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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 15, 2024 6:00pm-6:30pm MSK

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vladimir vladimirovich, allow me to start producing cast iron with the fifth furnace chamber? of course i allow it. it is important to switch to new technologies and equipment as quickly as possible, and they must be domestic, the president notes. what else was heard on the eve of metallug day? security has been beefed up at the republican convention in meluka. all of america is waiting for trump's words. dmitry melnikov is already there, which ones? how is the situation in the krasnodar region and in the it was possible to localize the fire in sevastopol, and the security forces in the leningrad region neutralized a group of extortionists who tried to take over a large ritual business in luborg. our colleagues from the news desk will tell you the details. russia occupies
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a leading position in the world in the production of nickel, aluminum and titanium. the metallurgical industry is of strategic importance for our country, for equipping the army and navy and the further growth of the national economy, vladimir putin stated. on the eve of metallurgy day, the president congratulated industry workers on their professional holiday via video link and took part in the launch several metallurgical enterprises in the regions. everything is according...
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despite the industry , environmental safety issues are becoming increasingly important, but of course, it must be admitted that there are still many problems in this area. it is important that metallurgical enterprises actively adopt modern technologies and equipment. to do this, we are implementing a federal clean air project, counting on manufacturers to fulfill all their obligations to technologically update and reduce the harmful burden on... the environment, which will generally increase efficiency in the industry. and, of course, it is necessary to increase deep processing of metals, expand the production of high-tech metal products and increase added value at domestic enterprises. today the country is taking another step in the development of metallurgy, opening new production facilities in several regions of russia at once. among them, which, as the president emphasized, is especially significant in the donetsk people's republic. for modernization. noted the head
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of state and today launched the fifth blast furnace at yenakievo plant we are celebrating a significant event at the key metallurgical enterprise of the donetsk people's republic, the enakhievsky metallurgical plant, where we are starting up after a long period of inactivity.
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another enterprise, whose employees contacted the president today, is located in the nizhny novgorod region, a unique world-class complex in the field of special metallurgy of a full technological cycle has been created here, it
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will be able to cover half of the needs of the entire plant, and it is also equipped with advanced environmental facilities what has of great importance for the inhabitants of the region. today we are at the main control post of the new box battery number 12. the complex is equipped with the most modern environmental protection structures, which is of great importance for the plant and for the city of manitogorsk. as a result , emissions of harmful substances will be significantly reduced. so dust more than 20%, benzoperene 12%, allow us to start issuing coke with a new coke oven battery, of course, start, thank you.
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the steel heart of the homeland, and as metalheads prove, through their efforts this heart beats in rhythm of time. hello, my name is boy, i
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improved the situation along the front line; the day before, the unit’s fighters took control of the settlement of urozhaynaya in the dnpr. about the situation at the fronts in the material of our correspondent denis alekseev. our military liberated the harvest in the zaporozhye direction. this village has been in battle for a long time, the balance of power has changed, but here is the long-awaited result: having occupied a fruitful area in the future, the russian group will reach makarovka and velikaya novoselka, and the coal monger immediately finds itself under the threat of encirclement. the failure of the ukrainian armed forces near urozhainy was only a matter of time. kiev left the area without reinforcements, all reserves are used where it is even hotter situation: taretsk, pokrovsk, chasovyar, kharkov direction, here are the shots, the aviation is operating from there. it is increasingly striking at imposing fortifications with factories. the day before, the ministry of defense just
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demonstrated the operation of the fab-3000. now this is the most powerful non-nuclear weapon in our army. a three-ton bomb with a planning and correction module flies exactly to the target, and most importantly, leaves no trace of it . russian pilots in this way clear the area for the further safe advancement of assault groups. units of the north group of troops hit the personnel and equipment of the ninety- second. assault, eighty-second air assault brigade, thirty-sixth marine brigade of the armed forces of ukraine, thirteenth brigade of the national guard of ukraine in the areas of volchansko, leptsov, tikhoy and volchansky khutars. an attack by two assault groups of the 7th jaeger brigade of the ukrainian armed forces was repelled. enemy losses amounted to up to 200 troops. this is an objective control video. already from the kherson direction, reconnaissance from a drone discovered pattern. trucks drive up to the same abandoned building several times a day, something is missing. something is being taken away, fortune tellers don’t go to the warehouse from the tank, so in general it turned out, after the arrival of
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a cruise missile, the air surface, here’s zhuzha, the crew of tula paratroopers, called their t-80 like this: zhuzha is working properly at the front line, tankers are destroying firing points the ukrainian armed forces, which are preventing the russian infantry from gaining a foothold, from the latter, the zhuzhevites successfully supported our attack aircraft in the area of ​​​​the village of razdololovka, helped them to gain a foothold there is the direction. side of seversk, we helped to gain a foothold on elevated places, it turns out that the guys went higher, it turns out that these are discords, and they tried, it turns out, to take the so-called strongholds.
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an error saved donald trump from death. on social media, conspiracy theorists are debating the position of the attacker and his target, the republican candidate. there were about 120 meters between them. the posts say that the criminal chose the wrong target, so the bullet only hit the politician’s ear. by according to the authors of this theory, an experienced specialist would not shoot in the head. on this one. when standing , it is the center of gravity that is the ideal target, mainly due to factors beyond the shooter’s control, such as wind, unpredictable target movement and even changes in temperature in the atmosphere. a change in wind direction could change history. according to experts, two factors played a decisive role: the unprofessionalism of the criminal and the wrong choice of weapon for
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shooting from such a distance. this is one of the basic shots. which anyone can do soldier, he is one of the simplest, it is to suffer for 9 weeks in combat training . audio testing showed that trump was likely shot with three types of weapons. cnn, citing an analysis by forensic scientists at the university of colorado , concluded that the first three shots were from suspected weapon a, the next five were from weapon b, and the last acoustic pulse was fired by possible weapon c, all while raising pro-democracy headlines about trump.
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there is no threat to kill donald trump, and joe biden said this to a full house a lot dozens of oligarchs from the democratic party, many sponsors of the democratic party, you can, in general, you can end the conversation here, everything is clear, who benefits from all this, politics publishes a new article with a loud headline, how donald trump turned vulnerability into strength, three fired bullets can completely change the balance of political equilibrium in the united states. in order to claim world leadership, you need to restore order in your own country, because the terrorist attack that occurred was not accidental, it is a kind of fashion that has been implanted in american society for decades, and therefore, i want to return again to my first thought, society is
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sick, and it is precisely to cure this disease that all efforts must be directed. donald trump gave his first interview since the assassination attempt. according to the politician, what saved him was that he turned to look at the table with data on illegal migrants. i shouldn't have been here, i should have died. the doctor at the hospital said he had never seen anything like it, he called it a miracle. today the republican the election campaign continues, which journalists will follow even more closely. and the assassination attempt on the politician, as western experts note, did not affect trump’s rating. breakable. natalya goncharova, lead. the crew of the russian team kamaster, led by dmitry sotnikov, became the winner of the silk road rally in the truck category. today. the final eleventh stage of the race ended in ulaanbaatar, read more about the results of the marathon rally from our special correspondent, stas ridikultsev. and here is the finish line on the fourteenth
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international marathon rally. the silk road is crossed by dmitry sotnikov, the fastest car of the entire race, with 3,000 km of selected off-road terrain left behind. the pilot of the russian team kamaster, dmitry sotnikov, is the absolute silk record holder. way, this is his fifth victory in the legendary rally marathon. we are happy to return tiger to kamaz and prove that kamaz masteny is the strongest team today, maybe in the world. every day there’s this swing, it’s emotional, it’s also hard, today you win, tomorrow you’re trying to win back, that is, but such a struggle was imposed. in 11 days, the most desperate racers in the world drove from tomsk through the altai mountains to the capital of mongolia near lanbator, more than 500 km from taiga forests and permafrost zones to deserts and high...
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the organizing team managed to implement this route from russia to mongolia, show mongolia, these are roller raids, they test the strength of character of the fighting participants and the reliability of equipment. for sergei koryakin, the silk road almost ended in tragedy, the car almost burned out, but it was succeeded not only put it out, but reassemble it overnight and get to the finish line of the marathon, and here this is already a victory. this is the first car in the world of a new generation that has driven such a long rally marathon. before this, these machines broke down with us. the team managed to perform a miracle again; andrei novikov’s all-terrain vehicle, created in russia, drove a completely killer race. it took us 3 years to be able to now complete
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this entire race with virtually no breakdowns, in fact, i just went out to change the wheels, we don’t even have any special tools with us. i i think that this is the same asset as kamaz. the silk road has been going on for 15 years, but in this edition of the rally there was an unexpected turn in the history of world motorsport. 100 km of giant dunes and a stage without mechanics...
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the grandiose rally marathon created in russia in this edition was not a thrill for many participants, but once they set out on this path, they can no longer turn back. one hundred sredimkul residents, ivan lavrikov and alexander salmashevsky to lead. from ulaanbaatar, mongolia. traditions of mercy and charity of the imperial house the romanovs became one of the main themes of the tsar's days festival in yekaterinburg. people from all over the country and from abroad come to the city to honor the memory of the last russian emperor and his family. report by kirill bortnikov. this concert. from excerpts from operas by foreign and russian composers, as if transporting the viewer to the times of the russian empire, the music that was loved in the romanovs’ house is heard today as part of the holy
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and soviet readings. foundation for assistance to the revival of charity traditions, elisavedinsko-sergievskoe educational the society is already holding its sixth readings. the main theme is the merciful service of representatives of the romanov dynasty during the war years and... peacetime, the good deeds of the royal family, which were actually very little advertised, we are very pleased with this exhibition, we hope that it has a great future, this traveling stand exhibition covers the period from the crimean to the war of 1914-18, and this is not not only a significant donation, but also the organization of hospitals and infirmaries; during the year, about 80 infirmaries, which simultaneously received accurate... historians, local historians, and archivists agreed that the creation of the russian red cross society was impossible without the participation of empress maria alexandrovna. the red
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cross, under... the patronage of the russian emperors, helped the population, helped the russians, not only in wartime, not only to wounded soldiers and their families, but in all - misfortunes, shocks, crop failures, epidemics, natural disasters, feats of mercy, in including during the great war, says a separate mobile an exhibition dedicated to empress alexandra feodorovna, about her patronage, science, medicine, charity, and tradition.
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such attention to the feats of mercy of the romanov dynasty is not accidental. the holy lisovetinsky readings are held as part of the tsar's days, when pilgrims from all over the country and from abroad come to yekaterinburg to honor the memory of the last russian emperor and his family, brutally murdered 106 years ago. kirill bortnikov, maksata pargeldyev, dmitry komov, lengaleeva, lead yekaterinburg.
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we spent so much effort trying to get rid of
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