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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 16, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm MSK

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conduct the duty department and an honest detective, subscribe, also our investigation, we watch daily episodes on the platform, go to the broadcast tab, turn on the honest detective. and our episode is now complete, maxim movchan was in the studio. see you on the russia-24 tv channel. this. information evening, we continue to introduce you to today's agenda. a monster from azov , which is banned in russia, shot our soldier who was surrendering . why are kiev-bred terrorists not afraid to post this online? they spit on geneva convention. the ukrainian armed forces are again using chemical agents, even against civilians. what nato chemical shells are used and what poison is used on the copters. the united states is afraid that russia will share
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information with china about the vulnerabilities of american tanks and missiles, what types of weapons have already been studied in our defense design bureaus, and he definitely died from an excess of cholesterol, or maybe it was iskander? the mysterious death of the american officer kirlin in ukraine, how he is connected with the supply of f-16s, why according to the documents he worked there as a military man. small business for a big future. after returning home, the ied veteran opened a kindergarten. why is raising a child a man's job? our servicemen clearly raise their hands, surrendering and not having weapons with them, but the ukrainian shoots him in the head. this is what a creepy video looks like without attracting attention, which on the one hand i didn’t want to show at all, but on the other.
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it is still necessary, since we are talking not just about evidence, but about ironclad proof of another war crime by the enemy. moreover, at the moment it is known for certain that it was committed by a degenerate from a forbidden terrorist group, and he acted like a real maniac, because after the first shot several more bullets were fired at the already dead soldier. the word cruelty in relation to something like this, perhaps, sounds too soft; rather, there is a form of brutality, far beyond imagination. little humanity, and what is characteristic is that even the western press cannot turn a blind eye to this topic, for example, the new york times published an article according to which the killings of russian prisoners by militants in the armed forces of ukraine, as well as by foreign mercenaries, are not something out of the ordinary; against this background, of course, it is important to understand what the reaction will be, in fact what, anton potkovenko found out, they killed a russian unarmed warrior who was surrendering. captured monsters from the forbidden
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azov, whom the inhabitants of donbass called punitive back in the fourteenth year, animals on which there is no living space from tattoos with swastikas and in which there is nothing human left, capable of shooting at wounded, captured, fascists are fascists, we must treat them that way, they must be destroyed, these are the words of the presidential press secretary dmitry peskov, he emphasized that our heroes on the front line do this, but how else can we deal with... not people militants of the armed forces of ukraine and especially from azov, who so calmly shoot the wounded and prisoners, these are not soldiers and not people, they consider everyone else except themselves, except these same azovites, to be subhuman. this is an evil that we have faced for a long time. evil is ancient, this ancient evil must only exist.
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destroyed, there is nothing else, with a red-hot iron. the very fact of demonstrating, posting such videos, demonstratively, cynically, demonstrating the crime being committed, is already a feature of the flayer nazi regime. meade's ambassador-at-large on the crimes of the kiev regime, radion miroshnik, believes that without the western, so to speak, roof, the neo-nazis would not have dared to cynically flaunt the terrible executions. here are the headings: management.
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the one who raised his hands, the one who is wounded, the one who surrenders is a captive person, he is in the power of the opposing power, and not of a soldier or unit of the enemy, well, i can’t help but call it all a power, this is an absolutely gangster state, just a senseless, animal murder of a person who did not resist.
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who executed zoya kosmedemyanskaya, today these scum, they once again showed themselves who they are, although we already knew it, let the bastard walk and turn around for the rest of his life, if he lives at all, we will still find everyone, we will kill everyone, the point-blank shooting of our unarmed warrior by the azov fascists is another bloody proof that for the regime that gives birth to these monsters there are no frameworks, no rules, no restrictions. russia was forced to launch a special military operation to eliminate threats to its own security and stop ukraine's systematic violations of human rights, including attempts by the kiev regime to physically exterminate the russian population of donbass. sergei
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lavrov recalled this today when he spoke at the un security council. also lavrov recalled that the united states is pushing for the endless expansion of nato in europe under the pretext of carrying out certain defensive tasks, but in fact is creating the conditions for complete expansion. the united states has long declared through the mouths of its presidents its own exclusivity; this applies to washington’s attitude towards its allies, from whom it demands unquestioning obedience, even to the detriment of their national interests. rule america is the essence of the proverbial rules-based order.
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however, the russian representation at osho managed to collect more than enough evidence to the contrary. and here is just a specific example from the telegram channel archangel-special forces. according to his data , something like smoke bombs began to regularly fly to the positions of the russian military in the donetsk people's republic, which, however
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, do not spread ordinary smoke at all, but the above-mentioned toxic substance. moreover , the enemy is betting on covering the widest possible areas, which will be confirmed... the ukrainian armed forces use toxic substances not only against the military, but also against attacks on civilians, in kiev’s arsenal there are homemade mixtures of poison, carefully packaged by western partners in shells. the authors of the public archangel special forces write on the footage a fragment of a submunition with an irritating substance, that is, something that can cause an attack, suffocation, burns, mucous membranes or skin. not long ago, russian soldiers captured footage of yet another use of nato chemicals. shells. the russian ministry of defense has repeatedly reported that the west is actively sending chemical munitions to ukraine. this is not because of a lack of ammunition there, but rather because of an excess of this, well, like everyday cannibalism, part of a cluster smoke artillery
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ammunition, that is, it is fired in order to place a smoke interference at the desired point, there is a remote fuse, which at a height shoots them from the body, only they interfere at several points, thus creating a cloud of smoke and well , their function is fulfilled. experts suggest that we are talking about 155 mm artillery ammunition, xm600. 31. its design is known; most of it is occupied by checkers with a toxic substance. the apu does not hesitate to use nato-made and american- made submunitions. our servicemen in the rkhbz have more than once applied to international organizations and even demonstrated what is actually used in russian positions according to...
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subjectively, for example, an agent such as fascin is known, the smell of first hay is attributed to it, it is possible that in some under certain circumstances these odors can mix, phosgene has a suffocating effect, that is, in this sense, we can say that real chemical warfare agents, they should not have a pungent odor, are actively synthesized in artisanal conditions... substances that do not formally fall into the category of chemical warfare agents prohibited by zho. in this laboratory, discovered near avdiivka,
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militants, for example, received hydrocyanic acid, its use is prohibited against the military, and even more so against civilians, this does not stop the newly armed formations of ukraine, so civilians regularly suffer from chemical attacks in kiev, which affect everyone indiscriminately. the study of toxic substances is carried out in the mobile laboratories of the rcbz troops, which work on the line of combat contact. we will conduct an analysis, make a report, and then
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they will make a decision on how to provide our fighters so that they can operate in these conditions. rcbz specialists note that the enemy creates dangerous substances, for example, from agricultural chemicals, or uses solvents, but, for example, they are incredibly difficult to place in standard nato ammunition, so the allies supply shells with ready-made poisonous filling to kiev. replacing the equipment of a specific submunition with some other unintended design is quite difficult. and then all this is shot either from artillery or dropped from copters. the russian ministry of defense has recorded more than 400 cases of the kiev regime using non-lethal toxic chemicals . poisoning is often attempted with the substance cs. in small doses it provokes a reaction that does not seem to be fatal, but in large doses concentrations. causes skin burns, loss of breath and even heart failure. without timely
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assistance, all this can be very dangerous. and this crap is supplied to ukraine by the united states in special grenades that are adapted to be dropped from drones. and the enemy also uses gas grenades, which are used by police, usually to disperse crowds. and of course, ammunition with various compounds, including cyanide derivatives, is produced at home. that is, how... when there are nato chemical munitions production, they beat them with them when they are not, they use poisons of their own making, and the main thing is that the organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons continues to ignore these facts, just so as not to interfere with the war crimes of kiev. in europe , they fear that trump’s second presidential term will lead to the cessation of us support for ukraine, such forecasts are published today by the financial times against the backdrop of the latest news from the american election campaign. the republican party officially nominated the former. white house as a candidate, trump himself, has finally named his vice president, this is
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the senator from the state of agaya, james david vance. the same one who repeatedly called to stop writing checks for the war to the kiev regime. our correspondent in washington, dmitry melnikov, will talk about the reaction to such a nomination. with his ear bandaged and just 48 hours after the assassination attempt, trump appears in public for the first time, and the republican convention of thousands greets his hero with a standing ovation. he smiles and raises his clenched fist and says to those gathered: thank you, on this first the day of the convention, at which the party officially nominated him as its... presidential candidate, trump did without words, the whole hall, and all of america looked at him as if he had returned from the other world. the presence of trump in the hall is the main event of the convention, but there was another intrigue that day. trump promised to name the vice presidential candidate with whom he would retake the white house in november, and he chose senator j.d. vance from the state of agaya.
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the official duo of republicans in the elections of the twenty-fourth year in the country presented speaker of the lower house. i formally announce president donald trump and j.d. vance as the republican nominees for president and vice president of the united states. at 39, vance is the living embodiment of the american dream, a poor guy from the steel town of wagay, what in america is called a hillbilly. he grew up without a father, his mother was a drug addict. the future vice-presidential candidate was raised by his grandmother and after serving in the marine corps, he managed to enter the prestigious yale university, according to cnn, trump was advised by his son to choose j.d. vance as his running mate at a dinner in maralaga. the ex-president hesitated with his choice and donald trump jr. assured his father that senator otagaya, who by that time was already called the voice of the rust belt
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of america, sincerely believed in the trump program, but this was not always the case at the beginning of his political life. trump not only forgave the young republican, but even supported him in the fight for the senatorial position. in his first interview since being nominated as a vice presidential candidate, vance makes a big statements regarding the future foreign policy of the united states, for example, the position of its administration with the trump administration on ukraine, which, of course, has already been agreed upon with the boss. we have already spent 200 billion dollars, what is the goal, what do we want to achieve, we see the danger of escalation to nuclear war, and there is such a danger if your foreign policy is handled by clowns, we have many of them in washington right now. as far as i know, president trump has promised to negotiate with russia and ukraine and quickly end this
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conflict so that america can focus on the main problem - china, this is the biggest threat. russia doesn’t say a word at all, but the confrontation with china has a special place in it. the russian-chinese alliance is a big headache for the potential future us administration, but they are not worried about ukraine at all. as for ukraine, everyone with a brain knows that all this will end in negotiations. ukraine is functionally destroyed as a country, our policy towards ukraine is unstable. the average age of soldiers in their army is now 43 years old, older than me. we need seek to end the war through negotiations. more trump than trump himself, as vance is called in the democratic camp, president biden also believes. what do you think of
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the casting of jaydee vance as vice president? he's a trump clone on every issue, so i don't see the difference.
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it was a heartfelt conversation, i told him that i was worried and wanted to personally see if he was doing well, i told him that jill and i were praying for him, he thanked me for the call. biden says he is ready to debate trump again in september. according to him, now he is on horseback and holding election events. biden decided not to specify how he looks and behaves at these meetings with voters. however, the question that hangs in the air is whether biden understands that there will be a second such failure. what is it like, i don’t plan on such a repetition, yes, he is old, but he has a damn sharp mind, biden says he believes that he has every chance of
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winning, however, such self-confidence of the president sometimes collides with the real attitude of voters towards him during everything the same election trips, one of these episodes that stuck with biden the most. i 've never seen a situation before where you drive through certain rural areas. and people there are putting up pro-trump signs saying fuck biden, and a little boy is standing there giving me the middle finger. the widow of a firefighter who was shot at a rally by a gunman aiming at trump on saturday refused to talk to biden. she announced that her husband was a staunch republican and did not want her to talk to biden. the publication , meanwhile, claims that after the assassination attempt in response to trump, the democrats practically accepted defeat. it was this...
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the largest kamar in the world, it was a bullet, it was, whatever it is, an r-15 rifle or something like that, a big weapon. according to the us department of homeland security,
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after the assassination attempt on trump, president biden ordered the provision of state security to robert kennedy jr. as well. the fbi fears that retaliation against a similar shooting in pennsylvania could be carried out against other individuals associated with the election. security has also been strengthened for trump himself, with the threat of another attempt on his life him. american law enforcement officials regard it as quite real. dmitry melnikov and pavel kostrikov, news from melvoka. wisconsin. now a short advertisement is what will happen next on our broadcast. and he definitely died from excess cholesterol. or maybe it was iskander? the mysterious death of the american officer kirlin in ukraine. how is he connected with the supply of f-16s, why, according to documents, he worked there as a military atache. still thinking about the perfect home? it's time
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can do everything. we open the way to business. sberbusiness. we demand that the white house provide all available information. these are quotes from a letter from a group of american congressmen who, as reported by reuters, asked biden's national security adviser jake salevan to reveal the truth about whether china is gaining access to military
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technology. states thanks to russia. on at first glance, the wording is quite confusing, but in reality everything is simple here: overseas parliamentarians in particular pay attention to the situation in the northern military district zone, where weapons from the pentagon arsenals regularly become trophies of our troops, and then end up for study by specialists. and this already leads to the question: can moscow share with beijing information about the insides of the conditional abramts, or, for example, intercepted atak ms missiles. by the way, the authors of the letter have not yet received an answer, and any... concern about this expressed by representatives of both the democratic and republican parties, that is, the topic is very relevant and painful for both main political forces in the united states, and whether they should worry so much, we’ll figure it out with the help of vadim zavodchenkov. didn’t the yankees get the idea, for 2 years now, in front of the eyes of the whole world, russia has been declassifying
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nato’s best weapons every day. only on the battlefield, a fact that even the most frostbitten propagandists do not dare to dispute, our secret is adaptation, the west brought its best tanks to ukraine, our the warriors quickly sketched out manuals on how and with what to beat the vaunted abrams, the overseas billionaire supplied the ukrainian armed forces with starling terminals, which were considered impossible to jam, a couple of months and musk’s plates refuse
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to work. and of course, the most striking example is rszzo, hymers, whose effectiveness in ukraine, as admitted by the americans themselves, has dropped to almost zero. we will inform the chinese comrades of all vulnerabilities, if necessary, not only the chinese comrades, that their patriotic systems do not see the goals that fly from the ground up to 100 m in height, height, we will inform you that the vulnerable spots of their crayfish. we will inform them, if necessary, about the vulnerabilities of their abrams, the abrams have a lot of vulnerabilities, we have the right to do this, why is washington so afraid for the safety of its secrets, obviously, no matter how hard american diplomacy tried, it was not possible to quarrel between the bear and the dragon, including it was not possible to strike a blow at the military-technical cooperation between russia
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and china, on the territory... great thanks to the united states.


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