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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 16, 2024 11:00am-11:31am MSK

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they are assisted by employees of the russian guard, and mi-8 helicopters are involved. our correspondent, yana shcherbaty, is monitoring the situation. hundreds of square meters of forest were almost completely burned out. more than 10 hours have passed since the fire started, but the fire cannot be extinguished . in the karadak nature reserve, it is in this place that there is a nursery of rare endemics. the flame is doused with water, but it...
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burns with renewed vigor, 30 hectares are engulfed in thick smoke and fire, the wind is strong, it’s hot, it’s hard to get here, the fire started on the steep slopes of an ancient extinct volcano, the place is called karamanovskoye, we have a local name, but they say as eyewitnesses that it caught fire because of an angle grinder, people bought a dacha, they were building something there, and because of this a fire started, it’s difficult to get here with special equipment, you have to walk , helicopters from the ministry of emergency situations and the national guard are circling in the sky above the reserve; without aviation, one of the worst fires in the history of kaktybel would have been impossible to extinguish; residents of the resort village came to the aid of the rescuers, they brought water to hard-to-reach places. my friends and i are all we came to help, this is a common problem, so we should not remain indifferent. almost 300 rescuers fought against the elements, but it was not possible to localize the fire even by late evening, due to the weather. at night , an operational headquarters worked near the reserve; the main thing was to prevent the fire.
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kedar of lebanon, two types of juniper, all of this suffered, especially the soil cover. the entrance to the reserve is now closed; foresters and ecologists have yet to calculate the damage caused by this strong fire to the unique nature. yana cherbat and andreytiev to lead. crimea. firefighters in kuban have to work in forty-degree heat, and strong winds add to the difficulties. one of the fires destroyed a significant part of the protected forest in the vicinity of khuttor-durso.
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local residents also had to flee from the fire, two people were injured, now on the second day there are still pockets of open burning in places, rescuers are spilling hot earth, the tract is a dry crack, it will take more than one year to restore the once evergreen area. due to natural fires in the kuban, a large traffic jam has accumulated near crimean bridge, according to operational data. now more than 1,300 cars are waiting to pass from taman. waiting time is about 3 hours. ambulances are on duty in the traffic jam. on the krasnodar territory side , drinking water distribution points have been set up and volunteers are working. the first congestion appeared at the beginning of the holiday season. at the beginning of july, the traffic jam stretched for 13 km. the situation has worsened due to natural fires near novorossiysk, where vacationers are now not allowed. from kerch, there is no queue in front of the security checkpoint.
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in total, over the past 24 hours , a little more than 100 forest fires were extinguished in russian regions, 276 are still being extinguished, more than 6,500 specialists are working, this is the latest data from air forest protection. the most difficult situation is still in the east of the country, with more than 70 outbreaks recorded in transbaikalia. in the amur region, the fire covered another 17 thousand hectares, in the irkutsk region - 4. forest fire units, rescuers, and volunteers are helping in the areas. in total , more than 6,500 people are employed, six dozen aircraft are spraying fire from the air and helicopters, more than 100 are monitoring around the clock. russian foreign minister sergei lavrov has arrived in new york to take part in a meeting of the un security council under russian chairmanship. it is reported that russian journalists accompanying lavrov were issued american visas with restrictions on movement. they are not allowed to travel more than 40 miles from the center of new york city. what can negatively affect
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pividro carries different types of charges, cumulative ones are designed to combat firing points and well-fortified positions, fragmentation ones are designed against mortars. drone cameras show that the gray zone resembles a lunar landscape, the ground is dotted with hundreds of craters from shell explosions. experienced drone operators quickly find camouflaged targets and destroy them. accurate uav strikes force. abandon guns and hide in dugouts. basically there is a war of drones going on now, as we fly, our guys fly, so they do. well, most likely, of course, they no longer have enough people. the enemy was completely on the defensive. we are advancing very carefully. under the cover of house bombs, fighters from the dnieper meter group of troops are advancing through territory that was recently occupied by the enemy. it works against the enemy. heavy military equipment, i am proud of my grandfathers, they fought for me, i
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i also went to defend my homeland, i was given the task of blowing up a ukrainian fortification, completed the tasks, and i blew it up, the fighters captured enemy positions, occupied a strategic point, the ssu lost the opportunity to deliver ammunition and reinforcements to neighboring sectors of the front, officers say the unit consists from professionals, almost all medical ... state and departmental awards, among them fighters with the call sign, gold and headlight, these are two siblings, both are commanders of anti-tank squads platoons, we monitor the enemy, calculate him, we work with anti-tank guns, we have been in robotino for more than a year, success has been good, in 3 months we took this rabotino, the ministry of defense unit is increasing pressure at the front, destroying enemy positions and military equipment every day. and uav calculations. our comic drones, long-range artillery and tactical
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aviation are working against the enemy. igor pikhanov, sergey keliseev, lead zaporozhye region. serial production of civilian drones is going to be launched in the khabarovsk territory. already new modifications are being tested. meanwhile, enterprises in the region have joined the charter of technological sovereignty and import substitution. will khabarovsk become a microelectronics center in the far east? anna will tell you. birds have already put on these powerful swedes, now marked for civilian purposes, to search for missing people, patrol coastal zones, monitor the fire situation in the forest and the flood situation on rivers; their manufacturers create them for such peaceful needs. wing-based drones, and they are usually quite large size, due to the fact that it is the flight formula that allows you to apply large loads, find, and be in the air. for a long time, that is, these are gliders, by and large, they take off into the air and begin
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to plan and carry out tasks at low speed, especially since quadcopters are equipped with super-high-resolution cameras, which will allow users to examine the picture from drones in the smallest detail, we collect, check immediately, so that everything works well. the flight range of civil birds is up to 200 km, therefore they go out into the fields for a test drive and before starting mass production. we test it... conditions in order to understand all the capabilities of this drone, we also test new transmission systems for both video and control signals on it, these are also systems developed by us, the enterprise becomes the center of microelectronics in the region, the management signed a charter of technological sovereignty and import substitution , initiated by the head of the region dmitry demeshin. as part of the practical implementation of the charter, we work with small businesses. average innovative enterprises that are developing and are ready in the future
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to supply their innovative high-tech products to the domestic instrument-making market. so far, all quadcopters are 55% made from domestic raw materials, but with the support of the state, manufacturers intend to reach the figure of 95%, and the circuits, mechanisms, and other components are exclusively developed by khabarovsk engineers. anna lenova, konstantin krutikov, egor goncharov. news khabarovsk. well, now the footage that we literally only received what. vladimir putin arrived in the tver region. the president arrived in a lada aura. he takes part in the opening of the so -called northern bypass of tver, the last section of the m11 neva highway.
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we watch to learn about the world, educational programs and documentaries, we watch, we watch, in the application or on the website. well, now we are returning to the tver region.
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good afternoon, dear friends, today in the samara region, here in teverskaya we are opening new sites.
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thanks to your work, professionalism in in the field of road construction , a number of large-scale projects have been implemented, including the m-11 neva highway, m-12 vostok, and the central ring road. i would also like to note that highway specialists are actively involved in the restoration of the transport infrastructure of donbass, zaporozhye and kherson regions.
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i have no doubt that with all the tasks. the final stage of construction of the m11 neva highway. with the opening of the tver bypass , continuous, seamless, traffic-light-free high-speed traffic between moscow and st. petersburg will be ensured. the time in routes from the northwestern part of the country to samara, kazan, yekaterinburg, tyumen,
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additional, more convenient routes will appear within the international transport corridor. a hundred-kilometer road bypass in the city of tolyatte was put into operation. this route will make traffic in the region more comfortable and safe. it will relieve traffic congestion on the road at platina zhigulevskaya gas. in general, it will help to fully reveal the export, logistics, industrial, and tourism
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potential of the volga region. i would like to note that during the creation of these roads, complex technical. sitoviki, managers, your work is very important. reliable roads are one of the key conditions for the dynamic growth of the entire russian economy, they... allow you to invest in the attractiveness of regions in all other areas, improve the quality of life of people, as i have already said, give a powerful impetus
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to the development of cities and towns, and contributes to the growth of domestic tourism , for example, a bypass road will allow you to more quickly and comfortably get to amazingly beautiful places in the vicinity of woldai, as well as to the ancient the city of torzhok with its unique... this is part of the implementation of our plans and international agreements on the development of eurasian road infrastructure, on the development of the russian section of the europe-western china route from st. petersburg to orenburg and saragachin with access to kazakhstan and further to the people's republic of china, among others , on... complex system tasks, the further development of transport corridors russia and north-south, and most importantly, the creation of a modern road network throughout the country, in all
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regions, in cities, towns, and rural areas terrain. i wish you and your work teams, our builders, road workers, new, great achievements, everything, all the very best to you, all your loved ones, thank you for your work. dear vladimir vladimirovich, dear colleagues, thanks to your systemic support and development of the road industry, we have achieved stable results year after year, and today’s facilities are proof of this. over the past years, vladimirovich, we have completed a project for a safe and high-quality road ahead of the regional network, already in we completed it last year, and this year we will certainly complete the road construction project. the regulatory state in the agglomerations has now smoothly integrated this project into the infrastructure for life, so that within populated areas, roads connecting roads, housing and jobs, are all in
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one project, we have practically completed this work and are ready to present it to you in the near future, these are our current facilities, they are the most important part of our international corridors, this is the north-south, as you called it, this is the russian corridor from st. petersburg to... the east, this is europe-western china, so in general there is a connection with the entire backbone network, and today i can say that more than 50% of the population of our country lives on these corridors, that is, this is not only international cargo , this is, first of all , the development of our country, our settlements, and if we talk about the bypass, for example, of tver, then it is included in all three transport corridors, it is the most important part of the development of these transport corridors, according to your... instructions vladimirevich, here nowadays tourism is developing very rapidly, this route, despite the fact that we finished the bypass today, we are planning a whole series of exits on your instructions, both inside tver,
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the approach to valdai, and several more exits that will lead to an increase in tourism. if we talk about the talati bypass, then this is the most important section of europe, western china. in the fourteenth year, the sco countries signed an agreement on this corridor, it is 9.00 km, of which 2.0. 400 passes through the territory of the russian federation. as of today, with the launch of this project, 67% of this road today already has four or more lanes. that there is this expressway. and my colleagues and i, with the kazakhs, agreed that we would integrate our plans. they reached kozyl horde. we move further from samara towards orenburg towards the border, ultimately from the yellow sea of ​​the city of liangan to st. petersburg 9.200. a full-fledged high-speed road should appear, and today’s bypass is the most important part of this project, not to mention the fact that there
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are 3 million residents around togliatti today, this is housing construction, this is the development of industry, this is the development of tourism, what you said has of great importance for the entire volga region, today we are finishing this section, i want to say that we worked very together, everyone is here, both the builders and the highway company, which... finished a year earlier for its anniversary, why were we able to achieve such results, because, despite all the difficulties, you always supported finances, we always had money for ongoing construction, for advanced construction, so i want to say a huge thank you to you, i want to say a huge thank you to the whole team, governors, here is the new leader today, the acting fedorichev has been involved from the first day, with igor mikhailovich, we have been working on these projects since the first day, thanks to this we have succeeded... advanced, advanced input, i want to say a huge thank you to everyone, the entire avtodor team for that excellent work, i hope that all the tasks you set
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will be completed, thank you. thank you, dear vladimir vladimirovich, dear moratsinovich, vyacheslav petrovich, igor olegovich, today is a very important event for our region, i think for the entire central in russia we are already opening full-fledged traffic along the m11 highway, this is a logistics corridor that unites not only two capitals, but has also formed new directions for high-speed, confident automobile traffic for... cities such as yaroslavl, vologda, arkhangelsk - these are all northern cities, northern the capital of our central russia, and if we talk about tourism, then these are our new opportunities for central russia, it is important that today this is also a new number of jobs that have been created for our residents, this is about 17 thousand jobs, these are new enterprises, these are new investment projects, all this today in combination with the work that you...
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gave us the opportunity to implement opens up new prospects, just the other day the construction of a high-speed railway began, this also with the tver station with the intersection with the m11 highway, new logistics opportunities, this is gasification, which, on your instructions , is happening today throughout central russia, and we, together with this highway, which is opening today, for our residents we are opening up new opportunities for a new quality of life together with housing construction, marach shakzanovich constantly monitors this. process, and speaking today about the future, we can confidently look into the prospects for the development of our regions of central russia, because a modern logistics network, a modern means of communication have been formed, and of course our youth, i will confidently answer us with both demography and new labor exploits, therefore mladimirovich, thank you very much that in the nineteenth year, at the end of the year supported our proposal, and despite all the difficulties, today we are present at
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this very... important solemn event, many thanks from all our tver people for such a decision, for such work and the government, which you, so to speak, constantly support, to all workers who built this wonderful highway, thank you, dear vladimirovich, from the avtodor team, from all the builders, thank you very much for appreciating our work, we perceive all your instructions, the government of the russian federation, as... the law, neither we haven’t missed one project, we always deliver ahead of schedule, today, being here, i can say that this is such a golden junction, uh, in the framework of highways, north-south, west, east, just think about it, 1,520 km from st. st. petersburg through moscow to kazan, without a single traffic light, with lighting, with separation of flows, at a speed of no less
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than... today we can travel 130 km, in addition to everything else, the north-south corridor, again from st. petersburg, through moscow to krasnodar is 2,200 km, also without a single traffic light with with all the equipment that time requires today. over the course of 15 years, we have built almost 3.00 km of roads of the first technical category, which connect the country’s economy . people today have the opportunity to safely travel along our highways to any points located on these on our roads, and you know, we have developed for ourselves some kind of law that we not only build roads, but on your instructions we build an infrastructure service, that’s all there are already almost 300 high-mast towers for cellular communications in the corridor, 34 along... not
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not only to travel safely, but also to receive the services that people require today. you have already noted, i can say that i am deeply grateful to all the builders, because in the past 2 years we have restored 1,700 km in the new constituent entities of the russian federation, and by the end of the year there will be more. 42 artificial structures, in the twenty-second year more than 800 km of fortifications were built, these are numbers and events, i’m only talking about the fact that the team of builders and designers are ready for new solutions, there is a powerful fist that allows you to solve all your problems, our problems, your instructions.


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