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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 16, 2024 9:00am-9:31am MSK

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nu. we know about forest fires; just over 100 were extinguished in russian regions over the past 24 hours. 276 are still being liquidated. more than 6,500 specialists work, this is the latest data from the aviation forestry service. the most difficult situation is still in the east of the country, with more than 100 outbreaks recorded in transbaikalia in the amur region. the fire covered another 15,000 hectares, in irkutsk 4,000. forest fire units and rescuers work at the sites, and volunteers help them. in total
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, more than 6,000 people are employed; nearly fifty aircraft are being caught on fire from the air. and helicopters. 86 are monitoring around the clock. the situation in yakutia remains difficult; there are more than 160 large outbreaks there, and in order to stop the fire, rescuers are carrying out counter measures. they are supported from the air by aviation. our correspondent, vitaly prokopyev, will tell you how firefighters work. a new forest fire starts right before our eyes, the flames consume branches, bushes and trees. in yakut there is a stubborn struggle with the natural elements, the heat is only increasing and the taiga is like a powder keg. counter burn is a powerful means of extinguishing a flame, but it literally playing with fire, so it’s important to keep everything under control. to control oncoming traffic, paratroopers and firefighters use backpacks. non-extinguisher, this
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is how they can extinguish excess flames, then everything is necessary for the fire to go out much faster. sergei anufriev skillfully handles the incendiary device, and his comrades are always nearby, somewhere they will flood, somewhere they will throw earth. in terms of annealing, this is also effective, as it were, when there are artificial, well, mine strips, these are rivers, roads, uh, we kind of anneal from them. towards the fire, well, this is very effective. another effective way is to extinguish with shovels; damp earth suppresses any fire. the edge, as paratroopers and firefighters say, is cold, that is, there is actually no open fire here, but there are small spots of smoke, these can be barely burning stumps or smoking pine trunks. such outbreaks are eliminated immediately. here i can show you this section. here it is rotten, due to
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this rottenness and the blowing of air , the wood continues to burn, and then it, as a conductor, plays the role of a conductor and we have it will burn out and go over the edge of the fire, as it were. transferring from fire to fire is easier for avelesoguard fighters than moving; they get ready quickly within 5 minutes and are sent off in a helicopter to extinguish the next fire. yakut. the forest is one of the most difficult in russia, there are many hummocks, trees and shrubs grow practically on top of each other, after tens of minutes a team of firefighters is on the spot and immediately gets to work, we identified this point, here is the edge, we all went along this edge to identify individual outbreaks. using aerial monitoring , specialists conduct reconnaissance from above bird's eye view, you can clearly see where the fire is burning, that's where they go. forest fires in the region are almost extinguished. 2.0 people, these include
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aviation forest protection, the ministry of emergency situations, rescuers and volunteers, in total there are 165 fires in the republic today, all resources are aimed at protecting villages from forest fires, there are 10 under special control that operate near populated areas. the situation remains tense, dry, hot weather and thunderstorms are taking their toll, but the firefighters are not giving up their positions. vitaly prokopyev, sergey zaborovsky, news, yakutia. forty-degree heat is predicted today by weather forecasters in kuban, where firefighting is also underway. one of the fires destroyed a significant part of the protected forest in the vicinity of khuttor dyursoo. the flames affected recreation centers, seven dozen buildings were also damaged, and two people were injured. and our colleague pavel melnik will talk about the consequences of the disaster. scorched earth for tens of hectares around is the consequences of a fire hurricane in durso.
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the relict mazhevelnik, whose aromas attracted tourists from all over the country, no longer exists. the fire went like a wall, driven by the wind, it descended from the hills, somewhere like in this area. fire ditches or technical ones were destroyed, even two days after the fire , pockets of open burning remain in some places, local residents who fled from the terrible disaster are only now beginning to return to their homes, dozens of buildings were destroyed, the holiday season was disrupted, tourists left in the first hours, human factor, human factor, people don’t think before throwing a cigarette butt into the grass or frying a shish kebab, now everything is burnt out, look how many. bottles there, clear the area and prevent new fires, now the main task of the kuban operational headquarters is to organize monitoring in order to accurately understand and determine that the fire is not just localized, but extinguished. over the coming weeks
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, seven new forest fire stations should appear here at once, this will allow us to avoid the mistakes of last weekend. in connection with a fire in the dry crack tract in novorossiysk, a criminal case has been initiated. the dry crack tract is unlikely to be able to return to its usual appearance in the coming decades, forever green hills in ash, under which in some places the ground is still hot with fire, more than 350 rescuers continue to work around the clock at the fire site. pavel melnik, nikita kalchenko, andrey malyony and anna nekos, lead the krasnodar region. it was badly damaged by the fire. karadakhsky nature reserve, it is located near kaktebel, the flame destroyed 30 hectares of unique territories, almost 300 rescuers fought the elements, but the fire could not be localized even by late evening, the weather interfered. extinguishing work continues today, firefighters are being assisted employees of the russian guard. the main task is
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to stop the fire so that it does not spread to populated areas. and the queue of cars at the crimean bridge increased even more overnight, according to the operational headquarters. the night before, approximately 300 cars were waiting to pass, now there are about a thousand of them, the waiting time is more than 2 hours, ambulance duty has been organized, and the number of drinking water distribution points has also been increased. the first traffic jams appeared with the beginning of the holiday season; in early july, the traffic jam stretched for 13 km. the situation is further aggravated by natural fires near novorossiysk, where vacationers are now not allowed. and to economic news. yandex completed its restructuring, the dutch company completely withdrew from the shareholders and abandoned the brand. and my colleague alexandra nazarova will tell you all the details about the deal. alexandra, i greet you, when will trading in shares of the new parent company of yandex begin? tatiana, next wednesday, july 24th.
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yandex has become 100% russian. the dutch company has closed the deal to sell the business. it will change its name by july 31st. and stop use appropriate brands. as a result of the transaction for 475 billion rubles. the main owner was the first investment fund consortium , led by yandex managers. other shareholders include the founding structure of the leto capital venture fund alexander chachava, the head of the infinitum depository pavel prass, entrepreneurs alexander ryazanov, as well as the lukoill group. the latter reported that it would receive about 10%. none of the fingers will have a controlling interest for 12 months, that is, until july 15, twenty-fifth year, none of the shareholders will be able to transfer yandex shares or units during the year, this is important. as for the structure of yandex, now after the completion of the restructuring,
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yandex is a company in russian jurisdiction. the updated yandex previously received registration in kaliningrad and international status. the public limited company promised that it will continue to develop search, urban, entertainment and educational services, autonomous transport, cloud technologies and artificial intelligence technologies. alexey kudrin, the former head of the ministry of finance and accounts chamber, will remain as an adviser on corporate development. yandex continues, despite all the ups and downs and, so to speak, the departure of imported projects, to remain, probably, the cornerstone of the russian internet. which has been practically since its creation in 1997, and you need to understand that now there are indeed products that will be exchanged into the ecosystem. the dutch yandex nv, as reported by bloomberg, plans to change its name
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to nebius group, it will develop technologies for unmanned vehicles, cloud data storage, information processing, as well as preparing educational technology projects. meanwhile, the russian yandex is preparing to launch trading in shares on the moscow exchange, they should start on july 24. in the short term , many investors will wait. some may even dump some shares, but in the future all indicators, both fundamental and indicators, if we start from technical analysis, which they say that in the future , yandex will experience strong growth for more than 5 years, and with in today's situation, if no new risk factors are added, investors in yandex have essentially all the opportunities to increase their capital, especially since you... the revenue of russian yandex is growing in january-march, it added 40% and exceeded
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228 billion rubles. the segments of internet search, e-commerce, transport and delivery, as well as entertainment services showed particularly good results. foreign startups that remained with the dutch company brought only a billion in revenue, with a net loss of 7 billion rubles. in russian yandex accounts for approximately 95% of all consolidated assets of the group. will remain, those assets that were included in the deal account for 95% of the revenue, approximately 700 billion rubles. revenue for 2023 was, perhaps this year the revenue will exceed a trillion rubles, it is very important that there are no assets left outside the russian contour, after this transaction, which would bring the majority of the group’s revenue. experts note the good potential for the development of yandex not only in the russian market, but for
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a victory, russia, russia. russia, russia, are you going to throw out the trash already or not? so, attention, we have a replacement, a replacement for the younger generation, a legend is entering the field to win, the latest news from donbass. hello tatyana, shelling of cities and towns in the donetsk people's republic continues, unfortunately, gorlovka was under attack last week, as we know, what can we say about the intensity of these attacks, they are still decreasing, unfortunately,
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for now there is no need to talk about reducing or reducing the number of shellings yet, because the enemy... is suffering a certain kind of defeat on the front line, and of course, as we have already seen this since the fourteenth year, he is trying to take it out on the civilian population, which is why since the eighth numbers , over the past week we recorded five dead and 42 people injured, four of them children, and the infrastructure was also destroyed, alas, here we are counting, and we really see the progress of our units and we count our fighters on our armed forces, as soon as the enemy is pushed away from our cities, as soon as he no longer has the physical ability to reach our populated areas, then only we can say that we, our residents, will be safe on the territory of the republic, yes
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let's hope, denis vladimevich, there are still long queues at the mfc. i understand correctly that this is a long-term problem, it is mostly related to the registration of real estate, tell us why this happens, and whether it is necessary somehow increase the number of employees, maybe or the number of mfcs themselves? tatiana, here it is worth, of course, first of all to keep in mind that we have to re-register the entire republic, well, in fact, this re-registration is already within the framework of the russian ... real estate to be done within the framework of the current legislation, of course, re-registration is necessary, that is in fact
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, you first need to re-clarify the previously sold real estate, that is, its re-registration. then the ownership rights change again, of course, we very quickly, but we understood all the advantages, the work of the mfc, where everything is in one place, all procedures take place, and of course, this quickly became very popular among our citizens, and naturally, this caused such a flow, and we understand perfectly well that we have an mfc only a year, we have to expand the network, because now we have 42 operating, 42 mfcs are working, and by the end of the year it is planned to open 11 more, well, this is probably a non-exhaustive list, a non-exhaustive number, because we still have to increase and quantity employees, now we, taking into account the need to reduce these queues, of course , are even considering the possibility of opening
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temporary branches of the mfc, but so far there is such a rush, in general, systematic work. is happening, we understand that this is really convenient, it really brings benefits, and if just recently we talked about the fact that only about 40% of all municipal government services are provided in the mfc, and well , compared to other regions, there is i mean, now we’re talking about 70%, of course we will increase this work, and here... we look, we record everything that is happening, of course we will try to reduce this excitement, in all available ways, this is the task of the ministry of economic development of the donetsk people's republic.
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now we see that roads are already being built according to russian standards, they are being repaired, the entire infrastructure is being built around the roads, i ’m talking about federal roads, i’m also talking
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about intercity roads, but for us it is very important to have internal city roads, and inter-block roads, well, really require very serious repairs, and we can now say at the moment that from various sources there are now... roads, but we will be able to do a lot before the end of the year, there is potential, and now, by the decision of murat shakziyanovich, there will be even
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more the funds have been allocated, for which there are only words of gratitude from all our residents. well, let's now talk about business, you have approved the investment declaration of the donetsk people's republic, it informs entrepreneurs about the conditions for doing business and state support measures for investors, tell us. about this, what will change now for entrepreneurs? tatyana, here we are learning to work with investors, and we understand perfectly well that with the changing structure of the economy in the republic, taking into account the need to fill the budget, of course, we must become attractive to investors now, even despite the fact that the fighting has not yet ended, but nevertheless, we need to work now and the investor and... investors came to us, but the issue of trust with investors is at the forefront, and trust from investors, of course, can be achieved with a few steps, the main
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steps, this is of course, this is what we signed, this is the investment declaration, that is, these are kind of guarantees, written guarantees from the state that, firstly, this investment conditions will not change in the process of doing business. and this is a very important factor for an investor, this is, of course, all the necessary information about potential business sites, which will also now be provided, and for all potential investors, this too is important, well, of course, now everything that we designate, everything that we have recorded in this declaration, this must be implemented by the state, that is, in mind, and not figuratively, but from the side of the state, these are specific people who are responsible. both the government of the donetsk people's republic and direct assistance from the federal center, but these are the obligations that we have taken upon ourselves, they must be fulfilled,
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taking all this into account, of course we expect that the investor will go and the investor will understand why, what is even the advantage now, why it is important, taking into account the free economic zone on the territory of the donetsk people's republic, to invest in enterprises, why? now the risks are already less than the potential profit, why do you need to enter now even before the victory, because after the victory, well, the situation will change, those who enter will be the first, of course, they will have a very serious advantage, well, let's get to the topic of buying a home , it is always the most up-to-date, psb began to issue mortgage loans for purchasing housing on the secondary market, but tell us how popular is the purchase of such housing in the region and can people do it? make a down payment, well, in most cases. tatiana, i ’ll tell you that it’s encouraging that housing is so in demand already in the donetsk people’s
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republic. there is not enough of it, well, this is a good signal, but this is also a guide to action, which is why the task is to fill as much as possible the housing deficit that is missing, which is why we are now working very clearly with investors on new buildings, which are appearing now not only in mariupol, but sites in our other populated areas have already been allocated in the plans.
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who is given the opportunity to get a preferential mortgage for secondary housing, of course, this is in demand, we already have it, and the first person is a doctor from donetsk, who took out a preferential mortgage from psb bank, and i think that this trend is now, well, this is this will be in great demand, well, we see, we monitor and we see this demand, and now the main thing is to maintain prices, because we have enough prices...
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together with the ministry of internal affairs, the dpr, together with the russian national guard, this work brings results, of course, those people who are illegally on the territory of the donetsk people's republic, despite all their aspirations there, of course, this is all clearly suppressed, which is why everyone sees it , in just 2 months, more than 500 people have registered and are able to work absolutely legally within the framework of russian legislation; everyone who is there illegally, well, i think they will be identified. in this and of course here with us everything will be lined up and clearly, we are aimed at this together with our law enforcement officers, thank you very much for the interview, thank you for taking the time, we spoke with the head of the donetsk people's republic denis pashelin.
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have you ever thought about what would happen
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to us if we didn't have. when confronted with bread, a person is literally transformed. this is what our distant ancestors thought, and we really hope that you think so too.


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