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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 16, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm MSK

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the final section of the m11 highway was put into operation today, the start of traffic along the new bypass of tver was given by vladimir putin, he personally came to the ceremony driving a domestic car. how much will travel time from moscow to st. petersburg be reduced now? sergei lavrov spoke at a meeting of the un security council. the russian foreign minister warned the west against targeted kuwait, bahrain, iran and
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libya. we'll tell you about everything in more detail. the german ministry of internal affairs banned the compact magazine, formally the basis for another demonstration notorious european freedoms have become the covers of the publication, where to find images that are unconstitutional and... trump and his candidate for the position of vice president are gaining momentum in their election campaign. the republican tandem makes the current head of the united states nervous and make mistakes. about the confrontation between the political forces of the united states. report from our own correspondent. reliable roads are one of
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the key conditions for the growth of the entire russian economy, said vladimir putin. the president personally took part in the significant event, ceremony opening of the northern bypass of tver. this is the last section of the m11 neva highway from moscow to st. petersburg. vladimir putin arrived driving a black russian lada aura car. let me remind you that the idea of ​​​​creating a highway was the president. supported back in 2003, now the total length of the highway is 669 km, the permitted speed on toll sections is up to 130 km/h. today here in teveri, almost a year ahead of schedule, we are putting into operation one of the highway facilities, a modern sixty-kilometer highway bypassing the city, this is essentially...
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the final, final stage of construction of the m11 neva highway. with the opening of the tver bypass , continuous, seamless, traffic-light-free high-speed traffic between moscow and st. petersburg will be ensured. travel time from the northwestern part of the country to samara, kazan, yekaterinburg, tyumen will be reduced, and additional, more convenient international routes will appear. which means travel between major economic, cultural, historical centers of our country will become faster, just now we were talking with your colleague, somewhere in my the information was that it would be 30 minutes faster, the road would be faster between moscow and st. petersburg, but he says for an hour , somewhere around 50 minutes, but this is already noticeable, the length of the northern... passage
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of tver is 62.5 km, the site has four lanes , four interchanges, six bridges and 22 overpasses. the largest artificial structure is the bridge over the volga river, its length is almost 750 m, the height of the span above the water is 17 m, that is, during the navigation season, large cruise ships can freely pass under it. in parallel with during the construction of the highway, work was carried out to create roadside infrastructure, and two recreation areas were organized. modern multifunctional road service areas. a convoy of construction equipment was the first to drive along the new section of the road. decide to open traffic? i allow it. go.
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sergei lavrov, during his visit to new york , held talks with the minister of foreign affairs of switzerland, ignatso casis. the meeting was organized at the initiative of the swiss side and took place at the un headquarters. let me remind you that bern previously joined unilateral anti-russian sanctions. thus, switzerland lost its neutral status, which it had maintained for about 200 years. and the day before this state signed. agreement with the north atlantic alliance to open an alliance office in geneva. the un security council hosted an open debate on the issues of multilateralism and building a more just world. she continued the topic and proposed to russia, which is presiding over the security council in july.
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the meeting was chaired by sergei lavrov. with details, alexey golovko. july of this year is the time when russia chairs the un, that is why sergei lavrov flew here to new york to... personally hold several meetings of the security council, and today the topic of the security council, declared by russia, sounded like the formation of a fair, sustainable world order. we are talking about that multipolar world for which russia and some other states of the world are fighting so hard, and which the united states and its allies are so opposed to. and today sergei lavrov openly pointed out the main culprit of the current political instability. the united states has long been announced through the mouths of their presidents about their own exclusively. this concerns washington's attitude towards its allies, from whom it demands unquestioning obedience, even to the detriment of their national interests. rule america, this is the essence of the notorious order, based on the rules of a direct threat to multilateralism and international peace.
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it is precisely the reluctance to take into account the interests of other countries, including russia, that has led to the current numerous crises in the world, including the ukrainian crisis. and let them speak russian, the language will never will not divide our native country. end of quote. since then, washington has successfully re-educated him; already in 2021, zelensky, in one of his interviews, demanded that those who feel involved in russian
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culture move to russia. the united states has managed to re-educate and subjugate some of its european allies, especially when it comes to decisions that are directed or against russia.
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according to freud, that is, washington is convinced that it will not be the united states, but its european allies, that will suffer from a new global war. if the administration's strategy is based on such an analysis biden, this is an extremely dangerous delusion. well, europeans, of course, must realize what a suicidal role is destined for them. after such a busy security council, sergei lavrov managed to hold a bilateral meeting with his hungarian counterpart petr szijjarta. they discussed how...
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gabriel hautal and his government, the french media reported this with reference to the elysian palace. after the defeat of the presidential party in the parliamentary elections, the head of government already submitted a petition to macron, but then he refused. lets go his closest ally, saying that the country needs him in his post. now hautal will head the parliamentary faction of macron’s party, and the dismissal will allow him and the ministers to participate in voting in the election of the head of the french national assembly. it will take place in a few days. some residents of southern russia remain without electricity due to the accident at the rostov nuclear power plant. the global shutdown affected elista, anapa, armavir, novorossiysk. a number of districts of dagestan have lost power, temporarily. electricity has already
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returned to stavropol, sevastopol, rostov-nadon, bataysk, taganrok and krasnodar, where residents of two city districts remained without electricity, 150 traffic lights, trams and trolleybuses did not work there. as noted in the ministry of energy, there was a failure of generating equipment at the rostov npp. the department emphasized that restoration work is underway. during the period of maximum load on the power system of the south, caused by abnormally high temperatures, one of the power units was turned off due to the activation of the generator protection at the rostov npp, under the special control of the ministry. system the automation worked normally, the reasons for the protection being triggered are currently being clarified. immediately after the power unit was shut down, in accordance with pre- developed actions in case of emergency situations, restrictions were introduced in the amount of about one and a half gwv. the situation is also complicated by a significant amount of emergency repairs to the generating equipment at ncherkassk. the outage affected household and industrial consumers in the krasnodar territory and rostov region. thanks to the prompt
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actions of power engineers, electricity supply was restored by 19 hours was set for some consumers. restoration work remains under the special control of the russian ministry of energy until the power supply is completely restored. the power unit at gusinoozerskaya gres in buryatia stopped due to a light in the boiler. the head of the republic, alexey tsidenov, announced this. the accident left more than 115 thousand people in 75 settlements without electricity. now power engineers are connecting them using a backup scheme. the restrictions also affected some areas of the neighboring trans-baikal territory. national convention the us republican party is currently discussing anti-migration measures and the security of the country in donald trump's election program. against this background , the cnn channel, loyal to the democrats, hastened to report: not far from the sports arena where the convention is taking place, the police shot and killed a man with a knife. as for the republican caucus, before it.
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on the first day of the convention, at which the party officially nominated him as its presidential candidate, trump went without words. the whole hall, and all of america, looked at him as if he had returned from the other world. the presence of trump in the hall is the main event of the convention, but there was another intrigue that day. trump promised to name the vice presidential candidate with whom he will retake the white house in november, and he chose senator j.d. vance from the state of agaya. official republican duo.
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called a hillbilly, grew up without a father, his mother was a drug addict, the future vice-presidential candidate was raised by his grandmother, and after serving in the marine corps, he managed to enter the prestigious yale university, as cnn reports, choosing jady vance in partners, trump was advised by his son at a dinner in maralaga. the ex-president hesitated, and donald trump jr. assured his father that senator otagaya, who by that time had already been called the voice of america's rust belt, was sincere. trump's program, but this was not always the case. early in his political career, vance openly declared himself
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anti-trump. however, 3 years ago, at his first personal meeting with trump, vance apologized for his words and trump not only forgave the young republican, but even supported him in the fight for his position as senator. in in his first interview after being nominated as a vice-presidential candidate, vance makes loud statements regarding the future of us foreign policy, for example, the position of their administration with the trump administration. escalation to nuclear war, and there is such a danger if your foreign policy is handled by clowns, we have many of them in washington right now. as far as i know, president trump has promised to negotiate with russia and ukraine and quickly end this conflict so that america can focus on the main problem - china is the biggest threat to our
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country. deal with ukraine as quickly as possible in order to concentrate forces on the confrontation with china, as approved by trump. china has a special place in it. the russian-chinese alliance is a big headache for a potential future us administration. but they don’t care about ukraine at all. as for ukraine, everyone who has a brain knows. this will all end in negotiations. ukraine is functionally destroyed as a country. and our policy towards ukraine is unstable. average age of soldiers. also president biden also thinks so. what do you think of the casting of jaydee vance as vice president? he's a trump clone on every issue, so i don't see the difference between them. regarding his
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main opponent, biden is now cautious, after the assassination attempt on trump, he is reminded of all the calls from...
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i haven’t seen a situation before where you drive through certain rural areas and people there put up signs in support of trump saying fuck biden, and a little boy stands showing me the middle finger. widow refused to communicate with biden firefighter who was shot at a rally on saturday by a gunman aiming at trump. she announced that her husband was a staunch republican and did not want her to talk to biden. axios, meanwhile, claims that after the assassination attempts.
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trump also met with independent presidential candidate robert kennedy jr. and invited him to support him in the election. kennedy refused, but perhaps only for now. the relationship between him and trump is clearly close. video footage of kennedy jr. communicating with trump via phone when he shares with him the details of the assassination attempt. it sounded like a huge, largest mosquito in the world, it was a bullet, it was, whatever it is, an er-15 rifle or something, a big weapon. according to the us department of homeland security, after the assassination attempt on trump, president biden ordered the provision of state security to robert kennedy jr. the fbi fears that acts
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of retaliation for a similar shooting in pennsylvania may be taken against other individuals associated with the election, they have strengthened security and trump himself, the threat of a second attempt on his life american law enforcement officials regard it as quite real. dmitry melnikov and pavel kostrikov, news from melvokia. wisconsin. and we return to the work of sergei lavrov at the headquarters of the united nations. the minister of foreign affairs continues a series of meetings with colleagues from other states; negotiations took place with the head of the kuwait foreign ministry. lavrov called the exchange of views that took place at the open debate in the un security council useful. according to the minister, russia greatly appreciates kuwait’s balanced approach, and also many countries in asia, africa and latin america to international problems. the official representative of the russian foreign ministry called on the osce, unesco and leading european media to respond to the closure of the kompakt magazine by the german authorities. according to
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zakharova, current german censorship is comparable to the times of the third reich. there are more and more problems with freedom of speech in the european union. with details anton dadykin. 14 offices and residential buildings in four german states were subjected to thorough searches. a large-scale operation in which about three participated. because he was not pleasing to the authorities, and, of course, criminal charges had nothing to do with it: over 14 years of work , not a single charge of inciting hatred, promoting nazism or anti-semitism was brought against the compact,
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and then suddenly this ban, this is typical fascism performed by nancy feather. the authorities prohibited the magazine from publishing any information on its social media accounts. the youtube channel compacto, the same resource where a large interview appeared on saturday, was also blocked in germany. with official representative of the russian ministry of foreign affairs maria zakharova. i think the main reason is that the truth was voiced, which is carefully hidden from the germans. quote from the interview. germany does not receive russian gas only because germany is prohibited from doing so by the united states. russia and the ussr never took the initiative to stop gas supplies to europe and the eu. technically restoring gas supplies through the remaining nord stream gas pipeline is a matter of several weeks.
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members of the association. a group of 63 meps said hungary's current president of the european council should be deprived of voting rights there. parliamentarians did not like the initiatives of prime minister viktor orban to resolve the ukrainian conflict, following visits to kiev, moscow, beijing, washington and florida. the european commission admitted that the legislation does not allow for the early termination of budapest's presidency of the eu. however, you can make this period as much as possible.
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what the position is now, when there is a war in europe, is completely different. and even more than that, if someone uses the words peace and negotiations, he is immediately subjected to defamation. you know what expressions are
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used: spies, trojan horse. the conflict in ukraine has no military solution, sjarta added. according to him, peace negotiations are necessary, it is time to restore lost legitimacy to diplomacy. anton dadykin, matvey popov, news! there are a lot of things that can be confused, but you can’t go wrong with the choice of thermal insulation. penoplex slabs provide protection from heat and cold. penoplex is an effective thermal insulation. you don't decide exactly how
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compare. on your side. us vice presidential candidate james david vance said that if he wins the presidential election, donald trump will begin negotiations with russia and ukraine. in europe they called this position a disaster. vera moroz found out whether something could change with the republicans coming to power. europe is panicking again, first over the possibility of a second one. presidency trump and his harsh views on ukraine, now his partner of choice. jaydee vance, one of the most isolationist members of the republican party, who is even more conservative than trump himself. the western press is already calling such a candidacy a disaster for ukraine. vance's position on this issue is categorical: the united states must stop all assistance to kiev. westerners do not approve of this position.


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