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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 16, 2024 6:00am-6:30am MSK

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a ukrainian drone attacked a low-voltage device plant in the kursk region this night. according to the acting head of the region, no workers were injured, but a fire broke out in one of the workshops. firefighters from two districts were brought in to extinguish the fire. anti- aircraft gunners from the vostok group of forces shot down ukrainian armed forces' rockets in the southern donetsk direction. the crews of the buk anti-aircraft missile system from buryatia distinguished themselves, protecting our troops and civilians from enemy attacks in the donetsk people's republic. and about the work of the fighters. reportage
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our war correspondent sergei samukha. the design of this weapon can be called unique. all artillery came to the special operation zone as volunteers, without having any combat experience behind them. and the special operation is voluntary for reasons of conscience, it’s not easy to sit out. in fact, i have no military service, this is my first military experience. level 29.98. most in the special operations zone have friends and relatives serving together by local standards. not so long, a little more than six months, but during this time we have already lost our way counting destroyed enemy targets, quickly mastering artillery science and the fighters were able to fully unleash the potential of the geocint self-propelled gun, since it is a sniper gun, in fact we emerge victorious, 90% of the cases, well , of course they work on us too, but not as often as it was , for example, last year, but there are things that are not taught in army courses, textbooks on countering kamika drones have not yet been written. and
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i had to learn this science from my own experience, it will fly by three or four times a week, we shoot back, we have an anti-drone gun, we use all means, we also modified personal weapons for the same purposes, a collimator sight with a magnifier to hit drones, a flash suppressor is necessary for working at night, when we fire, say, at an enemy uav that spotted us, so as not to give yourself away, firstly, and secondly, not to disorient yourself. now the calculation of the geocinth group vostok from buryat supports the offensive of russian forces in the southern donetsk direction, despite intense shooting, the self-propelled gun is forced to spend a lot of time in motion. now the geocin ts self-propelled weapon is performing a so-called roll. immediately after one or two shots, you urgently need to change your position, because the sky is flooded with drones and standing still is simply dangerous. weapon specialization. counter-battery warfare, the range
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and accuracy of the geocinth allow you to reach almost any enemy weapon and knock them out very actively. mostly these are nato members who remain, and literally only a few, apparently, because they are not so active, they, but the soviet ones, also still use them, but not so often. the crew spends several days on combat work, so as not to waste time; everything necessary for the artillerymen is brought to the front line. the delivery of bull and fuel always occurs regularly, that is. on the first call, so to speak, they will already be delivered to us, we have good supply, the ammunition goes out quickly. now, during the offensive in the vremev direction, artillery, in addition to its main targets, is pushing the enemy, actively knocking out fortifications and command posts of the ukrainian armed forces in the path of the russian army. sergey samokh, oleg sokolchuk, lead. and the temporary deployment point for militants was destroyed by our army aviation. carried out by the crews
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of s-34 fighters and bombers. unguided fap-500 bombs with a universal correction module were dropped on the enemy, which allows strikes to be carried out from a safe distance. having received confirmation from intelligence that all targets had been jumped, the pilots returned to the departure airfield. we received a combat mission, carried out the necessary calculations, received aircraft equipment, aircraft weapons, taxied, dialed the necessary height, reached the target area. completed the destruction, returned to the departure airfield, taxied, ready to carry out the next combat mission. the head of the russian ministry of defense sent congratulations to the soldiers of the fifth separate guards tank tatsin brigade. they participated in the liberation of the harvest. the message was published on the telegram channel of the military department. it commemorates the courage and heroism of our military. now the brigade is pushing back the enemy in the yuzhnodonetsk direction. as a result of her professional and decisive actions, the enemy suffers losses and retreats.
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another telegram in connection with the release of urozhayny addressed to the personnel of the fortieth separate guards marine brigade. the messages say, i am liberating the donetsk people's republic from neo-nazis . the queue of cars at the crimean bridge doubled overnight; according to the operational headquarters, approximately 300 cars were waiting to pass the night before. now the waiting time exceeds 2 hours, ambulance duty has been organized , and the number of drinking water distribution points has also been increased. i will note the first congestion appeared at the beginning of the holiday season, in the first days of july the traffic jam stretched to 13. and now to the topic of wildfires. over the past 24 hours, more than one and a half hundred fires were extinguished. 303 are still being liquidated. the most difficult situation is still in the east of the country. more than 100 outbreaks have been recorded in transbaikalia, and 76 in yakutia. in the amur region, the fire covered
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another 15,000 hectares, in the irkutsk region - 4.0. forest fire units are working at the sites, and rescuers are helping volunteers. in total , more than 6 people are employed, from the air burnout almost fifty planes and helicopters are shedding, 86 are monitoring around the clock. the situation is tense in the krasnodar territory, five natural fires are being extinguished there, three of them have already been localized, this was reported to vinpriroda. the largest fire, let me remind you, was recorded on sunday; the fire broke out on the territory of the obraovsky reserve, affected several tour buses and was actively moving towards the durso farm. the night before, another fire was discovered in the area. gelendzhuk, the fire is high and spreading quickly, the fire was stopped; the total area in this area is about 2 hectares. at a meeting of the operational headquarters the day before, it was decided to install seven forest fire stations in the region; they will help quickly detect and quickly extinguish fires. and now in yakutia,
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according to forest protection data, natural fires are extinguished by approximately 1,800 specialists, with 10 fires under special control. hello tatyana, the situation with leaf fires in yakutia remains tense; in most of the territory the weather is dry and very hot, the number of fires has increased, at the moment there are 165 fires burning, the area has also increased accordingly and is now .
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in areas of active forest fires, that is, it turns out that cloud cover with certain criteria is selected, this means the cloud height is taken into account, the lower edge of the cloud cover is the temperature regime, the temperature outside, that is, these are the criteria, in the area of ​​special attention there are 10 forest fires near populated areas aviation operates in the region, additional flights are planned in mirninsky, aldansky and olekminsky districts. the situation with forest fires is kept under control by the head of the asn nikolaev region. monitoring is carried out around the clock. this is the situation at the moment; we will monitor developments. tatiana. vitali, thank you,
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our correspondent vitaly prokopyev spoke about the fight against wildfires in yakutia. and in international news, donald trump is now officially nominated as a presidential candidate. from the republicans , trump chose the young senator vance, an ardent opponent of aid to ukraine, as his vice-presidential candidate, and early on, the nominations were announced in the democratic party, there , at all costs, they want to have time to approve biden’s candidacy, maria has all the details about the election race in the us. ex-president trump arrived at the republican convention this morning in meluki, a city in the northern united states, here is the former head of the white house and current presidential candidate.
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i'm josh macoun, republican state representative for georgia. georgia is the center of us business. we choose to rebuild america with donald trump. to earn the party nomination, the words of the convention delegates to trump enough, which means he is now the official candidate for us president from the republicans. only trump is the clear choice for our country. and who else? you see the mood of people in the usa. there is no security in the country, migration is everything else. the assassination attempt on trump is torn to shreds, chopping. civil peace in the united states is shouted at by americans at rallies. i love this guy. trump is a great man. we at least need him, and not stoop and joe. we don’t need those wars around the world that we are still
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sponsoring, in ukraine, for example, that this wants to make a piece of land against the huge powerful russian army, let them explain to us how many more billions we should spend on ukraine? trying to justify all the spending on ukraine, the democrats have only dug themselves out, and in order not to lose literally everything, the white house is speeding up the nomination of biden as a presidential candidate. the iron is hot, but it needs to be forged, experts say.
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i focus on, i said, if you remember, it was, i'm old, but i'm only 3 years older than trump, that's one, two, the acuity of my mind damn good. trump's attack on saturday with a clenched fist strengthened his position. many experts believe republicans are now afraid. nothing, let's be honest, trump has already won, he stood firm in a critical situation and showed his strength to a disintegrating nation, he stood when they continued to shoot at him. trump is a hero, but biden is haunted by chaos and confusion, they say in the crowd. you can imagine someone who, immediately after the assassination attempt, will go to the voters for another rally. obama wouldn't do that, biden wouldn't do that, and trump would, and that's it. changes everything. one way or another, the upcoming one. choices in the united states left americans alone with old age, reporters write. trump is 78, biden is 81
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, the latest cover of new york magazine is proof of this; the demand for young politicians after this will be powerful ; the one who catches it in time will win, the article says. maria skorodilka, news. in germany, a tank fired blank shells over the autobahn in bavaria. it is noted that the combat vehicle was heading for a training exercise. according to police, no one was injured. however, the ejected shell casings ended up in the car, causing driven by a woman. law enforcement agencies clarified that casualties were avoided only thanks to the weapon being raised upward. and now economic news. alexander, the european union is increasing purchases of russian gas, despite plans to abandon our raw materials, as reported by the german media. tell us, in what volumes are deliveries going? tatyana, almost 5 billion cubic meters in may, for now on to other topics. the bank of russia suspended the publication of daily statistics outside the foreign exchange market. he
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made this decision to limit the influence of sanctions. as a result, data on trading volumes in dollars, euros and yuan will be temporarily unavailable. however, the central bank will continue to calculate the official ruble exchange rate on their basis. the recycling fee for vehicles and trailers may increase by an average of 70-85% this year. and it will continue to increase by 10.20% per year until 2030, the corresponding project has been prepared by the ministry of industry and trade. for road construction equipment , the possibility of increasing the rate by 15% per year from 2025 is being considered. moreover, in all cases , indexation will affect only those equipment which is mass- produced in sufficient quantities in russia and belarus. it is assumed that the gradual indexation of the recycling fee may affect passenger cars and light commercial vehicles. trucks, buses, trailers and semi-trailers, as well as some types of road construction equipment. please
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note that with regard to the import of automotive equipment, the changes will not affect individuals who wish to independently bring to russia a car with an engine capacity of up to 3 liters for personal use. established rules for payment of customs duties and taxes. possible indexation will not affect the cost of domestic automobile and special equipment. equipment thanks to state support measures, the ministry said in a statement. moreover, according to market participants, the growth of the sales tax will stimulate the launch of new car production projects in russia, as well as help. will help our manufacturers increase the level of localization and strengthen technological independence. russian gas supplies to the european union are growing, despite to sanctions. this conclusion was reached in the german newspaper handelсblad based on data from the consulting company icis. they calculated that in may of this year the eu purchased from us a third more gas than in september 2022,
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almost 5 billion cubic meters. the growth itself is significant. the authors of the article noted the most important and constant thing. according to their information, some countries of the union are already questioning the projects through which europe wanted to diversify imports. in particular, one of the planned lng terminals in greece now simply cannot be implemented, the newspaper emphasized. meanwhile, this country is more than 60% dependent on russian supplies. the eu's plans to abandon our gas seem less and less realistic to experts. at the end of the issue, let me remind you that the official exchange rates for today are dollar 87, ruble 80 kopecks, euro 95.78. and that's all i have for now. tatiana. thank you, my colleague alexandra nazarova was with the economic news. and now to the topic of mobilization in ukraine, there is a catastrophic shortage of people on the front line. in kiev they are increasingly talking about a new reduction
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age of conscripts. meanwhile , cars with people trying to escape from military service abroad are stopped at the border. in russia, proposed to conscript eighteen-year-olds. what ukraine needs to do is mobilize human resources? this is a war fought by forty year olds, no other war in history has ever been fought on forty year olds, you need to recruit eighteen year olds, you need to recruit twenty year olds, you need to recruit twenty one year olds. in odessa minibuses every morning
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, instead of military commissars, there are police officers. new examples of barbaric mobilization. okay, and then i hit a possible employee of the shopping center with a good punch. they are sent to the front line with virtually no preparation, and as statistics from a sociological survey in ukraine showed, 46% of citizens out of 2,000 respondents believe that being a draft dodger is not shameful. now they will be shouting stopudov. guys, it’s not today, my mother is checking on me at home, until the day is over.
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those who try to flee the country face death. so in the odessa region, a potential soldier was shot dead by border guards. four military servicemen. four military personnel fled from the training unit, after which they tried to cross on foot into the territory of the republic of moldova. to get to the border, they hired a taxi. while they were trying to cross the border, border guards noticed them, detained them, and one of the escapees attacked the border guard when he was unable to escape. tomorrow is the deadline for those liable for military service in ukraine to update their personal data; approximately 7 million people have not done so. it's clear that. the remaining days they will not be able to do this, so they need to return to the bill that we registered, to pass it after all, i think it would be correct. according to the updated law, which came into force in may, the fine for this is up to $600, and if the debt accumulates, people can begin to have their homes repossessed. instead of visiting military registration and enlistment offices, ukrainians track down the cars
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of tcc employees, and at night they stage a fire show, arson becomes a partisan flash mob. increasing the pace of mobilization, tightening the law, the kiev authorities will take care of the burial places of the defenders of the square. in the regions ukraine has planned to create branches of a memorial military cemetery. the initiators of the ministry of veterans affairs assure that there is a request for this, and 100,000 dead will be able to be accommodated in such branches. margarita semenyuk, kazbek gogaev, valeria sapegina, news. fairytale chicken. needed for sweet dreams, rubber chicken for distracting maneuvers, the most tender chicken for burgers
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the distances here are huge, about 400 hectares, and the road is conditional. they begin an inspection of the sorting room. this is a wooden building that has already been largely destroyed. all the tin ore that extracted from the quarry in winter. and in summer. the sorting room was a privileged place to work and at the same time a very responsible one. here the prisoner could work constantly, being warm, and at the same time he had to determine by eye whether the ore was enriched or empty. for mistakes, prisoners were transferred to harder street labor. the sorting room is one of the objects that now needs to be restored first. curator of exhibitions at the state museum of gulag history, timur bulgakov studies the history of the mine.
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members of the expedition go up to the camp tower, in the process they warn that there is barbed wire everywhere on the ground, you need to move carefully. the expedition members climb in a responsible manner. hill to the camp tower, the path is quite difficult, the hill is not only steep, it is also completely covered with stones, all these stones are mining from the mine, mining is the same ore from which tin was extracted, the dneprovsky camp is unique for the magadan region, it is the only one in the region there is a well -preserved camp from the stalin era, the mine operated for 14 years from 1941, on in dnieper they mined tin, working in two shifts without days off . there are many artifacts on the territory, some of which will be moved closer to the buildings, others will be left in their places. so, one stood, stood, held, the other hit him with a hammer, and so on. did not
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break through, the master plan for the restoration and conservation of the dneprovsky camp is already ready, its author, architect yuri grigoryan, is also participating in the expedition, first of all, he says, it is necessary to restore wooden objects, there are several of them here, specialists who restored the old ones will work on them wooden churches, there will also be one new building. the project of the first building, this is a kind of change house, it’s also a museum, this is the place where the caretaker should be. a toilet, a small exposition, so that people who come here have such a point, well, like a civilization, or something, there will be electricity there. the value of this mine lies in the fact that many memories of those who served time here have been preserved. writers semyon vilinsky and pyotr demont described in detail everything that happened in the camp. their memories were also studied by employees of the gulag museum. separately they are working to restore the names
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of the prisoners. the employees of the gulag history museum are also thinking about its restoration and restoration; restoration work on the territory of dnieper will begin next summer. lyudmila cherbakov, alexey gilev, host magadan.
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who are you? i am a traveler, an aeronaut, jean ivan, and so we come out talking, what a fairy tale, without ivan, uh, what began, without deception, without a flint, the flint imprisoned me in the flint, a pen, a magic self-written ink, you’ll get it, you’re the main thing , van, hurry up, yeah give me a horse, a mechanical one. “well , beat yourself over the head, you have a nickname, where it’s needed, that’s what my name is, because i’m not taking you where you fool want, where i need to go, i can’t live without travel, flint, he doesn’t need a pen, whoever has flint in his pocket, soon, if everything looks like the wild west, then there is
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only one law, shoot first.” competition of ideas and money, a sensation occurred, and what a sensation, it tensed inside america outside its borders. what is the remaining intrigue, why now do you need to watch and follow? this is america, the program is about a country that is difficult to understand.
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let me tell you briefly about the main thing for this moment. the crews of russian su-34s hit a temporary deployment point of the ukrainian armed forces. according to the ministry of defense, our fighters used the fap-500 aerial bomb with a universal planning module for this purpose. a unit of the west sturmo group took 17 enemy strongholds and 20 artillery pieces. the new york post published new details about the shooter who shot trump. it became known that thomas crooks once tried to join the school shooting team, but due to poor accuracy and inappropriate humor were denied him. and he was forced to leave on the first day. joe biden apologized after assassination attempt on trump, head of white.


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