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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 16, 2024 11:30pm-12:01am MSK

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us vice presidential candidate james david vance said that if he wins the presidential election, donald trump will begin negotiations with russia and ukraine. in europe they called this position a disaster. vera moroz found out whether something can change with the republicans coming to power. europe is panicking again, first because of the possibility of a second trump presidency and his... harsh opinion regarding ukraine, now the partner he has chosen for himself. jaydee vance, one of the most isolationist members of the republican party, who is even more more conservative than trump himself. the western press is already calling this candidate a disaster for ukraine. vance’s position on this issue is categorical: the united states must stop any assistance to kiev; western politicians do not approve of such a position. his statement on ukraine.
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will act more deliberately and more pragmatically in the interests of the state of the people of the united states. j.d. vance, like trump, is an ardent defender of american manufacturing and advocates the introduction of import duties. he is expected to advocate economic exclusion and oppose china if he is elected republican vice president in november. another headache for brussels as the eu seeks to repair frayed trade relations between the two. biden will continue the policy of introducing targeted tariff restrictions on products from certain specific sectors of the chinese economy. from trump’s point of view, his attitude towards china is not selective, so under trump we may see an increase in tariffs by 40-50, and maybe 60% for various categories of chinese goods. us federal budget committee
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considered that during his reign, trump adhered to the policy of reducing taxes, and biden - increasing them; the policy of the former is aimed at the interests of big business, providing industrialists with orders, hence 2 trillion 900 billion tax breaks and 400 billion tax duties on the import of steel and aluminum from europe. biden, on the contrary, is raising income tax rates, increasing the burden on businesses. works directs science to healthcare, while during their reign both presidents significantly increased spending countries for 10 years ahead, biden by a little less than $4 trillion, trump by almost five. trump is a businessman who is used to spending other people's money, with his policies, taxes and spending, adding almost 8.5 trillion dollars to the ten-year us debt, biden 4.300 about paying off this debt. there is no talk from any of
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the candidates, from the point of view of the national debt, it will grow, regardless of who is elected president, because the national debt has already reached such a level, it has already approached the mark of 35 trillion, in my opinion dollars, the total debt already reaches 100 trillion dollars, and a significant... income of the population, corporations and the state budget goes to servicing this debt. the national debt and military spending are growing, so analysts do not expect a sharp change in the political vector regardless of the outcome of the elections. in addition, not a single american president controls either the upper or lower house of congress, or the senate; it is not at all a fact that even the ruling party will share his opinion, perhaps that is why you can often hear it. presidents
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usa, and did not manage to do everything during the period of his reign. let's return to the first topic of the issue, the opening of traffic on the tver bypass, driving along the new section is beneficial. several large transport projects, such as the north-south corridor, this is from st. petersburg to the caspian sea and to the black sea , bypassing the caspian sea, exiting through iran to the indian ocean, we are developing the russia -west-east corridor, this is from st. petersburg
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to vladivostok, and we are developing an international corridor europe-western china, from st. petersburg to the city of lian in china. that is, this is to the chinese sea, which means that today the bypass of tver, for example, is included in all three corridors, that is, these are all three corridors, because all three corridors overlook st. petersburg, this is an increase in traffic flows, and most importantly - this and the development of our internal economic potential of the country, because not only international corridors, more than half of the population of our country lives on this corridor, so the opening today of the tver bypass, we are completing the route, the reconstruction of the route along...
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two main indicators, this is 50% of the roads in the regulatory state of the regional network, we have already exceeded it, this is the indicator for 85% of roads in agglomerations, we must fulfill it by the end of the year, and we must smoothly integrate this project into the new national infrastructure project for life,
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where we comprehensively consider both roads and housing , salney infrastructure, and utilities, so this is the first task, the second question from major projects we have by the end of the year, what else... the sverdlovsk region with a new road of 275 km, then we will have completed the reconstruction section from kazan to yekaterinburg, here we are waiting for these routes, the work is very intense, the builders are simply working around the clock so that by the end of the year these projects will all be completed, well, in
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general, we hope that, as i already said, we will fulfill all the plans for road construction, by the way , i want to say that compared to last year we are 14% ahead of schedule... believe me, it should have been completed only last year, but for the fifteenth anniversary of the company a decision was made almost a year ago, let's try for the anniversary companies, the customer of the company is a state-owned company, which here is the customer of the roads and bridges,
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our largest construction company agreed that let’s give a gift to the residents and the country earlier, a gift to the autodora, you said that this is all part of such large, already complex supra-national projects. if we talk about the construction industry, what are the key tasks facing it for the current year, will there be any innovations, maybe, well , our task is to maintain the commissioning of housing, taking into account mortgages, we expect from...
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we hope from next year year this trend already refracted negatively, these are the main tasks for the construction complex for the near future, of course, various preferential mortgages will probably also affect the construction industry, at the president’s proposal, the authorities have allocated family mortgages until 2030, which may have some effect, in general why is that decided to extend it for 6 years, maybe some conditions will change? you know, we started supporting mortgages in 2020, it was an anti-crisis measure. we see her, well, we see that she did well, that she did very well perceived to residents that residents took out
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a mortgage, well, a stable mortgage, these are normal conditions for everyone, and we extended it all the time, we understood that we still need to reach a certain stable parameter, for example, so that people clearly understand and can plan their budgets , could plan their families, could plan the birth of children, so we decided to extend one guaranteed family mortgage until the thirtieth year. then today anyone in the family who has at least one child under 6 years old can get this mortgage at a stable rate of 6%, no matter what there was a rate, i remind you that today the rate is 16, which means that we pay an extra 10% to each family, which means we compensate for the mortgage payment, that is, this is a huge amount of money, this is hundreds of billions a year, these measures are aimed at ensuring that support families to encourage more children in the family, but what will happen to the it mortgage after 24 years, after all? the it sector is also developing very actively, there are more and more people who can take it, well, we see the prospect that after all, the it industry
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is very important for a breakthrough for development of the country, so they also decided to support - the decision to support this measure, but it will be limited to a certain amount, there is a limit that we have issued, it will be allocated, this limit will be selected for the year, no more will be added, because the family mortgage, it has we are not limited by the amount, the more children we have, the more we will give, but in it we seem to have limited certain amounts, we have chosen a limit for next year.
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which were demolished, for example, when 1/3 of the house remained, there were two entrances left, and we are adding four entrances there, that is, there there are houses that are not like that, that’s why we have heavy ones, we call them heavy houses, we will basically finish them this year, well , 20-30 houses we will have next year, which were completely destroyed in the central part of the city, here we are we continue to restore individual housing construction, but we would like to restore it at a better pace, which means we are looking for mechanisms to speed it up. this process, we will certainly fulfill the plan for road construction this year, we will definitely have
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1,300-1,400 km of road repaired, we are already ahead of schedule, i was literally at days, a couple of days ago, and we decided to add additional funds for road construction, because in a number of regions by august all road work plans will be exceeded, all we need is money, so we have restored more than 200 infrastructure facilities. and deals with social issues, emergency teams preparing for winter, right now it seems like the heat there is 35°c, but we are preparing for winter, which means emergency teams are already working, and we are trying to restore destroyed infrastructure somewhere, planned we are doing renovations, but so that the quality of life and public services are much better, this means that we have a number of iconic objects getting ready for use,
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we are just building a lot of good new objects, these are educational institutions and... travel with alfabank, choose where to fly in the alfa service travel get super cashback on air tickets up to 30%. buy profitably in the bank app or on the alfa travel website. not just profitable, alpha profitable.
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stage plays. but in such weather, of course, open areas are in demand, their there are 14 with canopies here, plus two large ones for holding parties. this modern kindergarten is ready to accommodate almost 300 children. this is a developing new area, there are a lot of young families, so they were there. the parents are very happy that such a large fourteen-group kindergarten was built, they gladly brought their children here, even from other kindergartens where they took them, we also have studios, this is the highlight of our kindergarten, an art studio, a theater studio, in recent years several years in the new more than 200,000 km of housing have grown in the kursk microdistrict, this became possible thanks to the fact that... the russian federation house was involved in the turnover and in 2019 leased the land to the developer for the comprehensive development of the territory, that is , the construction of housing with infrastructure and
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a kindergarten were especially expected here, this the first social facility in the country, which was built with the help of infrastructure bonds. the kursk region is participating in many national projects - including the construction of schools and kindergartens, but the pace of housing is such that we cannot keep up, that's why. several years ago, the government of the russian federation adopted an infrastructure menu program, including one that includes infrastructure bonds, and accordingly, in the kursk region it was decided to participate in this project to build a kindergarten. the principle of operation of infrastructure bonds, the issuance of such valuable ones. mak provide businesses and regions with affordable financing for the construction of social, transport and utility facilities. the state subsidizes this mechanism, the operator of which is the house
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rf, and loans are provided for a long period, in some cases up to 30 years, and for infrastructure projects it is especially important to have access to long-term money, another advantage is security for investors, because the rf house acts as a guarantor for such bonds and is involved. this is actually a unique mechanism, since it is the only instrument within the federal infrastructure menu project that allows, through private investment from the stock market, to provide financing for infrastructure projects at a preferential rate, moreover, one of the main goals is to save budget money, that is, for every ruble of federal budget funds, it is possible to attract up to 5 rubles of private investment. over the 3 years of operation of the mechanism, eight issues of infrastructure bonds worth 10 rubles have already been placed. using these funds, 50 projects are now being implemented in 26 regions of the country, and the list includes not only kindergartens, but, for example, engineering or transport projects,
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including updating and expanding the public transport fleet. when a developer implements a large-scale project for the development of new territories, he has the need to provide this entire territory with infrastructure, while, as we know, the infrastructure itself does not generate any income, so in order to... up to 200 billion, which allows about 600 billion to finance projects at a reduced rate , we looked at the projects that are in the portfolio today, we believe that this is
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a very convenient tool, it is very useful, it allows you to attract affordable money to various projects, so we propose to increase the volume. by order of the president, now work is underway to develop the mechanism, the task is not only to increase the production volume, but also to expand the functionality. for example, the house of the russian federation is now working with the ministry of construction on the possibility of using. such preferential financing for preparing land for construction in integrated development projects of the territory. at this stage, developers cannot use spark accounts, so they have to use their own or borrowed funds. we are trying to expand the range of infrastructure that can be financed through the mechanism, for example, krt projects for the integrated development of the territory, in order, including, at the expense of our long-term and preferential money, to finance the costs of resettlement, preparation of territories
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using the instrument of infrastructure bonds, as a rule, these are large-scale projects, within the framework of which not only housing is built, but modern urban environment of a new quality, without preferential financing, these projects were on the verge of profitability and were not of interest to either developers or banks, namely the combination of project financing with infrastructure bonds, with cheap infrastructure funds, made it possible to create economic incentives for their implementation. another option for scaling the infrastructure mechanism...
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large projects, more private investment. as a result, up to 400 thousand new jobs will appear , and the quality of life will increase for approximately 80 million people across the country.
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have you ever thought about what would happen to us if we didn't have bread? bread
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is the world, the most sacred thing a person has, what every family has. bread created our civilization, contributed to our evolution, the technical revolution. this is both the future of humanity and the history of humanity. this is a universal language. over the past 2.0 years, bread has shaped our attitude towards life. this is the power of our country, its strength and power. every day i take a piece of black bread and always enjoy life. facing bread. literally transforms, our distant ancestors believed so, we really hope that you think so too.
12:00 am
you can now get from moscow to st. petersburg by car another hour faster. the new m11 neva expressway has been fully completed. today the last section started working - bypassing tver. vladimir putin arrived at the opening driving a russian lada aura. serial production of these machines will begin in the fall in talyat. and today, the president, via video link, launched traffic on the new bypass talyati highway in the samara region. varvara nevskaya will tell you what will change for motorists now. northern bypass of the tver highway.


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