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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 16, 2024 8:00am-8:31am MSK

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for the first time since the assassination, trump spoke to supporters about how the incident was changing the entire course of the political struggle in the states. fire in the regions, where are the most serious outbreaks that pose a threat to people and how are they fought? russian rapiers are destroying positions in the mtr. the latest reports from the special military operation zone are in our issue. the queue of cars at the crimean bridge
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increased even more overnight; according to the operational headquarters, the night before about 300 cars were waiting to pass, now there are about a thousand of them. waiting time exceeds 2 hours, ambulance duty has been organized, and the number of drinking water distribution points has also been increased. i note that the first congestion appeared with the beginning of the holiday season. in the first days of july, the traffic jam stretched for 13 km. and now to the topic of forest fires: over the past 24 hours, more than one and a half hundred fires were extinguished, 303 are still being eliminated. the most difficult situation is still in the east of the country, with more than 100 outbreaks recorded in transbaikalia and 76 in yakutia. in the amur region, the fire covered another 15,000 hectares, in the irkutsk region - 4.0. on forest fire units are working in the areas, rescuers and volunteers are helping them. in total , more than 6,000 people are employed.
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almost fifty planes and helicopters are monitoring the fires from the air, and 86 are monitoring them around the clock. the tense situation in the krasnodar region, according to the ministry of nature protection, the fires in the seversky region have been extinguished, there is no threat to populated areas and economic facilities. the fire in the forestry near gelendzhuk has been localized, the total area in this area is about 2. 250 people are involved in extinguishing it. let me remind you that the largest fire was recorded on sunday.
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rescue services and volunteers. there are also 157 units of equipment in operation. according to operational data , smoke is observed in ten regions of yakutia, and there is light smog in yakutsk. artificial precipitation is an increase in precipitation in areas of active spring fires. that is , it turns out that cloudiness with certain criteria is selected. this. this means the height
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of the clouds is taken into account, the lower edge of the clouds, this is the temperature regime, the temperature outside, that is, these are the criteria, in the zone of special attention there are 10 forests fires near populated areas, aviation is operating in the region, additional flights are planned in the mirnensky, aldansky and alekminsky districts, the situation with forest fires is kept under control by the head of the asn nikolaev region, monitoring is carried out around the clock, a ukrainian drone attacked a low-voltage equipment plant in the kursk region this night, as reported the interim acting head of the region, none of the workers were injured, but a fire broke out in one of the workshops, firefighters from two districts were involved in extinguishing, and a special military operation was underway, the mortars and manpower of the ukrainian armed forces were destroyed by our artillerymen from the west group of troops. the targets
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were discovered by soldiers of the reconnaissance unit using a drone, after which they transmitted the coordinates to the crew of the rapier anti-tank gun, a series of shots and objective control footage confirmed an accurate hit, the rapier millimeter gun for hitting manpower, strong points, dugouts, equipment, the guys are all already with great combat experience well done guys, everyone knows their job. ozinitki troops of the vostok group of forces shot down rockets of the ukrainian armed forces on south donetsk direction. the crews of the buk complex from buryat, which cover our troops, distinguished themselves. civilians from neo-nazi attacks in the donetsk people's republic about the work of fighters, a report by our war correspondent sergei samokha. the crew of this gun can be called unique; all the artillerymen came to the special operation zone as volunteers, without having
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any combat experience behind them. i volunteer for a special operation out of conscience, i don’t feel comfortable sitting out, in fact, i don’t have any service in the army, this is my first time in the army. level 29.98. u most of the friends and relatives in the special operations zone do not serve together for long by local standards, a little more than six months, but during this time they have already lost count of the enemy targets destroyed. having quickly mastered artillery science, the fighters were able to fully unleash the potential of the geocint self-propelled gun. since this is a sniper weapon, in fact, we come out victorious, 90% of the cases, well , of course, it works for us too, but not as often as it was. for example, last year, but there are things that are not taught in army courses, textbooks on countering kamikaze drones have not yet been written, and this science had to be taught from our own experience, it flies over three or four times a week, we shoot back, we have an anti-drone gun, we use all
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means, we also modified personal weapons for the same purposes, a collimator sight with with an enlarger to hit a drone, a flame arrester is necessary for working at night, when we fire, say, at an enemy uav, like...
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news. and in international news, us senator from ohio, jay. whom trump announced as a candidate republican vice presidents, gave a long interview on fox news. he criticized the policies of the democrats and said that if trump wins, he will immediately deal with
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problems within the country. he will expel illegal migrants, whom biden allowed in in huge numbers. he will also arrange a meeting with the president of russia and personally become a peace mediator.
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what we are trying to achieve there, such a policy will avoid the risk of escalating nuclear war, and the us will be able to focus on the real problem, which is china. republicans are delighted. trump's first speech at the convention is discussed, he arrived with a bandaged ear to show his resolve. biden, on the other hand, goes on the defensive, apologizes for unsuccessful statements, assures journalists, ex-president trump - the republican congress arrived in the morning. this is not luoki, a city in the northern united states, where the former head of the white house and current presidential candidate flew here almost immediately after the assassination attempt. expectations are in the air whether trump will come out in public, and most importantly, what reporters are asking questions. and so. red baseball caps, trump's portraits are all in the colors of the american flag. the republicans are celebrating a holiday, and
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most importantly, literally from the doorstep. georgia 59 delegates. madam secretary, i'm josh macoun, republican representative for the state of georgia. georgia is the center of us business. we choose to rebuild america with donald trump. to deserve it. party nomination, trump has enough votes from convention delegates, which means he is now the official candidate for us president from the republicans. only trump is the obvious choice for our country, who else, you see the mood people in the usa, there is no security in the country, migration is everything else. the assassination attempt on trump is being torn to shreds, cuttings, civil peace in the united states is shouting at rallies, americans. i love this guy. trump is a great man, we at least need him, not stoop and joe. we don’t need those wars around the world that we are still
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sponsoring, in ukraine, for example, what this piece of land wants to do against the huge powerful russian army, let them explain to us how many more billions we should spend on ukraine. trying to justify all the expenses on ukraine, the democrats have only dug themselves in, and in order not to lose literally everything, the white house is accelerating with the nomination of biden, now a presidential candidate, the iron is hot. but it is necessary to forge, experts say. this is not a loss for the democrats yet, and although some delegates may oppose biden, he has about 400 delegates out of 4,500. after a debate failure that shocked the democratic public with the spectacle of senile decline, biden gives interviews, the democrats' rhetoric remains unchanged. trump since 2020 seems to me to be very dangerous for the country. speaking to journalists, he starts talking, loses his thoughts, looks bad. on american social networks, the us president is a walking
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dead man, but the autumn machine cannot be stopped. i 'm focusing on, i said, if you remember, it was, i'm old, but i'm only 3 years older than trump, that's one, two, my mental acuity is damn good. trump advances, saturday 's clenched fist assassination attempt strengthened his position. many experts are confident that trump has already won, his strength to the disintegrating nation, he stood, when they continued to shoot at him. trump - he withstood a critical situation and showed himself to be a hero, but biden is haunted by chaos and confusion, they say in the crowd. you can imagine someone who, immediately after the assassination attempt, will go to the voters for another rally. obama wouldn't do that, biden wouldn't do that, and trump would, and that changes everything. one way or another, the upcoming elections in the united states have left americans alone with old age,
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reporters write. trump is 78, biden is 81, the latest cover of new york magazine is proof of this, a request for young politicians after this it will be powerful, the one who catches it in time will win, the article says. maria skorodilka, news. scandal in germany, a bundeswehr tank, moving along the autobahn in the city, suddenly opened fire. fortunately for the drivers... only with blank shells, according to the police, no one was injured, but the ejected shells hit the car driven by a woman. law enforcement agencies clarified that casualties were avoided only thanks to raised guns. the combat vehicle was sent for training, that's the reason why where the shooting started is now being investigated. and time for alexander's economic news, the european union is increasing purchases of russian gas, despite all plans to abandon our raw materials, it is reported. german media, tell us, in what volumes are deliveries going now? tatyana,
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almost 5 billion cubic meters in may, for now on to other topics. the bank of russia has suspended the publication of daily statistics outside the foreign exchange market. he made this decision to limit the influence of sanctions. as a result, data will be temporarily unavailable by trading volumes in dollars, euros and yuan. however, the central bank will continue to calculate the official ruble exchange rate on their basis. recycling. the tax on vehicles and trailers this year may increase by an average of 70-85%, and will then increase by 10-20% per year until 2030.
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and semi-trailers, as well as some types of road construction equipment. please note that with regard to the import of automotive equipment, the changes will not affect individuals who wish to independently bring to russia a car with an engine capacity of up to 3 liters for personal use, complies with the established rules for payment of customs duties and taxes. possible indexation will not affect the cost of domestic automotive and special equipment, thanks to government support measures. the ministry said in a statement. moreover, according to market participants, the growth of scrap collection will stimulate the launch of new car production projects in russia, and will also help our manufacturers increase the level of localization and strengthen technological independence. russian gas supplies to the european union are growing, despite to sanctions. this conclusion was reached in the german
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newspaper handels-blat based on data from the consulting company icis. they calculated that in may of this year. the eu purchased from us a third more gas than in september 2022, almost 5 billion cubic meters. the growth is significant, and most importantly, constant, the authors of the article noted. according to their information, some countries of the union are already questioning the projects with the help of which europe wanted to diversify imports. in particular, one of the planned lng terminals in greece now simply cannot be implemented, the newspaper emphasized. meanwhile, this country is more than 60% dependent.
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in the kradaksky nature reserve near koktabel, work is still underway, according to information from the ministry of emergency situations, about 30 hectares are burning, an aerial group was brought in from the scene of the event, reporting by yana shcherbata, hundreds of square meters of forest were burned almost to the ground, more than 10 hours have passed since the fire started, but the fire has not been put out succeeds. in the karadak nature reserve, it is in this place that there is a nursery for rare endemics. the flame is poured with water, but it flares up with renewed vigor, 30 ge.
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it would have been impossible to extinguish the most severe fires in the history of kaktybel; residents of the resort village came to the rescue and brought water to hard-to-reach places. my friends and i all came to help, this is a common problem, so we should not remain indifferent. almost 300 rescuers fought the disaster, but it was not possible to localize the fire even by late evening, due to the weather. at night , the reserve's operational headquarters worked; the main thing was to prevent the fire from spreading over a large area. the main efforts are made on defense settlements of the village of kaktabel, the resort village and the village of shchebetovka. helicopters of the russian ministry of emergency situations and the national guard carried out more than 60 water drops. the protected area was badly damaged; it will take at least 10 years for the forest to recover. about 1/3 of the reserve's area was damaged. unique endemic
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tree species grow here. hawthorn of poyarkova, kedor of lebanon. all this suffered, especially the ground cover. the entrance to the reserve is now closed, foresters and environmentalists have yet to calculate the damage caused this strong fire of a unique nature. yana cherbata and andrey terentsev, host. crimea. a gas distribution pipeline was put into operation in the sheikhmansurovsky district of grozny. in just the last few years , more than 10,000 households have been connected to gas in the capital of the chechen republic. how it is implemented in the region. social gasification program, my colleague elizaveta morskaya will talk about this. the khasanov family from the sheikhmansurovsky district in grozny has a long-awaited housewarming party. we built the house with our own hands for 10 years, then repairs and selection furniture, they move in immediately after the gas is turned on, guests from moscow and st. petersburg came to congratulate a large family on their housewarming.
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the tea set for drinking tea is, by the way, the most traditional, which means the look of the st. petersburg plant. the pipe to the khasanovs’ house was laid from a street gas distribution pipeline as part of the so-called after-gasification by valve. the head of the republic, ramzan kadyrov, personally turned the pipe. you have one of the highest levels of gasification in the country and, most importantly, one hundred percent fulfillment of the president’s instructions on social pre-gasification, so the republic is in first place with 11,405 objects completed to the border of the site, all of them are connected. we don’t have this, our national average is about 60 percent, and yours is 100%. chechnya has been actively gasified since 2008; almost 14 billion rubles have been invested during this time. 94 gas supply and gasification facilities have been built, the total length of the gas pipeline is more than 1,800 km, chechnya is the leader in terms of volumes before gasification.
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almost 100% of gas pipelines built by gazprom to the boundaries of land plots all subscribers in the chechen republic have received their consumer and are connected to natural gas, we stated there at this address. the khasanovs submitted an application for degasification 2 weeks ago; gas to the house, as required by the program, was provided free of charge; the family spent 1,000 rubles on installation of equipment. but as parents with many children, and the khasanovs have four children, they were compensated for the entire amount. in total , more than 10 thousand sites were connected in grozny under the post-gasification program,
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204 in the sheikhmansurovsky district, and four on almaznaya street. this territory of new buildings, so while the khasanov family is settling into a new place, their neighbors are waiting in turn. elizaveta morskaya, turpal ali, taisumov, magomed basaev, khusein murdakhanov, grozny, news. and now let's talk about sports. ilya has updated the ranking of candidates for the most prestigious football award in the world. this is the golden ball. tell us, who is considered the favorite now? well, now the favorite is rodri, the manchester city player of the spanish national team. it was he who made a huge contribution to the victory of the spaniards at the last european championship. famous hockey player evgeny kuznetsov will return to russia from the nhl. a number of media outlets have reported this. the stanley cup winner with washington will sign a contract with st. petersburg ska for 4 years.
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carolina, where he moved from washington, kuznetsov played 63 matches for carolina and scored 24 points. at the end of 2023, forward underwent a program to help nhl players, which includes hookers suffering from psychological problems, as well as alcoholism. or drug addiction. in 2019, kuznetsov was disqualified for using cocaine. the spanish national team held the championship parade in madrid after the victory at euro 2024. despite the working day, thousands of people gathered in the center of the spanish capital to greet their national team. the players wore a t-shirt with the inscription kings of europe and the number four, which signifies the number of trophies won by the spaniards in continental championships. in the euro 2024 final, spain defeated england 2:1. at the last championship, the spaniards won all seven matches, setting a record for such tournaments. moscow spartak
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defeated nasav from uzbekistan 3:0 in the last friendly match before the start of the rpl. in the russian football program, which returned to our channel after the summer break, spartak midfielder, one of the club’s old-timers, roman zobnin, spoke about his goals for the new season. i want to play 300 matches for spartak now, overcome this mark, and as for team goals, i want to become, as we already said, such an experienced player, i don’t know a spartak football player , to become a champion again, and in general to win a cup , or the championship, already a little bit in in a different capacity, but then i was young, so i followed the guys, but now i have to take most of myself there, that’s why. i want to become a champion in this role. the women's national football teams of russia and the dprk played a 0:0 draw in a friendly match.
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the meeting took place at the moskvich stadium. where our correspondent alexander abramov visited. moskvich stadium in the textile workers district of the capital. in mid-july, it became home to the russian women's team for 3 days. our team has not had opponents from the top ten of the world rankings for more than 3 years, since then, how in june twenty-first we played a friendly match against brazil and now our opponents are north korea. do you miss games against top teams? yes, to be honest, these are completely different.
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number 10, what can the russian team learn from the north korean team, which is in the fifa top ten? i think that the question of organization, the question of interaction, technical equipment, speed qualities of the attackers, for us it’s like, well, just sparring, the importance of which is difficult to overestimate. support the women's team more than a thousand people gathered in russia on monday evening. there is also a whole delegation of national team fans in the stands of the moskvich stadium. north korea with flags, rattles and badges on the chest. for sports fans , this picture is familiar from the time of the 18 olympics in pyeongchang. the quality of their players is good, i think many of them play in top clubs, maybe even in some english premier league. last friday, yuri krasnozhan’s team lost to north korea with a score of
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0:3. won't score again in the match on monday it worked, but they didn’t miss it either. 0:0 is the very case when the result can be considered positive. unfortunately , we lost the first game, and unfortunately we didn’t win the second either, but i think on our part there was better and more creative football in the second game, so we are happy about the second game. we didn't score, but we didn't lose, so there's a lot to work on. but for us, 0:0 is already, in principle, a result with a team that is among the ten best teams in the world. alexander abramov, sergey velichko, ivan paevsky and alexander strimashevsky. news. we watch it to spend time with the children. russian cartoons and children's programs.
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look, in the app or on the website, who are you? i, a traveler, an aeronaut, jean ivan, and so we go out, what a fairy tale without ivan, uh, uh, what began? without deception and without flint. you imprisoned me in the fires. pen, homemade pen, magic ink, can you get it? you are the main thing in van, hurry up. should i have a horse then? mechanical. oh, beat yourself over the head, do you have a cell? where i need to go, that’s what my name is, because i’m not taking you where you fool want, where
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necessary. i can’t live without travel, flint, he doesn’t need a pen, he who has flint in his pocket, soon, if everything looks like the wild west, then there is only one law, shoot first, competition of ideas and money, there was a sensation, and what a sensation, they tensed up inside america, beyond its borders. what is the remaining intrigue, why now do you need to watch and follow? this is america, a program about a country that is difficult to understand.


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