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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 17, 2024 1:00am-1:31am MSK

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reliable roads are one of the key ones. conditions for the growth of the entire russian economy,” said vladimir putin. the president personally took part in a significant event, the opening ceremony of the northern bypass of tver. this is the last section of the m111 neva highway, from moscow to st. petersburg. vladimir putin arrived driving a black russian lada aura. let me remind you that the president supported the idea of ​​​​creating a highway back in 2003. now the total length of the route is 669 km, permitted.
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continuous, seamless, traffic light-free high-speed traffic between moscow and st. petersburg, travel time from the northwestern part of the country to samara, kazan, yekaterinburg, tyumen will be reduced , additional, more convenient routes will appear within the international north-south transport corridor, which means travel between major economic, cultural, historical centers of our...
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countries will become faster, just now we were talking with your colleague, i had somewhere in the certificates that it would be 30 minutes faster , the road between moscow and petersburg, but he says for an hour , somewhere around 50 minutes, but this is already noticeable. the length of the northern bypass of tver is 62.5 km. the site has four lanes, four interchanges, six bridges and two. the largest artificial structure is the bridge across the volga, its length is almost 750 m, the height of the span above the water is 17 m, that is, during the navigation season large cruise ships can freely pass under it. in parallel with the construction of the highway , work was carried out to create roadside infrastructure, two sites were organized recreation with modern multifunctional road service areas. russian foreign minister sergei lavrov spends time at the headquarters. united nations organization
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a series of meetings with colleagues from other states. less than an hour ago , lavrov held talks with the acting head of mid-iran. our minister invited him to visit russia and offered him a choice of one of three cities: moscow, astrakhan or murmansk. during the day, at the initiative of switzerland , lavrov met with the minister of foreign affairs of this country. ignazio casis heard and heard that the attempts of the collective west to present ultimatums to russia are doomed to failure. moscow cannot fail to take into account bern's departure from the principles of neutrality in relations. earlier , switzerland joined unilateral sanctions against our country. lavrov also held a meeting with his colleague from bahrain. the agenda also included a discussion of international policy issues. during negotiations with the head of the kuwait foreign ministry, lavrov called the exchange of views in open debates in the un security council useful. according to. open debates in the
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un security council were devoted to the problems of international cooperation and the formation of a fair world order. the topic was proposed by russia, as the country that chairs the security council in july. opened the debate. with details, alexey golovkom. when russia chairs the un security council, that is why sergei lavrov flew here to new york to personally hold several meetings of the security council, and today the topic of the security council, declared by russia, sounded like the formation of a fair, sustainable world order, we are talking about that multipolar world for which russia and some other states of the world are fighting so hard and which the united states and its allies are so opposed to. and today sergei lavrov openly pointed out the main culprit of the current political instability. the states have long declared through the mouths
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of their presidents their own exclusivity. this concerns washington's attitude towards its allies, from whom they demand unquestioning obedience, even to their detriment. their national interests. rule america, this is the essence of the notorious order, rules-based, a direct threat to multilateralism and international peace. it is precisely the reluctance to take into account the interests of other countries, including russia, that has led to the current numerous crises in the world, including the ukrainian crisis. sergei lovrov reminded his colleagues that the cause of the ukrainian crisis was nato’s desire and desire to move closer to our borders, as well as disrespect for the rights of russian-speaking residents of ukraine. and donbass, and zelensky’s russian policy in fact receives approval. it is characteristic that in 2014 year, 10 years ago, zelensky said, i quote, if in the east of ukraine in crimea people want to speak russian, unhook,
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leave them alone, legally, let them speak russian. language will never divide our native country. end of quote. since then, washington has successfully re-educated him. already in 2021, zelensky, in one of his interviews, demanded that those who feel involved in russian culture move to russia. the united states managed to re-educate and subjugate some of its european allies, especially when it comes to about decisions that are directed or against russia, everyone agrees with washington, as happened with germany, when it was simply banned from trading gas with russia, and then the nord streams were simply blown up. we see yet another humiliation for germany, whose government unquestioningly submitted to the us decision to deploy american ground-based medium- range missiles on german territory. olaf scholz said this innocently: the united states decided to deploy a precision strike system in germany, and this is a good decision. and
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now, ruling from overseas, the usa itself, like today, national security advisor john kirby made it clear that europe is a potential future battleground. mr. kirby, washington media coordinator, on behalf of the president of the united states, states, and i quote, we are not seeking a third world war, that would have dire consequences for the european continent. end of quote, as the freudian slip says, that is, washington is convinced that it is not the united states that will suffer from a new global war, but them. european allies, if the strategy is based on such an analysis biden administration, then this is an extremely dangerous delusion, but the europeans, of course, must realize what a suicidal role is in store for them. after such a busy security council, sergei lavrov has already managed to hold
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a bilateral meeting with his hungarian counterpart peter szijjarta. they discussed, of course, including these recent voyages of the hungarian prime ministers to kiev, moscow, beijing and washington, where they discussed. according to trump, he does not like sanctions; economic restrictions supposedly worked in relation to iran, but then it was possible without them would make do. trump noted that he is thinking about easing sanctions against russia. the big interview came out in the midst of the us republican national convention. the whole country
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is discussing trump's choice, which was proposed to senator jay. for the post of vice president. dmitry melnikov with details. 48 hours after the assassination attempt, trump appears in public for the first time; a republican convention of thousands greets his hero with a standing ovation. he smiles and raises his clenched fist and says “thank you” to the crowd. on this first day of the congress, at which the party officially nominated him as her presidential candidate, trump did without a word. the whole hall, and all of america, looked at him as if he had returned. from the other world, the presence of trump in the hall is the main event of the convention, but there was another intrigue on this day: trump promised to name the name of the vice-presidential candidate with whom he would retake the white house in november, and he chose a senator from the state agaya j.d. vence. the official duo
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of republicans in the country's 24th election was introduced by the speaker of the lower house congressman mike johnson. i officially declare donald trump president. the embodiment of the american dream, a poor guy from the steel town of wagaya, what in america is called a hillbilly. he grew up without a father, his mother was a drug addict. the future vice-presidential candidate was raised by his grandmother, and after serving in the marine corps, he managed to enter the prestigious yale university. according to cnn, trump was advised by his son to choose jady vance as his running mate at a dinner in maralago. the ex-president hesitated with the choice and donald trump jr. assured father that senator otagaya, who by that time had already been called the voice of the rust belt of america, sincerely believed in the trump program.
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but it wasn't always like this. early in his political career, vance openly declared himself anti-trump. however, 3 years ago, at his first personal meeting with trump, vance apologized for his words and trump not only forgave the young republican, but even supported him in the fight for his position as senator. in his first interview since being nominated as a vice presidential candidate, vance does. loud statements regarding future us foreign policy, for example, the position of its administration with the trump administration on ukraine, which, of course, has already been agreed upon with the boss. we have already spent 200 billion dollars, what is the goal, what do we want to achieve, we see the danger of escalation to nuclear war, and there is such a danger if your foreign policy is handled by clowns, we have many of them in washington right now, as far as i know, president trump promised.
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president biden also thinks, what do you think about the choice of jady vincent for the role of vice president?
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he's a trump clone on every issue, so i don't i see the differences between them. regarding his main opponent, biden is now cautious; after the assassination attempt on trump, he remembers all the calls to remove his opponent, every word he said can already be used against biden. and in this latest pre-election interview with nbc, he tries to make excuses. you called your opponent an existential threat, a week ago you said it was time to put trump front and center, now your words have resonated. i said that we have very little attention to the agenda trump. yes, but you said about the center of the target. it was a mistake in the choice of words, i mean, you need to focus on what he does, on the number of lies he told in the debate. a telephone conversation with trump immediately after the assassination attempt seemed to lower the temperature
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between the two irreconcilable opponents. it was a heartfelt conversation, i told him that i was worried and wanted to see for myself if everything was okay with him. he said that jill and i were praying for him, he thanked me for calling. biden says he is ready to debate trump again in september. according to him, now he is on horseback and holding election events. sharp mind declares biden believes that he has every chance of winning, however, such
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self-confidence of the president sometimes collides with the real attitude of voters towards him during the same election trips, one of such episodes sunk into biden’s soul the most. i've never seen a situation before where you drive through certain rural areas and people there put up pro-trump signs saying fuck biden and little boy. stands showing me the middle finger, the widow of a firefighter who was shot at a rally on saturday by a gunman aiming at trump refused to talk to biden. she declared that her husband was a staunch republican.
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trump also met with independent presidential candidate robert kennedy jr. and invited him to support him in the election. kennedy refused, but perhaps only for now. the relationship between him and trump is clearly close. video footage of kennedy jr. leaked online. communicates with trump on the phone when he shares with him the details of the assassination attempt. it sounded like a huge, most the world's largest mosquito. it was a bullet, it was, whatever it is, an air-15 rifle or something, a big weapon. according to the us department of homeland security, after the assassination attempt on trump, president biden
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ordered the provision of state security to robert kennedy jr. as well. but then macron refused to let go of his closest ally. now otal will lead the parliamentary faction of macron’s party. the dismissal will allow the ex-prime minister and ministers to vote in the election of the head of the french national assembly. it will take place in a few days. the official representative of the russian foreign ministry called on the osce, unesco and leading european leaders
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to respond to the closure of the compact magazine by the german authorities. according to zakharova, anton dadykin now provides details. 14 offices and residential buildings in four german states were subjected to thorough searches. the large-scale operation, which involved about 340 police researchers, was directed against the german magazine kompakt. his bank accounts were seized, electronic memory devices and documents were seized, the compact itself, which was published in...
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the compacto youtube channel was also blocked in germany, the same resource where a large interview with the official representative of the russian foreign ministry maria zakharova appeared on saturday. i think the main reason is that the truth was voiced, which is carefully hidden from the germans, quotes from interviews. germany does not receive russian. only because germany was prohibited from doing so by the united states. russia and the ussr never took the initiative to stop gas supplies to europe and the eu. technically restoring gas supplies along the remaining string of the nord stream gas pipeline is a question several weeks. hans-york müller, moscow correspondent for kompakt magazine, agrees with a similar explanation. it was he who interviewed maria zakharova. this
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is probably not an accident, it’s just an emergency action, right now, because.
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russia publishes archival documents on its official website, further evidence of the crimes of the nazis during the great patriotic war. these are the interrogation protocols of hitler's general gottfried von erdmansdorff. he was the commandant of mogilev in 1944 and was captured as a result operations of the red army bagration to liberate belarus. among two dozen generals. wehrmacht erdmannsdorff walked at the head of a column of prisoners of war. this event in history was called the “parade of the vanquished” or “operation big waltz”. during interrogation
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, erdmannsdorff gave detailed testimony about germany's war against the soviet union and admitted to committing war crimes. so, on his personal orders, hundreds of soviet citizens were shot, sent to camps or to hard labor. at the trial in minske erdmannsdorf was found guilty and sentenced to death. in moscow , for the first time, an electric scooter was confiscated from an owner who hit a pedestrian while intoxicated. in addition, the capital began an experiment to slow down scooters in some areas of the city. anastasia ponko found out whether these measures will help ensure safety on roads and sidewalks. natalia’s first video immediately after the accident; a few minutes before that , a man on a scooter crashed into her at speed. that wide sidewalk in the center of moscow, here she crosses the road just the same. footage from cctv cameras shows how the scooter moves to the opposite side, does not
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dismount, and moves straight down the center of the sidewalk, not watching the road. careless driving causes a collision. having recovered from the blow, the victim went to the hospital. natalya escaped with abrasions and bruises on her arm, but the next day she felt worse. my joints and muscles started to hurt, and of course, today i couldn’t even get up because... my abdominal cavity was completely painful, my chest still hurts, hematomas appeared. the sidewalk seems to be a safe area for pedestrians, but in the warm season, scooters appear on the streets, many of whose drivers are too careless and do not perceive their vehicles as a threat to others. this is the kaluga region. the driver ran into a woman holding a child at full speed. doctors diagnosed the eight-month-old baby with a concussion; the driver himself decided to quickly leave the scene of the accident. those who like to drive at high speed will soon have to change lanes. the state duma approved the bill in the first reading, increasing penalties for dangerous driving.
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speeding can cost up to rub 5,000. and if the driver drives a scooter while drunk, then the fine is several times higher, up to 30,000 rubles. some operators who provide services for renting this scooter, they themselves also have the right to impose how. any fine, for example, in some cases it is now already fixed from 100 to 150,000 rubles. for participation in an accident. by the beginning of summer , the largest electric scooter rental operators increased the amount of fines for traffic violations. in particular, penalties have increased for sluggishness at a crossing, transferring control of transport to a minor, driving while intoxicated, as well as for traveling with passengers, for the latter there is a fine of 5,000 rubles. they load up on an electric scooter and go to school. if several people are riding on one scooter at once, then the chance of getting into an accident is higher, such transport is much more difficult to drive, the driver simply
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will not have time to swerve to avoid it. in novorossiysk, two men on an electric scooter knock a woman from behind, the result is broken a leg, a soft tissue bruise and a broken phone, the culprits fled and are now being sought. the investigative committee began an investigation. registration plates help record violations; cameras recorded a driver who did not get off his scooter at a pedestrian crossing. the fine for such a violation is 800 rubles. but this method is only suitable for...
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everything is violated by those who own their own means of individual mobility, they exceed the speed limit, because it is more difficult to do this on shared scooters, yes, since they independently limit speed, of course no one can control their own sims. first of all, experts believe that scooter riders should be taught the rules of the road, driving in a way that does not disturb pedestrians , much less lead to accidents. in some cases, the scooter itself will... prompt the driver at what speed he needs to go; in crowded places, its speed is automatically reduced from 25 to 15 km/h, and there are also no-travel zones, these are places where neither city residents nor tourists don't expect to see a scooter because they are there they just relax and walk, when entering such zones, there are also enough of them in the city, the scooter simply stops, this is also done automatically and does not depend on the user’s desire, in the capital from july 15.
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an experiment to reduce speed in the area of ​​the third ring road and the moscow ring road, the limit will now be 20 km/h. this measure is expected to help reduce the number of scooter incidents. the results will be announced in a month. after all, scooters are urban transport that should bring benefit rather than harm to residents. anastasia ponko, olga alvukhina. news. we spent so much effort trying to drive the americans out, and we won. the russians helped, they didn’t care about the people. the americans only bombed and killed. there was no benefit from them. first, the west did what it
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could to cripple these people. after all, with their consent , drugs were grown in afghanistan. we explained to the people that we would punish people for drugs. what the taliban are saying has real confirmation. are you used to watching videos online? has it stopped working? install, open, look. russian. channels, all series, movies and cartoons, educational programs and documentaries, watch, watch in the application or on the website.
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welcome to asia, where the heart of the continent beats.


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