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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 17, 2024 12:00am-12:31am MSK

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now you can get there another hour faster, the new m11 neva expressway has been fully completed. today the last section of the tver bypass started working. vladimir putin arrived at the opening driving a russian lada aura. serial production of these machines will begin in the fall in talyati. and today, the president, via video link, launched traffic on the new bypass talyati highway in the samara region. varvara nevskaya will tell you what will change for motorists now. northern bypass of the tver highway. and bypass
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of the city of talyati, new opened areas, the most important roads in russia, here at the largest facility of the northern bypass bridge over the volga river vladimir putin arrived driving the new lada aura, which was presented in june of this year at the st. petersburg economic forum, the president was accompanied by vasily vasiliev, deputy head of the production department of sp-m11 moscow st. -petersburg, which took not...
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the economic connectivity of the regions, as well as in the development of efficient logistics and a safe road network, and of course, in the formation of promising international transport corridors, and most importantly - improving the quality of life of people. for a year we are putting into operation one of the highway facilities, a modern sixty-kilometer highway bypassing the city, this is essentially the final, final stage of construction of the m11 niva highway. with the opening of the tver bypass , continuous, seamless, traffic-light-free high-speed traffic between moscow and st. petersburg will be ensured, travel time from...
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the northwestern part of the country to samara, kazan, yekaterinburg, tyumen will be reduced, additional, more convenient routes will appear in within the framework of the international transport corridor north-south, which means that travel between major economic, cultural, historical centers of our country will become faster, just now we were talking with your colleague, i had somewhere in the certificates that it would be 30 minutes faster, the road it will be... faster between moscow and st. petersburg, but he says for an hour, somewhere around 50 minutes, but this is already noticeable. seamless corridor from st. petersburg to kazan, 1,520 km along comfortable highways, without a single traffic light or intersection, with a speed of 110 up to 130 km/h. new bypasses of cities are one of the priorities of the russian construction complex; bypassing the city of talyaty is another new road, about 100 km long. part...
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will relieve traffic congestion on the road at the platina zhigulevskaya gas station, and in general will help to fully reveal the export, logistics, industrial, tourism... potential of the volga region. i would like to note that during the creation of these roads, complex technical structures were erected, including two new bridges across the volga. one is over 700 m long. here we just drove through it now. built here in the tsvere region, the second one with a length of more than 3,700 m. near talyati. it entered the top ten longest engineering structures. in russia, as the president stated,
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reliable roads are one of the key conditions for the dynamic growth of the entire russian economy. our current facilities are the most important part of ours. as international corridors, this is north-south, as you called it, this is the russian corridor from st. petersburg to vladivostok, this is europe-western china, so in general there is a connection with the entire support network, and today i can say that more than 50% of the population of our country lives on these corridors, that is, this is not only international cargo, it is primarily the development of our country, our settlements, and if we talk about the bypass, for example tver, then it... in all three transport corridors, it is the most important part of the development of these transport corridors, we worked very together, everyone here , both builders and the avtodor company, which finished a year earlier for its anniversary, why were we able to achieve such results because despite all the difficulties, you always
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supported finances, we always had money, as vladimir putin said, new facilities will give a powerful impetus to the development of cities and towns, and will also contribute to the growth of domestic tourism, so the bypass road will allow you to quickly get to amazingly beautiful places in the surrounding area valdai, as well as to the ancient city of torzhok with all its unique monuments. the tagliati bypass will simplify the trip to the samarskaya luka national park and the zhigulevsky nature reserve. at the end of the opening ceremony the president launched the movement at new facilities in the tver and samara regions. decide to open traffic? i allow it. go.
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after the completion of the opening ceremony of new transport facilities, vladimir putin held a meeting with the governor of the tver region igor rudenia. we actively participate in the formation of contract soldiers, there are a lot of people who would like to participate, we see that this is a very responsible job and we have raised the lump sum payment, together with the ministry of defense, from july 10 we are already paying those who want conclude a contract for more than 1 million rubles. this is a lump sum payment when a person enters into a contract.
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payments. varvara nevskaya, rasul fitkulin, dmitry maslennikov and anna malakhova. news. russian foreign minister sergei lobrov continues a series of meetings with colleagues from other states at the headquarters of the united nations. less than an hour ago , negotiations between lavrov and his colleague from bahrain took place. the diplomats discussed issues of cooperation between the two countries and exchanged views on issues of international politics. the first meeting of this the day was a dialogue with the head of mit hungary. lavrov and peter szijjarto touched upon the situation around ukraine. both ministers called the kiev regime's gross violation of the rights of national minorities who live in the country unacceptable. the diplomats talked about the prospects for supplies of russian oil and gas to hungary after the cessation of transit through ukraine.
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then lavrov held talks with the swiss foreign minister. they were organized on the initiative of the swiss side. at a meeting with the head of the kuwait foreign ministry, lobrov called it a useful exchange.
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president putin outlined the conditions for establishing sustainable peace in ukraine; i will not repeat them. a political and diplomatic settlement must be accompanied by concrete steps to remove russian threats. federations emanating from the western euro-atlantic direction. when agreeing on mutual guarantees and agreements, it will be necessary to take into account the new geostrategic realities of the realities on the eurasian continent, where a continent-wide architecture of truly equal and indivisible security is being formed. one of the main threat, according to lavov, is the reckless expansion of nato in europe under the leadership of the united states. all schemes of so-called euro-atlantic security are aimed at ensuring us dominance, including the complete subordination
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of europe. to contain russia and attack it, washington is using the neo-nazi regime of ukraine. at the same time, the united states ignores the interests of its own allies, the diplomat noted. the united states has long declared through the mouths of its presidents its own exceptionalism. this concerns washington's relations with its allies, from whom they demand. unquestioning obedience, even to the detriment of their national interests, america rules, this is the essence of the notorious order, based on the rules of a direct threat to multilateralism and international peace. in the last century, george orwell, in his tale of scott farm, already foresaw the essence of a rule-based order. i quote: all animals are equal, but some are more equal than others. end of quote. if you carry out the will of the hegemon, that's all for you.
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colleague from iran. in ukraine from today today, military service members will not be able to walk the streets without a military id. the two-month period during which ukrainians must stay has ended. register with the military or update your credentials. violators, even if they live abroad, now face hefty fines, account blocking and other sanctions. all this is a requirement of the law to tighten mobilization. margarita semenyuk is watching how the kiev authorities are trying to replenish the troops at any cost. 2000 recruits by the end of the year, these are the mobilization plans zelensky and tcc. the promise that young people will not be conscripted has sunk in the summer. there is simply no other way out. shortage on the front line, let the man out, he should have a trial, he has a man in a wheelchair, a man
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and his wife came for their son, who is being held by forces in the military registration and enlistment office of the odessa region, the mother is trying to come in, but people in uniform are pushing her out with such force that she is falling, my god, please help someone, people are trying to carry her out of the gates out of anger, as soon as they were opened, an unknown guy wants run out, but he is caught and roughly dragged back.
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“don’t shoot, because we’re scared, get out of here, and this is absolutely abnormal behavior, and from tomorrow the rules for being on the street for ukrainian men liable for military service from 18 to 60 years old will change radically. everyone must have a military id with them, updated data in shopping center, otherwise a fine, a summons or delivery to the shopping center, and only the police have the right to detain a person. online footage of what is alleged to be an attack on the greek oil tanker hius lion. on monday, the ship was attacked by a maritime drone loaded with explosives. you can see how powerful the explosion was and how great the damage was, but it is not reported. the houthis, in
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turn, claim that the tanker violated their ban on entering palestinian ports. these harbors are under. under israeli control. mikhail mishustin instructed the relevant ministries of russian railways and regions to work out a proposal for improvement railway network in the north caucasus federal district. the prime minister took part in the caucasus investment forum. details from konstantin chyurikov. on the second day of the caucasus investment forum , a delegation led by russian prime minister mikhail mishustin arrived in grozny. after the arrival, the prime minister together with his colleague from uzbekistan abdulla arip. members of the government and the head of the chechen republic went to the forum exhibition center, where mikhail mishustin was shown the stands of the caucasus regions and companies that participate in the implementation of key projects. the guests toured the stand of the chechen republic; now 46 major projects are being implemented here, which are part of 13 national projects with a total funding volume of more than 126 billion rubles. representatives
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of the chechen republic focused special attention on the project for the construction of the high-rise complex akhmat tower, which is planned. one and a half times, a new airport terminal has already been built in vladikavkaz, the reconstruction of air harbors is now underway, and whiteazh, grozny, minvody, stavropol, all this will help increase passenger traffic and make transportation convenient for people. it is impossible to implement large-scale plans without the participation of large businesses, but as deputy prime minister
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alexander novak said, investors are showing increased attention to the north caucasus, and as a result, a dozen. there is good dynamics in thirty-five breakthrough projects, here the north caucasus federal district has its own achievements, as you noted , mikhailovich, according to the data for the first quarter , the actual volume of attracted private investment has already amounted to about 330 billion rubles. goods and services were produced during the implementation of breakthrough projects for 91 billion rubles. the investment climate has improved and... attention to the region from investors. alexander novyk also revealed the details of the first investment day: the day before, 24 agreements worth 60 billion rubles were signed at the forum. they concern the new airport in arkhiz, the caspian coastal cluster in dagestan, industrial, construction, and energy facilities, which will make it possible to achieve the goals set by the president. as many meeting participants noted, due to economic growth
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activity, tax collection increases. only for the past year the share of tax and non-tax. income increased by 3.4 points, reaching 39%. stable, positive dynamics, as in the previous year , are demonstrated by the main socio-economic indicators: the volume of construction and industrial agricultural production is increasing, the turnover of wholesale and retail trade has increased, a favorable investment climate and government support measures for business ensured the formation of a private investment portfolio in the amount of 514 in 24 billion rubles impossible to myself. to present positive economic dynamics in the regions without growth in industrial production, and this was also discussed at meetings, the state provides support to north caucasian entrepreneurs through the industrial development fund: the region has begun to more actively support industry, they are using agreement mechanisms for the protection of investment incentives, as for example in ternauz, special investment -contracts, support for the
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industrial development fund, which this year supported 12 projects worth 4 billion rubles, in including six projects already in their final stages. maxim reshetnikov also drew attention to unsolved problems. now, when it is necessary to create points of attraction at the expense of tourist areas, it is necessary to bring the departmental sanatorium in kav minvody to a standard state. work - he said, paused and called on the ministry of finance and the federal property management agency for more active participation. moreover, the house of the russian federation has developed a master plan for caucasian mineral waters. in his concluding remarks , the prime minister drew attention. participants on the need to strictly comply deadlines for decisions and plans made, to do everything necessary so that the tasks set by the president in this macro-region are fulfilled. second day of the caucasus investment forum. this event can fully be called the equator, because it is its middle, because the prime minister came, and because the temperature is equatorial. in grozny today it’s +35.
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only, perhaps, residents of the chechen republic and guests from arab countries look at this without surprise; the rest are still getting used to it. it concerns not only the weather, but also human warmth, which is especially felt in the north caucasus. konstantin churikov, egor dolinsky, konstantin mitin and alina nezbakieva, news: chechen republic. the fsb of russia publishes archival documents on its official website. further evidence of the crimes of the nazis during the great patriotic war. these are the interrogation protocols of hitler's general gottfried von erdmansdorff. he was the commandant of mogilev in 1944 and was captured as a result of the bagration red army operation to liberate belarus. among two dozens of wehrmacht generals erdmannsdorff walked at the head of a column of prisoners of war. this event in history was called “
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at the trial in minsk, erdmannsdorf was found guilty and sentenced to death. in the united states, the discussion of donald trump’s recent decision does not stop. let me remind you, he nominated senator james vance as a candidate for vice president. what is being said about trump’s choice in the states and other western countries, elizaveta khramtsova will tell a fresh face , the meaning is the same according to the mood of the liberal american press, it is obvious that the results. the republican convention in meluki did not add optimism to the democratic camp. the wall street journal claims that trump needs the new candidate on the show to make him look younger. supporters of the incumbent are most worried.
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guy, the only senator in a happy marriage, but because they thought he would be difficult to manipulate and he wouldn't be so interested in killing people, that's all. entrepreneur elon musk reacts to a statement about ense with emoticons, supports the opinion of a conservative commentator ben shapira, that due to his intelligence and oratorical abilities , senator tagay is the best choice for republicans, laughs at the words of writer stephen king, a famous defender of ukraine, who is now... quote fears for his country, liberals have no choice but instill fear in undecided voters, and therefore they come with their trump cards. themes of racism. he has everything trump needs in
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a running mate, he's white, and well, that's about it. he also looks like what eric and donald's baby would look like. junior. speaking of trump's eldest son. it is he who is mentioned most often by the press as the person who promoted wentz’s candidacy. the german press is trying to understand what to do next, whose authorities in recent years have followed the course set by biden in everything, calling trump a wounded commander, and vence his
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general. spiegel notes that the candidacy of the vice president has almost eclipsed the recent assassination attempt on the republican candidate. on television, the reasoning that the senator has zero experience in management and reporters cannot hide it, in europe they watched the melwaka event with undisguised excitement because they were betting on biden until the last minute. just a few weeks ago, at the g7 summit in baria , delegations from the eu admired biden’s form, his strength and how high his chances of another victory are, and then there was this television duel, and after it panic, an attempt to build relations with the trump team , perhaps trump personally, but experience shows that this is not easy, perhaps in the entire eu, now there is only one person who has a very good connection with donald trump, and this is victor. and the hungarian government does not hide its joy that a politician who criticizes washington’s course of supporting the ukrainian conflict could become vice president of the united states. hope for peace
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captioned the photo of trump and wentz. and if the policy of official budapest has always been consistent, then the appearance at the republican conference of former british prime minister tras, whose career peak occurred during the biden presidency, was not so expected, and her statement on recent events, even more so. i feel relief that president trump managed to survive and persevere in the face of this horrific attack. i think one of the evidences of this is... i don't support joe biden, i think he was a weak president of the united states and i want donald trump to win. the question of how strong trump is remains debatable depending on political views, but the topic of the weakness of the special services does not raise any doubts among anyone. the publication politika draws attention to the fact that the assassination attempt on republican candidates raises fundamental issues, officers' failure to protect
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high-profile clients. in a country with freedom of gun ownership, the creator of the largest private military company in america, blackwater, eric prince, is confident that the people who were responsible for security at the rally in pennsylvania have no hint of professionalism. in a situation like this , you need people with an offensive mindset who think like an attacker. obviously those people weren't like that because they missed the most obvious place for a sniper and thank god the wind picked up there. the president turned his head, but it has nothing to do with the training and skill of the secret service. trump himself said that he is trying to think less about what happened on saturday, but admits that the unsuccessful assassination attempt affected him. khrontsov, matvey popov, news. in russia they want to tighten up the rules for selling sim cards. deputies are now thinking about how to do this. one of the proposals: sale only after checking passport data in the ministry of internal affairs database.
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thus, they are going to fight with. in a subway passage. according to law enforcement agencies recently, 256 people have been identified, each of whom has a million sim cards registered. why, one can only guess. often, fraudulent schemes work in close conjunction with unfriendly countries, with ukrainian jurisdiction. one way or another. otherwise, the fight against russia will be financed, artyom kiryanov emphasized. the state duma is lobbying for a law that will be adopted in the near future. we limit foreign citizens in purchasing sim cards, we limit their quantity, and therefore this purchase not only documentary evidence must be attached, but also biometrics, that is, such de-anonymization of foreign citizens. it
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is assumed, the second is that we give russian citizens the opportunity to check how their documents are used, how personal data is used, whether any sim cards were purchased with them that they have never heard of and do not know . the number of crimes committed using mobile communications is growing steadily throughout 2023; the growth was 42.3% in 5 months. 2024 by more than 21%. to combat cybercrimes, they propose to introduce forced blocking of calls from suspicious numbers, no longer privately, as many do, but at the state level. of course, a russian is not forbidden to have several sim cards, but it is necessary to streamline their use. for legally significant actions there must be one sim card, it must have some kind of special status,
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a special form of issue. and there may be an additional requirement for a personal visit to telecom operator or maybe i don’t know at the mfc. the second important issue is the activities of bloggers and advertisers on unfriendly prohibited platforms. here they propose to introduce measures to encourage bloggers to switch to russian sites, on the contrary, and administratively punish those who work on prohibited platforms. oleg pavlov, chairman of a public organization for the protection of consumer rights, generally speaks out radically. these platforms are used against the interests of the russian federation, that is, if we look at those recommendations, the results that we receive there, contrary even to our interests, although we never asked for it, never watched such videos, if we look at the outline that these social networks, these video hosting sites, impose on us there, we understand that this is a tool, a tool that is used against us, against our citizens, against our children, by the way, even earlier it was proposed to make it mandatory.


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