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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 15, 2024 9:00pm-9:30pm MSK

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people and sending them forcibly to the front against their convictions, against their desire, and at the same time the trade in organs, the trade in children, so galkin will be soiled to the very ears with all this, all this blood, dirt, all this pus, all this will cover galkin. galkin doesn’t understand this now; it seems to him that bandera’s supporters are good spectators because they are ready to pay. money for dancing at their weddings, a month foreign agent maxim galkin will apparently last, because so much in mid-august now the appearance of the light is announced, a concert expected in jurmala, so now learn latvian, anastasia ivanova and klaunada russophobe.
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the russian metallurgical industry has approached record production volumes and provided jobs for hundreds of thousands of people, which became possible before... thanks to relevant government programs, the interim results of which were summed up today at the launch ceremony of new industrial facilities in the dpr, chelyabinsk and nizhny novgorod regions. vladimir putin personally gave them permission to start work, and alexey konopko will tell you how it happened. would you allow me to start producing the chubun with the fifth furnace domino? of course i allow it. on yanakevsky.
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there is a lot to do, we will gradually solve these problems, integrate the industry into the single economic space of russia, over the last year, compared to the previous year, in the lugansk people's republic in the donetsk people's republic, the production of metal products increased by 30%, a very good indicator. this year they are growing at the same rate, now there is a special economic zone in the region, special benefits, but seven donbass enterprises from the previous owners were transferred to union metallinvest back in 2021.
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new production facilities. the state supports the industry directly with investments and benefits, and indirectly with development projects, creating demand. ferrous metallurgy, for example, is growing along with records in the construction sector, gasification and road construction programs. your hard work, which requires professionalism and tenacity , rightfully enjoys well-deserved respect and honor. we are proud of your achievements and significant contribution to the development of domestic metallurgy. and which has
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of course, it is of strategic importance for our entire country for increasing its industrial potential, implementing large infrastructure projects, equipping the army and navy. metals adapted quite quickly, you gave us the order to rework the metals development strategy at the end of the twenty- second year, thereby we fully meet the task of achieving our technological sovereignty. russian industry, the industry is growing, russia has the first places in the world in the production of nickel, aluminum, titanium, steel, materials technology today is hindered by the development of either thermonuclear energy or microelectronics; for the sake of rare earth raw materials , nasa is ready to fly to the moon again, but here there is good potential on our earth. we expect to increase the production of rare and rare earth metals by eight times by 2030, and accordingly reduce the share of imports in consumption to... colleagues
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have repeatedly increased the volume of shipments of their products to the defense industry, for this purpose duplicate production facilities have been created for the production of a wide range of aluminum semi-finished products, high-strength rolled steel: especially special alloys. nizhny novgorod ruspolimed supplies products to the mining nuclear industry. here putin is asked to launch new furnaces. since 2019 , seven production lines have been built. salaries have increased twice as much, the director tells the president, and they pay five times more in taxes to the budget. in our country, 14.2% of the total industrial volume is provided by this industry. the number of employees is more than 23. the average wage level is one of the highest in... the region as a whole and in processing more than 90 thousand rub. the famous magnitka already seems to have nowhere to grow, already it was in the thirty largest specialized companies in the world, but the new coke oven battery here will make it possible to close five old ones at once, and the most modern russian technologies are also used in the region.
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a project is being implemented to produce rental wolves, this is purely import substitution, in fact, mmk is also here. leader of the plant's fifty thousand employees, almost all of its products are now supplied to the domestic market; the company itself allocated land to magnitogorsk for a 400-hectare attraction park, which were built a football park, a boulevard with a light and music fountain, children's playgrounds, we built a pedicure hill with all-season trails for alpine skiing and tubing, a lake was created with cascading waterfalls and a viewing bridge, are you working? in the best traditions of domestic business, where you work, where you develop cities, your settlements, i know that this is the tradition of your entire team, your entire management team, i want
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to thank you for this and wish you further success. hero of labor and son of magnitogorsk metallurgist viktor razhnikov himself for more than half a century works at the plant, whether things are going well for themselves is not a figure of speech here, in the following. all areas of the special operation, details in denis alekseev’s material. our military liberated the harvest in the zaporozhye direction. there have been battles for this village for a long time, the balance of power has changed, but here is the long-awaited result. having occupied a fruitful area in the future, the russian group will reach
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makarovka and velikaya novoselka. the carbon is immediately under threat of encirclement. the failure of the ukrainian armed forces under the harvest was only a matter of time. kyiv left the area without reinforcements. all reserves are used where the situation is even hotter. toretsk, pokrovsk, chasovyar, kharkov direction. here is footage of aircraft operating from there, increasingly striking at impressive fortified areas with factories. the day before, the ministry of defense just demonstrated the operation of the fab-300. now this is the most powerful non-nuclear weapon in our army. a three-ton bomb with a planning and correction module flies exactly to the target, and, most importantly, leaves no trace of it. russian. in this way they clear the area for the further safe advance of assault troops groups. units of the north group of troops hit manpower and equipment, the ninety-second assault brigade, the eighty -second air assault brigade, the thirty- sixth marine brigade of the armed forces of ukraine, the thirteenth brigade of the national guard of ukraine in the areas of volchansk, leptsov,
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tikhoy and volchanskiye kutar. an attack by two assault groups of the 71st jaeger brigade of the ukrainian armed forces was repelled. enemy losses amounted to up to 200 troops. this video is objective. control. already from the kherson direction drone reconnaissance discovered a pattern. trucks drive up to the same abandoned building several times a day. they deliver something, they take something away, fortune tellers don’t walk into the warehouse with a bull. so, in general, it turned out, after the arrival, cruise missiles, air-to-surface. but the zhuzha is a crew of tula paratroopers. they called their t-80 this: zhuzha works regularly at the forefront. tankers are destroying ukrainian armed forces firing points that are interfering with the russians. the infantry will gain a foothold from the last zhuzhevites successfully supported our attack aircraft in the area of ​​​​the settlement razdolovka helped them gain a foothold there, this is the direction towards seversk, we helped to gain a foothold on elevated places, it turns out that the guys went higher, it turns out that
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razdolovka tried to take the so -called strong points into encirclement, and the guys turned out to cope well with this ability. they aimed accurately at the target and worked out all the points they had set during the day; the southern group improved the position along the front edge, reflected.
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the united states today gathered for a national convention in the capital of wisconsin in the city milwaukee, formally, they still have to choose a candidate who will run for the post of president of the country in november, but now almost no one doubts that... donald trump will become this? after all, after the shots in pennsylvania, it is he who is seen by the american establishment as the clear favorite in the race, especially since the reputation of the current authorities risks being seriously damaged in light of a number of circumstances of the assassination attempt. about the progress of the investigation denis davidov. video attempts on trump's life are analyzed not even second by second, but by frame. from millimeters saved him from death, this screen with data on illegal migration, the presidential candidate turned a little a moment before the shot. he was saved by a miracle, but the former
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secret service should have saved him. according to some reports , trump had a shortage of security guards. he, as a president and also a candidate, must be reliably guarded. requests for reinforcements were not simply rejected on the day of the assassination attempt; part of the security, as the media write, was deployed to guard the event of the first lady of the united states, jill biden. there, you see him, he lies there. spectators spotted the shooter a few minutes before he opened fire. several trumpists see a man crawling on the roof. while trump is still speaking, one of the eyewitnesses shouts to the police officer: officer. he's on the roof over there, look. if you look closely, there really is a policeman nearby. he walks around a building with a man with a rifle crawling around it. as the newspapers would later write, the patrolman climbed up. seeing a rifle pointed at him, he went down. people were screaming, the police had to come,
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the policeman, of course, was armed, he we had to say on the radio that there was an armed man on the roof, the secret service jumped up on the scene and immediately surrounded the president and took him away, then the sniper turned on, there shouldn’t have been a shot at all, that’s already a failure in itself. the police checked the ill-fated roof before trump came out, for some reason this closest, highest point... trump, when the presidential candidate is taken away from the stage, she, confused for a long time, will not be able
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to put the gun in the holster, then the trinity of the fairer sex will line up next to the suv taking away trump to the hospital. we need men, we can already accept the reality, the natural biology of men, i want men to come back and do their job, because their body is built that way, they are inclined to do it, men are strong, let men protect men. it's funny when women physically protect men, it's funny. a woman runs the secret service, director kimberly cheatle used to protect pepsi, now presidents. she is for the number of women in the service to reach 30% by 2030, although they have already reached the point. the bosses are more concerned about the color ties from trump's security guards. they are told red is the color of republicans, that's why they work without ties in white shirts, that's what the secret service cares about.
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worked as a doctor's assistant in a nursing home, not far from the village in which he lived; due to his young age, he had never voted, but was a member of the republican party, and in 2020, on the day of biden's inauguration, he transferred $ 15 to the democrat's headquarters , he also had a membership card for the local shooting club, where he came to practice. in general, not very similar to a man determined to take the destiny of america into his own hands. i have so many questions about how this twenty-year-old guy was able to single-handedly carry out an assassination attempt on president trump. it smells like something much more sinister big. crazy leftists
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have been fantasizing out loud about killing trump for years. prove me wrong. the fbi says explosives were found in crooks' car and home. cnn provides details of an acoustic examination that should explain who fired how many shots. according to them, at the rally they heard three groups of shots: the first three from weapon a, that is, most likely, this is the attacker, five shots from weapon b, probably return fire, and another shot c, also from one of the law enforcement officers. how did this happen? we don't know if the possible killer acted alone, or if it's all part of a conspiracy theory, the fbi tells us he was alone, but we don't believe in the fbi.
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her investigation into all the circumstances of the service, she was summoned to congress, where attempts on trump’s life had already begun. trump supporters, meanwhile , are driving around trumptau on manhattan, he is supported, the candidate’s ratings have increased even more since the assassination attempt. denis davidov vlada tsurkan, news. joint exercises between russia and china began today in the south china sea. maritime interaction 2024. loud and sharp corvettes of the pacific fleet and several frigates of the prc naval forces are participating in the maneuvers. the program is extensive and lasts several days, including... thank you very much, the andrievsky flag in the chinese dzhandzian, here is the headquarters of the southern fleet of the people's republic of china, is developing together with the chinese crews korovetov, the loud and harsh pacific
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fleet, are beginning the active phase of joint maneuvers, and the sailors and officers are in a frenzy on the pier. uniform, at sea everything is already in combat style. rocket artillery firing reconnaissance of ships of submarines of a potential enemy, rescue of the crew, conditionally the submarine in distress, and before going to sea, the sailors of the two countries study the technical features of the ships of the two countries, the russians attacked ning without a mince, the chinese officers rise to the loud, russian weapons arouses interest and delight. previously, i had already participated in joint exercises with russia, but in russian... exercises with the chinese naval forces, this alliance is absolutely not aimed at threatening another state in any way, on the contrary, they symbolize maintaining stability in
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the asia-pacific region. the ships of the pacific fleet arrived in janjiang on friday, escorted by a chinese pilot. on the pier, the chinese military orchestra was already playing katyusha. why are russian sailors here in the chinese news? in detail. the goal is to demonstrate the resolve and ability of both sides, strengthen joint responses to maritime security threats, and maintain international and regional peace. threats are the expansion of nato. the chinese military is increasingly detecting american ships near its territorial waters. and... the united states is conducting overt surveillance and air defense here, also in the joint maneuvers program. already the thirteenth maritime interaction will last until wednesday, but the interaction itself, of course, will continue further, especially since it is not limited to just maneuvers and exercises; right now, chinese and russian warships are conducting joint patrols in the pacific region. and the main thing here is the ability to find a common language in
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all senses, so the training program also includes familiarization with the cuisine of the two countries, for russian sailors here. gladly demonstrated the basics of traditional sword gymnastics on chinese social networks, these shots are already breaking viewing records. alexander baalsky, maxim galapakchiy, nikolai petrov, lead china. in moscow established a scholarship named after rostislav zhuravlev. the military correspondent of the rionovosti agency worked in the special operation zone since the beginning of hostilities; in july last year in the zaporozhye region, he prepared a report on ukraine’s use of prohibited cluster munitions, and was killed during shelling by kiev militants. scholarships named after the deceased military commander will encourage student journalists. senior courses at several russian universities. in addition, a memorial plaque was unveiled today in memory of rostislav zhurableva; it is installed on the building of the russia today media group, where the journalist is from left on his last business trip.
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to strengthen assistance to families at all stages of children’s growing up, to create a support system with special attention to large families, all these are the goals of the five federal directions of the national family project ; prime minister mikhail mishustin spoke today at thematic strategic sessions about what measures will be included in it, assistance to working parents, construction of kindergartens, arrangement of mother and child rooms in universities, a far from complete list of tasks within the framework of the national project, about state priorities the barbarian is not. “preserving the population, improving health, increasing well-being, as well as supporting the family and realizing the potential of every resident of the country, national goals
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defined by the president, the large-scale family project, which includes five federal ones, will not only strengthen assistance to families when a child is born at all stages of his growing up , but will create a comprehensive support system, where special attention will be paid to parents with many children, the maternity capital program will..." all existing social measures will continue to be maintained, from 2026 working parents raising two or more children will receive an annual family benefit. it is also necessary to concentrate efforts on ensuring that young parents can combine professional activities or studies with raising children. and for this purpose , it is proposed, among other things, to open universities, mother and child rooms and short-stay groups. there should be an opportunity to place a child in a kindergarten, their construction will continue, especially in those settlements where there is a problem of lack of places, there in 6 years
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about a hundred kindergartens will appear, and about 2,500 existing ones throughout the country will also need to be renovated. as part of the national project, families will be able to count on help with solving the housing problem, as well as overcoming financial difficulties. particular attention will be paid to modernization. medical institutions, the network of antenatal clinics will be expanded, and home patronage will be organized for those who have recently become mothers and those in need of postpartum support. on instructions from the president, the government continues to develop a system of long-term care by the end of 2030 , half a million people in the country will be able to use it. they will be able to receive comprehensive social medical care at home and support in a variety of life situations. necessary. to involve our elders in activities, to live actively and interestingly, a generation can be involved in cultural, leisure, and necessary at any age, especially since
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such people have extensive experience in educational events and volunteerism. another new national project is youth and children, which will include nine federal projects, youth, that is, people aged 14 to 35 years old make up a quarter of the country’s total population, 37 million people. together with children over 3 years old, this figure is already approaching 55 million. the project will take into account the specifics of each age, state assistance will be provided throughout their life’s journey, helping to create opportunities for self-realization and the development of talents. the main goal is to ensure that children receive knowledge in comfortable conditions, can try themselves in creativity, science, sports, and we will focus the education system on helping unlock the potential of every student. the president noted that the topic of youth policy is strategically important. today's young people are the future of our country, and of course, it is simply necessary to do everything
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possible so that they can express themselves and their talents. on behalf of the head of state , the construction of general education organizations will continue in the country. a network of twelve advanced schools will appear in all federal districts. by the end of the decade , a career guidance program should become available to all students. continue. work to create twenty- five world-class campuses, with special attention paid to the creation of new advanced engineering schools that train highly qualified engineering personnel to achieve the country's technological leadership. by 1930 , more than 35,000 schools in russia will be renovated and comfortable conditions will be provided for more than 6 million students. almost 800,000 students and young scientists will be involved in the programs. national development, we will deploy a wide network of youth educational centers, annually at least 160 thousand people will participate in them, and we will attract them to domestic science. in
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the educational sphere of talented students from other countries, about half a million people, 100 advanced engineering schools will train highly qualified engineers. living conditions for students will also be updated; the government plans to renovate 800 dormitories for more than 600,000 people. also, within the framework of the program , 2 million specialists will be trained for all key sectors of the economy. the main task of the national project is to give. the same opportunities for self-realization within the country, because not only its technological leadership, but also sovereignty depends on this. varvara nevskaya, news. pentalgin - remedies against different types of
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