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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 16, 2024 5:00am-5:30am MSK

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[000:00:00;00] let’s tell you what this day is memorable for in history right now. hello. on july 16, 1054, the great schism occurred. this event is also called the great schism. that day in constantinople to the holy cathedral. right during the service, the legates of the pope entered and placed a letter of excommunication on the altar, anathematizing the patriarch of constantinople. this was the beginning of the irrevocable division of christianity into the catholic and orthodox churches and influenced the entire history of the world. controversies between rome and constantinople had been brewing since the 9th century. there were disputes in mainly on dogmatic and ritual issues, but in reality they represented a struggle for supremacy between the popes of rome and
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the patriarch. after the schism, over the centuries , alliances were repeatedly concluded between churches; they were called unions, when the churches had some common interests, or it was necessary to expel a common enemy. disagreements between orthodox and catholics have been used more than once by third parties to achieve their foreign policy goals. the split has not yet been overcome. july 16. 748, the great russian scientist mikhail lomanosov in a letter to the great swiss mathematician leonhard euler, he formulated what later became known as the law of conservation of matter. all changes occurring in nature occur in such a way that if something is added to something, it is taken away from something else, wrote lomanosov. he came to the conclusion that this is a universal natural law. as much matter is added to one body, the same amount
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is lost from another. how many hours. i spend the same amount of time sleeping, the famous scientist emphasized, it turns out that the law extends to the rules of movement, a body that with its push excites another to move loses as much from its movement as it informs the other body moved by it, matter triumphs, it was, i say, is and will be, lomonosov proved his statement experimentally and described in detail in later works, they were translated into latin, and became known throughout the world. the law of conservation of matter is now one of the fundamental laws of physics. on july 16, 1945 , the first nuclear explosion in history occurred. the united states detonated its first bomb at a test site in the allamagorda desert in new mexico. the technology was developed in the los salas laboratory by an international team of nuclear physicists. the americans took many
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from... the project was led by american physicist robert openheimer, code name for the trinity tests, they detonated an implasive type plutonium bomb, that is, the explosion was directed inward, not outward. the equivalent power was spent at 21 tons. this explosion is considered the beginning of the nuclear era in human history. field quartz at the explosion site spatz melted into a light green mineral , it was called trinitite. the usa wanted to keep everything secret, but preparations. the american test was considered successful already in august 1945. the united states used nuclear weapons for the first time, dropping atomic bombs on the japanese cities of jeroshima and nagasaki. on july 16 , 1992, the supreme council of russia issued
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a resolution on the rehabilitation of the caucasians. that the cossacks should be revived as a historically established cultural and ethnic community, that community communities and unions. the cossacks were greatly oppressed after the establishment of soviet power, because many of them fought on the side of the blaugards; after the victory of the reds, the cossack troops were exterminated, their weapons were taken away, those who resisted were shot, and many died. but already in the late thirties, at the instigation of stalin, the attitude towards the cossacks changed, it was necessary to strengthen the country’s defense, the authorities attracted for... the cossacks, they were also recognized experts in the field of horse breeding, this was important for the development of the economy, contributed to warming and roman tikhiidon, mikhail sholokhov, the cossacks began to integrate the military system of the union. several cavalry units were renamed cossack divisions, and their military uniforms were adopted. during the great patriotic war , about 100,000 cossacks and cavalrymen were awarded for heroism in the fight against the nazis. 262 cossacks became heroes of the soviet union. in the nineties
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, the cossacks. was revived and today is engaged in the protection of public order and the preservation of cultural heritage. this is what this day in history was like. the program parliamentary hour is on air. hello, we’ll tell you about the main decisions of the state duma this week. tax laws must decide. questions on a fair basis. the state duma adopted a law on a progressive scale of personal income tax. we have people who receive tens of millions of rubles a month, and their maximum rate will be 22%. what will the tax be for most
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russians? let me explain with an example. brix is ​​a parliamentary measurement. you acutely feel the genuine demands, the moods of the needs
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of millions. a decision that concerns everyone. state duma adopted amendments to improve the tax system. deputies finalized the bill introduced by the cabinet of ministers. among the most important changes is the introduction of a five-stage personal income tax system. yana dobrovolskaya will tell you exactly what will change and for whom. the government bill to improve the tax system was finalized by deputies taking into account the instructions
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of the president. the document introduces a five-step. at the same time, the increased personal income tax will not apply to all income, only to the amount exceeding specified thresholds. i'll explain on example: let’s say a citizen earns 250 thousand rubles per month. his annual income
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will be 3 million rubles. according to the new law, a person will pay from 2,400. 13% personal income tax, and the 600 who made up are already 15%. after the first reading , deputies made amendments to the document. and clarified which payments the new tax rates will not apply to; in particular , the 13% rate remains for svo participants. also, on behalf of the head of state, the increase in personal income tax will not affect the allowances received by workers in the far north. you and i have now voted to accept amendments that were initiated by the president, and deputies of the state duma supported them.
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these decisions are extremely important. svo, pensioners and veterans. it is important that for the vast majority of citizens the income tax rate will not change. some of our amendments have been adopted, but we wanted, of course, to tighten them. we have people who receive tens of millions of rubles a month, and their maximum rate will be 22%. our offers were, well, at least 25%. we will continue to work constructively together to discuss and formulate the budget. u
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autumn awaits us. innovations for working parents, those with two or more children, and low -income families will be able to receive a so-called tax cashback; the real personal income tax rate for them will decrease from 13 to 6%. the changes will also affect business at five. the corporate income tax will increase to 25, and the vat rate will remain unchanged, while the changes will not affect the self-employed and will not affect 95% of small businesses. companies that use a simplified taxation system and earn more than 60 million rubles per year will be required to pay tax on additional cost. benefits for the it sector and radio electronics have been expanded; high-tech companies will be able to pay a reduced income tax rate . until 2030, the rates that
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are proposed are absolutely competitive in the world and will not contribute to the fact that our taxpayers will look for some other havens in order to avoid this taxation, for 30 years a situation has developed where the so-called neutrality in the tax code, in principle, led to to the fact that in our country it is unreasonable... the rental industries are being enriched and the manufacturing industries are being suffocated, because during this time the taxation on the manufacturing industries is times higher than on the rental industries. the mining business will also contribute more funds to the budget. the tax on online betting processing centers of bookmakers will increase threefold. from january 1, 2025, a new type of tax will appear, tourist, this is a replacement for the resort tax, the rate will depend on. the cost of hotel accommodation in 2025
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will be 1% by 2029 it will gradually reach 5%. this amendment was proposed by the government. this tax will be introduced by decisions of municipalities, that is, local authorities, and will also be fully credited to local budgets. this will seriously strengthen the basis for the development of the tourism sector. tax parameters. systems developed as a result of a broad public discussion in which we all took part, these are parliamentary hearings, round tables, meetings with voters, with the business community, their proposals, their orders formed the government’s recommendations. the amendments increased the tax a deduction for passing the trp standards of up to 18 thousand rubles instead of 600, as was provided for at the stage of the first reading. in parallel with tax changes. deputies are introducing amendments to the budget code, in particular
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, 2/3 of the debt on budget loans will be written off to the regions, for a total of almost one and a half trillion rubles. the regions have never received such support from the state, deputies say. this is the fulfillment of the president’s instructions in his address to the federal assembly. yana dobrovolskaya, sergey gordeev, sergey vergunov, alexey chubburkov, duma tv parliamentary hour. openness, fairness and equality. this week the politicians of states that divide. these principles gathered in st. petersburg at the anniversary brix parliamentary forum, speaking to the participants, the russian president said: the role of parliament in strengthening equal dialogue is extremely important. and the work goes on. chairman of the state duma vyacheslav volodin proposed resuming and holding in russia a conference of parliamentary speakers on countering terrorism and strengthening regional cooperation. how a multipolar world is being built from the northern
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capital. report by elena zhelnina. over the 15 years of its existence, brix has become one of the largest economic centers; at the parliamentary forum, participants discuss a number of areas, which ultimately come down to one thing: how to improve the quality of life in the countries of the union. three brix countries, china, india and russia are already in the top 5 in terms of gdp
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in... to defend the principles of mutually beneficial cooperation. the interstate association officially shone on the world political and economic horizon in june 2009. then its first summit took place. brix originally consisted of brazil, russia, india and china. over time, the bloc expanded to ten states. south africa, iran, saudi arabia, the united arab emirates, egypt, ethiopia joined, and this is more than a third of the area and 45% of the world's population. this is an organization that... unites is built on mutually beneficial conditions, so more and more countries are joining, countries that want to defend their independence, that do not like being pressured from all sides, forces you to do something. mutually beneficial cooperation is the basis of brix, economic,
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humanitarian, political, the role of parliaments in strengthening multilateralism for equitable global development and security is extremely important. president vladimir putin speaks in the duma hall of the tauride palace. the participation of the head of state emphasizes the importance of parliamentary cooperation in the brix format. today , parliamentary dialogue, including within the framework of brix, is more important than ever, because you, as representatives of the interests of your peoples, exponents of their political, national will, acutely feel the genuine demands, the mood and needs of millions. on the sidelines of brix, vladimir putin holds meetings, during negotiations with iran, the head of state reports that the inauguration of the newly elected president
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of iran is due to take place soon, and mr. volodin, your colleague, will lead the russian delegation. the decisions made by heads of state require legislation. formation of a unified approach to combat the development of bilateral cooperation and challenges. issues need to be resolved formation of the legal field,
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harmonization of legislation, preparation of model laws, this is the future of any inter-parliamentary structures if we... want to develop relations between our countries, because there are common challenges, and by forming common approaches we can cope with them more effectively. a meeting between vyacheslav volodin and the chairman of the chamber of deputies of egypt, hanafi gebali, leads to a decision to intensify inter-parliamentary interaction and sign a corresponding agreement. relations between our countries are developing, and of course, for us, for our part, it is important within the framework of interparliamentary
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interaction. our citizens, cooperation within the framework of brix allows many issues to be resolved jointly more effectively, together we stand
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for building a multipolar, fair one. strategic partners are russia and india. participation in the forum will give new impetus to relations between the parliaments of the two countries. the chairman of the state duma, speaker of the people's house of the parliament of india, discusses the development of bilateral cooperation. india for us is a strategic partner. you know how close our state leaders are. in many ways, it is their interaction that allows us to actively develop. relations between countries, mode visited our country, they talked with our president, many decisions have been made, in this
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regard, a lot of work awaits us on legislative support, adopted programs, at meetings invitations are made to delegations to visit each other on official visits, building relations on equal terms - the main difference between brix, brix has something other associations don’t, what does this mean, this is logistics, this and... interference in internal affairs and building international relations the way they think is right, don’t interfere with our trading, we ourselves will determine how to trade
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with each other, what to trade , we stand for a fair world, for an equal world, for a diverse world, as for the legislative bodies of the brix countries, we must defend multilateralism and advocate joint development, promote conflict resolution, ensure joint and harmonious interaction between our payment systems, jointly develop various artificial intelligence technologies, interaction in the fields of energy, science and new technologies, including artificial intelligence, implementation of educational scientific programs, creation of joint research centers, all this will help to increase... given the effectiveness of the brix economies, it is important to properly exchange experience in lawmaking in these areas. parliamentarians of the brics countries are already
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actively cooperating, it’s not easy half-hour meetings on the sidelines of the interparliamentary union, as before. various integration links are rapidly growing between us, various projects to exchange our experience through joint conferences and seminars. and this is distressing for everyone without exception. brix state united in opinion within the parliamentary dimension, it is necessary to work more actively to implement the decisions of the leaders of our countries, maintain a constant dialogue in order to bring cooperation to a new level, the prospects of which are limitless. in this year russia is presiding over brix; the summit of participating countries will be held in kazan in october. andrey tarasov, nikita kharaskin, anna melikyan, elena bogdan. parliamentary hour. volunteers of the northern military district were equated to mobilized and contract servicemen
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in matters of life and health insurance. as state duma chairman vyacheslav volodin emphasized, the rights of all sbo participants must be equally protected. regardless of whether they are career soldiers, called up for mobilization, or volunteered to go to the front. about others bills that deputies considered in more detail this week. in our review. disabled children and non-working disabled people since childhood, one of whose parents died during a special military operation, will receive two pensions simultaneously, for disability and for the loss of a breadwinner. the law is adopted and comes into force from the moment of publication. the second pension can be established from february 24, 2022. two new banking products have appeared for russians with incomes below the subsistence level. this is a social account from which. can be carry out any operations within 20 thousand rubles without commission and social contribution in the amount of up to 50 thousand rubles. the new law guarantees
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the maximum interest rate. an initiative that would establish a mechanism for automatically blocking the sale of drugs with an expired expiration date passed its first reading. sales of expired products will be stopped right at the pharmacy checkout based on the honest sign system markings. in addition, according to the bill, doctors will be able to prescribe dietary supplements to patients. list of bad diseases, under which they can be prescribed will be determined by the ministry of health. the government will have the right to establish quality criteria for dietary supplements , raw materials for them, and websites. sales of prohibited dietary supplements will be blocked. private companies have the opportunity to become partners of roscosmos. in the final reading , a law was adopted that will allow them to participate in the creation of satellites and invest in the ground infrastructure of the state corporation. this creates new opportunities for the implementation of large-scale investment projects in space exploration. the state duma approved in the first reading amendments to the labor code. they set
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a period of 1 year during which the employee can... use time off, take an additional day of rest or add it to vacation, but unused time off will not be expired. the employer will be obliged to compensate the employee upon dismissal. penalties for drug propaganda are being increased. the state duma adopted laws that introduce administrative liability in the form of a fine of up to one and a half million rubles. and criminal up to 2 years in prison for distribution, including in the media and internet, information and materials about '. production, storage, shipment, sale and places of purchase of drugs, about the attractiveness and justification of drug use as generally accepted norms of behavior. the changes will come into force on june 1 of the following year; the amendments will not include works of literary art in which drugs constitute, i quote, an integral part of the artistic concept justified by the genre, as well as
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those published before august 1, 1990. changes for motorists. insurance. compensation according to european protocols to the victim in case of road accidents will double, from 100,000 to 200,000 rubles. car owners will be able to complete the documents themselves, without involving traffic police officers, by mutual agreement, if they have an osaga policy and there are no victims. the limit of insurance payments under such a simplified scheme was last increased more than 5 years ago, and deputies voted for indexation in the first reading. at the same time , deputies propose to toughen penalties for drivers of cars with modified or... the bill passed the first reading. watch the second part of our program. how to visit
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is there order on the road? the state duma is introducing fines for... scooters and cyclists, what useful things can we learn from china, the details of the visit of the head of the chinese parliament, as well as a new tax cashback
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