum participants, i welcome you to the hospitable chechen republic, a part of the north caucasus, the most beautiful corner of our great and vast homeland russia, i want to thank russian president vladimirovich putin for by his decree he determined the damage to the forum
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of our republic; it is an honor for us to carry out this honorable mission. despite the difficult global situation and sanctions pressure, the russian federation is actively developing. the activity of its further development depends on the complexity of the work being carried out and the correctness of the chosen strategy. the north caucasus is an important transport and trade hub, providing interaction with the countries of transcaucasia, the middle east and a number of other countries of the world. in this regard, it is important to strengthen interaction, expand the list of states and regions with which. cooperation is being developed through the creation of new transport arteries, active and wider involvement of the parties in the work of
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the international transport corridor. the republic of skafo has significant labor and energy resources for the implementation of large import substitution projects. it is important to build new ones.
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and implementation of planned plans. thank you for attention. thank you, ramzan akhmatovich, thank you. alexander valentinovich, all this time you have been in charge of the north caucasus federal the district, probably, neither ramzan akhmatovich, nor all the heads of the republics that are part of the district, including the stavropol territory, will probably not allow one to be deceived, that in many ways, the personal support, personal involvement of alexander valentinovich plays to ensure that kazakhstan, so that the caucasus not only lagged behind, but was perhaps ahead of the average pace.
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i can say with all confidence that all these national goals that have been outlined, the enormous potential for their solution in
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the territory of the greater caucasus, is a unique macro-region that today covers almost all areas of our economy, despite the fact that there is only about 1% of our territory, are regions of the north caucasus, included in the north caucasus federal district. nevertheless , about 7% of the population of our country lives here, this is the youngest region of our country, and of course, there are huge advantages associated with the climate, with magnificent nature, with historical attractions, something that is attractive, and it is not for nothing that it is called big the caucasus from sea to sea, since it is both the black sea and the caspian sea, it is also a kind of unique opportunity for... the development of the region and for the development of our country as a whole, today, in my opinion, the caucasus is truly experiencing an investment boom,
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as you know, in order to achieve the national goals of the president , the task has also been set to increase the volume of investments in our country by thirtieth year by 60%. and i can say that this is an ambitious task, it is being carried out at a faster pace and is being carried out precisely in the north caucasus, according to the results. last year we saw an increase in investment in the north caucasus of 17% year-on-year, this is significantly higher than the average russian level, and if we talk about the total volume of investment, it amounted to 1 trillion rubles in 2023, well, a little over 13 billion trillion, this is of course a huge potential, today within the framework of the economic development model that is approved by each subject. the russian federation, which is part of the north caucasus federal district, is already implementing the largest investment projects amounting to 1.700 billion rubles. and of course here. it is important
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to understand that the main drivers of our development industries in the caucasus region are almost all areas of the economy are involved, but the key ones are, of course, agriculture, industry, and the development of transport; the key industry is tourism. do not forget that 60% of all special economic zones in order to stimulate the development of the caucasus are implemented here. in the regions of the north caucasus, and approximately 90% of all residents are the caucasus, all regions in the chechen republic are very actively included, we just today discussed with ramzan akhmatovich how we can create additional infrastructure capacity, because the number of residents who want to work is much higher than we have time to develop our relevant infrastructure, and we must take advantage of this, because there is a huge interest in the region, here
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of course... we must talk about the development of traditional values, because first of all, when we are talking about the economy, these are people, this is the result of the work of those people who live here, in this regard the region is also unique, approximately, well, if we talk about here, the longest life span of people who live in the country, for example, the overall average life expectancy is 77 years. in the regions of the north caucasus, this is also a kind of advantage, along with the fact that there is a large percentage of young people here, in the chechen republic, for example, three children are born per woman, and this is the highest figure, in fact, today in the country, in the caucasus , in the caucasus as a whole is higher than the russian average, and despite this, jobs are appearing here, jobs are being created in the regions of the north caucasus, because we see that over the past 3 years here
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unemployment is decreasing at a rapid rate... if previously it was approximately 13.7% there in 2020, then according to the results of last year it decreased to 9.7%. it is clear that there are still enormous opportunities and potential here, as i have already, as i have already said, we, together with the heads of the regions who are present here, are placing bets on the development of such key industries as tourism, this is the development of mining tourism... clusters practically in every subject of the russian federation, but the key ones, of course, are arkhis, elbrus, the leader in the chechen republic, this is mamison, in north ossetia, and we also literally today at this exhibition signed an agreement on the implementation of the largest investment project for the development of the caspian coastal cluster, this is
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a new investment project that... could entail the enormous development of a new region, the caspian, which can become an alternative to the black sea or at least be at the same level, when we talk about the development of the caucasus from sea to sea, we must also level out the opportunities for tourists to come to all corners of our greater caucasus, and now we have also added the azov sea to the sea, yes, well then it will no longer be from the black one - to , respectively... to the caspian sea, from the caspian sea to the azov sea. i think that in agriculture we certainly see great potential. as you know, here in the caucasus there are excellent conditions for growing fruits and vegetables. today, as part of import substitution in this direction, we see how logistics transport hubs are being actively built, storing food, growing apples, tomatoes, pears, here
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50. investors to attract our citizens here, citizens from our partner countries, here to show the potential that exists in the territory, to raise awareness of the population about this beautiful region, and this is truly, in fact, a pearl, the southern gate of our country, which is developing not only as regions, but also develops as transport.


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