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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 15, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm MSK

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after the assassination attempt , charges against donald trump for illegal possession of secret documents were dropped. this ruling was made by the state of florida court. the special prosecutor in the trump case was previously appointed unconstitutionally, the judge said. let me remind you that trump himself said earlier. he said that joe biden called him
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and promised to help him close two cases against the ex-president. the recent assassination attempt on trump remains the main event of the current us election campaign. the topic will be continued by our own correspondent, dmitry melnikov. having survived the assassination attempts, trump wanted postponed his trip to the republican convention in meluki for 2 days, but in his own words decided not to allow those who wanted to intimidate him to change the course of the election race. today, trump will give a big speech.
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secret service agents will now guard not only trump himself, but members of his campaign headquarters. this is a national event and the federal government has ensured it has the highest level of security possible. biden himself postponed his planned trip to and from texas after the assassination attempt on trump. the oval office addressed the nation. with a call to reduce the intensity and hatred. we don't know if the suspect received help or support, or if he communicated with anyone else? as i write to you, law enforcement officials are investigating these matters. the former president was shot. we cannot and should not follow this path in america. meanwhile, more and more details are emerging about the identity of the shooter thomas matthew crooks. according to investigators, the twenty-year-old suspect in the assassination attempt on trump did not have any connections.
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the media, which did not hesitate in methods to prevent trump from winning this election. we know they will try to steal the election from us, they will do everything they can to get rid of trump. what words should donald trump address to the delegates of the convention in miluki, who immediately after the assassination attempt called for... he himself said the day before
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that he had completely rewritten his speech, focusing on the call for unification. one day , the election campaign in america took an unexpected and incredible turn. dmitry melnikov and pavel kostrikov, news from melwaukee, wisconsin. the assassination attempt on trump has become a real indicator of what is happening in american society, especially against the backdrop of the rhetoric coming, including from the democrats, and the main question now is how the election race will go. the opinion of russian experts was studied by anna voronina. they feared the russian and chinese threats, but the real threat turned out to be inside the country. russian experts, commenting on the assassination attempt on donald trump, note that now even the white house will not be able to hide the state of affairs in american society. society is sick violence and terrorism and tries to extend this logic to international relations. this is extremely dangerous and can have serious consequences. which did
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not happen by chance, this is a kind of fashion that has been instilled in american society for decades, and therefore, this society is sick and... a statement about the inadmissibility of such actions was expressed with support by the former president and potential candidate for us president donald trump, he himself , former us president barack obama did the same thing, in general this
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these are very serious signals for ordinary democrats, not only for the party establishment, that comrades, let’s not push things too hard. e polarization, while the republicans, as experts note, began to soften this very polarization even before the assassination attempt on donald trump. the former president himself, after the disastrous debate for biden, did not attack the democrat with criticism, which was regarded as a wise move. now he decided to abandon the harsh accusatory speech at the republican congress and call for unity. the image that, well, trump had before that there was such an image of a fighter, but against the system, but now he is already. confirmed literally by blood, this, of course, greatly strengthened trump’s position. in fact, we can say that he has already won this campaign, in this situation, he absolutely does not need to resort to any harsh rhetoric,
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resort to insults towards his opponent, because it is already clear that biden, of course, well not a rival. however, peace and unity, according to political scientists, will not last long the closer to the elections. between right and left, republicans and democrats, well, i’m more than sure that after the elections, especially if trump wins, we can strongly see mass unrest trying to disrupt the transit of power. the photo of donald trump immediately after the assassination attempt has already become iconic, not only for the american media, but also for
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russian entrepreneurs. a day after the attack , t-shirts appeared on marketplaces, the message is clear, trump will fight and will not give up. this is my attitude to our compatriots. close. anna voronina, news. well, now about the weather, landscape smoke fires are engulfing more and more territories in southern russia. meanwhile, forecasters warn that the high fire danger there will remain in the coming days. we’ll talk about everything in more detail with the leading specialist of the fobas center, vadim zavodchenkov. so, vadim, greetings, so why not expect rain in the south as before? yes, indeed, very dry air enters the south of russia, so there are conditions here for... the development of rain clouds in most areas will not yet occur, and the heat will continue to gain momentum, a huge column smoke today frightened drivers on the tavrida highway in crimea, an oak grove caught fire near the village of urozhaynaya, simferopol
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region, the fire quickly spread through the dry litter in the same dry, hot, windy weather, for the same reason the fire area at kaktebel quickly grew. residents on off-road vehicles, help the ministry of emergency situations employees with the supply of water. the department's airmobile group was additionally involved in extinguishing the fire. the houses of the grusheva farm were protected from fire today by stavropol firefighters; dry vegetation and reeds caught fire there, housing managed to fall behind. in less than an hour, the outbreak was localized, another hour later the open burning was eliminated, in kuban they decided to organize fire patrols in every district of the region, this is how the regional authorities responded to a serious forest fire in
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the novorossiysk region. the outbreak with a total area of ​​more than 60 hectares is being extinguished by more than 350 people using more than 100 pieces of equipment. including six planes and helicopters, the extreme fire danger in southern russia is a consequence of no less extreme heat that has been sweltering for a long time. region, here today here the series of maximum temperature records continues, somewhere the meteorological statistics managed to be updated in the middle of the day, and somewhere, for example, in kerch, we will already find out the new record value closer to the evening. hot weather persists in the capital. the light rain that fell in the first half of the day in megapolis failed to bring down the temperature, steam rose above the asphalt, and the moisture quickly evaporated. at 15.00 the thermometer rose to almost thirty degrees, tomorrow the situation
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in the atmosphere will change little, thanks to anticyclone, most of european russia will remain in the area of ​​sunny and dry weather, but in some places in the northwest and in the mountainous regions of the caucasus , masses of cumulonimbus clouds may appear, so there is a chance for showers and thunderstorms, but they will bring little moisture. and will not be able to prevent the sun from warming the surface layer of the atmosphere. tomorrow afternoon, only the north of russia on the seversk plain will not be able to break through the extreme heat, in the middle zone the thermometers will show +28.33, in the southern latitudes the air will heat up like sugar in the midday hours to +35:40, in some places in the ozovo region and kuban it is even 2-3° hotter, in this situation the fire danger will remain extreme, for example, in simphepol until thursday
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afternoon the record is +36-38. at the end of the week, thunderstorms are possible in crimea, and the heat will drop to +34-36, but for now you should not count on normalization of the situation, new fires may arise due to lightning discharges, and central russia will soon be freed. from the heat in moscow on tuesday-wednesday , mostly without precipitation and during the day +30-31, then under the influence of an atmospheric front the capital will be covered by masses of thunderclouds, and the temperature regime will approach the level of the climatic norm, the temperature maximum will be +23-26. these are the forecasts for this minute. thank you, vadim zavodchenkov, for the latest information on fires and extreme heat droughts on. south of russia. a memorial to the victims of the volyn
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massacre was opened in the polish village of domostava. the opening ceremony was attended by about 20,000 people, including families of the victims, as well as politicians and activists. the monument turned out to be extremely inconvenient for polish authorities at various levels, because it reminds of the atrocities bandera. many atrocities today prefer to be forgotten. the topic will be continued by olga panomaryova. thousands of poles came to the opening of the monument to the victims of the volyn massacre, undeterred by the thunderstorm. people flinched not from thunder, but from the composition in the center of the sculpture, a child impaled on a pitchfork, more precisely, it is a trident, the very symbol of bandera’s followers, on the wings of an eagle around the names of villages where ukrainian nationalists massacred all poles, including women and children . this monument is called controversial or even controversial, but he is eloquent, and rightly so. in 1943 , everything was like that in volyn. the author of the monument, sculptor andzhiy petynsky, believed that there should be a monument.
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modestly, the mother had two daughters, she wanted a son, one day this place was visited by evil, imagine, the daughter fell next to her mother when a ukrainian strangled her with a rope, the head of the family was nailed to a log, his ears were cut off and... his eyes were gouged out, more and more often polish politicians, for the sake of the situation , avoid not only mentioning the volyn massacre during summit meetings, but even the official name of the memorial date is july 11, the national day of remembrance of the victims of the genocide committed by ukrainian nationalists. women slaughtered children, impaled them on pitchforks, beat them to death with axes, burned them alive and drowned them in wells. that wound. this wound, which is
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the memory of the volyn crime, must be healed. but we can't do it ourselves. to do this, we need cooperation based on mutual understanding and respect for the ukrainian people, who are now going through very difficult times. today we are deep we are convinced that this is also a wound on ukrainian identity. but even with such rhetoric , the authorities in ukraine were outraged by the opening of the monument in podkarpackie. deputy knyazhetsky called this a political provocation that destroys the dignity of ukrainians. in the future, we dream of erecting a monument next to the sculpture.
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russia today, where the journalist left on his last business trip. indeed, the name remains with us for years, for decades, the name of a wonderful deceased war journalist, unfortunately deceased, but a real military man journalist. and secondly, you know, everyone will try to understand why, because the guys have a colossal prospect, they receive this scholarship and then all paths are practically open for them, with this scholarship the rastislav zhuravlev scholarship will begin to be paid in september
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of this year , as the founders reported, she will be encouraged by journalism students who have demonstrated outstanding abilities. we need to understand that the people who will come to us, and if they are ready, stand up and choose this particular pursuit war correspondent, then we will try to help, that is, you need to understand that this is a scholarship for a military correspondent, this is not some kind of...
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then we are not afraid of any hurricane. the regions of the north caucasus have enormous potential for the development of russia. this is connected not only with tourism and agriculture; there are many opportunities in other areas. participants in the plenary session of the caucasus investment forum spoke about this. my colleague konstantin chyurikov works at the forum site. so, konstantin,
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greetings. what attracts investors to north caucasus today? yes, alexey. hello, besides tourism and the agro-industrial complex, these are , first of all, socio-economic factors, well, simply people, because there are a lot of people, young people in the north caucasus. the plenary session of the greater caucasus from sea to sea justified the title of the central event; at the forum, its participants lively shared their feelings and impressions of how the chechen republic, and indeed the macro-region as a whole, is changing. the caucasus was called both the pearl of russia and the southern gate of our country, it was noted. colossal potential, well the main thing now is to use the unique advantages of this region, and this is, in the literal sense of the word, human capital, despite its undeniable advantages. the main value of these places is their open, hospitable and welcoming people. in addition, there are many young people here, which creates enormous opportunities
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for economic development. when preparing the forum , we set ourselves, by and large, one key, but very capacious task: to clearly show and tell what great opportunities the regions of the bolshoi region have. caucasus, there are so many prospects for implementing business ideas in a variety of areas. alexander novak also cited a number of figures: the north caucasus is only 1% of the territory of our country, but at the same time it is already 7% of the population of russia, and this is not a problem, on the contrary, it is an advantage, especially when there is a shortage of workers in the country, this is what concerns the high birth rate, this is indeed an advantage, and the growth of the tourism sector will allow the regions to create new jobs, including for young people, but another interesting detail, as he said deputy prime minister alexander novyk. 50% of special economic zone projects are now being implemented in the north caucasus, 90% of residents work right here, well, in this sense , it is not surprising that
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the banking sector is also interested in the macro-region, as the president and chairman of the board of vtb, andrey kostin, said, the bank will double the number of branches in the north caucasus district by the end of 2025 and in chechnya it will even triple, the bank is already actively working in the republic, this is the chapter. told us before the plenary session, my generation grew up on the film caucasian captive, it says there, the caucasus is a forge, and a granary, and a health resort, we are in chechnya today, we have financed at least three fairly large projects that are important not only for chechnya, but i will say for the entire region, this is the construction of milk -commodity production for 1,200 head cows, this is an apple orchard. an intensive production garden based on drip expansion of 300 hectares, a very large 10,000 tons of fruit storage facility here.
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the head of the chechen republic ramzan also spoke to the forum participants during the plenary session kadyrov, he noted that the north caucasus republics should become points of attraction for business now to solve pressing problems for the country, in particular, to create added value.
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with a fire, which, if you remember very well, yesterday started at 13:00 within 2 hours from 3 hectares to 62 hectares, that is, it
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was a huge big squally wind that literally fanned this fire in just 2 hours, in 3 hours up to such a size, of course, there was a big threat by and large , including not only the structure of the tourism industry, but also, of course , vacationers and residents, that is, they were evacuated. more than 600 people, but nevertheless, i emphasize once again, the government officials managed to cope, today literally at 16:00 it was localized, i here, of course, objectively want to say about the courage of the rescuers, the emergencies ministry employees, all the fire services, and of course, separately the leadership of the ministry of emergency situations of russia is for aviation, because only thanks , among other things, to silt 76, that is, a huge plane, which, believe me, actually poured a huge amount of tons of water on this fire, that's why we localized it based on these possibilities. venyamin ivanovich, i understand correctly that at the moment there is no threat to either local residents or tourists. colleague,
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absolutely right, i said, of course. there is no threat, there is a threat in itself, to be honest, i’ll say it again, there was, and even yesterday at 24:00 we understood that how the weather would behave, not just the weather, the squally wind that literally blew the rescuers off their feet , and people, volunteers, and partly this is them volunteers, then even motorcyclists who will ride with us are perceived differently on the roads, they soared to the very peak somewhere to the flames and actually delivered. on their shoulders literally there is water, a backpack, in order to stop, stop this fire, so there was a threat and the threat was real, i emphasize again, not only to buildings, buildings, but also to the lives of people, i emphasize again, but where- then the structures of our tourist infrastructure have objectively lost their ability, as if as it were, but nevertheless, people’s lives were not harmed, and this is probably the most
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important thing. the main result, well, besides the fact that the fire itself was localized. now you have already started talking about resources, yes, it is clear that aviation has been involved, at the moment, what resources are being attracted and is it necessary, maybe help from both the federal center and neighbors? colleagues, i want to say that the fire has been localized, that is, even today three helicopters from the ministry of emergency situations, a huge il-76 plane, which arrived from moscow by personal order of the minister of emergency situations alexander.
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extinguishing the fire, but nevertheless the fire was dealt with, it was localized, today at this moment in time, i just returned that from the scene of the fire and equipment, aviation equipment is already heading to the places of its permanent deployment, i am once again grateful to the ministry of emergency situations for the fact that, after all , one helicopter from the ministry of emergency situations remains at a permanent post in our region in the dunzhak area, which... especially if necessary, will also start stewing, this is very important for us, but what about the vineyards, by the way, there are many vineyards there, and experts call the city all russian winemaking, were they not damaged? no, no, colleagues, not a single day at all, for us grapes and viticulture in general and winemaking are a branch of the economy of our region, so of course we protect the same as the forest fund, this is also what we sell, we sell
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ecology, we sell the beauty of our... the pride of our region and the pride of russia, believe me, not a single hundred square meters, not a single hundred square meters the vineyards were not damaged, and of course, this is also important. yes, thank you, veniamin ivanovich, let me remind you that the governor of the krasnodar territory, veniam kondratev, was in touch with us, we are following the topic. after a four-year break, blast furnace number five in yanakiwa was again
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commissioned to start. i allow it, it is important to switch to new technology equipment as quickly as possible and they must be domestic, the president notes. what else was heard on the eve of metalga day? meluki increased security at the republican convention. all of america is waiting for trump's words. dmitry. already in place, what details did he learn about the investigation? natural fires in the southern regions on the crimean peninsula roads fire near koktebel, in the smoke it was difficult for the driver to extinguish the helicopters to localize the fire in sevastopol, and as the situation in the krasnodar territory and leningrad region, the security forces neutralized a group of extortionists who tried to take over a large funeral business in luborg, our colleagues...


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