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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 15, 2024 8:00pm-8:30pm MSK

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this is a big information evening, that's what we'll talk about in the next hour. the last traces of the ukrainian counter-offensive have been erased. tricalor above the yield. we continue to press why western aid is not helping kiev. who could have organized the assassination attempt on trump? there is a real boom in conspiracy theories in the usa, they blame democrats, republicans, including the politician himself, and the russian trace has already been found. victory of engineering and mastery of aerobatics. just as our poultry houses do not allow the enemy to raise their heads, unmanned aircraft are the path to success at the front. after
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after the terrorist attack on the kokhovskaya gas station , nature was the first to come to its senses. at the bottom of the drained reservoir , perhaps the largest forest in europe grew. how can the russian army use the new terrain feature? i'm hungry for language. an agent who escaped from russia is now entertaining ukrainians with weddings in italy. how much is foreign agent galkin worth? but first we will show a video of the north military district zone, which perhaps speaks for itself, the russian tricolor is raised in the center of the village of urozhaynaya, donetsk people's republic, where there are now no kiev occupiers, since a day earlier they were finally knocked out of there by the fighters of the vostok group of troops. got the battle. a long and
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difficult one, if only for the reason that the armed forces of ukraine used their usual tactics, turning abandoned residential buildings into firing positions. accordingly, our military personnel had to literally demolish these improvised fortifications to the roots with air bombs and artillery, hence the very serious destruction, which, however, will undoubtedly be leveled out by painstaking restoration work when completed demining cleaning. and this success is significant not only based on the strategically important location of the harvest on the so- called vremevsky.
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kiev presented itself as a mighty victory, despite the huge losses and the rubble of broken western equipment, now our harvest is finally irrevocable. a subdivision of the vostok group of forces, as a result of successful actions , liberated the harvest, and the clearing and demining of the populated area is being completed. after harvesting. the next stage, and this is very bad for the ukrainian armed forces, is the liberation of carbon dioxide, taking full control of the entire donetsk agglomeration. now we are seeing the ukrainian armed forces troops being pulled back to the kharkov direction, the russian military and the ukrainian armed forces grinding them down in the area of ​​toretsk, kupyansk, they do not have the strength to resist further. accordingly, from a moral point of view, from a tactical point of view, this is the most important victory. russian military,
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things are frankly not going well for the armed forces of ukraine, now not only in the urozhainy area, here is from the latest reports from the ministry of defense. our troops, groupings west, south and center, occupied more advantageous positions, improved the situation in the area of ​​kavsharovka and boguslavka, this is the kherson region, as well as in the dpr, in the area of ​​​​chasvyar, krasny liman and a number of other settlements. the vostok group of troops, the fighters who liberated the harvest. against the enemy in the area of ​​nikolskoye and makarovka in the dpr and lugovskoye - this is the zaporozhye region, minus an american armored personnel carrier, two british howitzers, more than a hundred kiev militants. our dnepr group takes out ukrainian marines and the defense forces in the kherson direction in area of ​​tokarevka, ivanovka and antonovka. why don't western weapons help? the states will send more jewellins and a patriot battery to ukraine, as well as a stinger anti-aircraft missile and ammunition. for the hymers, it’s sparse, this is exactly
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the amount of assistance the west supplies, that is , it allows the kiev regime to rot, we can say that the west has no other options in relation to... the kiev regime, the military industry of the west also turned out to be unprepared for an almost direct confrontation with russia, then what they send and what kiev manages to accumulate turns into dust our iskanders, just the other day in the kharkov region a train with ammunition blew up. we don’t even allow the ukrainian military to get most of these weapons to places of resistance to the russians. kiev is so afraid of a breakthrough at the front that it has pulled together, for example, so many troops in the kharkov direction that the ratio is six to one, six military personnel to one russian soldier, while our fighters are not just confronting
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the enemy, they are advancing, vks missilemen are hacking into ukrainian oporniks and military infrastructure created by hands, the so-called reconnaissance-strike complex, that is... from different units united into one group, this makes it possible to reduce the time frame for making decisions, for example, strikes into the depths of the enemy’s defense, in fact, when minutes count, russia in terms of power, in terms of quantitative indicators, not in money, but in pieces, in tanks, in shells, to be ahead of the collective west all together , not to mention supplies to ukraine. we already have experience, we have weapons, and our soldiers are not lacking in stamina and ingenuity. bursting at the seams, soaring above the harvest the russian flag, which became the epitaph of the notorious counter-offensive, proves that the time has come for kiev to lose, without hope of winning back. antom potkovenko, harvest of victories.
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the national convention of the republican party is starting in the american state of wisconsin, following which, almost no one doubts, donald trump will be officially nominated. candidate in the presidential elections, the first session should begin very soon, literally in half an hour, the mood among the supporters of the ex-president is obviously high, because the unsuccessful the assassination attempt in pennsylvania immediately contributed to the explosive growth of his ratings. however, those who still oppose trump’s return to the white house clearly do not intend to give up without a fight. today is the day of large-scale anti-trump demonstrations for the left and liberal forces in the united states, and they are being held there in wisconsin and the atmosphere, frankly, is pretty knee-deep. read more about everything in the report from... having survived the assassination attempt, trump wanted to postpone his trip to the republican convention in meluki for 2 days, but in his own words he decided not to allow those who wanted to intimidate him and change the course of the election race. today trump will make a big speech at the convention, all of america is waiting for this
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speech, but for his delegates he is already a victorious hero. now it’s even difficult to imagine how the delegates to this republican convention, which will be filled in a few hours, will fill up. this hall will welcome donald trump when he rises to this podium. after the security failure in pennsylvania, the rules at this convention in melwaukee were noticeably tightened, ironically, the order to strengthen measures security at this convention was given to none other than trump's main opponent, president joe biden. by the start of the convention , two-meter fences had been erected around the blocks where the convention center is located, and armed secret service agents will now guard not only trump himself. but his campaign staff. this is a national event and the federal government has ensured it has the highest level of security possible. after the assassination attempt on trump, biden himself postponed his planned trip to texas, and the oval office appealed to the nation to
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reduce the intensity and hatred. we do not know if the suspect received help or support, or if he communicated with anyone else. for now i am addressing you, employees. law enforcement are investigating these issues, the former president was shot, we cannot and should not follow this path in america. meanwhile, more and more details are emerging about the identity of shooter thomas matthew crooks; as investigators assure, the twenty-year-old suspect in the assassination attempt on trump did not have any connections with american or foreign terrorist or extremist organizations, as classmates say, the circle was in the school shooting club, but did not achieve great results. but he showed success in mathematics, was unsociable and was attacked by his peers. he was bullied almost every day, he was just a regular outcast, but you know how teenagers are these days. while the fbi is looking into the details of the assassination, trump supporters across america are buying
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t-shirts with this now legendary photo taken seconds after he was shot. pennsylvania, their accusations of what happened to the democratic media, which did not constrain them, are becoming louder and louder. one day, the election campaign in america took an unexpected and incredible turn. dmitry melnikov and pavel kostrikov, news from melwaukee, wisconsin. well, continuing the topic, an extremely resonant video, which could easily be mistaken for a fake or not. removed after the fact, however, as verification showed, everything is in order with authenticity. so, on
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march 15, exactly 4 months before today , a recording of a conversation with an american conservative blogger named brandon beaks, who allegedly received a revelation from above about the imminent future of donald trump. i saw an attempt on his life, the bullet flew right by his ear, so close to his head that it damaged his eardrum. i have seen. how he fell to his knees and then i saw him win the election. well, by the way, further, he predicts an even worse crisis than the great depression, which in his opinion should overwhelm the united states in a year, but if this is yet to happen find out in practice, the shot has already occurred. however, one way or another, the interview itself gave opponents of the ex-us president wide scope for conspiracy theories, in the spirit that trump decided to increase his ratings through the production, and his supporters. provided it with some mystical background in advance and promoted the video from bix when
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the right moment came, although to be fair , conspiracy theories are now breeding in another political city, among those who consider an assassination attempt by intelligence services loyal to the democratic party, the most popular versions were studied by evgeniy nipot, evgeniy, hello, hello alexey, by the way, and before petrov and bashirov, someone has already thought of it, well, there are, of course, different versions, but given that a newcomer acted, the emergence of such a theory cannot be ruled out. who could have organized the assassination attempt on trump? there is simply a boom in conspiracy theories in the american media. cnn reports that the politician was allegedly shot from three different types of weapons. after an audio examination, experts from the university of colorado determined it. three shots from one barrel, five from the second, and the final one called an acoustic impulse, generally supposedly from the third. there were even versions that the criminal did not act alone. the liquidated thomas crooks, as a child, distracted himself. the attention of the police intelligence services, while the supposedly real killer was fleeing the crime scene. proponents of this theory
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, citing this video, claim that people began to run away even before crux opened fire, accuse the police of inaction, and witnesses directly say that there were several more shots before the shot that hit trump’s ear, and no one reacted that it was a miscalculation by the intelligence services or a deliberate failure to comply with security protocols, experts ask in an interview with prt. the secret service officer responsible for providing security at this event either failed to do his job or was involved in this assassination attempt, there are no other options. let me explain, when the secret service does a site inspection before an event, you put someone at the podium where trump will be standing to figure out all the lines of fire, and there should be security personnel there to... by according to some reports published by american
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journalists, part of the secret service forces that provide security for swipson were transferred from the trump rally to the event where jill biden spoke. questions also arise about the competence of the snipers’ defenders, they say the shooter was not noticed because of a tree, an insidious green, behind which a man with a rifle very, very successfully hid, the public saw his movement, reported ... to the police, but due attention did not follow, on the criminal remained on the roof until he started shooting, i could focus on the stars and stripes above the head of the speaker, usually they say that such things do not develop over trump, then a sort of weather vane appeared, like at a shooting range, and even without exaggeration , trump’s miraculous rescue becomes a reason for various speculations, who literally tilted his head one iota when looked at a table with data on illegal migration. two main ones. conspiracy theories appeared immediately after the assassination attempts on trump, here is the first, the first conspiracy theory is promoted by republicans,
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some of whom are confident that the democrats, biden and the so-called deep state there tried to basically eliminate their presidential candidate in the person of trump. here is another conspiracy theory being promoted by the democrats, that trump allegedly staged the attack himself in order to increase his rating and appear before the whole country in the image of martyrs. and now this frame is behind. glass, but this of course changes things, or the rapal ear is just fragments of the broken trump being taken off stage after loud sounds, i wonder what kind and in general this is all insidious plan to increase ratings, it doesn’t matter that the politician’s supporters died, because it worked for reagan in the eighties, this is what the election results looked like after the assassination attempt on the fortieth president of the united states, which means trump could
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have done the same, and with the help of whom, of course, the russians, all this is clear , they say, planned. an action that should destroy biden’s chances of re-election; their author later apologized for these words. 90% of the major media works strictly according to the instructions of the white house, they carry out custom work ordered by the white house and joe biden, democratic party, we must be skeptical about everything that comes from our intelligence service from the fbi, because the fbi reports to whom? white house. we have been seeing for many years how feber, by order of the white house, has been trying to destroy donald trump and imprison him illegally. or maybe there is not a russian, but a ukrainian trace, because the possibility of trump returning to the white house on the bank floor causes bouts of nervousness. be that as it may, it turned out to be just a hollywood story;
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in memes, the politician is already dodging bullets, as in the matrix, or, for example, appears in image.
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we are rushing through the broken bakhmut, aka artyomovsk on a bug, as an air defense system, behind us is an experienced fighter with a machine gun with a cheburashka as a talisman, in the sky there are drones on the ground.
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well, as you can see in this case, attempts to shoot down the drone with small arms did not lead to anything, but the enemy was unable to strike directly at the atv of our fighters, instead the drone crashed on the road a few meters in front of the vehicle and, by the way, did not hit anyone with fragments, then is there a certain amount of luck here, or maybe maybe the strength of spirit averted the threat at the last moment, but in the enemy’s media, there is nothing comparable with the participation of the ukrainian battles... there is no evidence, because russian gift givers are most often just stanislav, hello, hello, well, they leave no chance of salvation, they strike at any targets with stunning accuracy without attracting, stanislav bernwaltz is ready to demonstrate visual evidence
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that the skill is growing literally every day, both the skill of operators and the skill of those who produce drones, as a folk production, and the military-industrial complex, and this skill allows us to say that sooner drones will become even more effective, russian troops have noticeably increased the number. attacks on the ukrainian armed forces and drones of various modifications along the entire front line. our poultry houses do not allow ukrainian equipment and infantry to work day and night. there is a whole swarm of quadrocopters above the ukrainian positions. this often forces the enemy to radically change the concept of combat. ssu cannot always withstand a massive attack by drones. therefore, the enemy declared a real hunt for russian poultry houses. that our unmanned aces are already taking a step. even two ahead of the enemy is recognized in ukraine itself , for example, the director of the ukrainian aerial reconnaissance support center maria berlinska says that ukraine now
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does not have the former parity, the russians are supposedly ahead in production in terms of accuracy of application, which will inevitably lead to the fact that you will have to retreat to the field fighting tens of kilometers in a matter of days. that is, when there was a shortage of drones, of course, there was for some time there is a shortage of drones, but the ministry of defense has built a chain in principle. production of drones, now they are being produced, not just manufactured from china, but here they are already starting to assemble the same racing quadcopters that are used as fpv, assembly is starting in russia using completely russian components, here i am here next to me, for example, a drone, which is completely russian and flight controller and other stuffing, according to forbs estimates, the number of drones produced in russia every day, capable of destruction, exceeds 1050 pieces daily, that is, this is already quite a large amount. here are shots of the filigree
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work of our poultry houses in the sky over razdolovka in the dpr. just such a combat fpv drone, here it is pursuing an attack hexocopter of the armed forces of ukraine of the baba yaga type. the operator first noticed an enemy vulture, which moved towards our positions, and then allowed our drone to gain altitude while remaining unnoticed and entered. on a convenient trajectory, in the so -called blind zone, and rammed an ukrainian armed forces drone, which exploded in the air. and this is a unique shot of the work of our operators fpv drones in the vostok troops grouping. the enemy hummer at high speed tries to escape from the air attack, but it is useless, it scatters, as they say, into pieces. or here’s another example of precise work. our guys noticed an enemy dugout, the enemy overcame the camouflage, thoroughly worked on the object, as if it merged with the military. but our air reconnaissance aircraft still discovered a small hole serving as the entrance to the dugout. the last thing the vysushniki remembered in the dugout was the characteristic buzzing sound
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approaching. russia is really here you see it, there’s a hole, wear it, watch, well done, there is such filigree precision here, the result is so high that it is very, very expensive, so these specialists are growing, their quality is growing, their accuracy, acumen, their experience is growing in geometric sequence. russia has indeed increased the production of the same eagles, ailerons, lancets, nakhodtsev and giraniya, the modernization of existing ones is in full swing, the creation of new models of unmanned weapons, but it is impossible to underestimate the enemy, that is, now we we see a continuing increase in production, to say that there are enough of them, no, not enough, a further increase in production is necessary, as well, in fact, in most areas of drones, and that is, we
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see that the number of drones used in war, it is increasing, increasing, this again, the trend of robotization of war, this applies to both aerial drones and others, that is, now we see the segment of sea drones in the process of development, here we are still lagging behind the enemy, who is already actively using them, we still have all this more development, in addition to the growing production of uavs of various types, honing the skills of pilots , is modernizing by leaps and bounds... the electronic warfare system against enemy drones, here experts promise a real breakthrough in the near future, which, of course, will help our poultry birds fight enemy vultures much more effectively . stanislav bernwald aerobatics, detachments of seven brigades of the armed forces of ukraine, as well as militants from one of the formations of a prohibited terrorist group today found themselves under intense artillery fire from fighters of the russian
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group of western forces near the kharkovsko border. dozens per day, compared to anti-tank mines, the collision of a vehicle with an anti-personnel mine is practically not felt by the crew. military engineers of the southern group of troops work from dawn to dusk, and do not stop even in the midday heat, when the temperature reaches 40° celsius. the combat mine clearing vehicle has not only
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a filter-ventilation installation, which allows... act on the infected terrain, but also air conditioning, allowing the crew to work at a temperature of +65°. the most difficult work, time-consuming for a sapper, is the place of the old line of combat contact, the position where the enemy forces were located, because on the approaches you can expect anything, the enemy skillfully covered his positions with the help of various homemade devices, that is, he had enough imagination. sappers are systematically clearing areas left by the enemy of unexploded ordnance from mines. the places there are most suitable for equipment of fire the borders, of course, are not empty. the mesh is metal, with nylon on top, so that there is double protection, disposable ones fly in a swarm, several penetrate, the fourth, fifth are already finishing off the gun, but nothing works out with us. artillerymen change positions depending on changes in the line of combat contact. the battery of anti-tank
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guns rapier of the west group of troops is working in the direction of matchmaking in close proximity to the front line, precisely in the territory that the sappers checked. a gun developed and put into production as an anti-tank weapon, the artillerymen of the motorized rifle brigade of the western group of forces learned to use it for...


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