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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 15, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm MSK

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maxim ovchan was in the studio, see you on the russia 24 tv channel . this is a big information evening, we continue to introduce you to today’s agenda. the last traces of the ukrainian counter-offensive have been erased. tricalor is super-yielding, and we continue to press why western supplies are not helping kiev. who could have organized the assassination attempt on trump? in the usa there is a real boom in conspiracy theories, not from democrats, republicans, including the politician himself, but the russian trace has already been found. victory of engineering and mastery of aerobatics. how our poultry houses don't allow
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the enemy and raise their heads, unmanned aircraft as a path to success at the front? after the terrorist attack at kokhovskaya gas , nature was the first to come to its senses. at the bottom of the drained reservoir , perhaps the largest forest in europe grew. how can the russian army use the new terrain feature? i'm hungry on mob! an agent who escaped from russia is now entertaining ukrainians at a wedding in italy. how much is foreign agent galkin worth? but first, let’s show a video from the northern military district zone, which, perhaps, speaks for itself: the russian tricolor is raised in the center of a populated area the harvest of the donetsk people's republic, where there are now no more kiev occupiers. because a day earlier they were finally driven out of there by fighters from the vostok troops group. the battle worked out. long and
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difficult, if only for the reason that the armed forces of ukraine used their usual tactics, turning abandoned residential buildings into firing positions. accordingly, our military personnel had to literally demolish these improvised fortifications to the roots with air bombs and artillery, hence the very serious destruction, which, however, will undoubtedly be leveled out by painstaking restoration work when the demining and cleanup is completed, and this success is significant not only based on the strategically important location of the harvest on the so -called ... vremev ledge, but also, not least from the point of view of morale, and why? anton podkovenko will explain. they have achieved nothing, and we are putting pressure on them. tricalor above the harvest means that the ukrainian counter-offensive, which was promoted that year, ultimately turned out to be a suicidal dummy for the kiev regime. everything, that they then tried to capture it, but it was repulsed. there were fierce battles for the harvest on the vremev ledge.
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kiev once presented its control over the village as a mighty victory, despite huge losses and the rubble of broken western equipment, now our harvest is finally and irrevocably. as a result of successful actions, a subdivision of the vostok grouping of troops liberated harvest, which is completed by clearing and demining the populated area. after harvesting the harvest, the next stage, and this is very bad for the vcu, is the release of carbon, taking full control of the entire donetsk agglomeration. now we are seeing the withdrawal of the ukrainian armed forces troops to the kharkov direction, the russian military, the ukrainian armed forces are grinding them down in the area of ​​toretsk, kupyansk, they do not have the strength to resist further. accordingly, from a moral point of view, from a tactical point of view, this is the most important victory of the russian military. things are frankly not going well for the armed forces of ukraine, now not only in the urozhayny area, this is from the latest reports from the ministry of defense. our troops
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from the west, south and center groups took more advantageous positions and improved the situation in the area kovsharovka and boguslavka, this is the kherson region, as well as in the dpr in the area of ​​chasvyar, krasny liman and a number of other settlements. grouping of troops vostok, the fighters who liberated the harvest season, hit the enemy in the area of ​​​​nikolskoye and makarovka in the dpr and lugovskoye - this is the zaporozhye region, minus an american armored personnel carrier, two british howitzers. more than a hundred kiev militants. our dnepr group takes out ukrainian marines and territorial defense in the kherson direction in the area of ​​​​tokarevka, ivanovka and antonovka. what about western? weapons don't help? the states will send more jevilins and a patriot battery to ukraine, as well as stinger anti-aircraft missiles and ammunition for hymers, not a lot. this is exactly the amount of aid that the west supplies, that is, it allows the kiev regime, one might say, to rot. near the west.
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there are no other possibilities in relation to the kiev regime, the military industry of the west also turned out to be unprepared for an almost direct confrontation with russia, what they send and what kiev succeeds in. accumulate our iskanders turn into dust, it’s like a few days ago in the kharkov region , a train carrying ammunition blew up. we do not even allow the ukrainian military to get most of these weapons to places of resistance to russian troops. kiev is so afraid of a breakthrough at the front that it has pulled, for example, so many troops to the kharkov direction that there is a ratio of six to one, six soldiers to one russian soldier, and our fighters at that. they are not just confronting the enemy, they are advancing, the vks, rocket men are hacking into ukrainian oporniks and military infrastructure. created by hand, the so-called reconnaissance and strike complex, that is, these are people from different units united into one group, this allows you to reduce
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the time frame for making decisions, for example, strikes into the depth of the enemy’s defense, in fact, when minutes count, russia in terms of power, in terms of quantitative indicators, is not in money, precisely in pieces, in tanks, in... shells , to be ahead of the collective west all together , not to mention supplies to ukraine. we already have experience, we have weapons, and our warriors don’t lack fortitude and ingenuity, the armed forces of ukraine are bursting at the seams, the russian flag hoisted over the harvest, which has become an epitaph to the notorious counter-offensive, proves that the time has come for kiev to lose, without hope of winning back. a national meeting of the republican party is starting in the us state of wisconsin, following which... which almost no one doubts anymore, donald trump will be officially nominated as a candidate for the presidential election. the first session should begin very soon, literally in half an hour, the mood of the ex-president’s supporters is obviously high, because the unsuccessful assassination attempt in pennsylvania immediately contributed to the explosive growth of his ratings. however, those
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who still oppose trump’s return to the white house clearly do not intend to give up without a fight; today is the day of large-scale anti-trump demonstrations for the left and liberal forces in the united states, and they are being held... in wisconsin and the atmosphere, frankly speaking, is out of the ordinary on your knees. read more about everything in the report from the united states by our correspondent dmitry melnikov. after surviving the assassination attempt, trump became different, this is said by those who communicated with him in the past 2 days, this is confirmed by himself trump. first appearance in public: the night before he arrived at the republican convention in milwaukee, and before that he gave several interviews to loyal publications, one of them to the new york post, where he admitted that he had only now begun to understand. on that fateful day at a campaign rally in pennsylvania , death stood behind him. the doctor at the hospital said he had never seen anything like it. he called it a miracle. i shouldn't be here now, i should be dead. on sunday , trump wrote on his social media account that only god
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prevented the unthinkable. and washington examiner reporter selena zita saw it with her own eyes. she and her daughter were just a few meters from the podium. which trump spoke. at his rallies, trump always looks forward, always looks straight, never turns left or right, but one time he raised his head to look at the diagram on the screen, at that moment a bullet flew past his face. trump said that at that moment he knew everything had changed, for the country and for him. it seems that changed the assassination attempt on trump and the attitude towards him in the democratic camp, where they decided to suspend it. showing propaganda videos in which trump was presented as a dictator who must be stopped at any cost. the day before, joe biden, who had recently demanded that trump be removed from the political arena, made a new address to the nation from the oval office and called for reducing the degree of tension and hatred in society. true,
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biden hastened to remove blame from his fellow party members for inciting this hatred and blamed some foreign forces for everything. we need to start listening only those with whom we agree. to president biden he called him good and said that biden was very nice. as a gesture of goodwill, biden even asked prosecutors to drop two of the four criminal cases currently pending against the republican candidate. it is reported that a court in florida dismissed a case against
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trump for illegal possession of secret documents, but despite the apparent warming between opponents, security measures at the republican convention are unprecedented around the neighborhoods where they are located. and armed secret service agents will now protect not only trump himself, but members of his campaign headquarters. now it’s even difficult to imagine being a delegate.
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however, as the inspection showed, everything is in order with the filing. so, on march 15, exactly 4
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months before today, youtube published a recording of a conversation with an american conservative blogger named brandon beaks, who allegedly received a revelation from above about the imminent future of donald trump. i saw an attempt on his life, the bullet flew right by his ear, so close to his head that damaged his eardrum. i saw him fall for... generations, and then i saw him win the election. by the way, further, he also predicts a crisis worse than the great depression, which, in his opinion, should sweep into the united states in a year, but if this is yet to be clarified in practice, then the shot has already occurred. however, one way or another, the interview itself gave opponents of the ex-us president wide scope for conspiracy theories in the spirit that trump decided to increase his ratings through production, and his supporters, they say, provided it with some mystical background in advance and promoted videobix.
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who could have organized the assassination attempt on trump in the american media is simply a boom in conspiracy theories . cnn reports that the politician was allegedly shot from three different types of weapons after an audio experiment. experts from the university of colorado established that three shots were fired from one barrel, five from the second, and the final one was called an acoustic pulse, generally supposedly from the third. there were even versions that the criminal did not act alone; thomas was eliminated crooks, they say, distracted the attention of the intelligence services and the police while the supposedly real killer fled the crime scene. proponents of this theory, citing this video, claim that people began to run away even before crux opened fire, accusing the police of inaction. there are witnesses who say that there were several more shots before the shot that hit trump’s ear, and no one reacted.
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experts believe that all this information noise can distract the public from the main thing. it’s all now in this whole absolute compote called information civil war, we don't need to lose our focus landmarks here. now fate is being decided, will there be a national government or will it be a globalist one, which project will win, who will win? so we have to start from this, there will be a million more of these theories, each one, especially the information corporation that is losing its audience, will invent its own story about this. according to some information published by american journalists, part of the secret service forces, which ensures security sweepperson, was transferred from a trump rally to an event where jill biden was speaking. questions arise about the competence of sniper defenders, they say the shooter cannot be noticed. from behind a tree, treacherous greenery, behind which a man with a rifle very, very successfully hid.
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the public saw his movement and reported it to the police, but they did not receive due attention. the criminal remained on the roof until he started shooting. and he could focus on the stars and stripes above the speaker’s head. usually, they say, such things don’t develop over trump, here appeared, this is a weather vane flag, like a shooting range. and even without attraction, trump's miraculous salvation becomes. two major conspiracy theories emerged immediately after the assassination attempt on trump. well, the first thing is that the first conspiracy theory is promoted by the republicans, some of whom are confident that the democrats, biden and the so-called deep state there tried to basically eliminate their presidential candidate, and in the person of trump, here is another conspiracy theory that is already being promoted by the democrats , that trump allegedly staged an attack on himself in order to raise your rating, and appear before this country in the image of a martyr. and now this
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shot, authored by the american evan vouchi, is being compared a little bit with the painting by jean della croix. freedom is leading the people, trump is leading the people, the pro-democratic media are actively trying to extinguish the image of the martyr, they say it wasn’t a bullet that scratched his ear, just shards of broken glass, but this of course changes things, or is trump being led off the stage after loud sounds, i wonder what, and in general this is all an insidious plan for promotion rating, it doesn’t matter that the politician’s supporters died, because it worked for reagan in the eighties, this is what the election results looked like after the assassination attempt on... the fortieth president of the united states, which means trump could have done this, and with the help of whom, of course, the russians, all this clearly said to be a planned action that should destroy biden’s chances of re-election. the author later apologized for these words. or maybe there is not a russian, but a ukrainian trace, because the possibility of trump returning to the white house for banking causes bouts of nervousness. this is part
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games, this is the rule of the game. this has already gone down in the history of the united states. with mental disabilities, and a huge number of weapons in the hands of the population, that is, at the moment there are more than 500 million guns in civilian possession, and in the hands of the americans, so when you have such a hodgepodge, there are a lot of people with disabilities who in theory they shouldn’t buy weapons, but still there are a lot of holes in the law that allows them to do this, and a huge number of weapons, well , unfortunately for the americans, but this leads
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due to the fact that they very often have so -called jokes, the assassination attempt on trump will probably only continue to grow as... with pyrological versions, which could be to the advantage of both the possible customers of the assassination attempt and the politician himself. but let's return to the news of the last minutes, as we have already said, donald trump announced that he had chosen james david vance as a candidate for vice president; last year vance became senator anstat agaya. this is a young politician, he will turn 40 in half a month, he served in the marine corps, including in iraq. the west is getting ready accuse in the use of chemical weapons, stated the russian permanent representative to the organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons vladimirin, he noted that there is pressure on international structures to force them to take some steps against our country. the russian representative office is doing everything possible to counteract this, since there is, quote, no chemical threat to ukraine from russia, and there cannot be. at the same time, moscow does not exclude the possibility that ozo experts will be invited to
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study evidence of the use of chemical weapons by the ukrainian side. some facts have already been presented at the organization's session. we are rushing through the broken bakhmut, aka artyomovsk on a bug, as an air defense system, behind an experienced fighter with a machine gun with a cheburashka as a talisman, drones in the sky, houses are burning on the ground, a war zone, fishing
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nets stretched, also a means of protection against kamikaze drones helps the streets. neighborhoods, everything is in ruins, the enemy is reaching here, ours, using all means of camouflage, are holding positions behind the depopulated bakhmut, now there is a battle for the city of chasyar, a gun, a d-30 crew is conducting intense fire on the enemy, this is the direction of the nachars, now, despite the enemy’s attempts to counteract it, his targets are being destroyed, we support the guys who are carrying out assault operations, now we... how can we do artillery barrage, the target has arrived, we will work it out, and then they will move on our guys are storming. these shots, filmed in the city of chasov yar by our paratroopers, spread around the world. walking on the fifth floor, the russian fighter walked around the enemy at risk, climbing over doors thrown between the balconies. we found this paratrooper. it was hard to go in
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of course to these houses. we stormed the first house together with the commander, two people, i didn’t think about anything at all. work is work. young, fearless, guy from the rostov region, 28 years old, never served in the military service , went to war, received three wounds, a shrapnel in his back, continues to serve, he...
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the artillery is accompanied by unmanned aircraft both for observation and for attacks on the enemy, to conduct without technical intelligence, combat operations are impossible, because war is now more like a computer game, that is, whoever is more technologically advanced wins. basic the enemy suffers losses from missile attacks from our drones, from our artillery, the guns do not stop talking around the clock. gun, aim quickly, gun, be afraid! in the former large enemy defense center in artyomovsk, now there are russian flags on buildings at intersections, this was not easy to achieve, but for our
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fighters nothing is impossible, our units are advancing inside the city of hours. nikolai dolgachev, magomed bashir aliev, maria bulgakova, conduct lugansk, artyomovsk. now there is a short advertisement, here's what will happen next on our air. after the terrorist attack. at kokhovskaya gas, nature was the first to come to its senses. at the bottom of the drained reservoir, perhaps the largest forest in europe grew. how the russian army can use a new relief element.
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thinking about the perfect home? at domklik everyone will find housing for themselves. what mood are you in today, light and airy, romantic and sensual, relaxed and sublime. find the vernelle scent to suit your mood. as they say, not this time, with such a laconic telegram comment. the special forces archangel today accompanied action-packed footage filmed on behalf of our military, in which the operator of an fpv drone of the ukrainian armed forces staged a real hunt, wait, he’s catching up, that’s it, alive, alive, alive, alive, alive, alive, well, as you can see in this case, attempts to shoot down drone with small arms did not lead to anything, but the enemy
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was unable to strike at... the atv of our fighters, instead the comikat flew towards road a few meters in front of the vehicle and, by the way, did not hit anyone with shrapnel, since the driver sharply slammed on the brakes at the last moment, that is, competently disoriented the enemy, but in the enemy’s media, there is nothing comparable with the participation of ukrainian militants, since russian hole guides most often simply leave them no chance of salvation ; they hit any targets with stunning accuracy, visual evidence, without attracting attention. stanislav bernald is ready to demonstrate. russian troops are noticeable increased the number of strikes against the ukrainian armed forces and drones of various modifications along the entire front line. our poultry houses do not allow ukrainian equipment and infantry to work day and night. there is a whole swarm of quadcopters above the ukrainian positions. this often forces the enemy to radically change the concept of combat. ssu cannot always withstand a massive attack by drones.
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that's why the enemy announced. a real hunt for russian poultry farmers, the fact that our unmanned aces are already one step or even two ahead of the enemy is recognized in ukraine itself. for example, the director of the ukrainian aerial reconnaissance support center, maria berlinskaya , says that ukraine now does not have the former parity, the russians are supposedly ahead in production in precision applications, which will inevitably lead to the fact that it will be necessary to retreat tens of kilometers to the battlefield in a matter of days. that is, when there was a shortage of drones, of course, there was a shortage of drones for some time, but the ministry of defense , in principle, built a chain for the production of drones, now they are being produced, not just imported from china, but here assembly of the same racing quadcopters that are used as fpv begins, assembly begins in russia using completely russian components, here i am right next to me, for example, a drone, which is a completely russian flight controller and other filling according to the magazine’s estimates.
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the enemy hummer at high speed tries to escape from the air attack, but it is useless, it scatters, as they say, into pieces. or here’s another example of precise work. our guys noticed an enemy dugout, the enemy was above the camouflage.
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the object worked, as if merged with the military landscape, but our air reconnaissance aircraft still discovered a small hole serving as the entrance to the dugout.


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