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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 15, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm MSK

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several large metallurgical facilities in russia went into operation today, the start was given by the president via video link, which the head of state spoke about with industry participants on the eve of their professional holiday. a large landscape fire near novorossiysk was localized; a criminal case of negligence was opened into the fire. meanwhile, in neighboring crimea they are also fighting outbreaks; fire broke out in several points of the peninsula at once. the european union is fenced off from hungary, all because of budapest’s initiatives about resolving the ukrainian crisis, why doesn't the eu need peace? trump is the republican candidate for us president, now official, the decision was announced at the party congress, where the ex-president announced that he was nominating republican senator james david vance for the position of deputy. meanwhile, opponents of this decision among democrats are carrying out.
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russia occupies a leading position in the world in the production of nickel, aluminum and titanium. the metallurgical industry is of strategic importance for our country, stated vladimir putin. on the eve of metallurgical day, the president took part in the launch of several metallurgical facilities in the donetsk people's republic, nizhny novgorod region and chelyab via video link.
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praovsky reserve, the flame spread towards the dursoo farm, the fire damaged 68 buildings, two were injured, according to updated data, 600 people were evacuated, extinguished from the air, an il-76 aircraft was used , five helicopters were involved, including 3 mi-8 and two k-32 helicopters. at this time, the aviation had already completed its work and the fire had been localized. details in governor of the krasnodar territory veniam kondratyev spoke on our tv channel. in this tract. in russian, a dry fire is called
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a localized fire, and today we are saying that that’s it, it’s gone, objectively speaking, of course, this is the first time we’ve encountered a fire, which, if you remember very well, yesterday started at 13:00 for two from 3 hectares it expanded to 62 hectares, that is , there would have been a huge squally wind that literally fanned the fire, in 2 hours, in 3 hours, to such a size, of course, there was a big threat by and large, including not only... the structure of the tourism industry, but also, of course, both vacationers and residents, they were evacuated more than 600 people, but nevertheless, let me emphasize again, the fire was managed to cope, today literally at 16:00 it is localized, i am here, of course, i objectively want to say, the courage of rescuers, employees of the ministry of emergency situations, all fire services, and of course separately the leadership of the ministry of emergency situations of russia for aviation, several outbreaks of wildfires by this hour localized in crimea, in novofedorovka.
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the spread of fire was stopped on an area of ​​17 hectares. in sevastopol, near the village of vishnevaya , dry grass caught fire. near simfepol, an oak grove and forest floor were burning in the village of urozhaynaya. so far we have managed to prevent the fire from spreading to the dacha plots. in koktabel, mi-8 helicopters, the ministry of emergency situations and the russian guard were involved in the extinguishing. there the flames managed to spread to the territory of the karadak nature reserve. aviation has already carried out 53 water releases with a total volume of 265 m. on... the west is preparing to blame russia in the use of chemical weapons, this was stated by our country’s permanent representative to the organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons, vladimir toravrin. russian diplomats, using facts , prove to the technical secretariat of the organization that all the accusations are unfounded. russia does not and cannot pose a chemical threat to ukraine. the zelensky regime is accumulating reserves.
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antidotes and gas masks. kiev is either preparing a provocation or is going to use prohibited weapons itself,” tarabrin noted. against the backdrop of a catastrophic situation, emerging for... bsu on the line of combat contact, the risk of provocation has become especially great. our enemies are using every possible method to blame russia, from creating fake accounts that supposedly russian fighters boast of smoking out of enemy holes using riot control chemicals, to placing heavy weapons at chemical industry facilities. the response to a strike against them will be immediately interpreted as a deliberate chemical attack. the european commission canceled the whole thing. demoted its board to hungary level of representation at informal meetings of the eu council chaired by budapest. the press service of the european commission reported this. ursula fondeen made the decision without waiting for the european parliament to approve her as head of the european commissioners for a new term. this is how
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brussels responded to hungary’s diplomacy and peace initiatives in the ukrainian conflict. with details anton dadykin. hungarian prime minister viktor orban sent out the leader of the european union. orban successively visited kiev, moscow, beijing and finally washington, where during the summit nato met with the president of turkey. finally, orban went to visit donald trump; it turned out that the main obstacle to the beginning of peace. negotiations is the position of the current us administration. the europeans are following the biden administration, which is struggling for political survival. the most important question for them now is whether joe biden can stay in the presidential race, so they don't have a hand in foreign policy. if europe wants peace and wants
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to have the final say in resolving the conflict and ending the bloodshed, it it is necessary to immediately develop and implement a change in political course. ballás orbán did not specify. how did the eu countries react to the hungarian prime minister's proposal? but the american newspaper politico became aware of such a reaction. according to her, the head of european diplomacy intends to disrupt the meeting that hungary, as the country chairing the european council, is going to hold in august. josep borel organizes his own meeting on the same days to send a strong signal to budapest. however, hungary is not so alone. on july at the nato summit, 10 european states, that is, a third of the eu members. regarding kiev's membership in nato, which is categorically unacceptable for russia. it has already become obvious to everyone that washington is shifting
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security risks in the event of escalation onto the shoulders of the europeans. some us allies continue to pump weapons into the kiev regime. spain sent 10 leopard tanks of the old version two to ukraine. by the end of the week, these combat vehicles will arrive at one of the polish ports, according to the spanish ministry of defense. a the german publication merkur analyzed the official list of military supplies to kiev from the german government. it turned out that in early july, berlin quietly transferred 39 tanks, air defense systems and ammunition to ukraine. for the first time, three hymers units were included in the list. germany does not have them in service, but the germans forked out for the sake of zelensky and paid for the supply. launch systems from american arsenals, and warsaw is considering the possibility of shooting down russian missiles over ukraine, polish foreign minister radoslaw sekorski said a few days ago, in in response, the nato secretary general, in an interview with a ukrainian television channel, hastened to emphasize that the alliance is not
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going to participate in anything like that. nato's policy is unchanged, we will not take part in this conflict, we will not become a party to the conflict, the alliance will not be directly involved in this confrontation.
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after surviving the assassination attempt, trump became different, this is said by those who communicated with him in the past 2 days. trump himself confirms this. his first public appearance was the night before he had arrived at the republican convention in meluka, and before this gave several interviews to loyal publications, one of them to the new york post, where he admitted that he had only now begun to understand, on that fateful day at a campaign rally in pennsylvania, that death was behind him. the doctor at the hospital said he had never seen anything like it. he called it a miracle. i shouldn't be here now, i should be. dead on sunday , trump wrote on his social media account that only god had prevented the unthinkable and
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washington examiner reporter selena zita. i saw it with my own eyes. she and her daughter were just a few meters from the podium from which trump was speaking. at his rallies, trump always looks forward, always looks straight, never turns left or right, but once he raised his head to look at the chart on the screen. trump said that at that moment he realized that everything had changed for the country and for him. it seems that the assassination attempt on trump changed the attitude towards him in the democratic camp, where they decided to suspend the showing of campaign videos. trump in them portrayed as a dictator who must be stopped at any cost. the day before, joe biden, who had recently demanded that trump be removed from the political arena, made a new address to the nation from the oval office. and called for a reduction in the intensity and hatred in society, however,
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biden hastened to remove the blame from his fellow party members for inciting this hatred and blamed some foreign forces for everything. we need to start listening not only to those with whom we agree, we need to fight disinformation, foreign forces that are fanning divisions between us in their own countries. interests. but even in this six-minute address, biden was not without blunders. fortunately, the former trump was not seriously injured. but now trump no longer paid attention to the usual reservations. on the contrary, he noted that in a telephone conversation with him, biden's tone was conciliatory. trump said he was grateful for the call from president biden, called it good and said biden was very nice. as a gesture of goodwill, biden even asked prosecutors to drop two of the four criminal cases currently pending against the republican candidate. so a florida judge has reportedly thrown out a case against trump for illegally possessing
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classified documents, but despite the apparent warming between the adversaries, security measures at the republican convention are unprecedented. two-meter fences have been erected around the blocks where the convention center is located, and armed secret service agents will now guard not only trump himself, but members of his campaign headquarters. now it’s even difficult to imagine how the delegates of this republican convention, which... will fill this hall for several hours, will greet donald trump when he rises to this podium. after the security failure in pennsylvania, the rules at this convention in melwaukee were noticeably tightened, ironically, the order to increase security measures at this convention was given by none other than trump's main opponent, president joe biden. however , one should not expect that the assassination attempt on trump will clear away all the contradictions in america. trump opponents gather in melwaukee to get straight. during the convention, hold a rally against the republican candidate. i believe trump
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spreads a lot of hatred, and the assassination attempts have nothing to do with our plans. we will carry out our action as planned. an event that until recently seemed devoid of intrigue. delegates simply had to approve trump as the presidential candidate. now, due to the intensity of the drama, it will definitely go down in the history of american politics. everyone is waiting for trump's speech before the convention, and despite... political preferences, all of america is waiting for this speech. dmitry melnikov and pavel kostrikov, news from milwaukee, wisconsin. but donald trump, who has officially become a presidential candidate, has already named the vice president of the republican party. this was senator james david vance. details about it are in our help. republican us vice presidential candidate james david vance was born in 1984 in ohio and served in the marine corps. infantry, then studied political science and philosophy at ohio state university, has a
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j.d. from yale law school , worked as an attorney, and began his political career in the republican party 6 years ago. parties. vance's rise was meteoric. in 2022, he was elected senator from his home state. the thirty-nine-year-old politician is known for his harsh statements against ukraine. in particular, he suggested that the parties begin peace negotiations as soon as possible, warning kiev. in any case, lose territory. wentz advocates the neutral status of ukraine. in his opinion, the supply of western weapons does not affect the course of the confrontation in any way. he urged the house of representatives to block military aid. ukraine, because the usa must focus on securing their own border. a photo exhibition “children of heroes” was opened in sevastopol. it was organized by a committee of families of soldiers of the fatherland. the exhibition includes more than 50 portraits of children who took part in the special operation. each photo has a qr code. from it you can hear a child's story about his father. the idea for the project was born suddenly. a team
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of our photographers photographed the wife's project. regions is being filmed, during the filming, the wives came to the all-russian project, which was in all 89 with children, well, they just asked that the children be filmed as well, the children themselves asked what we want like dad, we want to wear dad’s jacket, then we started filming, there was no such idea yet, to create separate projects, do separate shootings, but we were finally convinced by the words of a participant in a special military operation who saw a photo of a child and was touched by it... tears , although it was not his child, then we were convinced that such an exhibition was needed. in the north caucasus, it is necessary to build new production chains for the production of domestic products, the head of chechnya, ramzan kadyrov, stated this at a plenary meeting caucasian investment forum in grozny. konstantin churikov will tell you what was discussed and what proposals were made on the first day of the forum. the first day of the caucasian
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investment forum, which this year is taking place in grozny, began to surprise from the very morning. and the point is not... not only that one of the venues was the residence of the head of the chechen republic, but in the method of delivering the participants. of course, everyone has heard about local hospitality, but on such a scale? in the center of the caucasian institutional forum you feel feel about the same as at the russian exhibition that recently closed in moscow, the only difference is that here there is fresh mountain honey from ingushetia, freshly picked stavropol apples, you can ride in this funicular and get directly into the mountains of chechnya. already at the first plenary session it became clear that the republic can afford golf cars and more, the economy is growing noticeably. according to the results of the last twenty-third year, the chechen republic took seventh place among the regions of the country with the best, with the best investment climate, it seems to me that this is very important, this is a very serious achievement of the team of the government of the republic, headed by ramzan
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makhatovich kadyrov, the main economic indicator the gross regional product of the chechen republic shows growth every year. use its unique advantages, and this is literally human capital. despite the undeniable advantages of the region, the main value of these places is their open, hospitable and welcoming people. in addition, there are many young people here who create huge opportunities for economic development. when preparing the forum, we set ourselves one key, but very capacious task: to clearly show and tell what great opportunities the regions of the greater caucasus have, how many prospects there are for the implementation of business ideas in a variety of areas. alexander novyk cited a number of other
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figures. the north caucasus is 1% of our territory, where 7% of the population lives.
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ramzan kadyrov, he noted that the regions of the north caucasus should become points of attraction for business and solve pressing problems problems of the country. the skafo republic has significant labor and energy resources to implement large import substitution projects. it is important to build new production chains and increase internal ones. demand, tax revenues, another important topic for residents of chechnya is connecting to gas, and although, according to the ministry of energy, the level of gasification in the republic by the beginning of twenty-three was more than 88%.
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and the forum guests are transported in such wonderful golf carts, today in grozny it is very hot, 33°, tomorrow and the day after tomorrow forecasters generally promise 35:36, so the forum space has every chance of becoming that
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oasis where you can take refuge from the heat and lay the foundation for the further prosperity of the regions of the north caucasus. and this is only the first day of the forum; on tuesday, as announced, prime minister mikhail mishustin will take part in it. the caucasian investment investment company has big plans for the remaining 2 days, as well as the number. this is a unique educational platform of sberbank, where everyone can get a sought-after it profession. anastasia panko found out the details. there will soon be more it specialists in anadar; 21 educational schools have been opened there.
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programming, they will get acquainted with the peer-to-peer teaching methodology, when students share knowledge and experience with each other, work on their own and collective projects, learn the basics of a programming language, write game code, the best will become full-fledged students of school 21 in anadori, the opening of a high-tech school campus in chukotka 21 - i think this is a fairly significant event, i am absolutely convinced that... those of you who reaches the finish line, they will be in great demand on the local market in the russian market. a special feature of school 21 is the free
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acquisition of all the necessary practical knowledge needed to work in the it field. and the qualifying stage will help a person decide whether he is really interested in information technology. almost 6,000 people have already made their choice; that many are now studying on nine campuses of school 21. and very soon residents of kemerovo will have the opportunity to become an it specialist. the government of the kemerovo region elected signed a cooperation agreement, another branch of the school of digital technologies will appear there. obviously very important for the country in terms of mining. but now a step forward will be taken in terms of engineering development.
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future specialists, will push them to receive specialized education. we have selected a site today, it is located in the city center, the school will be designed for 200 jobs, with the possibility of living, there is a campus there for... 100 places, so we are grateful for the competencies that will be brought and these specialists will be trained directly in kusbas with joint participation from sberbank. studying at school 21 lasts up to 3 years, as a result, students will become qualified specialists and will learn an in-demand it profession for free. anastasia ponko, anton fedotov, artyom ryzhikov, lead. the twenty-second music festival khibla gerzmava has opened in abkhazia . for the first time , the marinsky theater symphony orchestra took part in it, world opera artists, eldar abdrazakov, people’s artist of russia, performed for the audience.
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khibla gerzmava. and others in the festival program include a series of concerts in the cities of abkhazia, russia and china. we will open a class at an excellent interest rate, in the branch and online. your plans, a reliable basis when you live at the speed of x2, not sparing your stomach, painless duo from pain and bloating. you are not alone, we are duo, duspatalin duo, order on zdravcity. start your business journey with sber support. sber-business will open an account, help with accounting, legal issues and connect an online cash register. and all this is free. we open the way to business. sberbusiness. formula adapt takayama engine oil instantly
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a reporter, you've been a reporter your whole life, your father was a reporter, a famous reporter, so you grew up in journalism, journalism is the most hated profession right now, which is not unreasonable, even the sackler family is currently more beloved than nbc, for sure, and even congress is more loved, yes, even congress, people are like, you know, maybe this pedophile can still be corrected, it’s not necessary to shoot him. what did you think about journalism, what did you imagine it like when you started, i grew up on his father's work, yes, he was a television reporter during the time of local popularity.


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