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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 16, 2024 4:30am-5:01am MSK

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you’ll get the magic one, you’re the main thing, van, hurry up, so give me a horse, mechanically, oh, beat yourself over the head, you have a nickname that goes where it’s needed, that’s what my name is, because i’m not taking you where you’re going, you fool if you want to go where you need to go, i can’t live without traveling, without flint, the one who has flint in his pocket doesn’t need a pen.
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soon, if everything looks like the wild west, then there is only one law: shoot first, competition of ideas and money, there was a sensation, and what a sensation, they tensed up inside america, outside its borders, what is the remaining intrigue, why now you need to watch watch, this is america, a program about a country that is difficult to understand.
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hello, the program correspondents on duty and i, maxim movchan, will tell you about the main legal events of the day. he threw stones at people and cars, attacked drivers with a knife, an inadequate person was detained in a balashikha near moscow, who... kept the city residents in fear for several days, while all his antics were captured by eyewitnesses. ekaterina likhomanova will continue the topic. only in the investigator's office, a forty-year-old resident in balashikha near moscow, alexander khakhlov was able to calm down and give an explanation. although just a few hours ago he was walking around in his shorts in the courtyard of the house with a huge knife, which he hid behind his back, and then attacked motorists. people suffered who were not to blame for this at all. and you had
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some object in your hands, right? to be honest, what kind of object, you know, there were objects lying on the street, these are all of them, these are the same shots of the attack, an inadequate person stopped the car, the driver , suspecting nothing, opened the window, only miraculously avoided being stabbed in the neck, the motorist managed to press the gas in time, a guy in the yard here ran out of the entrance, waving a knife, tried to him...
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they sent him to the department, the police established that there had already been complaints against him. according to preliminary information, from july 13 to july 15, several people contacted the police; they said that in the courtyard of a multi-story building, an unknown person threatened them with a knife and also damaged two parked cars. one of the residents of this yard told us what kind of car we were talking about. there the meaning is that he walked, walked, walked, walked up to the car, stuck it in, looked, then went on and on, and then people and neighbors talked about how he stuck that same butt in there. surprisingly, before this series of dangerous antics, the hokleys were known as exemplary neighbors. the other residents of the house hardly noticed him; they say they never even saw him drunk. behind this door a violent man was detained; unfortunately, we cannot get there now. the neighbors, by the way, say that a man appeared in this house not so long ago, rented an apartment and behaved quiet enough. during interrogation, the man said that before putting on the show, he mixed vodka with... with sedatives because of a personal
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tragedy, but he admitted his guilt and even promised to compensate for the damage, but it is possible that during the proceedings the inadequate person could earn himself several articles for being rude. in the vladimir region, a court sent the former deputy head of the regional department of the russian guard to a pretrial detention center for exceeding official powers. according to investigators, the former head of the center licensing work andrei bodyagin, holding a high position, for many years forced employees of private security companies to undergo paid training in a training center under his control. for your patronage in bodyagina. beyond the scope of his powers, illegal actions in the interests of a private training center in vladimir, which was managed by his acquaintances, in particular
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, he warned the center’s employees about planned inspections, and ensured expedited registration of a license. bodyagin has already been charged, and investigators conducted searches in his apartment. documents of interest to the investigation were seized. bananas with claws in the samara region, police, with the forceful support of russian national guard soldiers, caught a businessman who was transporting bananas in boxes. attention, 800 kg of live crayfish. that's 15,000 individuals for a second. apparently, the resourceful entrepreneur bought illegal catch from poachers in the region, so that he could then sell three crayfish at a high price to tourists at the railway station. look, here, so you understand, it’s here. large specimens, total value of illegally obtained biological resources amounted to more than one and a half million rubles. i would like to note that buying crayfish from dubious sellers, so to speak, out of hand, far from official markets , is very dangerous. the river delicacy must undergo veterinary control. the fact
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is that crayfish are often carriers of all sorts of dangerous parasites, fungi, worms and infections. and they cook so quickly that the parasites may well survive the heat treatment. illegal catch samar. the detainee may be involved in the attack in the suburbs of vyborg, entrepreneurs who are engaged in the ritual business, in the area of ​​​​the village of rochina, bandits stopped their car, beat them and shot them several times with a traumatic pistol. at
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the same time, the raiders voiced their commercial offer, general patronage in exchange for control of the business. based on the attack, the vybrog police opened a criminal case under article 213 of the criminal code, hooliganism. this is an interrogation of the alleged bandit leader alexander berchenko; he denies the charges. you can clean up cemeteries grave, build monuments. so we need this, if we work, how can we understand, we need it, you do the work, you get money, someone needs me not to be there,
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so that we don’t do the work as a competitor, so i’m here, uh-huh, uh-huh. alexander berchenko is well acquainted with the security forces of the leningrad region; he previously led large vyborgs. attack group, young athletes from the forty-seventh region, however, this had nothing to do with sports, the bandits were engaged in extortion, kidnapping, at some point controlled the drug business and trade in psychotropic substances in vyborg. in 2013 , berchenko was sentenced to eight years in prison. probably, after being released from prison, he and his accomplices decided to take control of the ritual business in the city. in general, the funeral services market is considered one of the most criminal in many regions of the country. mourners. people, under the influence of emotion, easily succumb to pressure from businessmen and often give away their last savings, and some entrepreneurs are ready to share this proceeds with the most dubious methods. attacks on businessmen took place in tatarstan, the moscow region and st. petersburg. this is how a large gang of st. petersburg morgue orderlies operated in the cultural capital, which controlled
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ritual centers for a long time. doctors who refused to work for the criminal clan were brutally dealt with, doused with sulfuric acid and blown up. in samara due to market redistribution. the attackers threw molotov cocktails at the pavilions of ritual goods , the people had no chance to escape, the seller died in the fire, the guard was injured terrible burns. before this, unknown persons attacked human rights activist azat tuimasov and beat him. and 10 days later they set the house on fire, at the very moment it was caught on surveillance cameras, only by luck, no one was hurt. as for the raiders on businessmen from vyborg, three defendants have been detained so far. security forces are establishing the identities of the remaining participants in the attacks. olga zhurenkova, mikhail shirin, dmitry manushev, lead the duty department. in zhukovsky, moscow region, a participant in a road conflict was arrested, who dealt with his opponents using a crowbar. after the daring maneuver of the instigator , a verbal altercation began in the skirmish. which quickly escalated into a fight, from the courtroom andrei romanov. in one
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of the halls of the zhukovsky city court, behind the steel bars of a cage, a guy with a thin beard, a defendant in a criminal case , calmly tells the servants of themis how he killed his opponent with an iron pipe in a street fight. after which i went to my car and took a pry bar, it was in the car for tightening the wheels, i stood from behind, he didn’t touch anyone, so, in general, after which he sprayed a spray can into my brother’s eyes, i didn’t even touch him. after that, then he splashed me, accordingly, i don’t know, he threw this mantle, although he beat him with his hands, everything that he had there, that the donut was a bad hit. renata midzhulumov was chosen as a preventive measure; he was detained on suspicion of murder. according to the investigation, the names of medzhulum dealt a fatal blow with an iron pipe to the deceased resident of zhukovsky sergei kurdenkov, a fight broke out after the conflict on road. mejlumov was driving a cargo gazelle and allegedly cut him off. the car in which kurdenkov and his family were traveling, even though he was in the passenger seat, began to make
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claims to the offender. the opponent got out of the minibus in the company of two friends, a mutual conflict began, and then a fight broke out. scraps of warning tape still remain at the crime scene. the conflict began a little further on the road, where the opponents abandoned their cars and moved here to an alley between the houses, where a fierce fight broke out. here on the asphalt there are still traces of blood, this is the same place. where the victim received a fatal blow with an iron pipe. the chronology of events was captured by a surveillance camera. here are four men talking in raised voices. at some point, one of them, the deceased sergei kurdenkov, approaches his car, takes out a gas cylinder from the passenger compartment and begins to pour a burning mixture on his opponents. it gets into the eyes of one, directs the stream at another, but he hits sergei on the head with a metal pipe. was alive, breathed, then the woman gave him intensive care.
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it was established that it was he who dealt the fatal blow to the victim. as a result of a road dispute between several men , a brawl occurred, during which the victim sprayed pepper spray in the opponents' faces. as a result, the accused responded by hitting him on the head with a large reinforcement stick. the man died from his injuries. sergei kurdenkov was 40 years old, he lived in a modest nine-story building on the outskirts of zhukovsky. now the family is preparing for the funeral. sergei is survived by his wife and child.
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did not apologize for what he had done, but also did not object to being taken into custody. as a result, according to the court's decision, the probable killer will be sent to pre-trial detention for the duration of the investigation. andrey romanov, dmitry forolov, kirill kryuchko and alexander mostovaya, vestizhor. per part. the rural capital of sambo celebrates its birthday. in recent years, the village of krevtsova-plota in the oryol region has completely transformed. the section's sports grounds appeared. production facilities are opening there and now spectacular festivities are being held. with details fedor eliseev. why swear it’s better to get together and fight. a russian proverb says: this is not about violence, this is about bravery. so the residents of krivtsov plot started a fist fight. it is an old russian tradition to celebrate village day. fun for the participants, fun for the spectators, the most important thing is the spirit of unity, and as they say, brother for
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brother, yes, and if we are all and go in a heap, we will win, if we are divided, we will lose, so the main thing here is spirit, the main thing is not to be afraid to get there, the second main thing is to be one and move as one unit, we decided to move as one unit participants in a bike ride dedicated to the holiday, it was organized by a local resident and her son. the bike ride is just to show that our guys are so athletic, cheerful, active, and also our village residents and... all those who live nearby, they also agreed to participate. the village of krevtsova plota, oryol region, is today a center of attraction for athletes from all over the area. there is a section for boxing, hockey, football, and volleyball. and dancing, a modern gym, samba is especially appreciated, this place is already called rural capital of this sport. in recent years , krivtsova plota has changed beyond recognition; a victory park with paving stones, benches and a black marble monument appeared here. there is a summer cinema and a dance floor in the village, but comprehensive development of the village is impossible without creating jobs. a holiday gift to local residents was
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the opening of a sportswear production facility. the workshop will be equipped with the latest technology. 20 seamstresses, but in the future the production capacity can accommodate up to fifty workers. i already have it third production site, on average we produce about 10,000 products, i think that here we will have no less, if not more. the creation of a new way of rural life in krevtsova plota is largely due to the famous native of these places, anatoly yakunin. now he heads the samba federation of the arlovsk region. and before, anatoly ivanovich held the post of head of the capital. police headquarters, and then was deputy director of the federal penitentiary service. on holiday with colleagues and village residents, yakunin laid the foundation of the bakery cafe, which will employ 10 people. well, in the future we have the construction of a club, a kindergarten, and so on. i think that in two years we will be able to reach the same number of employed people that we had during the soviet union
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, in my youth, in my childhood. residents of krivtsy plot believe that the transformations will allow them to not only... catch up with the city in terms of living standards, but even surpass them. fyodor eliseev, lead, duty department. the terrible finale of the extreme show in rostov-nadon, an artist of the dimidovs' circus, the famous stuntman from colombia, sixta chavara octavio, fell from the canopy and fell to his death in front of the audience. he was riding a bicycle along the kanata without a safety net, when suddenly he lost his balance and fell headfirst. judging by the footage. which were filmed by the audience, the monstrous inconsistency in the actions of the artists could have been to blame; when octavio was riding along cana, another extreme cyclist literally blocked his path. by the way, the audience first decided that the accident could be staged, because on april 1 of this year the demidov circus has already been marked by a similar dubious prank, but this time , unfortunately, everything turned out to be reality, and a criminal case was opened. an inheritance for
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a bailiff, a resident of the volgograd region was left without an apartment due to a small debt he received from his deceased mother. moreover, the square meters went not to someone, but to a former civil servant , a bailiff. he successfully bought an apartment at auction at a very reasonable price. the former heir himself found out about this only after receiving the invoice amount. in a cunning scheme galina khungureeva sorted it out. the entrance of a typical five-story building in volgograd. rows of gray metal boxes on the wall with a thick layer of green paint. snakes of wires stretch from... counting down to the silent neighbors' doors, in one of these andrei belovintsev's mother anna lived in a one-room apartment with a simple renovation, an ordinary apartment, an ordinary, soviet renovation, nothing remarkable, 30 km, drank tea, a grandson came to visit his grandmother after my divorce, everyone talked, everything
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was fine, until 2021, then in the fall flat's owner. a long procedure for entering into an inheritance followed; along with the real estate, debts of 16,000 rubles were transferred to her son andrey. i paid half of it, leaving a credit card debt of 70,000 rubles. a month ago , two large receipts totaling 2.4000 rubles came to the bank card of the owner of a one-room apartment who had already inherited it. it turned out that these funds transferred me to the bailiffs, since they sold my apartment, the apartment was sold at auction, but i did not receive any paper notifications, then yes, i didn’t sign any documents or receive any letters, i made a request by mail, the same thing, andrey found out the corresponding notification, the bailiffs sent it through the state services portal, they also notified about the sale of the apartment at auction, thus for 70
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thousand rubles a resident of volgograd lost his home because it’s the same as having an airplane. one passenger seat breaks down and the authorities come and say: well, sell the plane. the cost of such an apartment on the volgograd real estate market can reach 3.5 million rubles. - says andrey. with auction it went for 2.5. it is noteworthy that the current owner, a former employee of the bailiff service of the ilovlinsky district, is nekto romanov artur irvandovich. the ex-civil servant's phone number was unavailable. another curious detail: the square meters inherited are essentially empty, no one is registered there, andrei himself lives in a private house, he owns 1/3 there, not a tajemahala, an ordinary house, a village one, here within the city limits for 1/3 3, in this 1/3 there is... a tv, there are household appliances, everything, what may be of interest to the bailiffs, for this amount of 70,000 rubles. but they were not interested in either 1/3 or household and other
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things. that's all, there are many questions, again, but no answers. the department of the bailiff service for the volgograd region explained that the debtor was notified both through government services and correspondence, they did not commit illegal actions, they acted. according to the decision of the supreme court, is not proportionate in the case where the value of the seized property significantly exceeds the amount of debt, but at the same time such seizure for example, if the debtor did not provide the bailiff with information about the presence of other property that can be foreclosed on. perhaps the supervisory and law enforcement agencies will soon find the answers. andrei pelovintsev filed a statement with the prosecutor's office and the investigative committee. the investigative department is conducting a procedural investigation into this fact. an audit, based on the results of which a legal and informed decision will be made; now the authorities will investigate whether those same letters of happiness were sent about the sale of apartments at auction and to what extent this
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legal. galina hungureeva, mikhail shirin, lead the duty department. a so-called information fraudster, whose victims were thousands of russians, as well as residents of europe, the usa and mexico, was detained in moscow. they were all promised to be taught how to earn big money through online courses, but in the end they lost large amounts of money and did not learn anything new. the number of such fake business coaches is growing rapidly and already numbers in the dozens. dmitry blinnikov saw how they lure clients. blogger business consultant natalya zakheim was detained right at the airport after arriving from
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mexico was immediately taken to court to choose a preventive measure. she lured people into paid courses on the internet, promised to teach them how to invest profitably in real estate, but in reality she simply took money from clients and disappeared. elena paid 6,000 rubles. but all the training came down to a couple of online conversations. to get acquainted, well, nothing. just like that, hello, how are we on the bench, in general, such conversations are usual from empty to empty, soon the business coach stopped communicating completely, elena never heard from her again, of course someone will it's a shame because i live very well. zakheim called herself the richest student of the famous american entrepreneur robert kiosaki, and this is how her presentations began. natalya zakheim, dollar millionaire, more than 70 real estate properties in three countries. manage.
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things, luxury cars, they assured us, we bragged about a luxurious life, we live like this with branded goods, and you can, they offered a method that we are like a ray of light in a dark kingdom, and we will lead you out, we will make you rich, victims in russia and europe, the usa and mexico, zackheim. created and led an organized criminal group, activities that were aimed at fraudulently stealing funds from citizens under the pretext of taking business courses. clients carried savings, got into debt, and transferred their real estate to scammers. after people directly signed off on their plots and property. people simply disappeared, communications ceased. the collapse of natalia zakheim’s business empire began with gulnara, a resident of krasnogorsk. she paid about a million, and then how realizing that she had been deceived, she was the first to file a report with the police. i started receiving threats, personally to me, that i would be destroyed; threats came not only to me, but also to my relatives there. the police began an investigation,
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but the false consultants themselves had not lived in moscow recently, they conducted business from abroad, and received citizenship of several countries. holland, israel, yes, in fact, the son is a subject of the kingdom of the netherlands. they swam in money and felt complete impunity. and this weekend we calmly boarded a plane to russia, confident that that no one will touch them here, but this time zakheim miscalculated, for many years she has deceived thousands of tens of thousands of russians, it’s high time to just put an end to it, there are 150,000 information scammers, there are more and more of them, investigators have opened a criminal case under fraud, the detainees face up to 10 years in prison. dmitry blinnikov, alexander chukanov, anastasia roif, lead the duty department. the entire operational feed of legal news in telegram channels. duty department and an honest detective, subscribe, also our investigation and daily releases on platform, go to the broadcast tab, turn on the honest detective, our episode is over, maxim ovchan was in the studio,
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see you on... tv channel russia 24.
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have you ever thought about what would happen to us if we had no bread. bread is the world, it is the most sacred thing a person has, something that is in every family. bread created our civilization, contributed to our evolution, the technical revolution.
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let’s tell you what this day is memorable for in history right now. hello. july 16, 1054 a great schism occurred. this event is also called the great schism. sophia, right during the service, the legates of the pope entered and placed on the altar a letter of excommunication anathematizing the patriarch of constantinople. this was the beginning of the irrevocable division of christianity into the catholic and orthodox churches, which influenced the entire history of the world. controversies between rome and constantinople had been brewing since the 9th century. the disputes were mainly over dogmatic and ritual issues, but in reality they represented
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a struggle for supremacy between the pope. rome and patriarch.


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