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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 16, 2024 5:30pm-6:00pm MSK

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some consumers were disconnected in sevastopol due to an overload in the power grid, a temporary power supply schedule has been introduced, this is a message from sevastopol energy. in addition, crimea has already warned about temporary outages in yalta, alushta, feodosia, and sudak villages to minimize overload; backup reconnection is underway. but as energy companies also clarify, power outages occurred in crimea and sevastopol due to... cinema networks in the heat.
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the russian air defense system shot down a ukrainian yak-52 aircraft with machine gun mount, as well as six atacoms missiles and dozens of other targets. this was reported to the ministry of defense. during the day, the enemy lost about 2,000 militants. denis alekseev will tell you all the latest information, as well as details.
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in addition, samples of combat robotic systems were presented; our military successfully uses them during assault operations. the recently liberated village of urozhainoye is no exception; the head of the general staff noted the successes of the vostok group in liberating the village and thanked military, marriage and courage, and presented state awards to those who especially distinguished themselves. the fighters of the eastern group continue to develop their offensive; the day before , more advantageous positions were again occupied. these shots are exactly what drone operators reveal. it’s useless, they work for luck, suddenly they don’t notice, but ours notice, now all the plans of the ukrainian commanders are going downhill, here, at the warehouse, they brought ammunition in large quantities, transported it in a civilian truck, the location in the open area in the sky our drone hovered, than it's all over with an impressive explosion, units of the southern group of troops occupied more... advantageous
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positions, defeated the manpower and equipment of the ukrainian armed forces in the areas of the settlements of grigorovka, verkhnekamskaya, nikolaevka, katerynovka, zaleznyanskaya and chasov of the donetsk people's republic, repelled the attack of the assault group of the enemy's fifth assault brigade. the ssu lost up to 560 military personnel, the enklav and khortytsia electronic warfare stations were destroyed, as well as seven field ammunition depots of the ukrainian armed forces. in the pokrovsk direction , the armed forces members are now having a hard time, the center group is developing an offensive, the ukrainian armed forces have lost several hundred people in this area. immobilized nato equipment also remains on the battlefield, and this is of great concern to those who supply this equipment; our military, if they do not destroy it on the spot, then dismantle it in detail in the rear. this was the case with the stormshadow missiles already with the attack, russian fighters now know very well which part of the abrams they need to hit in order for the result to be achieved. they even
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began to strengthen american tanks in the russian manner, otherwise they were promoting invincibility nato armor did not justify itself, now you come across abrams in protective body kits with a barbecue on the turret, like here, but the states are not even worried about this, they have earned a lot on their tanks, even if they have already been destroyed, nato curators in kiev are much more afraid that the brief instructions for the operation of american, british, german weapons will fall, for example, into the third... say, the chinese. denis alekseev, lead. russian gas supplies to europe, although not at the same pace as before 2020, continue to grow, and this is not despite restrictions from brussels. at the same time, the eu continues to talk about a complete rejection of russian gas and a transition to green energy sources. however , not everyone believes in this. maria filippova will tell you the details. despite the sanctions, russian gas is still in demand in europe. and in
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2024, supplies are growing, in particular pipelines. their volume in the first half of the year increased by 24% compared to the same period last year. in may 24 , russia sent to the european union. 4.8 billion cubic meters of gas. german newspaper handelсblad compares the data with may 22nd figures of 3.7 billion and notes a constant increase. supplies of russian gas, in the first half of 2024, they have been increasing, despite everything, supplies are growing, because, firstly, the price of russian gas is currently more attractive than, say, spotting. at spd, and secondly, in may, several large lng plants in america underwent technical repairs, this led to a decrease in american gas exports in principle. against the backdrop of resource shortages, the european union
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reduces consumption within countries, so last month its volume decreased by 3.4% in annual terms. if we take the first half of this year, the total gas consumption in europe. decreased by 4% compared to the same period on the twenty-third. such a step, experts emphasize, has a negative impact on the industrial sector. extremely high prices lasted there for more than 2 years, from the middle of twenty-one, somewhere in the middle of twenty-three. and during this time , industry, energy-intensive industry , either fell on its side or was forced reduce serious production, increase production capacity. territories that are comfortable for continuing economic activity, such as china and other countries in southeast asia. one of the reasons for the decrease in gas demand is also called the green agenda, that is, the transition to alternative energy sources, for example, solar or
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wind. the international energy agency predicts in a new report that supplies of low-emission gas will double by almost 16 billion cubic meters by 2027. in absolute terms. more than 70% of the growth will come from europe and north america, but so far the green agenda has a dubious reputation. there is no clear plan in the european union on how to develop large projects in the field of renewable energy. against this background , the british oil and gas giant bp is curtailing its green plans along with wind power projects and returning to the development of new oil and gas fields. russia is today the world's fourth largest supplier of lng after the usa, australia and qatar. concerning. then what did asia import in the first half of the year? liquefied natural gas is more than 2 seconds more active than europe; this is the main benchmark for russian exports. from the beginning of the year to april , russia increased gas supplies to china by 13.2%. our key export destination is now asia and china. the power of siberia
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will begin to fully operate in the next couple of years, well, by the way, already next year in fact, but well , another direction in the power of siberia 2, the so-called one, is being discussed. but it is still under discussion, the volumes there may be greater, but they can use deposits, including those that were oriented towards europe. meanwhile, the european union's task of completely abandoning russian gas by 27 does not sound realistic, some analysts believe. thus, plans to build five new plants in greece to create a hub for gas supplies to southeastern europe are being called into question. now the country covers more than 60% of its gas consumption through supplies. from russia, german experts say. they emphasize that brussels’ gas plans in general raise questions. socio-economic indicators chechnya are at a high level. mikhail mishustin stated this at a meeting with the head of the republic ramzan kadyrov. the russian prime minister
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arrived in grozny, where he held a meeting on the development of regions of the north caucasus federal district. mikhail paid special attention to the volume of investment: over the past 3 years, 82 schools for 49,380 places have been built, 120 schools have been renovated, nine more schools and two buildings for 9,000 places are being built, 23
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kindergartens for 2,900 places have also been built, with the support of the federal center they are accepting measures for development of higher secondary professional. including training of personnel under the professional program. now economic news, briefly. gas production in russia in the first half of the year increased by 7%, according to the international energy agency. production is being expanded amid increased exports. so in 6 months , supplies from siberia to china increased by a third. europe also began to purchase more fuel; here it grew by a quarter. at the end of the year, mea predicts production in our country at 675 billion cubic meters. the mir payment system has started working in myanmar, cards have begun to be accepted in some restaurants and shopping malls. tas was told about this at the russian embassy. they noted that in the future they plan to expand the system,
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which will have a positive impact on tourist flows. russians began traveling to myanmar in the 2000s, but this destination has not gained much popularity. currently , russian tourists in the country have a visa-free regime for 30 days. at the end of the quarter, retailer x5 group increased its revenue by a quarter. it exceeded 960 billion rubles. this is stated in the company's report. the largest. contributed pyaterochka, the network’s revenue exceeded 730 billion. another 106 billion was brought in by the intersection and 56 chizheks. over the year, x5's sales area grew by 10%, now covering more than 10.5 million km. and airbus raised its forecast for global aircraft demand. in the next 20 years, the world will need more than 42,000 airliners, the corporation reported. by the forty-fourth year, the total number of aircraft will double. the growth engines will be india and china, the two most populous countries in the world. moreover,
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almost half of all new aircraft will be delivered to replace old ones, less energy efficient. it was economic news, briefly. temporary electricity supply schedules have been introduced in southern russia, the ministry of energy reported. measures were taken due to equipment failure at the rostov nuclear power plant. there , earlier one of the power units was disconnected from the network under the influence of automation. as rosatom reported this. occurred due to problems with the turbogenerator. the press service of the station itself stated that the automatic protection system worked as normal. today, july 16, at 15:21, power unit number 1 of the rostov npp was disconnected from the network by automatic action, due to the generator protection tripping. i would like to emphasize that the malfunctions occurred on electrical equipment; the system worked as normal; there were violations. there are no cases and conditions for safe operation, the radiation background at the nuclear power plant in the area
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of ​​its location has not changed, and is at the level of natural background values. once the causes of the electrical protection have been eliminated, the power unit will be prepared for connection to the network. at the moment, power units no. 2 and 4 of the rostov npp are operating normally at a capacity of 1700 mw. in ukraine today. the two-month period during which those liable for military service had to update their credentials is ending. violators, even if they live abroad, now face significant fines, account blocking and other sanctions. starting tomorrow, ukrainians of conscription age will not be able to walk the streets without a military id. and all this is a requirement of the law to tighten mobilization. margarita semenyuk will tell you how the kiev authorities are trying to replenish the troops at any cost. 2,000 recruits until the end of the year.
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in a wheelchair, a man and his wife came to pick up their son, who was being held by forces in the military registration and enlistment office of the odessa region. the mother tries to come in, but people in uniform push her out with such force that she falls, my god, please help someone. out of anger, people try to take out the gate as soon as it was opened, an unknown guy wants to run out, but he is caught and rudely dragged back, while the military commissars did not help the disabled man to get up. the tcc employees are also on edge. the degree of anger and hopelessness among the population of ukraine is growing in parallel with the pace of mobilization. colleagues explain that the man is shell-shocked. high is written off as shell-shocked.
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as they please, humiliation, threats, beatings. a former employee of the tsk explains this behavior by the fact that all the people in uniform went to the front, many had severe concussions and wounds. overall, society has chosen the shopping center as a greater enemy than russia. according to the employee,
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military commissars, vsushniki from near artyomovsk, ovdeevka, those who survived, but are ukrainians. "don't shoot because we're scared, get out of here, and this is absolutely abnormal behavior, when this, from tomorrow, the rules for being on the street for ukrainian men liable for military service from 18 to 60 years old will change dramatically, everyone must have a military id with them, updated data in the shopping center, otherwise a fine, a report. in russia they want to tighten the rules for the sale of sim cards, deputies are now thinking about how to do this, and one of the proposals is to sell only after checking passport data using the ministry of internal affairs database, thus they are going to fight fraudsters,
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they want to involve bloggers in the work, like they can help - our correspondent zinaida kurbatova found out. nowadays you can buy a sim card freely online in a subway passage. according to law enforcement agencies , 256 people have recently been identified, each of whom has a million sim cards registered. why, one can only guess, fraudulent schemes often work in close conjunction with unfriendly countries, with ukrainian jurisdiction. one way or another, the fight against russia is being financed, they emphasized. we restrict foreign citizens from purchasing sim cards, we restrict they are in quantity, which means that this purchase must be accompanied not only by documentary evidence, but also by biometrics, that is, this kind of de-anonymization of foreign citizens, it
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is assumed, the second thing is that we provide the opportunity. russian citizens still need to check how their documents are used, how personal data is used, and whether any sim cards were purchased with them that they have never heard of and do not know about. the number of crimes committed using mobile communications devices is growing over the years the entire 2023, growth was 42.3%, for 5 months of 2024 by more than 21%. to combat cybercrimes, they propose to introduce...
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the second important issue is the activities of bloggers and advertisers on unfriendly prohibited platforms; here they propose to introduce measures to stimulate bloggers for switching to russian platforms, on the contrary, to administratively punish those who work on prohibited platforms. oleg pavlov, chairman of a public organization for the protection of consumer rights, generally speaks out radically. all these platforms are used against the interests of the russian federation, that is, if we look at those recommendations, those issues that we...
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nbc he said that he has no doubt that he can win the next elections, according to biden, his advanced age does not prevent him from working. there's this idea that i'm an old guy, and i am, but first of all, i'm only 3 years older than trump. and secondly, i have a damn sharp mind, in 3 and a half years i managed to do more than any president in a long, long time. i'm already on horseback, where are you? were? i've... been to twenty-two major events, met thousands of people, huge crowds, a lot of things going on, i'm on a horse, i'm going out and showing the american people that i have all my abilities, that
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i don't need notes, i don't need a teleprompter, i can go out and answer any questions, when nato met with us, i stood there for an hour and answered questions, however, only during the nato summit did biden manage to name ukraine. planet uranus, and a little later stated that vladimir putin is president of ukraine. the american media pay attention to the fact that episodes when the head of the white house makes mistakes like this, or freezes during public speeches, or falls or behaves strangely, are repeated more and more often. this has already led to a decrease in biden’s rating, and also to the fact that even in the democratic party many are recommending that the president stop the election campaign. the ukrainian ambassador was summoned to the indian foreign ministry. the reason was a verbal attack against norendra modi. let me remind you that zelensky criticized the indian prime minister for meeting with vladimir putin. according to him, the negotiations in moscow were allegedly
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a crushing blow to peace efforts. according to the economic times, the kiev regime's comments caused discontent in newdelhi. there they not only invited the head of the diplomatic mission to the carpet, but also decided to postpone negotiations with ukraine in the field of culture. french president emmanuel macron called on his party's deputies. revival seek coalitions with other political forces. let me remind you that earlier the country held early parliamentary elections, in which the presidential the party took only second place in terms of the number of votes. prime minister gabriel otal was forced to leave his post. natalya goncharova will continue the topic. the french media began to send gabriel atal away a long time ago. offensive macron bibe, that is, little macron is criticized and the selection of his successors in each new article. emmanuel macron agreed to the resignation.
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executive director of the european climate fund, one of the authors of the paris agreement, her career, one might say, is the dream of greta thunberg. florence tabyana, first-line politician, she's close to lionel jospin, she is known for handling the climate convention on behalf of edouard philippe in 2019. tabyana was born in algeria, her father came from a wealthy jewish-algerian family.
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we are now blocked due to the fact that the socialist party has refused all the proposals that were put forward. they didn’t want to see any socialists in this post, i understand that, but we don’t want anything else. franz-info journalists talked to voters in the paris arrondissement, where the left won. unknown. natalya goncharova,
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lead. new domestic drones were tested at a testing ground near moscow. these are the developments of the kulibin popular front club. the inventions are not inferior in technical characteristics to leading foreign analogues, but are made in russia and from russian components. after testing, the drones will be handed over to soldiers in the northern military district zone. our correspondent alexandra perfileva has details. this is one of the domestic developments of the ever 01 reconnaissance drone. its flight range is up to 4 km. in terms of its technical characteristics, it is not inferior dji maviac quadcopter, the leading foreign drone. this model is already at the forefront. it has a number of removable cameras, interchangeable ones, these are thermal imaging cameras, night cameras, cameras with optical zoom up to 32x, and
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can also carry various useful items. load, well , different projectiles, we are more independent from imported supplies, these drones now have domestic controllers, and we are switching to domestic communications, so i think that over time we will figure out the motors and batteries, at the test site near moscow, kulibin club the people's front tests and selects the best developments of domestic drones in order to put thousands of innovative means on the front line; analogues are presented here. foreign brands such as dji, autel, well, the guys are trying to produce them here, thereby reducing the cost, allowing them to more densely saturate the line of combat contact, the production of these unmanned aerial vehicles will give a big impetus to the development of the industry, both radio engineering, these are various boards, so and electric motors and other
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controllers, plus housing. that's what quite strongly contributes to the development of this market in the country. and in piwi there were drones, kamikaze drones, and this was an aircraft type. its characteristics are still top secret. some of the best engineers from all over the country came here to not only present their developments, but also exchange experiences. the popular front regularly gathers inventors from all over the country here so that they have the opportunity to test at the test site. in order for engineers to have the opportunity to communicate with each other, uav manufacturers, to communicate with reboot manufacturers, who are fighting with the manufacturers, well, more precisely , not with the manufacturers, but with the bulls themselves, exchange news from the front, formulate tasks for themselves for the coming weeks, what needs to be finalized and what needs to be improved. already more than 150 drones, the popular front will soon transfer to military personnel in the special military
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operation zone. alexandra perfileva, lead. a ground metro will be launched in ivanovo. six new railway stations will be built in the city. the system will also include six existing and operating tracks. they will ply arlan train. the city train will improve transport accessibility for hundreds of thousands of people. it will allow you to quickly get from one end of the city to the other. look, where it is now planned to build one of the... platforms, these are absolutely undeveloped, abandoned places, not only the platform will be built, but all these territories will be properly landscaped so that it will bring joy and comfort to our residents. this project was developed taking into account the need to decouple, decouple the load, namely on traffic flows, on routes transportation, according to preliminary estimates, this is somewhere around 270-280 thousand people, in
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accordance with the legislation of each railway. the platform will be provided with ramps for the disabled, that is , the project provides for the possibility of people with limited mobility. several million residents of southern russia were left without electricity. in crimea and sevastopol, there were blackouts due to the heat. energy supply companies reported this. they emphasized that the measures are temporary. yaalta was shut down. alushta, sudak, feadosia, kerch and others settlements. now power engineers are switching supplies to subscribers using backup schemes. earlier, weather forecasters reported that the air temperature would rise to 42° in the coming days. the global shutdown also affected rostov-nadona, taganrok, krasnodar, lesta, anapa, armavir, and novorossiysk.


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