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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 16, 2024 4:00am-4:31am MSK

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russia is in the lead.
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security of the homeland. the forest fire in gelendzhuk is localized to an area of ​​2 hectares; 250 people are fighting it. their work is complicated by the terrain . the source of the fire is deep in the forest, where it is impossible to drive by car, and the fire, meanwhile, is moving along the tops of the trees. in total , there are currently five forest fires in the krasnodar territory. three of them have been localized. the investigative committee opened a second criminal case on the negligence of officials in connection with the fire near novorossiysk. it started on the premises. 68
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buildings, two people were injured, the fire was localized to an area of ​​62 hectares, the rescuer had not yet been completely extinguished, 600 people managed to evacuate it, some tourists had to be taken out on boats, the path from the beach was blocked by fire, rescue operation, reporting by pavel melnik. nothing can be saved from the ruins of the resort farm; several popular tour buses near novorossiysk at once turned into... counted hours. vacationers were trapped. when the fire engulfed durso, it became clear that from here with the first beach line to the main there is simply no physical way to get out of the asphalt road to novorossiysk. here it is, lying up on the hill. in panic, many simply ran closer to the water, throwing personal belongings along the way. but even on the beach in the ring of elements , no one knew where it was? this is a safe place. a fire tornado rushed along the scorching coast for almost a day.
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hundreds of people found themselves in a ring of hot whirlwinds, where resort life is in full swing in the summer, the sky instantly turned black, you can’t see how it’s dying at all, how scary, crazy, he says, the evacuation was an emergency, attention, attention, threat, like this, wrapped in a towel, vacationers reached the mainland by sea, galina came to durso from assetia. on vacation, which had to be interrupted. they took me away on a boat. was the road on fire? of course, it’s scary, everyone wants to live. 616 people were evacuated, of which 144 were children, many were transported to temporary accommodation centers. the first reports of a fire came from a dry crevice, around noon the day before, a strong wind instantly scattered the flames across the wooded hills, and by the middle of the day, the elements aimed directly at to little switzerland, as the obraudso vineyards are called. we managed to stop the fire.
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fire, but there are these local places where fire can be detected. this tree is literally burning from the inside, and the wind is fanning the flames. such a fire cannot be targeted from a helicopter; this is the work of mobile units with fire-fighting backpacks. very loose, shaky soil. our legs are getting bogged down, let's get back into battle. concerned city residents and tourists are helping to extinguish the fire. anastasia mirashnichenko used to come to the picturesque slopes to paint. changed it today
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brushes on the hose of the fire-fighting backpack. i have been coming with my children for many years and was getting ready today. i even took paints, as if i wasn’t going to go crazy. but fate decreed otherwise. as the furious troops advance. up the slope, going down for water became problematic, extreme motorcyclists came to the rescue. motorcyclists on cross-country bikes provide great assistance in extinguishing the fire; they themselves do not extinguish the fire, but deliver water up the slope. it’s very hot, it’s not very difficult, it bakes, we even use special motorcycle boots, yes, but they’re just like that bakes. for those who inhaled fumes at the top, other volunteers were waiting below and helping them wash and refresh themselves. last night we brought a trunk full of different water, we feed the guys and give them something to drink. the most terrible fire for these relict forests was a high fire, caught by the wind, the flames reached the utrish nature reserve along the tops of their heads. until yesterday, five species of rare mosses grew in the shade of burnt brain-festachio forests; there are no such species anywhere else in russia. these are
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mountainous areas where a unique forest grows, simply unique, for example, reserve, grows. employees of the investigative committee of russia are working at the scene of the fire, a criminal case has been opened, among the possible versions the human factor is being considered, someone could have defended an unextinguished cigarette butt on one of the adjacent roads, only one thing is clear now: damage has been caused to nature for centuries to come. pavel melnik, nikita kalchenko and andrey malyony, lead the krasnodar region. in crimea , four natural fires were extinguished, in novofedorovka.
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there are two helicopters in the daksky nature reserve, while one is dropping water, the other is picking it up, it’s simply impossible to put out such a complex fire without aviation. the valley of ashes, this is how part of the karadag reserve can now be called; due to strong gusts of wind , the fire spreads quickly. over the course of a day , the fire trap grew from two to 30 hectares. dozens of people voluntarily came to help the emergency situations ministry employees, organized a headquarters for supplying water, and putting out the fire. it’s not easy to do it manually on steep slopes; special equipment cannot pass, which means you need to walk, taking a backpack with water. my friends and i all came to help, this is a common problem, so we shouldn't stay indifferent. we’ve been here for 4-5 hours, probably walking through the forest,
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extinguishing the fire exclusively at the beginning, since we’ve already risen 50 times, but we started from the beginning, when the fire started, my son and i started driving, our son was already exhausted, in short, he fell into the steering wheel turned down and left. but i'm still here, as if we're not going to give up. this is what the traces of the ruthless elements look like. you can see how the flames consumed hectare after hectare. and to be honest, it’s still difficult to walk here, my sneakers are literally on fire. what's worst is this section they recently extinguished it, but now the flames are starting to flare up again. now it is quite difficult to assess the scale of the tragedy; experts only have to calculate the damage, because both red-listed plants and animals could have been damaged in the fire. among the volunteers...
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more than 200 specialists and several dozen pieces of equipment are working on site; fire suppression continues. victoria talberg, oleg dyakov and dmitry glutsky, news: crimea. the us republican party has officially nominated donald trump as its presidential candidate. voting results there were delegates. jay trump received a majority of the votes and was chosen by the republican party as its candidate for president of the united states. after saturday's assassination attempt on trump,
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security at the sports arena in the city of melwaukee, where the party convention is taking place, has been tightened to the limit , everyone is waiting for the republican leader to speak at the meeting. the congress has already approved the candidacy of vice. president proposed by trump was thirty-nine-year-old senator from ohio, james david wentz, and current vice president kamala haris immediately offered him a televised debate, she claims. he is trump's double in terms of approaches to solving problems, i don't see any difference between them at all. the american television channel cnn reported the nomination. republican vice president of the united states will cause shock throughout the world, but especially in kiev, about some of
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wentz's statements regarding ukraine in our information. republican vice presidential candidate james david vance was born in ohio in 1984, served in the marine corps, then studied political science and philosophy at ohio state university. ohio, holds a j.d. from yale university school of law and has worked as an attorney. 6 years ago he began his political career in the republican party. vance's rise was meteoric. in 2022, he was elected senator from his home state. the thirty-nine-year-old politician is known for his harsh statements against ukraine. in particular, he suggested that the parties begin peace negotiations as soon as possible, warning that kiev would lose territory in any case. wentz advocates the neutral status of ukraine. in his opinion, there is no way the supply of western weapons do not affect the course of the confrontation. urged the house of representatives to block military aid to ukraine because the united states should focus on the security of its own
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border. the west is preparing to accuse russia of using chemical weapons, this was stated by our country’s permanent representative to the organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons, vladimir torabrin. russian diplomats, using facts , prove to the technical secretariat of the organization that all the accusations are unfounded. russia does not and cannot represent the chemical industry. for ukraine, mode zelensky is accumulating stocks of antidotes and gas masks, kiev is either preparing a provocation or is going to use prohibited weapons itself, tarabrin noted. against the backdrop of the catastrophic situation developing for the ukrainian armed forces on the line of combat contact, the risk of provocation has become especially great. our enemies are using every possible method to blame russia, from creating fake accounts that supposedly russian fighters boast of smoking out of enemy holes using mess-control chemicals. ending with placement heavy weapons at chemical industry facilities. the response to a strike against them will be
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immediately interpreted as a deliberate chemical attack. the european union must immediately resume diplomatic contacts with russia, together with china, to begin the process of peaceful resolution of the ukrainian conflict. according to the german newspaper bilt, the hungarian prime minister wrote to the head of the european council, charles michel, about this. in the letter, viktor orban formulated peace initiatives following the series. sent to the leaders of the european union a proposal on how to begin resolving the ukrainian conflict.
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the prime minister's adviser and namesake, balazs orban, told magyar about this. according to him, peace initiatives were formulated based on the results of shuttle diplomacy. in the first ten days of july, viktor orban successively visited kiev, moscow, beijing , and finally washington, where during the nato summit he met with the president of turkey. finally, orban stopped by to visit donald trump, it turned out. an obstacle to the start of a peaceful us administration. the europeans are in favor of negotiations - this is the position of the current biden administration, which is doing its best fighting for political survival. the most important question for them now is whether joe biden can stay in the presidential race, so they don't have a hand in foreign policy. if europe wants peace and wants to have the final say in resolving the conflict and ending the bloodshed, it needs to immediately develop and implement a change in political course. orban did not specify how the eu countries reacted to the hungarian prime minister’s proposal, but
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the american newspaper politika became aware of such a reaction. according to her, the head european diplomacy intends to disrupt the meeting that hungary, as the country's presidency of the european council, is planning to hold in august. josep borel organizes his own meeting on the same days to send a strong signal to budapest. however, hungary is not so alone. there are 10 european states at the july nato summit. that is, a third of the eu members did not sign a document of intent to support ukraine to the end. sensible forces in europe understand the consequences of further involvement of the bloc in the ukrainian conflict, and even more so flirting with a question about. kiev's membership in nato, which is categorically unacceptable for russia. it has already become obvious to everyone that washington is shifting security risks in the event of escalation onto the shoulders of the europeans. some us allies continue to pump weapons into the kiev regime. spain sent 10 leopard tanks of the old version 2 a4 to ukraine. by the end of the week, these combat vehicles will arrive at one of the polish ports, according to
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the spanish ministry of defense. and the german publication mercur analyzed the official list of military personnel. supplies to kiev from the german government. it turned out that in early july, berlin quietly transferred 39 tanks, air defense systems and ammunition to ukraine. for the first time, three hymers units were included in the list. germany does not have them in service, but the germans forked out for the sake of zelensky and paid for the supply of launch systems from american arsenals. and warsaw is considering the possibility of shooting down russian missiles over ukraine, polish foreign minister radoslaw said a few days ago. in response, the nato secretary general in an interview he hastened to emphasize to the ukrainian tv channel: “the alliance is not going to participate in anything like that.” nato's policy is unchanged, we will not take part in this conflict, we will not become a party to the conflict, the alliance will not be directly involved in this confrontation. despair is growing in kiev over the west's reluctance to transfer new offensive
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weapons to ukraine and allow them to hit targets deep inside russian territory, german newspaper bild reports, citing sources. surrounded by zelensky, problems with mobilization also cannot be solved, ukrainian media dared to publish the results of a sociological survey, according to which 46% of ukrainians said it was not a shame to evade conscription. 15% of respondents even admitted that they are already avoiding being sent to the front for slaughter by any means necessary. anton dadykin, lead. in ukraine, border guards detained another group: 27 men of military age who wanted to. four servicemen who left the training unit also tried to escape from mobilization to moldova and go abroad; one of them was shot dead by border guards, while, according to surveys, almost half ukrainians do not condemn their fellow citizens for trying to evade military service, about how forced mobilization is going on, margarit semenyuk, they are being held, they say there are no elders,
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there is no one to talk to, tomorrow they are going to the dnieper, updated data. ukraine is cracking under pressure from the west; the pace of mobilization has doubled in recent months . at the summit in washington, iva dolder, us ambassador, on the notorious euronews tv channel blocked in russia, suggested that eighteen-year-olds should be drafted. what ukraine needs to do is to mobilize human resources? this is a war waged by forty-year-olds, like no other.
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this young man from dnepropetrovsk is probably waiting for liberation from zelensky’s nationalist regime and from the atrocities of the military commissars. a guy passed by a car and saw a ukrainian military man there and spoke out. green, right? what's happened? glory to russia. fine. and then he gave a good blow to a possible employee of the shopping center. they are sent to the front line with virtually no preparation. and as statistics from a sociological survey showed in ukraine, 46% of citizens out of 200 respondents. they believe that there is no shame in being draft dodgers. now they will be buzzing. those who try to flee the country face death. so in the odessa region, a potential soldier was shot dead by border guards. four servicemen escaped from the training unit, after which they tried to cross on foot into the territory
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of the republic of moldova. to get to the border, they hired a taxi. while they were trying to cross the border, border guards.
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such branches will be able to accommodate 100,000 dead. margarita semenyuk, kozbek gogaev, valeria sapegina, news. a scholarship named after rostislav zhuravlev was established in moscow. he was a military correspondent for the rionovosti agency. in the very first days of the special operation, i went to the combat zone. last july, in the zaporozhye region, i prepared a report on ukraine’s use of prohibited cluster munitions. killed during ukrainian shelling. a memorial plaque dedicated to rastislav zhuravlev was unveiled in moscow. she.
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our special correspondent, staz redikultsev, will tell you more about the results of the marathon rally. and here's the finish line: 14 international marathon rally the silk road is crossed by dmitry sotnikov, the fastest car of the entire race. behind us were 3.00 km of selected off-road terrain. pilot of the russian team camas-master dmitry sotnikov, the absolute record holder of the silk road, this is his fifth victory in the legendary. we are happy to return tiger to kamaz and prove that kamaz masteny today is the strongest team maybe in the world, every day these swings are emotional and it’s also hard, today
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you win, tomorrow you try to win back, that is, but there was such a struggle imposed, in 11 days the most desperate racers in the world drove from tomsk through the altai mountains to the capital of mongolia near lanbater, more than 500 km from taiga forests and permafrost zones to deserts and highlands, each start is a test, each. overcoming, it is clear that you need to go fast, but you must always take calculated risks, yes you must understand that the race is long, it lasts 5,500 km, and any jump, any place that you cannot see, it can end, unfortunately , accident, 15 years old, the silk road remains true to itself, it's an exciting motorsport an adventure that only the strongest and bravest can complete to the end, i’m incredibly happy and happy that the whole team of organizers managed to implement this route from...
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i went out to change the tires, we don’t even have any special tools with us, i think it’s the same asset, like a kamaz truck. the silk road has been going on for 15 years, but in this edition of rali there was an unexpected turn in the history of world motorsport. 100 km of giant dunes and a stage without mechanics, the last day of the race, the steep turns of the silk road, became a test even for experienced riders. the organizers of the silk road did their best to bring this race closer to the finish line . thank you very much to them, that is, the route is simply fantastic.
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maybe except for the very first one, because at that time we didn’t understand anything at all. the race is also sports diplomacy at full speed ; the rally-marathon paved the way for good neighborly relations with mongolia off-road. it was an incredible 11 days. i found many new friends. russians are very friendly and helpful, everyone helps each other. it was. race and fair sports competition, but we were all like one family, the grandiose rally marathon created in russia in this edition was not a surprise for many participants, but once they take this path, they can no longer turn back. stas redikultsev, ivan lavrikov and alexander salmashevsky, news from ulanbatar, mongolia.
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we spent so much effort trying to drive the americans out, and we won. the russians helped, they didn’t care about the people. the americans only bombed and killed. there was no benefit from them. at first, the west did it in such a way that it crippled these people, after all. with their consent in afghanistan grew drugs. we explained to the people that we would punish people for drugs. what the taliban are saying has real confirmation.
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tiksov, i, a traveler, an aeronaut, jean ivan, and so we leave oski, what a fairy tale, without ivan, uh, what began, without deception and without flint, i was quickly imprisoned in flames, a pen, hand-written, magic ink, you can get it , you are the main chaser. hurry up, so give me a horse, mechanically, and beat yourself on the head, you have a cage where it’s needed, that’s what my name is, because that i’m not taking you where you fool want, where you need to, i can’t live without travel, flint, he who doesn’t need a pen, who has a hug in his pocket?


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