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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 16, 2024 9:30am-10:01am MSK

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and now to the international news, donald trump appeared in public for the first time since the assassination attempt, he came to his party’s congress in the state of wisconsin with his ear screwed in and invariably wearing a red tie, he entered the hall and showed his determination. biden, on the other hand, goes on the defensive, apologizes for ... apologies for unsuccessful statements, and assures journalists of the sharpness of his mind. maria skorodilka will talk about the intensity of the election race in the united states. ex-president trump - convention arrived this morning republicans. luoki is a city in the northern united states. the former head of the white house and current presidential candidate flew here almost immediately after the assassination attempt. expectations are in the air: will trump come out in public? and most importantly, with what? reporters are pouring out questions. and so. red baseball caps,
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trump portraits all in the colors of the american flag. stand up, republicans, on holiday, and most importantly - literally from the doorstep. george. georgia 59 delegates. madam secretary, i'm josh macoun, republican state representative for george. georgia is a business hub usa. we choose to rebuild america with donald trump. to earn the party nomination, trump has enough votes from convention delegates, which means he is now the official candidate for the us president from the republicans. only trump is the obvious choice for our country, who else, you see the mood of people in the usa, there is no security in the country, migration is everything else. the assassination attempt on trump is tearing the wheelhouse to shreds, civil peace in the united states, americans are shouting at rallies. "i love this
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man, trump is a great man, we need at least he, and not stoop and joe. we don’t need those wars around the world that we are still sponsoring, in ukraine, for example, what this piece of land wants to do against the huge, powerful russian army, let them explain to us how many more billions we should spend on ukraine. trying to justify all the spending on ukraine, the democrats have only dug themselves out, and in order not to lose literally everything, the white house is accelerating with the nomination
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of biden now.” v critical situation and showed his strength to a disintegrating nation. he stood as they continued to shoot at him. trump is a hero, but biden is haunted by chaos and confusion, the crowd is assured. you can imagine someone who, immediately after the assassination attempt, will go to the voters for another rally. obama wouldn't do that. biden too. trump, yes, and that
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changes everything. one way or another, the upcoming elections in the united states have left americans alone with old age, reporters write. trump is 78, biden is 81 fresh cover new york.
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russia would not invade ukraine if donald trump were president, everyone agrees with this, even many of my democratic colleagues privately agree with this, we will simply stop sending the last of the money, we will ask from ukraine where the billions of dollars spent on it went, what is the goal, what are we trying to achieve there, such a policy would avoid the risk of escalating nuclear war, and the united states would be able to focus on... and about the political path of senator james david vance. further in our help. republican us vice presidential candidate james david vance was born in 1984.
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in ohio. he served in the marine corps , then studied political science and philosophy at the university of ohio, has a jd from yale law school , and worked as an attorney. 6 years ago he began his political career in the republican party. vance's rise was meteoric. in 2022, he was elected senator from his home state. the thirty-nine-year-old politician is known for his harsh statements against ukraine. in particular, he suggested that the parties begin peace negotiations as soon as possible, warning kyiv will lose territory in any case. wentz advocates the neutral status of ukraine. in his opinion, the supply of western weapons does not affect the course of the confrontation in any way. he urged the house of representatives to block military aid to ukraine because the united states should focus on its own border security. and now to the weather news: smoke from forest fires covered 54 settlements in ten regions of yakutia, fires in
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the forest in southern russia are being extinguished. at the same time , the consequences of past events are being eliminated in the urals. on the eve of the rains. our meteorologist ekaterina grigorova has all the details. ekaterina, i greet you. well, should we wait for the showers? in areas where forests are currently being extinguished. there will be rain, but will it significantly affect the situation? this is a big question. the recent rain could not completely clear the atmosphere over lensk. at the same time, in addition to smoke, visibility is further impaired by fog. previously , an excess of the maximum permissible concentrations of nitrogen dioxide and sulfur was recorded here. it was also especially difficult to breathe in lekminsk in the populated areas of the verkhnevilyuysky ulus. smoke from forest fires reached the capital of the republic of sakha, judging by the satellite monitor data. a plume from the outbreaks was brought to yakutsk by air currents to the borders of the aldan and ustmai regions, and this is at least 300 km. in the fire and smoke of landscape fires and some areas of the southern regions of russia, aviation from the russian ministry of emergency situations continues to extinguish fires in the crimean koktybel. in the morning , a helicopter from the russian ministry of emergency situations has already dropped 60 tons of water,
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the fire area is 30 hectares, and now another mi-8 has begun extinguishing it. at night they extinguished a fire in the vicinity of gelendzhik. hearth fire deep in the forest, firefighters. the tires cannot get close to it. in the first hours the fire was extinguished using backpack fire extinguishers, which were transported on atvs. another large landscape fire broke out in the rostov region, near the city of shakhty. while some regions of the country are dreaming of life-saving rains, others are drowning after extreme downpours. car passengers in orenburg sat on the hoods, and water filled the interiors. interestingly, the city’s weather station did not record any extreme amounts of precipitation. mm, but some areas of the russian capital were also flooded the day before; the moscow state university weather station noted 39 mm of precipitation, or slightly less than half of the july norm. portions of coolness have made their way to the urals, at the same time, the african heat is again strengthening its position in the south and moving further to the north of the european
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part of the country. in kuban, the temperature background is again close to 40°, while above the arctic circle in naryan-mar the air will warm up to 26° as before. in yakutia in the capital of the republic it is now 28. the atmospheric situation in the eastern half of the country with yesterday was almost unchanged. the weather is determined by the warm sector of a large cyclonic system, atmospheric fronts. make the weather unstable, local rains that do not bring large amounts of precipitation are possible, thunderstorms are possible, and during thunderstorms, increased winds. in the west of the country, the weather is dictated by a vast anticyclone, there are few clouds and nothing prevents the daytime heating. cyclones bypass the high pressure area on the periphery. clouds of atmospheric fronts are swirling in the northwest, today they will reach the northern part of central there will be localized rain and short thundershowers in the area. in the caucasus, but these should bring large amounts of precipitation; these rains will not bring and will not affect
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the temperature background. the russian plain also remains in the warm sector, so warm air will continue to move north. on the banks of the niva and ladoga, today it is 25-28° in the central region 30, in the chernozem region - 35, in the lower reaches of the don and in the kuban 40°. well, let's move on to more detailed forecasts. so, in yakutsk there is a maximum. mostly sunny during the day, thunderclouds will gather around midnight, light rain will begin, thunderstorms are possible throughout the night tomorrow morning and afternoon, the intensity of precipitation at times will reach 4 mm or 4 liters of water per meter in 3 hours, a total of 11 mm will fall, and this is a little more than a quarter of the monthly precipitation norm, while the same time remains the same in many cities of kuban and other southern regions. dry and record hot weather, new temperature maximums are expected today in
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krasnodar, stavropol, gelendzhuk, and in gelendzhik the thermometer will remain at 35-37° throughout the coming days, only on saturday thunderstorms will be able to ease the heat a little, but in moscow today it will be +30, partly cloudy, precipitation is unlikely, tomorrow it will be +31, otherwise no changes, on thursday atmospheric clouds will break through the capital region. front there will be thunderstorms, short showers, it will become easier to breathe, by the end of the week the temperature will drop to 23°. these are the forecasts for this minute. ekaterina, thank you, ekaterina grigorova spoke about the weather in russian regions. and now about the progress of the special military operation. drones solve important problems. drones are used almost all departments. thus , copters allow assault squads to quickly and effectively advance deep into the positions of the ukrainian armed forces. at work of the military. the zaporozhye region was observed by our war correspondent, igor pikhanov. soldiers
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of an anti-tank platoon are preparing kamikaze drones to be sent to the front line. in this mission , drone operators assist assault teams in clearing enemy positions. each fivedrone carries different types of charges, cumulative ones are designed to combat firing points and well-fortified positions, fragmentation against mortars. drone cameras show a gray area. resembles a lunar landscape, the ground is pocked with hundreds of craters from shell explosions, experienced drone operators quickly find camouflaged targets and destroy them, precise uav strikes force the enemy to abandon their guns and hide in dugouts. basically there is a war of drones going on now, as we fly, our guys fly, so they do. well, most likely, of course, they no longer have enough people. the enemy is completely on active defense, we are very... carefully advancing, under the cover of brownies checkers, fighters of a subdivision of
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the dnieper army group are moving meter by meter through the territory that was recently occupied by the enemy, heavy military equipment is working on the enemy. i am proud of my grandfathers, they fought for me, i also went to defend my homeland, i was given the task of blowing up a ukrainian fortification, i completed the task, i blew it up. the fighters captured enemy positions. occupied a strategic point, the ukrainian armed forces lost the opportunity to deliver ammunition and reinforcements to neighboring sectors of the front, officers they say the unit consists of professionals, almost all of them have state and departmental awards, among them are fighters with the call signs zolotoy and fara, these are two brothers, both are commanders of anti-tank platoon squads, we monitor the enemy, we are calculated, we work with anti-tank guns, we are productive . success has been good for more than a year, in 3 months we took this work,
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units of the ministry of defense are increasing pressure at the front, daily destroying enemy positions, military equipment and uav crews, according to our komikatz drones, long-range artillery and tactical aviation are working against the enemy. igor pikhanov, sergey keliseev, lead zaporozhye region. thank you loyalty program has been updated! every month, choose up to five top categories with cashback up to 10%. supermarkets, gas stations, cafes, restaurants, taxis and others. and even the interest rate on everything is better with a subscription from berp. my grandfather disappeared in the garage for weeks, my father for days. a few minutes in the garage is enough for me. drive your car into the avito auto garage and you will immediately see the suitable spare parts. garage avito
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sberbusiness. dear friends, i am pleased to invite you to our new release of the besagon tv author’s program with an intriguing title with light steam or who saw bastrykin in the bathhouse. see the screens for details. i look forward to seeing you at our meeting. and now it's time for sports news. ilya today the international olympic committee promised to publish the full list of participants in the games in paris. tell me how much is expected there russian athletes? well, at the moment , 15 of our athletes are admitted in a neutral status and have accepted the invitation; this figure, if it changes, will be minimal. today in
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madrid there will be a presentation of real madrid's star newcomer kylian mbappe. this event is sold out. more than 80 thousand tickets, at the exit from the sub-tribune premises on santiago barnaba there is a podium along which mbappe will walk to meet real madrid president florentin perez, kilian’s exit will be accompanied by live music and a fire show. the madrid club promises that it will be the most exciting presentation of the player in history. mbappe joined real madrid as a free agent on june 3 from psg and signed a contract until 2029. according to media reports, the forward's salary will be from 15 to... 20 million euros with an annual increase. the spanish national team held a championship parade in madrid after winning euro 2024. despite the working day, in the center of the spanish capital. thousands of people gathered to welcome their national team. the players wore a t-shirt with the inscription kings of europe and the number four, which means the number of trophies won by the spaniards at continental
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championships. in the euro final, the spanish team defeated england with a score of 2:1. at the last championship, the spaniards won all seven matches, setting a record for such tournaments. moscow spartak defeated nasav from uzbekistan 3:0 in the last friendly match before the start. rpl in the russian football program, which returned to our channel after the summer break, spartak midfielder roman zobnin spoke about how the players work under the leadership of the new head coach stankovic. the first thing he said it is necessary to respect each other, respect partners, respect the coach, respect the club employees, treat everyone with respect and work as hard as possible in training. he happens during training. quite restrained, sometimes emotional, depending on how we train, it happens that it can give a hint somewhere, sometimes it’s calm, sometimes it can push you, the emotional component is in
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any case needed by spartak and the team is needed in any case , because when spartak is not an easy team, we all know, ah, here you need emotions, in any case, you need a great, great desire, to work in spartak and achieve results, that’s all we’ve seen so far, he has it, of course, that’s it, and we’re following him. famous hockey player evgeny kuznetsov will return to russia from the nhl. a number of media outlets have reported this. the stanley cup winner with washington will sign a contract with st. petersburg ska for 4 years. the player's agent shumi babaev confirmed that claims were filed regarding kuznetsov, but for now we can talk about the return of the forward with one hundred percent it's too early to be confident. the thirty-two-year-old striker spent most of the last season with carolina, where. he transferred from washington, kuznetsov played 63 matches for carolina and scored 24 points. the crew of the russian kamaster team, led by dmitry
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sotnikov, became the winner of the silk road raleigh marathon in the truck category. the second position in the general classification was taken by eduard nikolaev, also from kamas-master. belarusian sergei vizovich from mass sport auto took bronze. previously, he lost a lot of time replacing the steering, but was able to stay ahead bogdan. the legend of the 24 hours of leman, roman rusinov, became first in the atv class, and also won the overall silk road classification. and finally, let’s return to football, and to women’s football, the russian and dprk national teams played a 0:0 draw in a friendly match. the meeting took place at the moskvich stadium, where my colleague alexander abramov visited. the moskvich stadium in the capital's textile workers district became home to the women's team for 3 days in mid-july. russian national team. our team has not had opponents from the top ten of the world ranking for more than 3 years years since they played a friendly match against brazil in june 1921, and
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now the opponents are north korea. do you miss games against top teams? yes, to be honest, these are completely different speeds than in the super league, and simply an unforgettable experience, due to which you grow faster. we're glad that these games exist, but here we go. for example, i managed to play in china, i managed to play now in the dprk, this is just like a litmus test. double friendly matches in moscow against north korea, for yuri krasnozhan’s team it was an ideal opportunity to test yourself against one of the strongest teams in the world. north korea is currently ranked number 10 in women's football. what can the russian national team do against the north korean national team, which is in the fifa top ten? i think it's a question of organization, a question.
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more than a thousand people gathered to support the russian women's team on monday evening, and in the stands of the moskvich stadium there was a whole delegation of fans of the north korean national team with flags, rattles and badges on their chests. this picture is familiar to sports fans. since the 1918 olympics in pyeongchang. the quality of their players is good, i think many of them play in top clubs, maybe even in some english premier league. last friday, yuri krasnozhan’s team lost to north korea with a score of 0:3. in the second match on monday they failed to score again, but they didn’t concede either. 0:0 is the very case when the result can be considered positive. unfortunately, we lost the first game. unfortunately, we didn’t win the second one either, but i think it was on our part, in the second game the football was better and more
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creative. therefore, in the second game we are happy, we didn’t manage to score, but we didn’t lose, so there is something to work on, but for us, 0:0 is, in principle, a result with a team that is among the top ten teams in the world. alexander abramov, sergey velichko, ivan paevsky and alexander strimashevsky, lead. get started on your business journey. sberbank will open an account in sberbusiness, help with accounting, legal issues and connect an online cash register, all this is free, we open the way to business, sberbusiness. lift-52 cleanses, restores and protects the liver. lif 52 - liver cleansing and restoration expert. still thinking about the perfect home? it's time to click on the house to buy an apartment
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the vacation of many russians was ruined due to forest fires, which... in the south of the country, there are several large fires at once, one of them in a unique natural area, near kaktebel, the flames have already destroyed 30 hectares of relict forest, 300 rescuers will fight the fire, they are assisted by employees of the national guard, details in the reporting unit. hundreds of square meters of forest have burned almost to the ground; more than 10 hours have passed since the fire started, but the fire cannot be extinguished.


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