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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 16, 2024 3:30am-4:01am MSK

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in those ancient times, when there were no gadgets, people used magic, but beat yourself over the head, you have a nickname, where you need it, that’s what they call me, because i’m not taking you where you fool want, where you need it, he who doesn’t need a pen, who has fire in his pocket, uh, uh, what started, lights? “i can’t live without traveling, soon, we spent so much effort on driving out the americans, we won, the russians helped, they didn’t care, they didn’t give a damn about the people, the americans only bombed and killed,
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there was no benefit to them. at first the west did this , what crippled these people, because with their consent , drugs were grown in afghanistan. we explained to the people that we would punish people for drugs. what the taliban are saying has real confirmation. are you used to watching videos online? has it stopped working? we open, watch, russian channels, all series, movies and cartoons, educational programs and documentaries, watch, watch in the application or on the website.
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welcome to asia, where the heart of the continent beats.
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the first state radio of russia, more than 100 programs for 130 million listeners, on air around the clock. moscow listens to radio russia, now on 101.5 fm. russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia.
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welcome to asia, here the heart of the continent beats, and we keep our finger on the pulse. today on the program is an attempted coup in kyrgyzstan against the backdrop of bishkek’s statements about its intention to return peace to the country. here is an unsuccessful attempt to rise. the engagement of the president's niece ended hard landing. we also talked. about
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a community of a common destiny, about the very close relations between tajikistan and china, and even more gas was found in turkmenistan, and the kazakh military with its allies is practicing the seizure of an island in the caspian sea. let's gallop. the turkic nomads have an ancient pastime called baiga. baiga is a race over rough terrain, the distances vary, from 5 to 50 km, most often, but there are tests for hundreds of kilometers. the very way of life of the nomads suggested such competitions under the scorching steppe sun or pouring rain, it is still unknown that the endurance of the horse is more important here. or the fortitude of the rider. twelve-year-old arnad won the 15 km top baiga discipline. admittedly, the race was not easy. i was among the last, but i did not give up and did not lose hope. on the final lap i decided to unleash my skukun. i lowered it a little, and it opened up and led us to victory, ahead of
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all rivals. a big bayga near astana was held in honor of the day of the capital of kazakhstan. all participants dream of getting to the main competitions and games are already on a global scale. an instrument of political struggle, but in this case, even by local standards, we are talking about something special. this is what the security forces discovered from the conspirators. 20 pistols, 50 rifles and 255,000 rounds of ammunition, and another 200 sets of uniforms for law enforcement officers, more
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body armor, drones, walkie-talkies, explosives, religious extremist literature, enough for an entire sabotage squad. at the same time , only a few people were detained. but it became known in detail what a daring plan conceived by the rebels, it was supposed to be such a gift for independence day. on august 31, these individuals planned to organize sports games near the city of bishkek in order to concentrate a large number of young people from all regions of the country, including pre-prepared destructive forces. it was also planned to invite individual opposition leaders to this sporting event as a provocateur. to encourage the crowd to advance to the city on foot, and then continue according to the classics, along the route to organize pogroms, arson, explosions, well, judging by the uniform of law enforcement officers, place all the blame for the violence on the authorities. the scheme, in fact, has been tested many times in a variety of countries.
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it is curious that, in addition to the arsenal, the detainees were found to have, for example, a military id of parliament member marlen mamataliev, who is actually known as an irreconcilable destructive fighter. there i worked in the white house, i put there not only my military id, but all my other documents, and even work books, all of ours, which were kept in the personnel department, they were also lost not only by me, but by all the deputies and all the employees of the apparatus, and these persons, who at one time, most likely,
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most likely participated in these twentieth year, when we people took the white house and certain thefts took place inside himself... that he was hidden by professionals, there ’s not even a question here, yes, that these were unusual people who did it all, in your opinion, who could be behind the attempt to organize a coup? well, definitely, ordinary people were not behind these forces, because now in our country there is a good economic breakthrough in kyrgyzstan, and as if the common people had no reason to start all this, but i have guesses, most likely this is the case. those people who have come under strong pressure today, you know, we’ve probably been doing very active, strong work lately against bandits, against corrupt officials, it seems to me that these people wanted to carry out
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some kind of counter-reaction, but they didn’t can without the influence in any case of major outside forces. in general, even for the last couple of years in turbulent kyrgyzstan have been especially fruitful for such news. in june of twenty-three, that is, just something. a year ago, 20 people were detained in bishkek, suspected of preparing a violent seizure of power. in january, already this year , president japarov announced that another coup attempt had been prevented; it was being prepared, quote: those who previously stole from the treasury evaded paying taxes. andrei grozen will talk about the nature of these processes and the next uncovered conspiracy. similar riots in january twenty-second year in the neighbor.
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it is very difficult to open large-scale preparations for such extraordinary events in small kyrgyzstan, and also the leading ones... would like to turn the central asian region into a serious headache for the large
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neighbors of this region, i mean the russian federation, the people's republic of china and the islamic republic of iran, the current leadership of kyrgyzstan, of course, is an inconvenient partner for the west in the first place, simply because it is western creatures, western infrastructure internal influence. the policy of kyrgyzstan has been actively defended for the last six months a year. it is clear that this kind of situation cannot be considered tolerable for external centers that have invested hundreds of millions of dollars in the infrastructure of the so-called civil society over three decades. obviously, this kind of approach requires this provision in some way. change. and to other news.
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large-scale exercises took place in kazakhstan with the participation of military personnel from uzbekistan, kyrgyzstan, tajikistan and azerbaijan. scenarios for countering threats were worked out in the caspian sea. for example, according to the legend of one of the operations it was necessary to liberate an island captured by terrorists. more than 100 residents were evacuated from the batken region of kyrgyzstan, who found themselves in the zone of another mudflow . this time, a natural disaster hit the villages of aktatyr and kokterek. in addition, sections of the highway between the cities of batken and osh are flooded. let me remind you that earlier mudflows claimed the lives of 13 people in the south of the republic. a camera trap in the chetkal nature reserve in uzbekistan captured siberian mountain goats. these are quite rare animals, the males of which weigh up to a hundredweight and reach a meter at the withers. and these are the feathered inhabitants of the aralkum natural park in karakalpaks. they are called. they are loafs, belong to the ibis family, and are included in the red book. but also about
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the central asian fauna. a video camera installed in the mountains of the zhitesui region of kazakhstan captured the tenshansky brown bear, which came to drink. the beast is also an endangered species. a marriage proposal on a white helicopter ended in a hard landing. either soapy opera, or shakespearean. tragedy in kyrgyzstan, the former fiancé of the president’s niece was arrested, this is the one for whose engagement the head of state still had to apologize, remember how it all began for a marriage proposal, the groom took the presidential niece lazat nurkozhoeva to the mountains in a snow-white helicopter, and miss kyrgyzstan said “cherished yes". sadyr zhapparov then scolded the young people, saying that boasting about wealth is bad form, but without 5 minutes of son-in-law. this is the name of the would-be groom,
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he is a suspect under the article illegal production of psychotropic substances for the purpose of sale. moreover, the presidential press service reported that there is reason to believe that the very idea of ​​the engagement was started only in order to find a roof in power, but as they say, a white helicopter will not help someone born to crawl. last week we talked about the state visit of chairman xidzenpin to astana, and after the release of our program and after the capital of kazakhstan, the chinese leader went to... tajikistan, and this is worth talking about separately. according to the scope of hospitality in dushanbe, at least, did not lose to astana. president rahmon not only personally met utrap’s guest on the plane, but also saw him off. a huge motorcade along the entire route was greeted by girls with flowers and chinese flags. a luxurious reception and a large-scale show.
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an illustration of how close relations tajikistan has with china. chairman xi and rakhmon opened new ones. parliament and government in the center of dushanbe, they were built by the chinese with chinese money, the height of the main building with a dome is about 70 m, the total area is more than 43 m, such a small china in big dushenbe. during the ceremony, the president of tajikistan noted that the construction of these buildings is an excellent example of cooperation between the two countries. as a result of the negotiations, over twenty documents on cooperation in such areas as trade and transport were signed. connectivity, mining and security. sizen noted that together the countries form a community of common destiny for china and tajikistan. fate is truly common: in 1999, as a result of the signing of a border agreement, tajikistan ceded 200 km of its own territory to china, in 2011 they transferred even more than 1. km to china,
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but in exchange beijing agreed to write off part of... the national debt, we are talking about the pomir mountains, they are also called the roof of the world, due to the incredible inaccessibility, there are never clear borders here there wasn’t much; in the middle of the 19th century, the pamirs divided the territory of the kakan khanate, the kabul emirate and the chinese empire. later, in the midst of the big game, russia and england, acting on behalf of the afghans, demarcated the borders and signed about it a number of treaties, but china never recognized them, although it was not able to do anything. about neither in tsarist nor in soviet times. however, the chinese have laid claim to a fifth of tajik territory for over 100 years. in dushanbe, by the way, they don’t see this as a problem. the fact is that gorno-badokhshan is home to a small population, still in very difficult relations with the center, who are constantly accused of separatism. yes, there are minerals, but they are very difficult to access,
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so all projects to extract them are unprofitable. the fact is that this entire territory is located at a higher altitude. 400 m, but as you know, china has its own special vision for everything. and about other events in the region, briefly. the kazakh police are checking for possible involvement in espionage three citizens of eu countries who illegally entered the territory of the beykanur cosmodrome. these are two dutchmen, one belgian, and they managed to climb quite far, they were caught at the assembly and refueling complex. although it is very difficult to overcome such a route in the summer, you can at least remember the june story when, while trying to get to baikanur, a french tourist died of dehydration. well, at the largest gas field in turkmenistan, gelkinysh, it was possible to develop a new stream. this result was ensured by recent drilling operations.
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it has not yet been calculated how much fuel production in this zone will now increase, but it is already clear that the increase will be significant, although already the daily volume reached almost a million cubic meters. kazakhstan obliged owners of russian securities to get rid of them before august 10. kazakhstan depository after introduction sanctions of the united states, called on clients to withdraw russian securities. in the future, assets not withdrawn may be frozen. the kazakhstan depository has about 140 types of russian securities. these are sovereign debt bonds, corporate bonds and shares. purchasing such securities after the twenty-second year was a fairly popular investment strategy among foreigners. kazakhstan's decision was obviously made under pressure from the american ministry of finance. but the prime minister of kyrgyzstan akelbek dzhaparov proposed the largest russian banks to open branches in the republic. he voiced this idea at a meeting of the intergovernmental commission of the two countries. the fact
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is that bishkek was forced, again due to american sanctions, to refuse to work with the russian payment system, and without... the russian world somehow everything became completely sad, or rather inconvenient, especially considering the trade turnover between countries that in the past year amounted to $3 billion, and over 4 months of this year showed an increase of another 30%. the service was stopped at the request of a company from latvia, which is developer and operator of programs for the banking system of kyrgyzstan. and so bishkek, in addition to inviting russian banks, announced its intention to develop also... to abandon the service due to the fact that it undermined our internal payment system, but today this issue is on the agenda, we are looking for new
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ways, new, new software . today, our interprosting banking center is currently working on developing a new product of its own. the statement was made in yekaterinburg, where the fourteenth international exhibition innoprom. this is like in previous years a point of attraction for delegations from all countries. asia has the opportunity to conclude new cooperation agreements with russia. thus, kazakhstan expressed interest in the joint production of self-powered batteries for modern industrial coatings. kyrgyz industrialists presented equipment for installing elevators, as well as samples of other republican electrical equipment. however, their production has yet to be increased here among the options in including attracting russian investments, and at the same time russian specialists in the field of automation and robotics. tajikistan used the inoprom platform to negotiate with the russian ministry of industry and trade on new logistics chains, primarily for the supply of mining products,
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although textiles are also becoming an increasingly important part of trade turnover. well, the ministry of industry of uzbekistan is ready to expand the presence of russian business in the free economic zone of the serdara region. there cooperative enterprises may appear for the production of plasterboard, paint and varnish materials for processing vegetables. about the results of the exhibition and more broadly about the prospects for industrial cooperation, pavel seleznev, representing the financial university under the russian government, all issues related to the development of trade and economic relations, industrial production, some innovative solutions, developments that would strengthen interaction between our countries, this ... of course, the cornerstone, this will allow us to provide more, so to speak, intensive integration in
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the cis space, and as regards interaction within the brix, and of course with an emphasis on partner countries, i would even say with an emphasis on our friends in central asia, because this process is so mutual , mutually enriching, those technologies, those innovative solutions that they have can be successfully implemented and applied in our country, those technologies that we have, we, of course, always readily share with our friends and with strange partners, finally, a little coolness, that's all for now... very rare footage from kyrgyzstan, where cattle are driven along a mountain ridge, and containers are driven from the chui valley, the area is high mountain, so there are snowfalls
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almost all year round, this, of course, is not a tourist walk at all, it is so ancient, so it's a dangerous trade, both for the animals and for the drivers; keeping a herd here is a real art. that's all for today, see you as usual.
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have you ever thought about what would happen to us if we didn't have bread? bread is the world, the most sacred thing a person has, something that every family has. bread created our civilization, contributed to our evolution, the technical revolution. this is both the future of humanity and the history of humanity. this is a universal language. over the past 200 years , it has shaped our attitude to life, this is the power of our country, its strength, every day
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i always take a piece of black bread. for life. when confronted with bread, a person is literally transformed. this is what our distant ancestors thought, and we really hope that you think so too. it is clear to everyone that russia is not a country of gas stations. russian. to bring digital solutions to new heights, there are prospects, even more brutal, yes, ours are more brutal, there will be more than exactly what digital helps, you are incomparably original in your questions, what is in general with production, raw materials and exports, what is our product like?
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we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story.
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russia occupies a leading position in the world in nickel production.


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