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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 16, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm MSK

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driving the lada aura, new products from the avtovas concern. vladimir putin came to the opening of the new and final section of the neva highway from moscow to st. petersburg. how can you reduce your travel time now? sergei lavrov begins the official program in new york. this month russia is chairing the un security council. what topics will be on the agenda? we are expecting a live broadcast soon. chief of the general staff in the special operation zone.
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released the command post of the vostok group, he was shown, among other things, samples of combat robotic systems. over 30 hectares of relict forest burned in crimea; aviation, the russian national guard and volunteers were involved in the extinguishing efforts. about how the fight against fire is going on under kokttybel in the report of our correspondent. reliable roads are one of the key conditions for the growth of the entire russian economy, said vladimir putin. the president personally took part in the landmark event of the opening ceremony of the northern bypass of tver. this is the last section of the m11 neva highway from moscow to st. petersburg. vladimir putin arrived at the ceremony site at black lada aura car. this time he got behind the wheel himself. and let me remind you that the idea of ​​creation. the president
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supported the important highway back in 2003, that is, more than 20 years ago. now the total length of the road is 669 km, because transport and logistics are always important, today here in tver , almost a year ahead of schedule, we are putting into operation one of the highway facilities, a modern sixty-kilometer highway bypassing the city. this is, in fact, the final, final stage of construction of the m-11 neva highway. with the opening of the tver bypass continuous, seamless, traffic-light-free high-speed traffic between moscow and st. petersburg will be ensured. travel time from the northwestern part of the country to samara, kazan, yekaterinburg, tyumen will be reduced, and additional, more convenient routes will appear within the framework.
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un security council. saudi arabia, serbia, syrian arab republic, thailand, timor leste, turkey, uganda, philippines, chile, ethiopia and south africa. the decision is made. based on rule 39 of the provisional rules of procedure of the council, i invite you to participate in this meeting head of the european union delegation to the united nations, his excellency mr.
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about the causes and fail to restore faith in our ability to come together for the common good of justice for all. let's be honest, not all of the states represented in this room are. recognize the key principle of the un charter: the sovereign equality of all states. the united states has long declared through the mouths of its presidents its own exceptionalism. this concerns washington's relations with its allies, from which demand unquestioning obedience, even to the detriment of their national interests. rule america. this is the essence of the notorious order, based on the rules of a direct threat to multilateralism and international peace. the most important components of international law - the un charter and the decisions of our council - are interpreted by the collective west pervertedly and selectively, depending on what instructions came from the white house. and many security council resolutions are completely ignored.
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among them, resolution 22.02, which approved the minsk agreements on ukraine, resolution 1031, which approved the dayton agreement on peace in bosnia and herzegovina based on the principle of equality of the three constituent peoples and two entities. we can talk endlessly about the sabotage of the resolution on the middle east. consider anthony blinken’s statement in an interview with cnn in february 2021 in response to a question about what he thought about the decision of the previous us administration to recognize the syrian and dutch belonging to israel.
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but according to these same rules it is necessary, to quote anthony blinken, to leave aside the question of legality. and, of course, everyone has fresh in their minds the statement of the us permanent representative that resolution 2728 adopted on march 25 on an immediate ceasefire in the gas sector is not legally binding, that is , american rules are more important than article 25 of the un charter. in the last century, george.
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russian culture, russian media and the russian language in general, banned the ukrainian orthodox church, no one in the west noticed this, did not demand from their charges in kiev to maintain decency, not to violate international conventions on the rights national minorities, and indeed the constitution of ukraine itself, which requires compliance with these rights, precisely to eliminate threats to the security of russia and protect people who feel...
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the mentioned initiatives are not included. only recently, in the documents of the european union on the start of negotiations on ukraine's accession, the corresponding requirements were formulated mainly thanks to. we urge everyone who shows a sincere interest in overcoming the crisis in ukraine to take into account in any of their proposals the key problem of the rights of national minorities, all without exception. its silence devalues ​​peace initiatives, and zelensky’s russian policy actually receives approval. characteristic.
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masters of the ukrainian regime, force it to comply with article 1.3 of the un charter, which guarantees the fundamental rights and freedoms of all people, without distinction of race, gender, language, and religion. dear colleagues, the north atlantic alliance is no longer satisfied with the war it...waged against russia with the hands of the illegal government in kiev; it is not enough with the entire osce space, having destroyed
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the fundamental agreement almost to the ground in the area of ​​arms control, the united states continues to escalate confrontation. recently, at a summit in washington , the leaders of the alliance countries confirmed their claims to a leading role not only in the euro-atlantic, but in the asia-pacific region. it is declared that nato. they say it is still guided by the task of protecting the territory of its members, but for this it is necessary to extend the dominance of the alliance to the entire eurasian continent and adjacent sea areas, nato’s military infrastructure is moving into the region pacific ocean with the obvious goal of undermining the ocean-centric architecture, which for many decades was built on the basis of the principles of equality, taking into account...
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for the sake of containing russia, china and other countries whose independent policies are perceived as a challenge to hegemony, the west, with its aggressive actions, is breaking the originally established we also pattern the system of globalization. washington did everything to blow up, including literally through terrorist attacks on the nord stream gas pipelines, the foundations of mutually beneficial energy cooperation between russia and germany.
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the laws of the market that were once sacred to the west. we recently heard public demands from officials from the united states and the european union and the people's republic of china to reduce excess production in high-tech industries, since the west has begun to lose its long-term advantages in them. now, instead of market principles, there are those same rules. dear colleagues, the actions of the united states and its allies, of course.
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we are ready to search for balance and interests. second, the restoration of the regional and global balance of power must be accompanied by active efforts to eliminate inequities in the global economy. in a multipolar world, by definition, there should be no monopolists in monetary and financial regulation, trade, or technology. this point of view is shared by the vast majority of members of the world community. speedy reform is of particular importance. woods institutions of the world trade organization, whose activities should reflect the real weight of non-western centers of growth and development. third, serious, qualitative changes must occur in other global governance institutions if we want them to work for the benefit of all. first of all, this concerns our organization, which
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is still, in spite of everything, the embodiment of multilateralism and is unique. universal legitimacy and generally recognized breadth of competence. an important step towards restoring the effectiveness of the un would be for all its members to reaffirm their commitment to the principles of the charter, and not selectively, but in their entirety, interconnectedness. about what form this could take reconfirmation, we can think about it together. a great deal of work is being done by a group of friends formed on the initiative of venezuela.
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political distortions in the security council, where today the countries of the collective west are clearly overrepresented. achieving the broadest possible agreement on the specific parameters of reform to strengthen the representation of asia, africa and latin america is a long overdue step. changes are also needed in the personnel policy of the secretariat in order to eliminate the dominance of citizens and subjects of western countries in administrative positions. his employees are obliged to strictly, without any exceptions, comply with the principles of impartiality and neutrality, as required. article 100 of the un charter, which we never tire of reminding you of. fourth, the strengthening of the multipolar principles of international life should be promoted in addition to the un and other
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multilateral associations. among them is the group of twenty, which includes both the world majority countries and western states. the g20's mandate is strictly limited to economic and development issues, so it is important that a substantive dialogue this site was spared from opportunistic attempts to enter the market. interaction with the participation of great powers, such regional associations as the commonwealth of independent states, collective
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security treaty organizations, the eurasian economic union, asia, the cooperation council of the arab states of the persian gulf, the league of arab states, the african union, selak, are of practical importance for the establishment of multipolarity, we see it as important the task of diverse connections between them, including connecting the potential un. the russian presidency of the council will devote one of its upcoming meetings to interaction between the un and eurasian regional organizations. dear colleagues, speaking on july 9 at the brix parliamentary forum in st. petersburg, vladimir putin said that the formation of a world order that reflects the real balance of power is a complex and in many ways even painful process. end of quote. we believe that discussions on this topic should be organized. sliding into fruitless polemics based on a sober analysis of the entire set of facts. it is necessary first of all restore professional diplomacy,
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a culture of dialogue, the ability to listen, and maintain crisis communication channels. the lives of millions of people depend on whether politicians and diplomats are able to formulate something like a shared vision of the future. whether our world will be diverse and fair depends, again.
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thank you, i resume my duties as chairman of the council and give the floor to a member of the federal council and the head of the federal department. it was live broadcast from new york. sergey lavrov chairs an open debate on multilateral cooperation.
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have you ever thought about what would happen to us if we didn't have bread? bread is the world, with you.
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over the past 2.0 years, bread has shaped our attitude to life, it is the power of our country, the strength of its imot. every day i take a piece of black bread and i always feel happy in life. when confronted with bread, a person is literally transformed. this is what our distant ancestors thought, and we really hope that you think so too. more than 50 more people joined the fire
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fire in crimea, they arrived to help. we are in the place where the fire started in the karadak nature reserve, here all the land has burned out, it is black, there is a lot of ash, in fact , nothing remains of the once quite picturesque grove, and there are very difficult conditions for extinguishing, very difficult weather conditions are now peninsula, the fact is that... the temperature is 7° above the climate norm, and the thermometer is now approaching +40°, this heat, together with dry, very dry air and at the same time strong wind, of course, they are making it very difficult for rescuers to extinguish this unprecedented fire for kaktobel, all this, all these factors together led to the fact that the fire literally spread from here down the slope with lightning speed, went up and went towards the mountains of the karadak reserve, this is the second
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day since. .. four combat areas are working, the aviation of the russian ministry of emergency situations continues to dump water on the most flammable areas of the area, in total more than 75 water drops have been carried out, a unit of the ministry of defense and the national guard continues to work on site, involved volunteer organizations, there is no threat to populated areas; in total , there is a group of more than 280 people and more than 40 pieces of equipment to put out the fire. local residents came to the aid of the specialists; the fact is that it is not only the weather that complicates the work, not only the weather that makes it difficult to extinguish this strong fire, but the terrain itself. the fact is that the place where the forest is burning in the karadak reserve is quite high in the mountains, a very inaccessible place, and it is almost impossible to get there even with specialized equipment, you have to go on foot or on motorcycles, as the locals do, they help, take rescuers up there and also deliver
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water to them, and of course, to put out the fire. such a fire would have been practically impossible without the participation of aviation; in total, during this 24-hour period , three helicopters operated in the sky over the karodak reserve, two of them from the ministry of emergency situations and one from the russian guard, they non-stop shuttled between the site of the fire and the black sea, which was very close here, helping and participating in putting out this fire. now there are threats to the populated area, and nearby, i remind you, there is the village of oktybel, on the other side of the mountain there is a resort village, so there is no threat to these settlements now, the main task is to prevent a re -ignition. fire, its localization has already been announced, the fire is localized on an area of ​​40 hectares, of course, it is worth saying that the caradac nature reserve was badly damaged, the fact is that the very place that you can now see, which was badly burned, is the coradac nursery reserve, very rare plants grew there, endemics, which are larger than they don’t grow here anywhere, but the reserve’s specialists say that it can take up to 10 years to restore the soil and restore the forest. jaana sherbaty, andrey
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terentsev, lead crimea. near novorossiysk , an open fire was eliminated on the territory of the obraovsky reserve. the fire started on sunday and quickly spread towards khutro durso. two people were injured and 600 had to be evacuated. recreation centers were partially burned, and more than 60 buildings were damaged. investigators are looking into the cause of the fire and the human version remains the priority factor. well, now to the messages that come to the news agency’s feed. some consumers were disconnected in sevastopol due to an overload in the power grid, a schedule for temporary electricity supply was introduced, this is a message from sevastopol energy. in addition, crimea energo has already warned about temporary outages in yalta, alushta, feodosia, sudak and villages to minimize overload; backup reconnection is underway. but as energy companies also clarify, power outages occurred in crimea and sevastopol due to...


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