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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 17, 2024 12:30am-1:01am MSK

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immediately after the accident, a few minutes before that , a man on a scooter crashed into her at speed, the girl was walking along an empty wide sidewalk in the center of moscow, and here she is crossing the road, just like that. footage from cctv cameras shows how the scooter moves to the opposite side, does not dismount, and moves straight down the center of the sidewalk, not watching the road. secured driving. leads to a collision;
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after recovering from the impact, the victim went to the hospital. natalya escaped with abrasions and bruises on her arm, but the next day she felt worse. my joints and muscles began to ache, and of course, today i couldn’t even get up, because my abdominal cavity was completely painful, my chest still hurts, and bruises appeared. the sidewalk seems to be a safe area for pedestrians, but in the warm season , scooters appear on the streets, many of whose drivers are too careless and do not perceive their vehicles as a threat to the environment. this is the kaluga region, a driver at full speed ran into a woman with a child in her arms. doctors diagnosed the eight-month-old baby with a concussion, the driver decided to quickly leave the scene of the accident. those who like to drive at high speed will soon have to change lanes. the state duma approved a bill in the first reading that would toughen penalties for dangerous driving. speeding can cost up to rub 5.00. what if the driver controls the scooter?
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drunk, the fine is several times higher, up to 30,000 rubles. some operators that provide services for renting this scooter, they themselves also have the right to impose any fine, for example, in some it is now fixed from 100 to 150,000 rubles. for participation in an accident. by the beginning of summer, the largest electric scooter rental operators increased the amount of fines for traffic violations. in particular, punishments have increased. for slowing down at a crossing, transferring control of transport to a minor, driving while intoxicated, as well as for traveling with passengers, the latter will result in a fine of 5,000 rubles. loading onto an electric scooter, going to school, come on, come on, come on, come on, if several people are riding on one scooter at once, then the chance of getting into an accident is higher, driving such transport much more difficult, the driver simply will not have time to swerve to avoid an accident. in
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novorossiysk, two men on an electric scooter knock a woman from behind, the result: a broken leg, a soft tissue bruise and a broken phone. the culprits fled and are now being sought. the investigative committee began an investigation. registration plates help record violations. cameras recorded a driver who did not get off his scooter at a pedestrian crossing. the fine for such a violation is 800 rubles. but this method is only suitable for rented scooters with numbers. it happened last year. 43 deaths involved personal mobility vehicles and half of these involved occupants of all personal mobility vehicles that are in private hands. last year , there were a million more electric bicycles and scooters. 300.00 were purchased for kicksharing, 700.000 were purchased by the people themselves. it’s even harder to track all the violators without numbers. according to statistics, those who own their own funds violate the most. individual mobility, they
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exceed the speed limit, because it is more difficult to do this on sharing scooters, yes, since they independently limit the speed, here are their own sims. of course, no one will control it anymore. first of all, experts say, scooter riders should be taught the rules of the road. a ride that would not disturb pedestrians , much less lead to accidents. in some cases, the scooter itself will prompt the driver at what speed he needs to go. in crowded places, its speed is automatically reduced from 25 to 15 km/h there are also no-travel zones. these are places where neither city residents nor tourists expect to see. scooter, because they just relax and walk there, when entering such zones, there are also enough of them in the city, the scooter simply stops, this is also done automatically and does not depend on the user’s desire. in the capital, since july 15 , an experiment has been carried out to reduce speed in the area of ​​the third transport ring and the moscow
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ring road; the limit will now be 20 km/h. it is expected that this measure will help reduce the number of scooter incidents. the results will be announced in a month. after all, scooters are urban transport that should bring benefit and not harm to residents. anastasia ponko, olga alvukhina. news. only at alfabank. spin the reel in the app and get supercake up to 100%. month, and up to 30% in categories guaranteed, if you don’t have a card, order a free alpha debit card, not just profitable, alpha profitable, fairy chicken is needed for sweet dreams, rubber chicken for
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loyalty program for entrepreneurs. enjoy your favorite dishes in style classic provençal from the brand i love to cook. it will turn into a good dish. fantastic, i love to cook, one of my friends connected unlimited in a megaphone completely free of charge and now sits on the internet all the time, have time to connect megapower to unlimited before the end of summer, so that the internet does not end, only in a megaphone, the izberspasibo loyalty program has been updated, choose up to five every month top categories with cashback up to 10%. supermarkets, gas stations, cafes, restaurants, taxis and others, and even interest on everything is more profitable with a subscription from berp. world blockbusters on the yandex market, what were you
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russian gas supplies to europe. albeit not in the same volumes as before 2022, but they continue to grow, and this despite restrictions from brussels, while the eu continues to talk about a complete abandonment of russian gas and a transition to... energy, but not everyone believes in this. details at maria filippova's. despite the sanctions, russian gas is still in demand in europe in 2024, supplies are growing, in particular pipelines. their volume in the first half of the year increased by 24% compared to the same period last year. in may 24, russia sent 4.8 billion cubic meters of gas to the european union. the german newspaper handelсblad compares the data with may figures twenty.
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despite everything, supplies are growing, because, firstly, the price of russian gas is currently more attractive than, say, the spot price the price of spd, secondly, in may in america they went to technical ones. repairs of several large lng plants, this led to a decrease in american gas exports, in principle. against the backdrop of resource shortages, the european union is reducing consumption within countries, so last month its volume decreased by 3.4% in annual terms. if we take the first half of this year, total gas consumption in europe decreased by 4% compared to the same period 23. such a step, experts emphasize, negatively affects... the industrial sector. extremely high prices lasted there for more than 2 years, from the middle
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of the twenty-first year, somewhere in the middle of the twenty-third. during this time , industry, energy-intensive industry , either fell on its side, or was forced to reduce serious production, introduce production facilities in territories that are more comfortable for the continuation of economic activity, such as china and other countries. south asia. one of the reasons for the decrease in gas demand is also called the green agenda, that is, the transition to alternative energy sources. for example, solar or wind. in a new report, the international energy agency predicts that by 2027, supplies of low-emission gas will double by almost 16 billion cubic meters, in absolute terms. more than 70% of the growth will come from europe and north america, but so far the green agenda has a dubious reputation. there is no clear plan in the european union on how to develop large projects in the field of renewable energy. against this background
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, the british oil and gas giant bp is scaling back its green plans along with wind power projects and returning to development new oil and gas fields. russia today is the world's fourth largest supplier of lng after the usa, australia and qatar. as for consumers, asia in the first half of 24th imported liquefied natural gas more than 2 and a half times more actively than europe. this is the main one. our key asia, china, the power of siberia will become fully operational in the export direction now , at least in the next couple of years, well, by the way, already next year in fact, and well , well, another direction-2, the so-called one, is being discussed, but it’s still v discussion, the volumes there may be greater, but they can use deposits, including those that were. focused on europe. meanwhile, the european union’s goal of completely
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eliminating russian gas by 27 sounds unrealistic, some analysts say. thus, plans to build five new plants in greece to create a hub for gas supplies to southeastern europe are being called into question. now the country covers more than 60% of its gas consumption through supplies from russia, german experts say. they emphasize brussels’ gas plans in general raises a question. a dangerous virus was found in russian digma brand phones. we are talking about simple and cheap push-button cell phones. such models do not support installation of applications, so most likely dangerous software was built in at the production stage. our correspondent stanislav bernwald found out how this could happen and what it threatens users with. cheap push-button phones are, if not evil itself, then an extremely unkind thing; if not all, then many of them are from the cheap segment. the point is that experts analyze. mobile phone security, discovered built-in vulnerability in digma brand devices. it
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allows you to remotely send and receive sms , transferring data to third-party servers, registering messenger accounts with a phone number, and this is certainly an unpleasant surprise for those who thought that push-button phones were invulnerable to remote hacking. you really need to understand that not only mobile devices in the form of smartphones that have an operating system are constantly connected in essence. with the update center either apple or google android have some the possibility of exploitation in this case is a vulnerability that is placed on a push-button telephone.
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allows attackers to completely control the phone, for example, they can steal data or send spam, as well as access phone contacts. the worst thing is that, having the ability to receive sms, attackers can gain access to the user’s applications and services, including banking. but this is already a disaster, why? because if among the external control commands it is possible to set the frequency so that it contacts the server more often, and not there in some way. so you can accept any of your text messages on your behalf and register somewhere, including in banking systems, that is, in fact, any service where you indicate something about yourself during registration, and then have to enter a text message for confirmation, becomes vulnerable , that is, through such a phone the owner can reach the owner of such a phone,
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cheap push-button phones are sold in stores with trojans and other... malware already pre-installed, this is a problem not only of this brand, it a problem with all economy class push-button phones. the brand orders the development of software and hardware from third-party manufacturers, and they, in turn , are ready to implement dubious functions into the device for additional payment from a third party. that is, once again, this is my personal point of view, but i have a feeling that a function that was already implemented, perhaps by the developers themselves, simply fell into the hands of hackers. that is, it was already part of the phone, unfortunately, government regulators only check certification of incoming products for compliance with global and russian communication standards, and unfortunately no one cares about telephone security, so the most ordinary push-button phones can turn out to be no less dangerous than smartphones. stanislav bernwald, news. enjoy your favorite dishes with
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the taste of classic provençal from the brand i love to cook, it will turn a good dish into a fantastic one, i love to cook, the sberspasibo loyalty program has been updated, every month you choose up to five top categories with cashback up to 10%. supermarkets, gas stations, cafes, restaurants, taxis and others, and even about... everything is more profitable with a subscription from berp. one of my friends has the fastest mobile internet. main video. how high is the speed anyway? you haven’t connected this yet with 5g, although you better not need it. megaphone number one in terms of speed coverage. this have not happened before.
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russian cold, 150 g of unprecedented, rich taste. in one glass, try it, real ice cream, russian cold, great, incredible taste, how do you like it, cool, but save up a savings account for a subscription, open savings account with a rate of 18%, together everything will work out, fairy chicken is needed for sweet dreams, rubber chicken is for distracting maneuvers, on my blog i share simple and quick recipes, and to make it even tastier, the right sauce is important, and story, now it’s definitely delicious , comfort at low prices on the yandex market, from small things to significant things,
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buy a midea dishwasher on the yandex market, which does not require a connection to the water supply. check your credit score on the compare website or app, and we we will select a favorable loan taking into account your credit history. compare on your side. will our money fly away too? yours is safe here in any of 185 countries. there is a single condition for roaming with beeline in almost all countries of the world. beline is the safest operator. delicious chocolate under the silver foil. layer, the inside is beautiful, ideal, plumbeer, airy, natural, a happy mic in the heat of july carries a silver bullet. whopper, it tastes better on fire, burgers, you don’t decide exactly how
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you meet your first love, you don’t decide where make friends for life, you don't decide which option you get, but only you decide what your future will be. study wherever you want and don’t worry about tuition payments with an otbera educational loan with state support. calculate payments right now tadam. you don't eat mayonnaise, do you? now i eat it because the brand i love to cook has created a new pure mayonnaise, no sugar, no vinegar, no starch. it's just as delicious. mayonnaise is pure, bright taste - more benefits. the government has set the cost of living minimum for the next year, what it will be like and what it will affect, we will tell you about this in 5 minutes in
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the program instructions. this year and last year , the cost of living was directly prescribed in the law on the federal budget, but in 2025 and beyond it will be calculated based on the median income in the country. these rules have already been applied in the past; they decided to return. when it comes to... estimating the cost of living based on median income, there is one advantage related to the fact that the dynamics of real incomes are taken into account of the population, depending on how they change due to the growth of wages, for example, and the growth of social payments made by the state, if such... dynamics go above the inflation rate, then the estimate of the minimum cost of living is at the level median income allows him,
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so to speak, to increase his real content. median income is the amount that half of russians earn more, and the other half less. according to rosstat, the median income in 23 was slightly above 40,000 rubles per month, the average per capita subsistence the minimum is approximately 44% of this amount, but the main figures are not the average per capita minimum, but the levels for different groups of the population, so for working-age citizens the minimum is 109% of the average per capita, for children - 97%, and for pensioners 86. as a result, the subsistence level the minimum compared to the twenty-fourth year increased by 2,2,500 rubles per month. the increase will allow us to help more people. it is the cost of living that is looked at when deciding whether a person needs additional financial support. to him the amounts of benefits, scholarships and other social payments are fixed, that is
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, the amount of contributions to needy families with children, pensioners and pregnant women is increased. in addition to the federal one , the regional cost of living is also established; it can be equal to or exceed the federal one. our minimum is traditionally, almost the highest, in the region. if a child is growing in your family, and the family income per person does not exceed the regional subsistence level, the property meets the criteria need, you can receive a single
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benefit, it will be 50, 75 or 100% of the regional subsistence level for children, if your income is less than the subsistence level, then you can conclude a social contract with the state, it allows you to receive funds for the development of your business, personal subsidiary plot or... learning a new profession. you can learn how to submit documents for a social contract from another issue of our program. the amount that cannot be withheld when written off also depends on the cost of living debts, for example, alimony or loans. in any case, the minimum income must remain. if this rule is violated, you can write a statement to the federal bailiff service through the state services portal or directly to the credit institution where you have an account. bank. can take into account not only wages, but also other income, the main thing is that they do not exceed the established amount. in accordance with the law,
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you can apply to maintain the subsistence level: only to one bank, or you can write a statement to the bailiff who is conducting the enforcement proceedings, which also indicates only one bank where the debtor’s payments, wages, pensions and other income are periodically credited. applying to more than one bank is a violation of the legislation on enforcement proceedings, for which liability is provided in the form of an administrative fine of up to 2,500 rubles per citizen. so, let's repeat the main thing. the government returned to calculating the cost of living based on the level of median income in the country. from january 1 , the minimum will increase by two to 2,500 rubles per month. its size affects benefits for needy families with children, additional payments for pensioners, scholarships and other payments. growth will make it possible to provide social assistance to a larger number of citizens. if you have any questions, if you want to know more about existing benefits, write to us in telegram. we will collect your questions and forward
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them to the experts. and we will tell you everything in the next issues of our instructions.
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have you ever wondered what was would be with us if we had no bread. bread is the world, it is the most sacred thing a person has, something that is in every family. bread created our civilization, contributed to our evolution and... revolution, this is both the future of humanity and the history of mankind, it is a universal language, over the past 2.0 years, bread has shaped our attitude to life, this is the power of our country, its strength and capabilities, everyone every day i take a piece of black bread and i always feel happy in life. when faced with bread, a person is literally transformed, as our distant ancestors believed, we are very we hope you think so too.
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i am pleased to invite you to our new release of the author's program besagon tv with an intriguing title with light steam or who saw bastrykin in the bathhouse? see the screens for details. i look forward to seeing you at our meeting.
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reliable roads are one of the key conditions for the growth of the entire russian economy - the president personally took part in the landmark event - the opening ceremony of the northern bypass of tver, this is the last section of the m1 highway from tsotnev from moscow to st. petersburg. vladimir putin arrived driving a russian car lada aura black. let me remind you that the president supported the idea of ​​​​creating a highway back in 2003. now the total length of the route is 669 km, permitted.


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