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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 16, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm MSK

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vladimir putin came by car to the opening of the new and final section of the neva highway from moscow to st. petersburg, as the travel time will now be reduced. sergei lavrov begins the official program in new york. this month russia is the chairman of the sov without the un. we'll tell you what topics will be the main ones on the agenda. the chief of the general staff in the special operation zone, valery gerasimov, visited the command post of the vostok group. they showed him, among other things. samples
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of combat robotic systems. more than 30 hectares of relict forest burned in crimea. in aviation, the russian national guard and volunteers are also involved in the firefighting effort. about how the fight against fire is going on under kokttybel in the report of our correspondent. the journey from moscow to st. petersburg by car has become almost an hour faster. the new m11 neva expressway has been completely completed; today its last section, bypassing tver, was opened. the president personally took part in the ceremony. vladimir putin arrived at the place driving the new lada aura. by the way, this is the fifth model of the avtovas concern, which he personally tested. and today, by via video link, the head of state started traffic on another highway in the samara region. varvara nevskaya will tell you what will change for motorists now.
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northern bypass of the tver m11 highway and bypass of the city of taglyati, new opened sections, the most important roads in russia. vladimir putin arrived here at the largest facility of the northern bypass, the bridge over the volga river, driving the new lada aura, which was presented in june of this year at the st. petersburg economic forum. the presidential campaign was compiled by vasily vasiliev, deputy head production department spm1 moscow. petersburg, which took a direct part in the development and construction of the most important infrastructure facility. it was difficult to build, but it was possible to implement. why is it hard? well, it’s difficult in terms of the fact that the deadlines have changed, let’s say, taking into account the new directive deadlines, the project had to be completed exactly a year earlier. what have we achieved in principle? at the ceremony
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, the russian leader noted the opening of new sections of roads - another step in strengthening transport and economic connectivity regions, as well as in the development of efficient logistics and a safe road network, and of course, in the formation of promising international transport corridors, and most importantly - improving the quality of life of people, today the teverist is here.
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travel time from the northwestern part of the country to samara, kazan, yekaterinburg, tyumen, additional, more convenient routes will appear within the international north-south transport corridor, which means travel between major economic, cultural, historical centers of our country will become faster, here we are now with yours colleagues were talking, i had somewhere in the references that it would be 30 minutes faster. the road will be faster between moscow and st. petersburg, but he says for an hour , somewhere around 50 minutes, but this is already noticeable. seamless corridor from st. petersburg to kazan: 1520 km along comfortable high-speed roads without a single traffic light or intersection at a speed of 110 to 130 km/h. new city bypasses are one of the priority tasks of the russian construction complex. bypassing the city of tolyati and another new road length. about 100 km, part
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federal highway m5 ural, will reduce one-way travel time by almost 2 hours, today we are putting into operation a hundred-kilometer one... in general, it will help to more fully reveal the export logistics, industrial, and tourism potential of the volga region. i would like to note that during the creation of these roads, complex technical structures were erected, including two built across the volga.
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the most important part of our international corridors is the north-south, as you called it, this is the russia corridor from st. petersburg to vladivostok, this is europe-western china, so in general, a connection with the entire backbone network, and today i can say that more than 50% of the population of our country lives on these corridors, that is, this is not only international cargo, it is primarily the development of our country, our settlements, and if we say here's the bypass. for example, tver, it is included in all three transport corridors, it is the most important part of the development of these transport corridors, we worked very together, everyone is here, both builders and the avtodor company, which finished a year earlier for its anniversary, why were we able to achieve
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such results, because despite all the difficulties you have always supported finances, we have always had money, as vladimir putin said, new facilities will give a powerful impetus to the development of cities and towns, and will also contribute to growth. domestic tourism, so the bypass road will allow you to quickly get to amazingly beautiful places in the vicinity of valdai, as well as to the ancient city of torzhok with all its unique monuments; bypassing tolyati will simplify the trip to the samarskaya luka national park and the zhigulevsky nature reserve. in at the end of the opening ceremony, the president launched the movement at new facilities in the tver and samara regions. decide to open traffic? i give permission, let's go!
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after the opening ceremony of new transport facilities, vladimir putin held a meeting with the governor of the tver region, igor rudenya. we actively participate in the formation of contract soldiers. there are a lot of people who would like to participate. we see that this is a very responsible job and we have raised the lump sum payment together with the ministry of defense from july 10, we are already paying those who wants to conclude a contract for more than 1 million rubles. temporary payment when a person enters into a contract, thank you for this work on families, on the families of our guys who are fighting, we also need to work constantly, provide them with full support, we are working on it, even if we talk about the gasification program, we made additional payments for seven participants in a special military operation and also
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did something for families with many children, we even made an additional line for vocational education, these are children who take part in the registration military operation, we started with medicine, by the way, we ourselves pay an increased stipend, ourselves... chief of the general staff valery gerasimov visited the command post of the group of russian troops vostok in the special operation zone. he was informed about the actions of the units and the stages of performing combat missions, and was also shown samples of combat robotic systems. our military successfully uses them , including when storming enemy fortifications. the chief of the general staff noted the successes. groups during the recent liberation of a village urozhaynoe thanked the military for their courage and bravery, and presented state awards to the distinguished soldiers. the fight against fire continues in crimea; a fire near kokttybel broke out the day before and has already destroyed more than 30
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hectares of relict forest. in the morning , a second helicopter was involved in the fire extinguishing effort. on the ground, firefighters are assisted by the national guard of the simferopol regiment and volunteers. our correspondent is monitoring the situation. we are in the place where the fire started in the karadak nature reserve and here all the earth is burned out, it is black, there is a lot of ashes; in fact, nothing remains of the once quite picturesque grove. at the same time, the conditions for extinguishing are very difficult, the weather conditions are very difficult now on the peninsula, the fact is that the temperature is 7° above the climate norm, and the thermometers are now approaching +40°, this heat, together with the dry, very dry air and at the same time a strong wind, of course, make it very difficult for rescuers to extinguish this fire, unprecedented for kaktybel, all this, all these factors together, led to the fact that the fire literally spread down the slope from here with lightning speed. climbed up and went towards the mountains into the forest of the karadak reserve. for
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the second day now, rescuers, together with members of the national guard and military personnel of the ministry of defense, have been trying to put out this truly unprecedented fire for koktabel. the fire was localized to an area of ​​40 hectares. four combat areas continue to operate together, and russian emergency situations ministry aviation continues to drop water on the most flammable areas of the area. in total , more than 75 water releases were carried out. continues on the spot. work unit the ministry of defense and the national guard, volunteer organizations have been involved, there is no threat to populated areas, in total, to put out the fire, there are more than 280 people and more than 40 pieces of equipment for the group. local residents came to the aid of the specialists; the fact is that it is not only the weather that complicates the work, not only the weather that makes it difficult to extinguish this strong fire, but the terrain itself. the fact is that the place where the forest is burning in the korodaksky reserve is quite high in the mountains, a very inaccessible place, and getting there even for a specialized one. it’s almost impossible, you have to go on foot or on motorcycles, as the locals do, they help, take rescuers
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up there and also deliver water to them. well, of course, it would be almost impossible to extinguish such a fire without the participation of aviation; in total, during this day , three helicopters worked in the sky over the karodak reserve, two of them from the ministry of emergency situations, one from the russian guard, they non-stop cruised between the place of the fire and the black sea, which are completely here helped nearby, participated in extinguishing this fire. now there are threats. more than that, except that they don’t grow anywhere here, but the reserve’s specialists say that
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it can take up to 10 years to restore the soil and restore the forest. yana shcherbaty, andrey terentsev, news, crimea. near novorossiysk , an open fire was eliminated on the territory of the obraovsky reserve. the fire started on sunday and quickly spread towards the durso farm. two people were injured, 600 had to be evacuated, recreation centers were partially burned, and more than 60 buildings were damaged. the causes of the fire now investigators are looking into it and the human factor remains the priority version. the newest ship was laid down in st. petersburg; it is designed to combat sea mines. the minesweeper will bear the name of the hero of the soviet union, victor korner, a participant in the great patriotic war. the ships of this project are highly maneuverable and their capabilities are in many ways superior to their foreign counterparts. our correspondent dmitry attended the ceremony. behind me you can see the foundation section of the new
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ship, on which they installed today such a sign on which the base minesweeper victor korner is written, but in fact this is a very important, very symbolic moment for any shipbuilder, because in fact today the construction of a new ship began, this is the laying section - this is already part of this new ship, by the way, pay attention , it is not metal, we can... knock on it, such a very characteristic sound, it is a composite material, fiberglass, mine fuses are not magnetic to it, which makes ships of this series indispensable in combat working at sea, they can lay entire passages, entire corridors in minefields, in addition, look for individual drifting mines, the most important thing about this ship is that, by and large , it has great modernization potential. so i think that anti-mine weapons and mine weapons that are on board are not the last resort weapons that can be
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placed on it. everything that concerns the ship’s controllability, speed, maneuverability, and this is decisive for a minesweeper, of course, it’s great that they created just such a ship. here's the ship we are equipped, among other things, with an uncrewed boat, which can, in parallel with the main carrier, carry out its intended tasks. it is worth saying that here at the sredneftsky shipyard, and ships of this series have been building for more than 10 years, they have proven themselves in all fleets in... in our seas, the sredneftsky shipyard itself has now undergone active modernization, and now they can produce two of these minesweepers per year. today we have completed the modernization associated with the 12700 project, but we will just modernize the plant now and use other technologies, this is standing now, going down, this will be going down, we will be going down in 3 weeks, we have
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four more in the works, it will be like this all the time, four are in the works, one is going down, well, actually th...
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investment projects in the north caucasus federal district should provide more than 87,000 jobs in the coming years, stated mikhail mishustin, today he is on a working trip to chechnya, where the prime minister visited the caucasian investment forum exhibition, which these days is taking place in grozny. the exhibition presents the achievements of the capabilities of the regions of the district, as well as a stand. chechnya mishut inspected the model of the grozny airport, its construction is scheduled for completion in 2026. in addition, the premiere showed presentations at the stands of adygea, abkhazia and south ossetia. mishustin was told about development projects in the field of tourism, industry, agriculture and transport, and after that the head of the cabinet of ministers held a meeting on the socio-economic development of the north caucasus district. new landmarks
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which were designated by the head here in the north caucasus. meaningful. here are the so-called breakthrough investment projects for the implementation of which we focused on as a growth driver 3 years ago, there are 35 in total in priority areas, such as industry, the agricultural sector, housing and communal services, transport, tourism. according to the analytical center, as of the first quarter of this year, they have already brought the district almost 330 billion rubles. budget funds about 20,500 new jobs, well, by the end of 2030 they should provide employment for more than 87,000 specialists. the kremlin urged to wait for the results of the us presidential election before discussing whether donald trump could
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become a mediator in negotiations with ukraine. now official kiev, with an eye on washington, still opposes it. and the like, this is the reality with which we deal. important tasks in the special operation zone are carried out by drones. drones are used by almost all units. they not only help control the situation from the air and carry out strikes, but also deliver fighters fuel, water and food. about the work of russian drones in the zaporozhye region, see the report by igor pikhanov.
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members of an anti-tank platoon are preparing drones to be sent to the front line. mikaze, in this mission as a drone operator helps assault teams neutralize enemy positions. each one in the pivedro carries different types of charges, cumulative charges are designed to combat firing points and well -fortified positions, fragmentation charges are designed against mortars. drone cameras show that the gray area resembles a lunar landscape, the earth covered with hundreds of craters from shell explosions. experienced drone operators quickly find camouflaged targets and destroy them. like uav strikes force the enemy to abandon their guns and hide in dugouts. basically there is a drone war going on right now. as we fly, our guys fly, so do they. well , most likely, of course, they no longer have enough people, the enemy has settled down completely into active defense, we are advancing very carefully, under the cover of smoke bombs, the fighters of
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the dnieper troop grouping unit are advancing meter by meter through the territory that is still was recently occupied by the enemy, heavy military equipment is working on the enemy. i am proud of my grandfathers, they fought for me, i also went to defend my homeland, i was given the task of blowing up. ukrainian fortification, completed the task, i blew it up. the fighters captured enemy positions, occupied a strategic point, and the ukrainian armed forces lost the opportunity to deliver ammunition and reinforcements to neighboring sectors of the front. officers say the unit consists of professionals, almost all of them have state and departmental awards, from their number is fighters with the call signs gold and headlight. these are two siblings, both are commanders of anti-tank platoon squads. we are watching the enemy, identifying him, working with anti-tank guns, we have been working for more than a year, the success was good,
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in 3 months we took this work. units of the ministry of defense are increasing pressure at the front, destroying enemy positions, military equipment and crews every day. our komikata drones, long-range artillery and tactical aviation are working against the enemy. igor pikhanov, sergey teliseev, to lead zaporizhzhya. customs officers seized 800 kg of the narcotic drug nmethyl ephedrone, as well as substances for its manufacture, from illegal circulation. the cost of the shipment on the black market is about 2 billion rubles. a car with illegal cargo was traveling from central asia to one of the logistics centers in moscow; among clothes, household chemicals and office equipment, customs officers discovered a large batch of white powder. according to the expert's conclusion, this substance is the narcotic drug enmethyllophidrone and its precursors. according to this in fact, a criminal case was initiated under part 4
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of article 2291 of the criminal code, smuggling of narcotic drugs on an especially large scale. the maximum penalty for this crime is imprisonment up to life. in eastern india, in the state of assam , more than 90 people died due to the strong one. floods. after prolonged downpours , the brahmaputra river overflowed its banks. 2 million people were left homeless. local authorities are evacuating and transporting victims to temporary camps. the military has been sent to the disaster zone. in the area of ​​the turkish city forest fires started in izmir in the east of the country. at least three people died. aircraft and special equipment are involved in extinguishing the fire, but firefighters have not yet been able to stop the progress of the fire. it gets in the way. strong winds , hot, dry weather prevailing in the region, regional disasters are engulfed in smoke, due to which several flights from the local airport had to be delayed. american president
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joe biden says he has no plans to withdraw from the presidential race. in an interview with nbc, he said he has no doubt that he can win the next elections. according to biden, his advanced age does not prevent him from working. there's this idea that i'm an old guy, and i am, i'm old, but firstly, i'm only 3 years older than trump, and secondly, i'm damn sharp, in 3 and a half years i've managed to do more than anyone president for a long, long time, i'm already on the horse, where you were, i participated in twenty-two major events, met thousands of people, huge crowds, a lot of things happened, i'm on the horse, i go out and demonstrate to the american people that i i own all my...
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freezes during public events, falls or the country behaves, are repeated more and more often, this has already led to a decrease in biden's rating, and also to the fact that even in the democratic party many recommend that the president stop the election campaign. well, now let's return to the first topic of this issue. vladimir putin took part in the opening of the last section of the m11 moscow-st. petersburg highway, as well as the bypass of the city of talyati. new routes will significantly increase the speed of travel. read more about them dmitry morocco will talk about the importance for economic development. the road between moscow and st. petersburg will become faster by at least half an hour with the opening of the northern bypass of tver.
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this is the final stage of construction of the m-11 highway. now the two capitals are connected by seamless high-speed traffic, no more traffic lights, exits or intersections, which means that passengers and cargo will now move even faster. such roads are one of the main drivers for economic growth throughout the country, the president said during the opening of a new section of the highway. reliable roads are one of the key conditions for the dynamic growth of the entire russian economy; they make it possible to invest in the attractiveness of regions in all other areas, improve the quality of life of people, as i have already mentioned, give a powerful impetus to the development of cities and towns, and contribute to the growth of domestic tourism. construction of the route bypassing tver started in the spring of twenty-two, the work was completed a year ahead of schedule. during the peak period , more than 1,300 people worked on the project around the clock people and about a thousand pieces of equipment. yes,
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the total length of the four-lane highway is 62.5 km, it includes four interchanges, six bridges and two modern recreation areas. also today, the taglyatti bypass was launched, an expressway with a length of almost 100 km, including a new bridge across the volga. the route should halve the travel time from moscow to samara, reduce the transport load on the zhigulevskaya gas track and accelerate the economic development of the samarsko and taglyatin enterprises. this route will make car traffic in the region more comfortable and safe, relieve traffic congestion on the road at platinum zhigulevskaya gas, and in general will help to more fully reveal the export, logistics, industrial, and tourism potential of the volga region. both routes opened today are part of strategic transport corridors. the tver bypass is part of the russia high-speed route, from st. petersburg to
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vladivostok. landmark project in the modern history of the country, it will combine more than 12 thousand km of new and reconstructed roads, the task of extending the route to yekaterinburg will be solved this year to tyumen in 2025. thanks to the megaproject, more than 110,000 jobs will be created, the total effect for the bvp will be over 3.5 trillion rubles. it is expected that , including due to the reduction in logistics costs, road freight traffic in the country will increase to 23 million by the thirtieth year. in turn, the talati bypass will become part of the europe-western china transport corridor. here we get a huge synergistic effect from both international transport and speed of movement of cargo, goods and passengers. we see the active development of roads; our growth in roads averages 18%. people use the roads very actively; all routes are in demand. the international transit corridor europe, western china is a unique project. the length of the road
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will be 8,500 km, of which more than 2.0 will pass through the territory of russia. according to experts, the volume of cargo transportation in this direction will increase significantly in the coming years and will amount to about 150 million tons per year. it is clear to everyone that russia is not a country of gas stations, to bring russian digital solutions to new heights, there are prospects, even more brutal, yes, ours are more brutal, there will be more than exactly what digital helps, you are incomparably original in your questions, and what about production, raw materials, exports in general, what is
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our product like? .


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