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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 16, 2024 6:30pm-7:00pm MSK

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turn on heaters, air conditioners, welding machines, and if they have a huge consumption, then more equipment is needed to operate the networks, and, of course, you also need to pay for it, in fact, everything was as usual. after this , deliberately understated information about the income received was sent to the regulatory authorities. the suspects appropriated the difference. thus, they received illegal income amounting to more than 580 million rubles. here is part of this huge fortune: a luxurious villa of one of the gang leaders, inside there is expensive furniture, a collection of knives, weapons and jewelry, and also wads of money and a fleet of twenty luxury cars were found, everything of value was seized as items directly related to fraud; the defendants themselves were given a preventive measure. new case of the crab
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king in vladivostok, another trial has begun against the large fishing merchant oleg kan, convicted of organizing the murder for hire of his ... competitor, the businessman received a sentence for the crime, but he never went to the colony, lay low, and now new accusation, details of olga zhurenkova. the increased attention of the press to a generally ordinary meeting in the frunzinsky court of vladivostok is predictable; here a trial in absentia began in a new criminal case against the notorious fishing industry owner oleg kan. this time he is accused of creating a criminal community, tax evasion, customs duties and smuggling. in a new trial. oleg kan's interests are represented by three lawyers; investigators believe that the fishing merchant, together with his accomplices , supplied strategically important marine biological resources abroad, according to the so-called gray scheme. the crab was declared for delivery to offshore companies controlled by it at ridiculous prices, but was shipped to real
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consumers for much more. kan used billions of dollars in income to finance his companies and the criminal community he created. on tuesday, the first court hearing was devoted to the consideration of the defense's motion to disqualify the judge. dear court, dear participants in the process , the defense currently has every right to challenge the presiding judge in the case judge alkhovsky. the state association did not agree with this position. dear court, i believe that the grounds provided for in articles 61 and 63 of the main procedural code do not indicate grounds for disqualifying a judge. previously, oleg kan had already been sentenced to seventeen years in a maximum security colony for organizing the murder -for-hire of fish merchant valery phidenok, committed on the 20th
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border, often illegally, so that most of the catch was sent to avoid customs duties. oleg kan without a trace disappeared after our colleagues from eduard petrov’s investigation program drew attention to his business. tell me, how long will you continue to plunder the scientific resources of the russian federation? what is the idea, until when on the territory, it means your ships, remove it. after this meeting. an industrialist fled russia; in this footage, a man resembling oleg kan, accompanied by security guards, undergoes a security check before departure. according to some reports, he flew to japan on a personal plane. from there the fugitive billionaire moved to london, where he later allegedly died, although in fact it is possible that he may simply be hiding in
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the uk, south korea or japan. at the hearing on tuesday, the judge did not support his own challenge. this means that the case will continue to be heard in this format. but the journalists’ question is: is oleg kan alive or dead? the lawyer ignored and refused to answer, so it seems that the intrigue continues, everything in the spirit of mark twain, when rumors of death are greatly exaggerated. olga zhurenkova, alexander mostovay, andrey romanov, dmitry manyshev, duty officer part. the chairman of the investigative committee of russia, alexander bastrykin, held an operational meeting on the results of the work of territorial investigative bodies in the first half of 2024. the discussion took place in videoconferencing format, as the head of the administration noted, compared to last year by an employee. it was possible to achieve a reduction in the average investigation time, the number of cases received from the courts for revision was reduced, in addition, the pace of work of investigators to compensate for the damage caused by crimes increased. in moscow, doctors continue
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provide assistance to almost two dozen shawarma lovers who received severe poisoning. they bought fast food from a small retail outlet that was located not far from the hostel. meanwhile, the security forces are interrogating us from... we are not yet allowed inside the hostel, as the employees told us, representatives of rospotrebnadzor and the investigative committee work there, they are probably studying all the necessary documentation and inspecting the rooms, one was in the settlements, they took him out on a stretcher, he could no longer walk, and two more today, night time they say, so they took got poisoned when during the day people seemed to take nothing, maybe... the day this noise hung, maybe it was of poor quality, as it was. in this ill-fated stall, where
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a bright, delicious sign hung a few hours ago, hostel guests were buying shawarma. after a series of poisonings became known, the establishment immediately closed, supposedly for renovations. following this, the cook disappeared without a trace. people who work in the neighborhood did not complain about this catering outlet, the ventilation allegedly did not work, and they regularly struggled with the unpleasant odor. if it's real. it’s scary to imagine the conditions in which the food was stored in such intense heat. and this is footage of operational shooting on video: a cramped room, the kitchen is a mess, the hood is already black with dirt. the refrigerator where the food was stored obviously hasn’t been washed for a long time, people who know this place aren’t even surprised, because firstly, it’s hot, no normal sane person would buy shawarma in the heat, especially since he doesn’t have a place to wash his hands there, it’s garbage it’s lying around right there, rats are running around, what kind of shawarma, that’s how to guess. strongly the shawarma itself that poisoned people looked like, it’s even difficult to make out what products
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are in this mayonnaise cocktail in pita bread. in the summer, improper storage of meat products, in particular, which are necessary for the production of shawarma, that is, without refrigerators, production is without gloves for this type of product, also mayonnaise products, various types of vegetable additives, which are incorrect. stored, unfortunately, and there is a huge risk of poisoning. this entire list can cause rotavirus infection and even botulism, which, by the way, was recently acquired by hundreds of people in several regions of the country after ordering lobia salad from a popular cuisine in the area. later it turned out that the production facility where the dangerous snack was prepared was also unsanitary. by court decision , the activities of this company were suspended. rospotrebnadzor continues to investigate. the same thing awaits this catering outlet, everyone is guarding order.
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the black market ruble was neatly buried in the mountain of junk that was traveling to furi middle asia. and today this is not the only large-scale exposure of drug criminals. a laboratory was busted in krasnodar, and in karelia the case of a large online store of prohibited substances is already close to completion. first things first alexander polivka. these yellow buckets are full of poison that slowly destroys the brain. 800 kg of miphidron were hidden in an ordinary truck among office equipment and household chemicals. truck. which was heading straight to one of the capital's largest warehouses, employees of the federal customs service along with fsb border guards managed to intercept it.
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a car with illegal cargo was traveling from central asia to one of the logistics centers in moscow; among clothing, household chemicals and office equipment, customs officers discovered a large batch of a white powder-like substance. according to experts, on the black market the price of this batch of drugs would exceed 2 billion rubles. this time the drug cartel suffered significant losses, but demand creates supply. they took away several more bags of synthetics, the aspiring drug lord moved to an
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isolation cell, his online store was closed, dozens, if not hundreds of others remain, the fight against them is waged all year round; yesterday , operatives from corelia declassified footage of the march operation to detain another online poison dealer. the suspect was caught literally in the snowdrifts in the leningrad region; according to the police, the attacker was one of the organizers of a criminal trading network that entangled several regions. next they caught one of the pawnbrokers of the same online store in petrozavodsk, in his arms... but their place will almost certainly quickly will be occupied by other members of criminal gangs, in pursuit of the easy money that the drug business brings, paying for crimes, almost none of them think about it. aleksandrivko, andrey karamanov and mikhail zhilin, lead the duty department. doctors of the capital's maternity hospital were sentenced to freedom after the death of a baby in moscow. after the death of a newborn who lived only a day, doctors managed to falsify documents
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to hide their own mistakes. and now fimis let them go. we'll tell you why in our next article. cramped room the gagarin court in moscow can barely accommodate all the participants and journalists present at the meeting. here the verdict was announced for the doctors of the capital's ore hospital in the high-profile case of the death of a newborn. the boy lived only one day. there are several doctors in the dock, including georgi kaladze. in these courtroom shots, he is in a crowd of people, as if trying to remain unnoticed. a terrible story happened in november 2018. the boy was born with severe hypoxia and critically low hemoglobin, but he could have been helped. if doctors, according to parents, acted harmoniously and competently, but instead they rushed to hide their own mistakes and falsified documents. surveillance cameras in the maternity ward filmed how everything was happening, labor had already begun, the doctors at that moment were leisurely, some were putting on a gown, some were wearing gloves. doctor kaladze was not nearby at all, so at some point he entered the room, and a few minutes later he ran out screaming
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from the intensive care unit. quick, quick, urgent resuscitation. a day later the boy died. according to the official version of doctors of the moscow maternity hospital, the cause of death was intrauterine infection. doctor kaladze, a well-known personality in moscow, likes to appear in numerous interviews with bloggers. in one of the conversations, he described his own qualities. punctual, very. this is left over from childhood. i try not to be late. the doctors who delivered anastasia were charged with two counts: providing services that did not meet safety requirements and falsifying documents. for almost 6 years since the death of the child, none of them... admitted their guilt or even apologized to the grief of their murdered parents. as a result, the court qualified the actions of doctors under a lighter article: causing death by negligence, found them guilty, but released them from liability due to the expiration of the statute of limitations. georgiy kaladze received a suspended sentence of one and a half years for falsifying documents in a medical record. the boy's mother, commenting on the verdict to reporters, could barely contain her emotions. we waited for
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a fair decision, which, uh, while the investigation was going on and 8 months in court. the investigation was ongoing, but as a result, it turns out that the doctors completely evaded responsibility, committing crimes such as the action was proved by the court, they will not bear any responsibility, the parents of the boy, who lived only a day and died in their arms, categorically disagree with the court’s decision, they intend to appeal the verdict, it is fundamentally important for them that the doctors who, in their opinion, are involved in their death son, received a well-deserved punishment. olga zhurenkova, maxim movchan, dmitry manushev, duty officer. in the moscow region they found an underground kingdom, the inhabitants of which almost did not appear on the surface, there were only 12 of them, in an ordinary basement under service center in the village of ostrovtsy settled dozens of illegal immigrants who, day and night, sewed fakes for fashionable metropolitan boutiques, judging by the footage of the operational shooting, the life of the cutters themselves was very far from glamorous, the narrow corridors are hung with personal
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clothes, there is simply no room for closets here, hastily put together two-tier bunks are covered with dirty blankets, there is not even plaster on the walls. foreign specialists slept, cooked their own food and worked in the same premises. the white light was not seen for weeks so as not to attract attention police officers. the police found that a native of one of the asian countries, in the basement of an administrative building, organized the illegal sewing production of sportswear using logos of supposedly well-known trademarks. these foreigners came to russia in search of a better job than life. in the sharashka of their fellow countryman they worked literally in equal conditions, and illegally, as a result, now they will return to their homeland due to malicious violations of migration legislation, here is the supposed organizer of a profitable the underground, on the contrary, will have to stay a little longer in russia, now he is involved in a criminal case and placed under arrest, with gray sim cards to emerge from the darkness, the ministry of digital development proposes to limit the possibility of replenishing a phone account without
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a passport, all in order to limit the uncontrolled withdrawal of money by scammers, because in fact every sim card is a bank account. and if legally it belongs to no one, then the flow of money cannot be tracked. word to galina khlangureeva. rows of pavilions with simple advertising at the sovelovsky railway station in the capital. screens shine on the shop windows new products of modern telephony for every taste, color and technical capabilities, even criminal possibilities. under a stack of boxes with smartphones and a stack of sim cards, those that are sold illegally. 200 rub. any official conventions and a metal chip in your pocket, this is exactly the kind that gives scammers, drug dealers and terrorists uncontrolled access to the internet and mobile network, this is... the arrest of a dealer of a large mobile operator in st. petersburg. in his apartment, investigators found hundreds of still unactivated sim cards. initiative the man, according to investigators, sold them
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wholesale, and this is the likely buyer of the gray sim cards , an operator of special equipment. as i understood it, they transmit traffic to the internet. gray cells are kind of routers. they install sim cards through which scammers withdraw money abroad. the fact is that each sim card, in fact, has a bank account automatically attached to it. as soon as. the criminal flow of money is detected, the criminals simply exchange one sim card for another and withdraw the loot in small portions, so the same accumulated and borrowed funds of russians that are lured out by telephone scammers are flowing abroad. in the vologda region, another businessman who decided to make money on gray sim cards, according to investigators, purchased 200 pieces every month and sold them on the internet. perm, two men also purchased gray chips in large volumes because...
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or there are no installation provisions, in order to bring the gray market of sim cards out of the bags with rock figures, they proposed an innovation, top up the balance of a mobile phone with cash only upon presentation of a passport, and buy a sim card only after checking the same passport data in the ministry of internal affairs database through the interdepartmental electronic interaction system, you can still buy a sim card at moscow train stations, in the markets of various regions, which allows you to expand the number of gray sim cards, which... according to our russian agency , there are now more than 6 million. therefore, i share the innovations proposed by the ministry of digital development. if the rules are not followed, the seller may be
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fined up to 10,000 rubles. for each sim card sold with violations. since november 1, 2023, roskomnadzor has identified almost 77 million violations regarding the reliability of information about subscribers, of which almost 70 million have been corrected. however, department employees have established that today... 265 people have more than 1. sim cards each, in total, this is over a million mobile numbers, initiatives with such indicators are very, by the way, innovations are now undergoing interdepartmental approval. galina khungureev, alexander polivka, lead the duty department.
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toward from yativim for the first time moscow the bailiffs took the crime weapon from lihach on an electric scooter. the fact is that the rider hit an elderly woman with it. meanwhile , legislators are now thinking about other sanctions to protect roads and sidewalks from pilots of self-propelled gadgets. details from fyodor eliseev. the capital's design student ilya gusi in the hall of the solntsevsky district court of moscow looks like a guilty schoolboy, but the offense is far from childish. a drunk scooter rider hit an elderly woman at wild speed. the court found him guilty and sentenced him to 100 hours corrective labor, deprived of his license for a year and a half, and at the same time decided to confiscate the two-wheeled vehicle, the property of the state, however, gusev did not want to part with the toy right away. the bailiff initiated enforcement proceedings. called the debtor for an appointment, but he did not appear without good reason. then the man was forcibly brought in. ilya brought a scooter
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worth more than 130,000 rubles to the bailiff’s office. having already dismounted, he assures that he has repented. i will be more careful, i will not allow this to happen. on practice moscow bailiffs confiscate an electric scooter for the first time, but it seems that it will not be the last time. the statistics of road accidents involving sims is growing along with their number on city streets. here are two drunks. a woman is being demolished on one scooter on the embankment in novorossiysk, the victim has a broken leg and a broken phone, the culprits fled from the scene of the accident, and this is a city on the neva, a scooter trying to get past a red one was hit by a car, a girl is walking along the sidewalk, suddenly a scooter flies into her, these scooters, one of the ways to deal with violators are fines, in omsk the parents of a girl violator who hit a woman on an electric scooter had to pay a fine of 520,000 rubles. now cameras are also keeping an eye on the reckless drivers on sims. rental enthusiasts began to receive corresponding fines for traffic violations. for example, the citizen in the photo was carrying a scooter at a pedestrian crossing.
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now he owes the state 800 rubles. in the state duma they think this is not enough; in the first reading they adopted a bill that will increase the amount of fines; according to it, drunk driving will cost from 20 to 30 thousand rubles for personal injury from two to 15, for leaving the scene of an accident up to 5,000, when modern electric scooters fly at high speeds, of course these are risks, including for children, including for those who do not see what is happening , when especially it flies out from behind. of course, fines should be more stringent, responsibility should be more specific. another way to reduce accidents is to create special zones for scooters with automatic speed limits. for example, in moscow there are already 320 of these. now in the capital, another experiment has started in the area of ​​the third transport ring imkad. speed ​​will be limited to 20 km/h. the exception is the existing slow zones, where the speed of scooter rental operators is limited to 5-15 km. at one o'clock. at
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the end of the experiment, we expect that the number of accidents involving sim in the ttc mkad area will decrease. rental companies are also tightening control over scooter violations. at the same time, they understand that most of their clients are quite law-abiding. violations account for less 1% of all trips. more and more people are realizing that yes, there really is liability for violating traffic rules on a scooter. very serious amounts indeed. there are blockages. blockings are also carried out. according to the device itself, that is , in order to use the scooter of this service again, it is not enough just to change the phone number and bank card, you also need to purchase a new smartphone for this. in 2024, the number of accidents involving sim is 2 and a half times more than in the same period last year, among them fatal accidents. this was stated by state duma chairman vyacheslav volodin. he conducted a survey on his social networks about a complete ban on electric scooters. there is no consensus, more than half of the users were in favor,
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almost. they help relieve congestion on the roads; many motorists prefer a windy ride to hour-long traffic jams, the main thing now is that this does not become a headache for pedestrians. fyodor aleseev, lead, duty department. gladiatorial fights with afterburners were staged in st. petersburg by two guests of the northern capital. more in three the action took place on goncharnaya street. when changing lanes, the road was not shared by the twenty-four-year-old suv driver, haval, and the thirty-two-year-old volkswagen owner, pola. word for word slaps,
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exchange of blows, pokes, as well as imitation. wrestling holds, a young fighter from a chinese suv tried to stop his mother, who also fell under the hot hand, then the young man grabbed a jack and began to break the windows in his offender’s car, but he was also not a bastard, jumped behind the wheel and went for a ram, the result was broken faces and cars, and the main thing now is that the police have big questions for rowdy people. the police detained the conflicting people and took them to the police department for investigation. after studying the footage of the brawl, the police came to the conclusion that there were no rights in such a fight. one of the surrogates is now involved in a criminal case for hooliganism, the other for intentional damage to someone else’s property. you can find out about the latest legal news around the clock in telegram channels conducted by the duty department and an honest detective. maxim movchan was in the studio, see you at 21:30.
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the networks can't stand it, it's come to the south of russia black heat, +40 and above, due to peak loads in the crimea, sevastopol in the kuban introduced temporary restrictions on the supply of electricity, without electricity for several million residents, when the energy supply is restored. driving a lada aura, a new product from the avtovaz concern, vladimir putin arrived at the opening of the new and final section of the neva highway from moscow to st. petersburg. how can you reduce your travel time now? i quote: all animals are equal, but some are more equal than others. about how international law is interpreted in the white house, about the war that have already unleashed nato on the rights of minorities in europe. let's look at the main points of sergei lavrov's speech at the un security council.


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