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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 16, 2024 3:30pm-4:01pm MSK

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we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story. now the economic news is short: europe in the first half of the year increased purchases of russian pipeline gas by a quarter, thanks to this result, the total volume of imports to the eu reached 80 billion cubic meters, although in june purchases from... these statistics are provided by
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the forum of gas exporting countries. as for lng, supplies to the eu have been minimal since october 2021. in june they decreased by 20% to 7.5 million tons. the largest suppliers of liquefied gas are the united states, australia and qatar. russia is in fourth place. most russian exporters implement the mechanism for selling foreign currency earnings. 70% of its volume is returned in national currencies. this was stated by the head of rosfinitoring yuri chikhanchin. the sale of foreign currency earnings is necessary to stabilize the ruble exchange rate. at the end of last week, the government relaxed the requirements for exporters in terms of sales volumes; now they are required to return not 60, but 40% of income. at the end of the quarter, retailer x5 group increased its revenue by a quarter, it exceeded 960 billion rubles - said in the company's report. the largest contribution was made by pyaterochka, the network’s income exceeded 730. another 106 billion was brought in by
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perekrestok and 56 chizheks. over the year , x5's retail space increased by 10%. now it is more than 10.5 million square m2. and airbus raised its forecast for global aircraft demand. in the next 20 years, the world will need more than 42 thousand airliners, the corporation reported. by 2044, the total number of aircraft will double. india and china will be the engines of growth. half of all new aircraft will be supplied to replace older, less populated countries in the world, while being almost energy efficient. it was economic news, briefly. you don't decide exactly how you meet your first love. you don't decide where you make lifelong friends. you don't decide
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which option you get, but only you decide what your future will be like. enroll wherever you want and don’t worry about tuition payments with a matzber loan education program with state support. calculate payments right now world blockbusters on the yandex market, what were you waiting for, maybe a smartphone techna pv6 neo with 19% discount. fairytale chicken is needed for sweet dreams, rubber chicken for distracting maneuvers, the most tender chicken for burgers at a delicious point, new kari sauce in chicken premium and chicken hitkari, try it at a delicious point. our new name is tebank, where we can still turn dance into a world heritage. sports - an invincible
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machine, let's go, go into space and send mom a star from the sky. to be the best for your own people, and not for everyone in the world, to turn department into applications, knowledge into vocation, technology into live communication, dream work, traditions and innovations, only here you can change your name without changing yourself. be yourself in a country where the sun never sets. t-bank. he's the only one. pain, spasm. take ebuprofen renival. it reduces pain. take dertavirin renival. helps with abdominal cramps. we trust renival. we choose
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renival. looking for the stay of your future dreams? and the saga is easy to extend online. and get cashback for being careful. hello, my name is cashboy, i help you buy with maximum benefit at the megamarket, for example, a makita network hammer drill with a 42% cashback. only in alfabank, spin the reel in the application. and you get super cashback up to 100% every month, and up to 30% in categories is guaranteed. if you don't have a card, order a free alpha debit card. not just profitable, alpha
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profitable. pairs of chicken premiere chicken hit with new kari sauce at a competitive price. start your business journey with sber support. in sber business. they will open an account, help with accounting, legal issues and connect an online cash register, all this is free, we are opening the way to business, savings business, these are the ivanovs, the average russian family, in a year they throw away 664 plastic bottles, and if you sort the waste, this could result in 21 backpacks for your son or 11 sneakers for your daughter. 73 t-shirts for dad or 70 dresses for mom. sort your waste and give things a new life. in madrid, at
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the santiago barnabe stadium , a presentation of the star newcomer of the real madrid club, frenchman kylian mbappe, took place. at the royal's home stadium. the dream of making it come true means a lot to me much. i am grateful to the real madrid fans for their love and support over the years. i am proud that i was able to realize my dream and become part of the best club in the history of football. now i have a new dream. i am ready to devote my life to this club in order to continue its great history with dignity.
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next, a special report by maria kudryavtseva. infrastructure projects in the regions, how they improve the quality of life and where to raise money for construction engineer. network and social objects, look right now, convenient, opened here, new, first of all, the teacher, the teachers are generally wonderful , wonderful, yes, do you like it? there has never been such a kindergarten in kursk, three floors with an elevator, in addition to the usual halls for musical sports classes, there are also studios where children can create cartoons themselves and stage performances, but in this weather, of course, open areas are in demand, they are here 14 at once with canopies, plus two large ones
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for celebrations, this modern kindergarten is ready to accept almost 300 kids, this is a developing new area, a lot young families, so they were very... i'm glad the parents that such a large fourteen-group kindergarten was built, they gladly brought their children here, even from other kindergartens where they took them. over the past few years , more than 2,000 km of housing have grown in the new microdistrict of kursk, this became possible thanks to the fact that the russian federation was involved in the turnover and leased the land to the developer in 2019 for the comprehensive development of the territory, that is, the construction of housing with infrastructure and a kindergarten here ...
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but the pace of housing is such that we cannot keep up, therefore the government of the russian federation, several years ago, adopted an infrastructure menu program, including one that includes infrastructure bonds, and accordingly a decision was made in the kursk region.
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renewal and expansion of the public transport fleet, when a developer implements
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a large-scale project for the development of new territories, he has the need to provide this entire territory with infrastructure, while, as we know, the infrastructure itself does not bring some kind of income, therefore, in order to implement such large-scale projects, he needs to obtain long-term and preferential financing, infrastructure bonds are such a unique source of long-term preferential money, it is not surprising that the demand for such financing... is very high now the house of the russian federation is considering projects totaling 600 billion rubles. and in the spring, at the rsp congress, business turned to vladimir putin with a proposal to increase the volume of infrastructure bonds to 1 trillion. existing program the infrastructure bond has been increased to 200 billion, which allows about 600 billion to finance projects at reduced rates. we looked at the projects that are in the portfolio today and we believe that this is a very convenient tool.
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were on the verge of profitability and were not
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without preferential financing; these projects were of interest to neither developers nor banks; it was the combination of project financing with infrastructure bonds, with cheap infrastructure funds, that made it possible to create economic incentives for their implementation. another option for scaling the infrastructure bond mechanism. preferential leasing of municipal equipment, which will help make the urban environment more comfortable and at the same time go beyond the housing sphere. the program has already been developed by domrf specialists together with the ministry of trade and trade. after approval, the volume of financing may reach 50 billion rubles, this will allow updating approximately 600 units of special equipment and, judging by data from leasing companies, demand will only grow. market of municipal equipment based on the results of the twenty-third year amounted to more than 500 units. it is important to note that most regions are interested in modernizing the fleet; we expect that until
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the twenty-sixth year the market will grow by an average of 5-7%. creation in the next 10 years. modern infrastructure will require about 30 trillion rubles, while expenditures for such purposes are projected at only 18-20 trillion, which means that it is necessary to find more funds to solve this large-scale task, and the infrastructure bond mechanism will help attract more private companies to large projects investment. as a result, up to 400 thousand new jobs will appear, and the quality of life will increase for approximately 80 million people across the country. the delicious calendar returns to delicious locations, we give 100% cashback every friday when paying with alfabank cards. world blockbusters on yandex market. what were you waiting for? maybe the realme c51 smartphone
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is 46% off. hey, in mvidio eldorado, nakshiba. for only 18,500 rubles when purchased as a set. start your business journey with sber support. they will open an account at sber business and help with accounting, legal issues and connect an online cash register. and all this is free. we open the way to business. sberbbusiness. will our money fly away too? yours are safe. and here, in any of 185 countries. uniform conditions for roaming with beeline in almost all countries of the world. beline is the safest operator. my back gets tired on my feet all day. because of my work , i lead a sedentary lifestyle. sports on a daily basis, but how to protect your joints? thanks to its special triple helix collagen, artneo helps support
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return of a legend, mastery. macroflex. chicken premiere chicken pairs with new kari sauce at a great price. you don't decide exactly how you meet your first love. you don't decide where you make lifelong friends. you don't decide which option you get. but only you decide what your future will be. do whatever you want and don’t worry. about tuition payments with an educational loan from sber with state support, calculate payments right now one of my friends has the fastest mobile internet. cool video. how high is the speed anyway? you haven’t connected this yet with 5g, although you better not need it. megaphone number one in terms of speed coverage. hello, my name is cashboy.
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i help you buy with maximum profit at the megamarket. for example, vertical. tyson vacuum cleaner with 30% cashback. business needs acceleration? exactly! open a current account at and transfer money to any bank instantly. vtb. we help with action. the government has set the cost of living for next year. how it will affect what, we will tell you about this in 5 minutes in the program instructions. this year and last year , the cost of living was directly prescribed in the law on the federal budget, but in 2025 and beyond it will be calculated based on the median income in the country. these rules. have already been applied to them in the past decided to return when it comes to assessing the cost of living based on the median income, and there is one advantage
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related to the fact that the dynamics of real incomes of the population are taken into account, depending on how they change due to rising wages, for example, yes and social growth. payments made by the state, if such dynamics go above the level of inflation, then the assessment of subsistence exchange at the level of median income allows it, so to speak, to increase its real content. median income - this is the amount that half of russians earn more than, and the other half less. according to rosstat, the median income in the twenty-third year was. at a level just above 40,000 rubles per month, the average per capita cost of living is approximately 44% of this amount, but the main figures are not the average
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per capita minimum, but the levels for different groups of the population. so for able-bodied citizens the minimum is 109% of the average per capita, for children - 97%, and for pensioners - 86. as a result, the living wage compared to in the twenty-fourth year it increased by 2-2. thousand rubles per month. the increase will allow us to help more people. it is the cost of living that they look at when deciding whether a person needs additional financial support? the amount of benefits, scholarships and other social payments is tied to it, that is , the amount of contributions to needy families with children, pensioners and pregnant women increases. in addition to the federal one , the regional cost of living is also established; it can be equal to or exceed the federal one. in our country, traditionally, the minimum is simply the highest - this is in the regions of the far north and the far east, due to the fact that
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the cost of living is high there, accordingly, there are regional, so-called coefficients for the payment of wages and accrual of social benefits, including pensions, and this naturally, this also affects median incomes, and... the ratio of the level of subsistence level to it. if there is a child growing up in your family, and the family income per person does not exceed the regional subsistence level, the property meets the criteria of need, you can receive a single benefit, it will be 50, 75 or 100% of the regional subsistence level for children. if your income is less than the subsistence level, then you can enter into a social security agreement with the state. a contract, it allows you to receive funds for the development of your business, personal subsidiary plot, or for training in a new profession. you can learn how to submit documents for a social contract from
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another issue of our program. the amount of money also depends on the cost of living which cannot be withheld when writing off debts, for example, alimony or loans. in any case, the minimum income must remain. if this rule is violated, you can write a statement to the federal service. debtor, wages, pensions and other income. applying to more than one bank is a violation of the legislation on enforcement proceedings, for which
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liability is provided in the form of an administrative fine of up to 2,500 rubles. on citizens. so, let's repeat the main thing: the government has returned to calculating the cost of living based on the level of median income in the country. from january 1 , the minimum will increase by 2-2,500 rubles per month. its size affects... if you have any questions, if you want to know more about existing benefits, write to us on telegram, we will collect your questions, send them to experts, and tell you everything in the next issues of our instructions. have you ever thought about what would happen to us if we didn't have bread? this world is the most sacred thing a person has, something that is in every family. bread created our civilization, contributed to our evolution, technical revolution. this is both
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the future of humanity and the history of humanity. this is a universal language. over the past 2.0 years, bread has shaped our attitude towards life. this is the power of our country, its strength and power. every day i take a piece of black bread and i always rejoice in life. when confronted with bread, a person is literally transformed. this is what our distant ancestors thought. we really hope that you think so too.
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driving a lada aura, new products from the avtovas concern, vladimir putin came to the opening the new and final section of the neva highway from moscow to st. petersburg. how can travel time be reduced now? sergei lavrov begins the official program in new york, this month russia will chair the un security council, we will tell you what topics will be the main ones on the agenda. the chief of the general staff in the special operation zone, valery gerasimov, visited the command post of the vostok group. he was shown, among other things, samples of combat robotic systems. hectares
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of relict forest burned in crimea; aviation and the national guard were also involved in the extinguishing and volunteers, about how the fight against fire is going on near kokttybel in our correspondent’s report: hours of waiting and a kilometer-long traffic jam, what caused the congestion on the crimean bridge? about this in the live broadcast of our correspondent on the spot. the way from moscow. getting to st. petersburg by car is almost an hour faster. the new m11 neva highway has been fully completed. today we opened its last section, bypassing tver. the president personally took part in the ceremony. vladimir putin arrived at the place driving a new lada aura. by the way, this is already the fifth model of the avtoas concern, which he tested personally. and today, via video link, the head of state gave the start.


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