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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 16, 2024 5:30am-6:01am MSK

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we spent so much effort trying to drive the americans out, and we won. the russians helped, they didn’t care about the people. the americans only bombed and killed. there was no benefit from them. at first, the west did so by crippling these people, because with their consent , drugs were grown in afghanistan. we explained to the people that we would punish people for drugs. what the taliban are talking about. has real confirmation, got used to watching videos online, stopped working, install, open, watch russian channels, all tv series, movies and cartoons, educational programs and documentaries, watch, watch in the application,
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or on the website, welcome to... the heart of the continent beats here.
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have you ever thought about what would happen to us if we didn't have bread? bread is the world, it is the most sacred thing a person has, something that is in every family. bread created our civilization and contributed to our evolution. technical revolution, this is both the future of mankind and the history of mankind, this is a universal language, over the past 200 years it has shaped our attitude to life, this the power of our country, its strength and imot, every day i take a piece of black bread, i always enjoy life. when faced with bread, a person is literally transformed, as our distant ancestors believed, and we really hope that you think so too. you are watching
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the program parliamentary hour we. let's continue. this week we devoted special attention to the development of russian-chinese relations. at the invitation of state duma chairman vyacheslav volodin, the head of the standing committee of the all-china people's congress , jaolzi, came to moscow. such a visit with a gesture great friendship, the opportunity to exchange legislative practices in matters of state and cyber security, humanitarian cooperation and, of course, the economy. trade turnover between our countries is at a historical peak. all details'. these guests were expected in russia; the prc delegation, led by the chairman of the standing committee of the all-china people's congress , was greeted
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by colleagues from the state duma. the official visit to russia takes place at the invitation of state duma chairman vyacheslav volodin, with this proposal he made during the trip state duma delegation to china. on an informal day, on the way to the house of unions, the chairman of the situation, communication continued at the next state duma, gave the board a short excursion, and then together they toured an exhibition dedicated to the friendship of the two states and parliamentary meetings. the official program began with...
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it is necessary to strictly adhere to important agreements at the highest level, promote interaction between the legislative bodies of our countries in the spirit of mutual respect and
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equality, and resolutely support the independently chosen path of development of each of our countries, firmly support each other’s efforts to protect state sovereignty, security and development interests. such rapid progress in russian-chinese relations primarily speaks to the development of the countries’ economies. last year, trade turnover increased by more than 20%, amounting to about $240 billion, and accordingly, such volumes of trade turnover simply did not exist; even in recent years, presidents have set the task of further increasing trade turnover. wherein they took the state confidently. course to abandon the dollar, about 90% of payments are carried out in rubles and yuans. russia and china today play a key role in the formation and establishment of a new global majority on the planet, that global majority that
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denies the unipolar order in the world, so we need to build up everywhere in dozens of vectors, synergy, interaction, cooperation and... parliamentary diplomacy is here on one of the first places. the protection of the sovereignty of our countries in general and international security were discussed additionally at a meeting of the relevant state duma committee with colleagues from the prc. vasily piskarev noted that, unlike the united states, their friendship satellites, cooperation between russia and china are not directed against anyone. countries consistently adhere to the principles. mutual respect of the state and non-interference in internal affairs. i would like to note that our mutually beneficial fraternal cooperation will allow us to effectively suppress any destructive activity against our states and develop reliable measures to protect
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the sovereignty and security of our countries peoples one of the key areas of cooperation between russian and chinese parliamentarians is the exchange of legislative practices. the ninth meeting of the interparliamentary commission on cooperation covered. we, like no one else, understand the importance and necessity of lasting peace, so it is very important for us to expand and deepen ties with our chinese friends in the field of study. russian and chinese languages, studying the culture of our countries, the history of our
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countries. at the commission, the chairmen of the state duma committees and their colleagues from the all-china assembly people's representatives. everyone made proposals for joint work or shared their legislative experience. thus, the head of the committee for family protection, issues of paternity, maternity and childhood, nina ostanina, said that it is useful to use chinese developments in protecting minors from cyberbullying. it's no secret that in our country priority. laid a wreath at the tomb of the unknown soldier.
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and after the meeting of the interparliamentary commission , the delegation went to st. petersburg for the brix forum. next meeting within interparliamentary commission will be held in china. maria burkova, sergey gordeev, maxim kol, elena bogdan, alexey chaburkov, duma tv, parliamentary hour. state duma deputies adopted an important statement at the plenary session regarding our overseas partners, the republic of cuba. parliamentarians demanded that the united states of america remove the island of freedom from the list of states that sponsor terrorism. a similar list is compiled by the us state department. we appeal to all parliaments. washington's cuba policy is unacceptable. we need to stop blockade of cuba. the states of america have caused enormous damage to its economy, america must
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compensate cuba for the damage caused. the document says that the pressure that washington is putting on havana is a blatant example of interference in the internal affairs of a sovereign state. any elements of pressure on the leadership of cuba and its citizens from the united states are unacceptable and unfounded, state duma deputies emphasize in their statement. the purpose of imperialist sanctions is to create freedom on the island. acute socio-economic situation, to destabilize the situation, provoke a coup under the guise of another color revolution, the result, according to the plan of strategists from washington, should be the displacement of legitimate people's power and the installation of another puppet regime. the united states is blocking the development of cuba, the damage to the economy of the island state from sanctions is about $160 billion. 187 countries recently spoke at the un for the abolition of restrictions on the republic; only the united states voted against; israel and ukraine abstained. cuba exception
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from the list of american sponsors of terrorism will help build a fair world order, the chairman of the state duma noted. the world must be multipolar. the world order must be fair. and using the example of cuba, we see that one country, which considers itself a hegemon, allows itself to practically destroy. today, over 300 citizens from liberty island are studying in russia. they master professions in
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the field of transport, electricity, and computer science. parliamentarians discussed the possibility of increasing quotas for education in russian universities and measures to support cuban students. in addition, in the near future they plan to open a branch of our southern federal university in havana, where they will provide pre-university training for cuban applicants before studying in russia, and teach basic knowledge of the russian language in the profile of their future profession. separately, the working group participants discussed the russian-cuban partnership in the scientific field. in the field of science of higher education, i propose to discuss the development of scientific interaction between our countries. such fields such as medicine, ecology, climatology, astronomy, biotechnology, agriculture. another initiative this week was heatedly discussed within the walls of the state duma and beyond. we are talking about introducing high fines for drivers of electric scooters and other personal mobility devices. electric scooters rush along the sidewalks, creating danger for themselves and people around them.
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they drive drunk, which is prohibited, and feel complete impunity. traffic regulations for them began to apply more than a year ago, but liability for violation of the rules is still no time. and they expect it from us, because the statistics that we have now are depressing. in the twentieth year, there were 331 traffic accidents involving scooters and bicycles; from january to september of the twenty-third - 2,647. the absolute majority is in favor of bringing order to this area, the chairman emphasized. in the first reading, deputies adopted a bill that introduces liability for violators of electric scooters and bicycles. for example, the fine for driving while intoxicated will be up to 30,000 rub. they will be punished for speeding, causing harm to health, leaving the scene of an accident and refusing medical certification. there are still many questions;
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the initiative will be finalized by the second reading. in our country, the age for bringing administrative responsibility is 16 years old, for many. teenagers also use and fly on scooters, and also fly while intoxicated. in this case, we understand that they cannot be brought to administrative responsibility, what will we do in this case? vladislav andreevich dvankov, our a colleague, just recently sent a proposal to the ministry of internal affairs to create a specialized police force that could, at a minimum, catch up with the offender and issue this fine accordingly. proposal, in parallel with changes to the code of administrative offenses, to introduce a rule on the mandatory provision of simulators. registration plates, by which it will be possible to identify the offenses of their owners. we also need to understand whose scooter or bicycle it is, who we are fining, and we must understand that when they pay with a card for the same scooter that they rented, then
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it’s not a fact that he paid with his card, we’re stuck with administration, right now... it’s important for everyone to think through this innovation together, we’re in new realities, we won’t remove them, just like you remove purchased scooters, bicycles, we’re talking about so that we can figure out how to make it work. deputies propose to classify the organization of illegal migration as a grave and especially grave crime. this was stated by vice speaker irina yarovaya, who heads the working group for analyzing legislation in the areas of security and migration policy. by according to the deputy chairman. duma , most of the crimes among migrants are committed by those who are on the territory of russia in an uncertain legal status, or who abuse the right of stay. according to some reports, there are now about 7 million foreigners in russia, one in ten is illegal. the commission considers crimes related to illegal migration and the issuance of false documents for foreigners to be the most
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dangerous. to combat these phenomena , the working group has prepared comprehensive bills. they have already been sent federal approval. all crimes that are associated with the organization of illegal migration, all forms of assistance to illegal migration, be it illegal registration, falsification of documents , will be seriously changed in their assessment in...
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during entertainment events, one of such initiatives was discussed at a meeting of the duma committee on culture with the participation of representatives of law enforcement agencies. the government must define new requirements for organizers of concerts and owners of the premises where they take place. so the main condition of the agreement on holding events will be to ensure public order and security. in addition, no later than a month before the start of the show or concert, the organizers will be required to provide all information about the event to local authorities, as well. territorial department of the ministry of internal affairs, this will avoid a situation where the local executive authorities find out about the holding of a mass event on their territory after the fact. separately, deputies discussed security issues in rural houses. culture there should be no unnecessary requirements for such facilities, parliamentarians believe. there are rural houses of culture, in which there are passports of the objects,
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and let’s say, the number of halls, it is small, but they began to demand that these cultural objects be guarded by private security guards, and you understand, there is an institution where the manager works part-time, and the private security guard - this is three... people at least shift work and the head tells me it’s just easier to close, so we must also take this category into account when developing the law for the second reading. let's return to the main topic of the issue tax changes, namely tax cashback, thanks to which the real personal income tax rate for families with two or more children will not be 13, but only 6%. if the average per capita family income does not exceed one and a half times the subsistence level, part of the income tax paid last year will return to the family.
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the chairman of the committee on labor, social policy and veterans affairs, yaroslav nilov, told us more about the new support measure. every working family member has the right to receive this money. that's some extra decent money, that's support for families with two or more children. in the year of the family, this is symbolic, and this is the same principle when... the income tax is reduced for a certain category of those citizens who receive little money, accordingly, it was possible to change the tax rate for a separate category, and you can return the withheld funds, can you can you give an example of calculating this payment using the example of a specific family? let's imagine a conditional family, two children, mother does not work, father works, father has an annual income of 1 million rubles. dad was withheld at 25. he paid income tax, since the family is subject to the new law and has the opportunity
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to receive a new social, tax, family payment, in this case, out of 130 tax funds paid, 70,000 are returned, 60,000 will be tax. the document establishes a list of persons who are not part of the family to receive this payment, eh? a whole list of persons whose income is not taken into account when determining the average income. when obtaining the right to payment, will the family’s
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movable and immovable property be taken into account? yes, in the law also stipulates this, and the law contains a reference norm; all these additional criteria must be regulated by government decree. i think that the basis will be determined by the decision, the documents that are already in force today on... the universal child benefit, when the criterion of family need is determined, the availability of apartments and land plots is determined, the government will determine the criteria, and we will carefully monitor that there has not been any abuse so that there is any a plot that is impossible to get to, re-register somewhere there for 3-9 lands, was not a reason to refuse to receive social support in the form of a tax deduction for such a family. and that’s all for me, you watched the parliamentary hour program. see you in a week.
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russia, russia, russia, russia, russia,
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russia. russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, 24, it is clear to everyone that russia is not a benzolo country, it is russian.
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we will take on this matter, it will be honest detective.
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parade in the kursk region. according to the acting head of the region, no workers were injured, but a fire broke out in one of the workshops. firefighters from two districts were brought in to extinguish the fire. the anti- aircraft gunners of the vostok group of troops shot down rockets of the ukrainian armed forces in the southern donetsk direction. the crews of the buk anti-aircraft missile system from buryatia, who cover our troops and civilians, distinguished themselves. here.


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